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S61 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places

As I walked into “The Outlaw Saloon” for the first time, I knew it felt like home. With being away from Latvia for only the second time, it needed to. When I walked into the locker room, my new teammates welcomed me with open arms. While it was only a few since most of our team are draftees/free agents, the old bucks really made us feel like we were all just old friends. They personally gave us a tour of the arena, followed by a team meeting to talk about the goals and expectations. We then immediately got to work on the ice. This team means business and it showed. We then had a team lunch after a long, exhausting practice to instill that comradery even more. This led into a dinner and a night on the town in Los Angeles. That first day in the locker room really helped me connect with my teammates and I have no doubt that it will help us compete this season.

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This is a whole ass article but I thought he concept was funny and wanted to see it through

I get out of the uber and take a deep breath. My car hasn’t arrived in St. Louis yet and I am getting ready to walk into the locker room to meet my teammates for the first time. I grab my bag out of the trunk and look up hearing someone call my name from across the parking lot. I immediately recognize two familiar faces from draft night, goalie Vincent Catalano and center Cody Sherman. “Hey guys, you ready to meet the rest of the team?” I ask, suddenly noticing there are no other cars in the parking lot “Uh actually where is everyone at?” “We were about to ask you the same thing? Did practice get cancelled?” Cody asks tilting his head to the left like a quizzical child. “I don’t think so man, I got a text this morning reminding me to be here at 8 PM.” Vincent states nervously scrolling through his phone. “Well I guess we should head inside just to make sure we don’t want to be late!” I proclaim as I hoist my bag over my shoulder and lead the charge towards the glass doors at the front of the iceplex. As I reach them I notice it looks dark inside and that there is a note taped to the door. My heart immediately sinks to my stomach, my first thought is that they cancelled practice and couldn’t be bothered to let the rookies know, that’s when the rage inside boils up a little. As I reach the door I snatch the note off the window. “What does it say?” Asks Vincent from over my shoulder. “Uh all it says is !FD? Do you know what that means?” I ask as I hold the note up to a streetlight looking for some kind of hidden message. “Not a clue,” adds Cody. I reach forward to try the door, fully expecting it to be locked. To my surprise the door pushes open. “Should we go in?” Asks Cody nervously. I look around again for any other kind of sign or signal to tell me what to do. “I guess so, I don’t want to get in trouble with the coach,” I say, swallowing hard before I push through into the lobby of the iceplex. The three of us walk towards the locker room using the flashlights on our phones to read the signs. “Hey look there is light coming from the locker room door” I notice aloud as we approach the closed door with just a crack of light outlining it. I push open the door.

I am immediately blinded, the light from the room is excruciating on my eyes at first. As they come into focus I look around the room and gasp in horror. Around the room stand 16 hooded figures wearing neon yellow robes with scarecrow masks on. As my attention is drawn from them to what else is in the room I let out a scream. There are hundreds of slaughtered falcons with their heads on pikes. I try to take a step backward and trip over Vincent who has frozen in fear and is now on the ground in the fetal position. I fall flat on my butt as the chants begin “FUCK DETROIT FUCK DETROIT FUCK DETROIT FUCK DETROIT,” I look around dazed confused. The hooded figure at the center of the room steps forward “PLEASE GOD THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT TO DIE” I hear Cody scream to my right. Suddenly the hooded figure removes his scarecrow mask and I let out a scream half expecting to be looking into the eyes of death itself. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA phew you rookies are so gullible sometimes,” I open my eyes, which I hadn’t realized I had shut until this point. Standing there holding the scarecrow mask in one hand and a pike with a falcon head on it is none other than St. Louis Scarecrows GM SparkyDee. I let out a confused whimper in relief, “What is…” my words trail off as I look closer at the falcon heads on the pikes. They are not slaughtered falcons at all actually, they are props. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA we got them good GM” shouts one of the hooded figures as I realize they are all laughing at us and suddenly recognize that these are my teammates and the rookies were part of the prank. “Yeah you guys would not believe how cheap they sell stuff at the spirit Halloween store after Halloween, and how many fake dead birds you can get, I did have to special order the scarecrow masks, but we just took that out of your contracts!” Sparky adds continuing to laugh with all of his body.

Need a sig :-/

Written option: You just walked into the lockerroom for the first time. How did your new teammates respond? Did they organize anything to welcome you and the other draftees to the team?

I remember the moment I got drafted like it was three days ago. The response within the clubhouse was something that I never could have imagined. I was instantly greeted with a dozen players yelling my name. It was a truly unforgettable moment. I have been a fan of the Zerker culture for a while and to finally become a part of it is just an amazing feeling. I am very excited to come into a great team that just won it all. The other rookies and I are here to bring in a new era of domination to Newfoundland. 

I was genuinely surprised to even be drafted, let alone not the last pick. I had a few teams reach out to me during the whole draft process but immediately hit it off with the NL staff. I felt very welcomed just based on the conversations I have had with them alone.

Chop trees!  Berserkers


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(This post was last modified: 08-25-2021, 01:56 AM by TheBigDee12.)

Hugh Jass going to the Detroit Falcons in the 4th round was a huge surprise and when he got that call he was jubilated to go that high in the draft. The falcons had a really solid welcoming info about their team and was helping all the rookies including myself to start working on our TPE updates. I have now gotten to 200 TPE and we haven't even started the season which is crazy to think about. But I can't ask for a better team to get drafted to because the falcons have such an awesome locker room and all the guys in there are bros. I was even surprised to see NotoriusTig there from past experience in the PBE so it was a big kind of excitement seeing all of the new faces and bonding with all of the other rookies. I can't wait to get my career started and what better way to start with he Detroit Falcons. 

(166 words)

Hugh Jass -  Falcons

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After the S61 SMJHL Entry Draft, I was super excited to meet my team. I was very surprised Anaheim took me since I had only briefly spoken to a front office member before the draft. Nevertheless, I was happy to be there. After all, I get to live in California now!

Fast forward to my first day with the team. I walked into the dressing room ready to prepare for our first on-ice workout as a team. As I entered the room, ready to greet my new teammates, I hear "HOLY SHIT, WHAT DOES THAT GUY EAT?" I looked around, even though it's obvious they were talking about me. I was always...the tall one. I had gotten used to that kind of reaction anyway, I replied, "Oh you know IKEA meatballs and herring, mostly."

The coaching staff said they were going to get some Outlaw alumni to speak to the rookies later, I'm very excited. Maybe I can get a bit of inspiration or learn something new.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Please take care of it. Here are some helpful links just in case.

Algonquin College Student Support Services - 613-727-4723
Crisis Text Line - Text 'HOME' to 741741
Distress Centre Ottawa and Region - 613-288-3311
Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454
Kid's Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Hotline Ontario - 1-866-531-2600
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

Click here for a list of crisis centres within Canada
Suicide Prevention Resource Centre
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

If you have the contact info to your local mental help centres, let me know!

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I'm pretty sure my new teammates greeted me with a hate crime. After everyone showed up, I believe the first question asked to the new team was "Any of you rookies Japanese or Swiss?", and being proud of my Japanese heritage I of course answered yes. Which was apparently the wrong answer. There still seems to be some Japanese hate in BC, stemming from the World Wars I guess, it's unfortunate to see but I was shocked when I experienced it first hand. Right after answering yes, the person who asked, and I'll call them out @artermis, immediately asked our GM to trade me. @ImShiny also pointed a gun at me, not sure how he got it past security but I definitely did not feel welcomed. At practice the next day the team was running 6 on 5 drills, which made me a little concerned about my job security, especially when my GM asked to meet with me and said "you better watch out, if you don't improve at a rapid pace your off this team." and then proceeded to pay me minimum wage while the rest of the good ol' Canadian boys were getting 5 mil.

Sanjuro Tsubaki arrived in Colorado after a long, long flight all the way from Tokyo. He began his journey in his home town of Sapporo, where he had watched the SMJHL draft with his family and hockey friends. Because of the time different, they had seen the draft very early in the morning. He took a flight to Tokyo as soon as he was able, bringing his lucky hockey stick and some basic clothes, flying first to Los Angeles and then to Denver. Arriving at the Denver locker room early in the morning, nearly twenty-four hours after the draft, Sanjuro did not expect anyone to be there besides some administrative staff who would help with his living arrangements and new gear. The staff member he met with told him to bring all his things down to the ice. Sanjuro was confused, but did as he said. Down on the ice, the whole Raptors squad was there to greet the new arrivals with coffee and biscuits. It was a good welcome for his new team.

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Watching the draft, I had an idea of some teams that were interested in me, and an idea of where I might go. Luckily for me, Anaheim did select me at 4oa, which was a fantastic feeling. I was welcomed immediately when I entered the locker room, and Talls and Marco actually brought me in to voice chat for the duration of the draft, where I was able to do some last minute digging and suggesting to help us have the best draft we could. Being trusted with that responsibility immediately after being drafted made me extremely proud, and I'm super thankful to Talls and Marco for that opportunity.

As the draft went on, I was thrilled to be able to welcome our other draft picks into the locker room, and it quickly became apparent that we would have some great users and players in the locker room. I'm looking forward to all of us building together and becoming a team that other teams hate facing.

(166 words)

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Skoda just finished celebrating with his brother when he got on the plane and flew to Carolina. He was greeted by some old friends from Czechia, having known Vrzala and his friends meant that Skoda was familiar with a couple people, but not many from Carolina. Skoda was greeted by sweet smells of great food and plenty of smiling faces. Greeted by the one of the coaches and several teammates they immediately got to business. Favorite hobbies, favorite games hobbies past times all of the above. The team immediately made him feel at home and part of the family. They showed him around the facility and to his locker room. They also made sure to get the address of the local bars and all the numbers of the teams so they could get together and play some board games. Several of them seemed interested in testing his abilities on the ice and Skoda wanted to stretch his legs and go touch the ice, so for the rest of the day they skated around and did some puck moving.

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The first thing I was greeted with when I entered a locker room was a big fuck you from SD Core (@bauer). Now to some this may seem like an aggressive greeting that might spawn into a larger locker room fight, but without hesitation I replied that Sebastian Vettel was a washed up old man. To an outsider this may look very bad and perhaps they should not have drafted us to the same team, but in reality we get along pretty well. In fact, of everyone in my new Maine locker room, everyone in there is a cool human. Of all of my sim league experiences, this locker room is the most active juniors locker room I have ever been in, and that is pretty impressive to me. I even had teammates from my PBE team in the locker room with me! I think this season is bound to be fun with this group of people and I can't wait to see how it looks mid-season as we make our playoffs push!

175 words

Every player has their expectations set for what they're going to walk into the first time they enter their new team's locker room. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for Komarek, his expectations were not his reality. When he entered the Locker room on the first day of camp after being signed, he expected to be treated by a group of hard nosed, seasoned and respected SMJHL players all vying for a spot on the roster. Instead, when he entered the room it was pitch black. Komarek fumbled for a light switch and when he found one, it revealed a lot more than he bargained for. the group of new captains were passed out on the floor. there were beer cans everywhere, and the beer from them seemed to have ended on the floor just as much as inside of them. Despite his best efforts, Komarek couldn't shake the vets awake. Instead of persisting, he laced up his skates and took to the ice.



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peepee poopoo

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Skoda was excited to be drafted to his new team the Kelowna Knights. It was his first time coming over to North America so he was a little nervous at first. The language barrier was going to be his main concern but he was also excited. Excited to see the faculty and to see his new teammates. The first one to greet Skoda was his fellow countrymen Petr Svoboda. Both of them were from the Czech and were great up-and-coming talents for the country. Seeing Svoboda first took a huge weight off of his shoulders. Next up was meeting fellow new draftee Lord Skrolk. Skrolk was the team's newly drafted goalie and the two hit it off from the start. They both talked as best as they could with Skoda's limited English about the draft and coming to a brand new team. Soon after that more teammates began to file into the lockerroom and Skoda was able to meet the rest of the roster and get familiar with his new teammates.

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Draft day was something that my family and I had been looking forward to for so long. All my life had lead up to this moment; the hours in the car heading to games, tournaments, practice, training camps. The hours on the ice, the sweat, the hustle. Everything I had worked for was about to culminate into one single moment that will change my life forever. We sat in that room for what felt like hours, round after round, it felt like days went by. The sixth round, the last chance I would ever have at proving to the world that I have what it takes to make the show - it's impossible to put to page the feeling. To hear my name called at the SMJHL draft, nonetheless by the Quebec City Citadelles was the single proudest moment of my life. Just a kid from Val D'or, about to realize his dream of playing professional hockey, will do that at home in the mecca of the sport. The journey is just beginning, it's time to show what I can do. It's time to get to work.

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Sig by @Ragnarr

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