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S61 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 10-11-2021, 12:36 PM by SlashACM.)

Milestones should be up soon as well, and the link will be updated in the OP

Renegades Steelhawks

Here are this season's tasks for CW. The maximum is 16 TPE. Mix and match whatever tasks you desire, but the maximum TPE to be earned from this is 16.
The deadline is Sunday, October 17th at 11:59pm CT.
Please copy/paste the prompts (including the # of TPE) into your post; it makes it much easier to grade and track.

This PT is for SHL players and send-downs only; it is not for SMJHL rookies or SMJHL prospects.

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! *if you’re claiming this and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.*

Please feel free to PM with any questions or concerns.


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!

5. Graphic, 3 TPE, Legen.. Wait for it...
These two franchises have quite a bit of history, and some legends have passed through their LRs. Make a graphic comparing the career stat of one legendary player from each team. They can be an active or retired player, but must be pre-s50 draft class if active.


6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton was not taken to 7 games, Texas enjoyed two series sweeps, which team had the harder path to the final in your opinion?
b. Almost ten seasons ago, in S53, Hamilton enjoyed a 40 win season while Texas mustered a measly 9 wins. Now these two teams sit atop the season standings, and the playoff standings. Which is more impressive, to stay good for a decade, or to complete the rebuild and finally achieve greatness?
c. What is a renegade? What is a steelhawk? Who is Victor Helstrom from the CW trivia?
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

7. Graphic, 2 TPE, This one's for Seymour
Design a championship ring for either team. Yeah you can use the ring site.

8. Graphic, 3 TPE, Zine
Create a magazine cover that highlights either a player in the finals or a standout player from the regular season.

9. Graphic, 3 TPE, Nashville moment
Design a Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup Championship banner for one of the teams in the finals, like those which appear on the side of the site.

10. Podcast, 3 or 4 TPE
Record a mini-podcast on any of the below topics!
-The good the bad and the ugly: teams that exceeded expectations, did not meet them, and Winnipeg
-The playoffs played out as expected? Any surprises?
-Trades, the infuriating slap on the wrist Hamilton got to start the season, drafts
-Anything else SHL related you want to talk about really. It helps to write a list of topics to hit before recording and just go over them

1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 8 minutes or 4 TPE for 10 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 10 Minutes or 4 TPE for 15 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast.

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

11b. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and you also like doing graphics instead of writing. That's cool, too! Create a Series Recap broadcast graphic - the contents can be whatever you want, but your graphic must list both teams and at least 3 stats for each.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
There has been some discussion on the forums but its always good to hear more opinions: Parity. Going back 6 seasons including this one there have been 4 teams in the finals: Buffalo, Chicago, Hamilton, and Texas. If you add New Orleans you can go back 8 seasons. 5 different teams for 8 straight finals. Is this an issue? Does it need to be fixed? Can it even be fixed? I'm interested to hear opinions, approaches, or just doom and gloom on whether you think this will change, or if we will still be talking about the same teams making the finals over and over in 5 seasons.

14. Written, 3 TPE, Upswing (150 words min.)
What team on the outside looking in do you believe will be the next to break into the playoffs? What team will be the next new team to break into the finals (other than the core 4 listed in the above task)? Who seems to be building and earning at a rate that they will be a scary team in the future? We have already seen some successful rebuilds in Texas, Toronto, and Tampa, and some unsuccessful ones as well. Who is on the right track?

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

16. Graphic, 3 TPE, Onto the next
Design a season preview for your team/player next season. Highlight a stat you upgraded/will upgrade, or a player your team will call up from juniors. Make it snazzy.


17. Graphic, 3 TPE, Clairvoyant
You have been granted the gift of seeing the future, but only a single future cup winner. Relay us with this info in the form of a cup banner for the winning team. Make sure to include the season they won, you can make up some player names if it's far out in the future. Have fun with it! It could be your team if you want, with you as the star! We won't know if you're lying until SXX anyway.

18. Written, 2 TPE, Baby come back 100 words min
If you had the power to bring back one user to the SHL, who would it be? We're talking full activity, balls to the wall. They could be a banned user, user gone inactive, or someone who's around but doesn't really fuck with SHL anymore. Pick your user and why you want them back that badly? Did you love them, or do you just want to watch the league burn?

19. Written, 3 TPE, Pills 150 words min
Love it or hate it, that Pill PT (PT 2) was wild and may I say, genius. You've partnered up with the weird trench coat pill guy to design your own pills, with powers and drawbacks to sell to your fellow SHLers! How do you go about this, do you make really good pills to help your team? Trick Hamilton into taking some really shitty pills with the promise of incredible powers? Or do what I did and make a bunch of insane pills and watch the league go absolutely crazy trying to make sense of what the fuck I'm even talking about? Or just make a bunch of jelly beans?

20. Written, 3 TPE, Pulling a Jordan 150 words min
This is for you folks in multiple sim sports leagues. Pick your player from another league and translate them to the SHL. Which player attributes from your sport would translate to hockey? Design a full player page for them based on the player page of your other league and discuss how they would perform in a season. Would they be godlike? Shitty? You can pull a switcheroo and discuss your SHL player playing in the other sport as well.

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry) 100 words min
It's been 2 seasons now and I can always use constructive criticism. What have I done right regarding PTs? What have I done wrong? Was I doing something the wrong way and fixed it? Was I doing something the right way and fuck it up? Do I even deserve 8 mil a season? Any and all thoughts are welcome EXCEPT malicious posts. Do not attack me, or my work. If you have a problem with it, explain why. Don't just say it sucks and its stupid.

That's all folks, hope you all can find some tasks you enjoy writing about!
Again, this is due

October 17th at 11:59pm Central

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

Cw poss

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2021, 12:27 AM by SFresh3.)

3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 16 TPE
1 + 6b + 12 + 13 + 15 + 17 + 18

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Quote:b. Almost ten seasons ago, in S53, Hamilton enjoyed a 40 win season while Texas mustered a measly 9 wins. Now these two teams sit atop the season standings, and the playoff standings. Which is more impressive, to stay good for a decade, or to complete the rebuild and finally achieve greatness?
It is the hardest to build up a team from such a low spot and turn it into a successful Franchise.  It’s easy to attract talent when you can show the history that Hamilton has to users out there.  When you have something like a 9-win season in your history, you need to do some convincing to the users you currently have on your team and future draft picks that you intend to turn your team around with, to stick it through the tough time to make it to where Texas is currently at.
(94 words)
Quote:12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Quote:13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)

There has been some discussion on the forums but its always good to hear more opinions: Parity. Going back 6 seasons including this one there have been 4 teams in the finals: Buffalo, Chicago, Hamilton, and Texas. If you add New Orleans you can go back 8 seasons. 5 different teams for 8 straight finals. Is this an issue? Does it need to be fixed? Can it even be fixed? I'm interested to hear opinions, approaches, or just doom and gloom on whether you think this will change, or if we will still be talking about the same teams making the finals over and over in 5 seasons.
I feel like this is an obvious issue that only 20% of our league are able to consistently have success, and the only thing stopping them from getting to the Finals is usually each other.  It is so painfully obvious in this Post Season, that I got the whole bracket correct, along with 41 other users.  The odds of getting a perfect bracket, assuming each series is a balanced 50/50 (we know it’s not really, but for simplicity’s sake), would be 1 in 32,768.  And with 42 perfect brackets, statistically would say that we had 1,376,256 total users who made a bracket, which we know didn’t happen.

Now, I was talking about the constant appearance of these teams in the Finals with a couple other users.  One of the things we discussed was the fact that these teams have users that just know FHM so much better than what other teams have, and therefor have the strategical advantage over the rest of us, which is why they are so consistently good with lower TPE totals than other teams with higher TPE totals that don’t have as good of a record or make deep playoff runs.  Which makes it difficult, because it’s not like we can just force the teams to not use their users to create lines and tactics for their teams (or can we?).
(225 words)

Quote:15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)

Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!
I’m predicting (and hoping) that Japan can make history and win three straight Gold Medals in the IIHF tournament.  As Ryu Jones joins his fellow Japanese teammates after winning back-to-back Golds, he takes a much bigger role as the 1st Line Center, with Jack Klompus and Ryuuji Minamino on his Wings.  This is a huge step forward in his progression and a bit of pressure on him to perform and get the puck onto the stick of his linemates to score the goals.  As the prior core which included Monkey D. Luffy and Martijn Westbroek ages, these three stars need to step up to the task of leading Japan in their dominance if they want that illustrious third Gold.
(119 words)

Quote:17. Graphic, 3 TPE, Clairvoyant

You have been granted the gift of seeing the future, but only a single future cup winner. Relay us with this info in the form of a cup banner for the winning team. Make sure to include the season they won, you can make up some player names if it's far out in the future. Have fun with it! It could be your team if you want, with you as the star! We won't know if you're lying until SXX anyway.
[Image: F0FA587.jpg]

Quote:18. Written, 2 TPE, Baby come back 100 words min

If you had the power to bring back one user to the SHL, who would it be? We're talking full activity, balls to the wall. They could be a banned user, user gone inactive, or someone who's around but doesn't really fuck with SHL anymore. Pick your user and why you want them back that badly? Did you love them, or do you just want to watch the league burn?
I would like to bring back BDonini, he was the GM of Anaheim when I first started in this league a year and a half ago.  He helped me out with keeping track of all of the Point Tasks while I was getting used to how this site operated and made sure that I was set up for success in the future seasons.  He also pointed me towards my current job of being an Updater, which has kept my bank account well stocked so that I can purchase the max Trainings and Coaching each Season.  He was well versed in the FHM as well, which I learned after he trusted me to join the inner circle of Anaheim after just my first season.
(123 words)

[Image: iG4vpsb.jpeg]
Credit to @Symmetrik
[Image: ScottyFresh3.gif]
[Image: QFNCFWS.gif]
[Image: wiqZK8C.png]
[Image: 6QlU4ci.png]

CW Pass

[Image: AgentSmith630.gif]
Thanks to @sulovilen, @the5urreal, and @sve7en for the sigs!
[Image: mf7ERAf.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2021, 06:59 PM by Drokeep.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max -verification word: Gundam. Victor Helstrom


14. Written, 3 TPE, Upswing (150 words min.)
-The team poised to establish themselves as a powerhouse in the coming seasons has to be the Baltimore Platoon. This season they have exceeded expectations and fought hard and fell to Hamilton in the conference finals. Once Hamilton starts declining a little bit and Baltimore nails a couple of good prospects down, the team will be in a great position to establish themselves as a league superpower.
They currently have an average TPE of 1558, tying them with Hamilton who is also around that ballpark.  Not only that, but their rookie sensation Noel Blanchet is already attracting some attention. He had 38 points on his first year in the SHL, of which 11 were goals, while playing in the bottom 6 of the team. If he can keep up with his training and move through the team ranks, no doubt he will be one of the greats in the history of the league.

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
The IIHF and WJC are going to be really interesting year, especially because DACH and Germany are both taking gold on the same season. In the WJC it seems to be a tight race between UCORCAL (who already has been through a scandal) and DACH, the two powerhouses of the tournament. While there still can be some surprises, if both teams keep performing at the level they have, they should be meeting in the semifinals or finals. There of course will be a dark horse team like every year. This tournament it has to be team world, who might surprise everyone and make a deep run.

19. Written, 3 TPE, Pills 150 words min
The first pill I would distribute is a league wide one that the SHL HO will make mandatory for every player in the organization. This pill is green and possesses the best effect of any pill in the known universe: whenever a player becomes (or currently is) a member of the Hamilton Steelhawks Organization, they immediately lose 1000 TPE no matter what. This is to ensure a safe and competitive environment for the league, hence why it has support from the front office.
Lastly, the second pill we will make, will immediately give every forge player a 20 in speed and in fighting, so the team will be lightning fast and punching the whole league up, the perfect most lethal combination in hockey. Imagine going up against Ryan Reaves, but he skates as quick as McDavid? That would be terrifying. Without a doubt this would lead the team to their first challenge cup (and before Montreal too!)

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry) 100 words min
Honestly, the double prompt idea has been absolutely great. Ever since it got implemented, I feel like the overall quality and enjoyment of PT has gone up after that decision. I feel it is nice to balance between funny prompts and sim based prompts to keep it interesting. My only complaint this year actually is the championship week. While the prompts themselves are nice, they seem a bit alienating to first year prospects that are not as embedded or involved in SHL history and activities. But to be fair, there are a good variety of questions to counteract that so props to you, keep it up!

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

[Image: drokeep.gif]

CW pass (for real too, ask badwolf) for simming in the playoffs

[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

GET IN HERE @golden_apricot @Tomen @Rich @TheSparkyDee @KenitohMenara @Pythonic @Evok @Air Crou

I don't know who else has a cw pass tbh but let's go us

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]

(This post was last modified: 10-12-2021, 08:18 AM by Nictox.)

Task 1: Trivia
Verification Word: Specters

Task 4:
I would like a good underdog story written about me. A boy from France coming to play in the SHL where not many other French players have done so. The movie would open in France where they show a young hockey player shutting down forwards from even making a play. A true defensive defenseman from a very young age. Quick cut to my first SHL game with the New Orleans Specters. A lay a huge hit on an opposing player and skate back to the bench for a line change. The coach looks at me and says, “I’d like to see more of that on this team.” To which I reply, “I’m just warming up.” Cut back to an agent discovering me and taking me overseas for the SMJHL entry draft. Shows me getting drafted 1st overall, playing my rookie season with the Scarecrows, the big trade to the Armada, and the next few seasons playing in the finals to only come out as second place. A cut to the future where you see an older, bearded me, teaching younger players how to position themselves on the ice defensively.  (189)

Task 6:
a. Hamilton was not taken to 7 games, Texas enjoyed two series sweeps, which team had the harder path to the final in your opinion?
It is kind of hard to pick from the two, they both are very strong teams that dominate the game. I would say Hamilton had a bit harder of a time, but not by much. Like I said, these are both really good teams that were slotted to make it to the finals.  (53)

b. Almost ten seasons ago, in S53, Hamilton enjoyed a 40 win season while Texas mustered a measly 9 wins. Now these two teams sit atop the season standings, and the playoff standings. Which is more impressive, to stay good for a decade, or to complete the rebuild and finally achieve greatness?
They are both impressive in their own ways really. Texas was in a long rebuild that seems to have paid off nicely. They have put together a really good team. Stop giving Hamilton firsts.. Seriously though, Hamilton has been very good at attracting free agents to come join them. They also seem to do very well in drafts as well. (60)

c. What is a renegade? What is a steelhawk? Who is Victor Helstrom from the CW trivia?
A renegade is a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles. A steelhawk is literally a hawk made of steel. Like a metal bird, but not an airplane. Victor Helstrom was a S15 offensive defenseman who you have obsessed over for CW this season. What’s up with that? (53)

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.
This is a tough one. So many great players have played for both of these teams. I think that Robert Phelps is probably the most notorious player in recent history. He was well liked by everyone around the league and was very good on the ice. He’d be my pick, though there are others that do make a case. (59)

Task 12:
Milestones  +3

Task 14: 
I may be biased in saying this, but I truly believe that New Orleans is on the right path. We have been rebuilding for a few seasons now and have made huge improvements to the team. The young core is already set and the team is coming together for the long haul. I do not think it is out of the question to be a competing team within a couple seasons. We have two active goalies who are earning well, a solid defensive core helmed by the great Lyle Odelein III, and a forward core that will be like having 3 top lines. The team is exciting to watch and I think that we have surprised many people this season. Will we break into the finals next season? No, but we are headed in the right direction. I think we started the rebuild at the right time, we knew we were going down and decided it would be best to start it earlier than normal. I think that was the biggest contributing factor for us getting the core together. (179)

[Image: Niktox.gif]
Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2021, 04:52 AM by hockeyiscool.)

Championship Week [+18/16]

ISFL Affiliate  +3
Different Forum Username: Footballiscool 


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: D.K.                           +3?


6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton was not taken to 7 games, Texas enjoyed two series sweeps, which team had the harder path to the final in your opinion?

a. There is no doubt in my mind that Hamilton had the harder path to the finals. No offense to the west but it is noticeably weaker than the east at the current moment. Hamilton had to face off against Buffalo, Baltimore, and a team that I have the utmost respect for Atlanta. I think had Buffalo or Baltimore been facing against the Renegades either team would have gotten the win over Texas. That is just how far ahead from a tactic and roster perspective Hamilton is for the current season. 
[90 words] +1

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

I hate to say it but my vote for the series MVP for the Hamilton Steelhawks has got to be A. Jobin. Mainly because he's a fan favorite and a lifeblood of the locker room. He may have also had a solid performance in the finals against the Texas Renegades. Only allowing one goal on forty shots in game one to get the Steelhawks the first blood in the series is all the confidence Hamilton needed to close the series out. A. Jobin's game two and three were slightly worse allowing two goal on what can be assumed as fewer shots but A. Jobin continued to get the edge just enough for Hamilton to pull off the sweep in the series. 
[121 words] +2

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

12. 2 Milestones +2

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
There has been some discussion on the forums but its always good to hear more opinions: Parity. Going back 6 seasons including this one there have been 4 teams in the finals: Buffalo, Chicago, Hamilton, and Texas. If you add New Orleans you can go back 8 seasons. 5 different teams for 8 straight finals. Is this an issue? Does it need to be fixed? Can it even be fixed? I'm interested to hear opinions, approaches, or just doom and gloom on whether you think this will change, or if we will still be talking about the same teams making the finals over and over in 5 seasons.

I do think that if there are only 5 teams to make the finals in eight seasons it can be an issue, one of the things that allures people to sports is that anyone can win in any given situation, no matter how bad the odds are stacked against them. For frame of reference before SimonT was solved to a point of abuse it was actually a good sim in the way that the level of randomness was actually good for the sport and it actually had less randomness than the actual National Hockey League as proven in an article that I think was written by Artermis. As it stands the Simulation Hockey League and Franchise Hockey Manager feels like teams results are partially decided by player earning and total points earned, but the impact made by coaches and team builds is far more impactful than would be ideal. I do not exactly know if it needs to be fixed or even how you would fix it. But I do know that the past eight seasons is not a good frame of reference for how teams should make the finals and performance. Up until season 60 not all teams were equally effected by the salary cap. you saw these 4 teams in the finals some of the few teams that had contracts that rolled over from the most recent salary cap change that lessened the ability of teams to have 1600+ tpe players on indefinite $4m contracts. This was a huge advantage to these teams that I am glad they no longer benefit from. I am also hopeful to see an elevation on other teams as their rosters come into their prime and a continued learning of FHM6 it is a very complex program that can be overwhelming and feel like there are infinitesimal combinations of how to approach situations and that's not incorrect. It's more relevant now than ever that players and teams have definitive windows and teams in the past could get away with having 5 or 6 superstar players and be competitive. Now you need to have a team of 15 players that are max earning, whether that is good for the league. I don't know...I just know the meta that has formed that completely ignores agility and speed core parts of hockey is really bad for the league and is extremely disappointing. There's more but you've got a lot more to read
[397 words] +3 TPE

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!
Another International I? Hockey Federation Tournament I am not certain there will be many surprises. I think Canada will be off to a hot start bouncing back from the underperformance of last season in Rotticus Scott leadership era. With Aaron Wilson taking the helm, Canada should be the clear favorite for this year followed by defending champion's Japan. There is however a potential chink in the Canadian armor. Their goaltender Frans Eller hung up the skates last year and Canada is left with Damien Vertigo
Someone who lacks the experience and success of Eller. However this goalie can canada poised for an upset in the quarterfinals or even medal round. Hopefully a newer team like Czech, Sweden or Norway can make their mark in IIHF and find themselves winning gold. It would be good for the tournament and for people's interest. Latvia will suck.
[141 words] +2


18. Written, 2 TPE, Baby come back 100 words min
If you had the power to bring back one user to the SHL, who would it be? We're talking full activity, balls to the wall. They could be a banned user, user gone inactive, or someone who's around but doesn't really fuck with SHL anymore. Pick your user and why you want them back that badly? Did you love them, or do you just want to watch the league burn?
Wow, this is a really difficult one. First off I have not really been in the league too long to have a major relationship established with people beyond the current generation of SHLers but I am going to further reduce the number of people down to specifically my draft class because there are some amazing guys and people out there that have been before my time that would be insane to see full activity. StamkosFan being one of them, ml0002, etc. But there are two people that I would teeter between in my class, one of them being Matthew Sawful this guy essentially carried our season 54 discord along side a few others was extremely talkative and a very nice guy but even then I would not pick sawful. I would pick the user SnoopDogg, SnoopDogg is by far one of the users in the league that I have only had insanely good experiences with that is no longer part of the league. So much so that we both as undecided players convinced by virtue of mad respect for each other to go to team Norway for IIHF when we were making the decision to join an IIHF nation. I miss that guy and hope nothing but the best for them. 

[~211 words] +2
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2021, 05:30 AM by Talls.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
time Victor Helstrom

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.

I am going to go with the class of S50.  Right now, S50 has 25 players active in the Simulation Hockey League.  Of those 25, 19 are above the 1600 TPE mark.  That is a ton of players that are still active in the class after roughly two in real life years.  These players include Aron Hernadivic, Karl Krashwagen, and Ryan Shepard.  These players are making big impacts in the league not only for their teams, but for their fantasy owners.  Of all these players, six are in the top five TPE for their positions.  Three are in to top five fantasy points for their positions'.  Players in this draft class are able to maintain those high numbers even with them now entering their third season of regression.  There is just nothing but time that can stop this draft class.  I am a firm believer that these players will headline the fantasy market next season, finally taking over from the old guard.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!

The movie begins with a young Japanese boy watching hockey for the first time in Nikko, Japan.  He is amazed by the player's speed and agility.  He knew then that he wanted to become a player of this sport.  There will next be a scene of the boy taking skating lessons at a young age and showing the look on his face when he finally grasps the concept.  The next scene will be of the player in pads, earning his first shutout of a member of his junior team.  The camera slowly begins to show the name on the back of his jersey, "Seteki".  This movie is going to be a story of a Japanese goaltender that defied all odds and took the leap to the SMJHL.  After signing a free agent deal, he backs up one of the best goaltenders in the league, Yanno Rosejac.  After a year as a backup, his time comes to become the bone-a-fide starter for the Raptors.  The season was a success but the team loses in the playoffs.  That next offseason, he is traded to the Anaheim Outlaws, where he becomes the mentor for the next generation.  The movie ends with Seteki coming on to the ice for his first SHL game as a San Francisco Pride member.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones +3

14. Written, 3 TPE, Upswing (150 words min.)
What team on the outside looking in do you believe will be the next to break into the playoffs? What team will be the next new team to break into the finals (other than the core 4 listed in the above task)? Who seems to be building and earning at a rate that they will be a scary team in the future? We have already seen some successful rebuilds in Texas, Toronto, and Tampa, and some unsuccessful ones as well. Who is on the right track?

The next title contender will be the San Francisco Pride.  Their core is earning at a great pace and the team is young.  The Pride only have two players in regression and the majority of the players are in the S55 and younger range.  This on top of an active locker room, there is no reason to believe they would not continue to earn.  If, for some reason players do start to fall off, there is a prospect pool of
five active prospects to fill the gaps.  They have experience spread out across all positions, leaving no one spot to be a strong or weak area of the team composition.  Their goalie situation is locked down with  Nicolae Antonescu (S55) about to break 1600 TPE and Senji Seteki (S60) coming in to the league to be a full time backup next season.  This team is definitely right on track to be a contender in the next few seasons and remain one for seasons to come.

19. Written, 3 TPE, Pills
Love it or hate it, that Pill PT (PT 2) was wild and may I say, genius. You've partnered up with the weird trench coat pill guy to design your own pills, with powers and drawbacks to sell to your fellow SHLers! How do you go about this, do you make really good pills to help your team? Trick Hamilton into taking some really shitty pills with the promise of incredible powers? Or do what I did and make a bunch of insane pills and watch the league go absolutely crazy trying to make sense of what the fuck I'm even talking about? Or just make a bunch of jelly beans?

As a firm believer in either anti-doping or everyone doing it, I would only make the pills if all players had to take one.  If they all did not, I would stick to the jelly beans, I guess.  I am not a fan of jelly beans and quite frankly, the world would be no better or worse without them.  So assuming that every player has to take a pill, I would make one for each type of player, in each position group.  I would make the classic speed vs skill pills for skaters.  Either, they have all the skill in the world but as slower than a preschooler, or, they would be the fastest skater in the world, but can't handle a puck to save their life.  For the more aggressive players, I would make a pill that makes it so you win all fights but, it makes you really not want to fight.  For defensemen, there would be a pill that makes them amazing at blocking shots, but they can't quite figure out how to pass the puck or be effective on offense.  Essentially, giving people what they want, while taking what they take for granted.

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry)
It's been 2 seasons now and I can always use constructive criticism. What have I done right regarding PTs? What have I done wrong? Was I doing something the wrong way and fixed it? Was I doing something the right way and fuck it up? Do I even deserve 8 mil a season? Any and all thoughts are welcome EXCEPT malicious posts. Do not attack me, or my work. If you have a problem with it, explain why. Don't just say it sucks and its stupid.

I think you have been doing a fine job at PTs.  The choices are very nice for when I want to either spice up my day or just get the work done.  I like how they seem to follow a same story but would not mind an option that is about something other than our hockey player's professional lives.  I know there have been some, but more would be nice.  I want to right about how Seteki got on the wrong flight back from Japan and ended up in Amsterdam or something crazy like that.  Just something to shake it up a little.

Japan Outlaws Blizzard  Blizzard Outlaws Japan

[Image: Talls.gif]

[Image: aAYvaDO.png][Image: wFihEpr.png][Image: FcT7qtH.png][Image: NwdnVLP.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: o2NPreS.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-10-2021, 07:36 AM by gordieboom.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Ayeaye - Victor Helstrom

12. Milstones

Stars | Player | Update Thread | Gordie#6746 | Manual Lineup Sheet | HockeyNation | Grizzlies
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2021, 04:11 PM by Citizen of Adraa.)

1. me

3. I mean, I have to throw in a glove into the "established" battle here and maintain that S46 has had a massive impact on this site aswell. It is to this date still the biggest class SHL has ever seen, it literally force expanded both the juniors and the main league, it's members at some point held pretty much any position within the league with maybe the exception of the commish roles, once S46 players hit their peaks we have basically doubled the 2k club just in one class alone (I will admit, we are inflating the TPE just a touch ever since some point and S46 was one of the earlier beneficiaries. FHM can handle it pretty well though), and more and more and more. Basically, at some point and time S46 made up a significant portion of this league's day-to-day life, and still keeps having users across key positions all around the league to this very day, even good 16 seasons later. Talk about pivotal.

6 b) Depends on the length of the staying at top I think. If it requires you to actually retool on the spot while still holding the performance at the top of the league, it's easily staying on top, but if all you do is rebuild, and then hold the roster and basically just refresh it for 10 seasons, I feel like those are two very equally complicated activities that are just a natural consequence of each other.

12. Milestones

13. The issues of parity run very, very deep into the very basics of how the league is setup, and a lot of the normal tools that could be used from other real-life leagues aren't exactly applicable here since there are different dynamics within the simulation and the real life. It's an issue that basically stems from the sim we use - FHM simply does a lot better job at actually rewarding a well built and coached team for their work by performing well. It has it's quirks, but it's a far cry from the STHS times that we had before. And well, with the situation we are in, STHS isn't an option and frankly, I would hate going back. However, a lot of this league was built on the understanding of us using STHS as the sim engine, meaning there are a lot of systems that aren't suited to combat issues with FHM, but with STHS. I understand the frustration, I understand the hope of change, but reallistically, without extreme and pretty aggressive changes, most HO can do is fairly incremental and slow to influence the situation, and I think the more immediate point of correction could and should be the GMs. The problem with that is that several teams are still running squads mostly based around STHS cores, which just won't cut it, some are rebuilding into an FHM team but that takes time, and that leaves you with a relatively narrow group of teams ready to perform, and that's the truth. Parity is on it's way to improve, but it very much requires time and patience to get somewhere, since the only instant way to fix the parity would mean actively hurting the teams that deserve it the least - the teams that are well managed, well coached and well built. You may hate to hear that sentiment, but the true answer is just git fucking gud.

14. I think the pretty easy answer to that is Baltimore. It is easily the best rebuild left out of that top 4, they have performed admirably during the regular season and all they have to do right now is to have a little bit of puck luck, maybe get a good system going and they should have the firepower to get themselves a finals appearance. I was honestly expecting them to do a little bit better in the playoffs than they did this season already, since they were all but ready to take it all the way, but as of right now Baltimore still relies on a bit of a lucky bounce to beat Hamilton or Buffalo, and they are basically guaranteed to hit at least one of them during the playoffs. Few more seasons down the line though, we might see Baltimore become a more active contender for some titles alongside the rest, as they are pretty much few seasons behind Texas' trajectory and look where Texas is now.

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: LSZLcjq.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

[Image: 8NuVFvj.png]

10-08-2021, 03:37 PMKalakar Wrote: GET IN HERE @golden_apricot @Tomen @Rich @TheSparkyDee @KenitohMenara @Pythonic @Evok @Air Crou

I don't know who else has a cw pass tbh but let's go us
hell yeah lets go CW pass big W

[Image: Pythonic.gif] [Image: Championship_Sig.png]

[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] [Image: QtEp67y.png] [Image: 2sRs0Cq.png]

(This post was last modified: 10-12-2021, 11:42 AM by steveoiscool.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE - sven

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)

Sven was drafted pretty late by the Vancouver Whalers, having to wait until the third round to hear his name called. No blame on any of the scouts, Sven was a defenseman with zero defensive ability at the beginning of his career. However, Vancouver took a chance on him and it's paid off in spades. Vancouver was in the middle of a rebuild when they acquired Sven, where all they ever heard from him was "I'm going to be the best Sven in the league!". Each season got progressively better, as Sven became more and more of an ACTUAL defenseman. Now the Whalers are fighting for the 4 Star cup, holding a 3-0 lead over bitter rival Newfoundland. After winning a Gold medal in the WJC last season and begging his SHL team for one more season in the Juniors, a cup win would solidify Svechnikov's legacy as the best Sven in the SMJHL. He'll be moving on to the SHL soon to cement his legacy there. (167 words)

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task(100 words)

Last year saw Great Britain lose to Japan in the Gold medal round in overtime after barely squeaking into the playoffs. This year, there won't be any doubt. Great Britain is hungry, and we're coming back to take our rightful stop on top of the international stage. No one will be able to stop us this year since we lost no one from our Silver medal team last year, and we've got another year of chemistry and growth under our belt. We'll find our way back to the Gold medal game, and it won't even matter who it's against. There will be no overtime, just a 10-0 Great Britain win. (110 words)

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry) 100 words min

Honestly, I'm a big fan of what has been done with the SHL PTs this season. The split format has been great, most of the time they're very interesting topics that I can easily write 150 words about and probably still have more to write, but other times when I have a bit of a writer's block there's always the standby of the more "generic" SHL PTs. I'm also a big fan of cracking down on overly negative/attacking posts, at the risk of sounding soft. I enjoy skimming through PTs and it's always a little disheartening to see something that's definitely a shot towards another user that probably isn't cool with it. (113 words)

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)

Parity is always going to be a hard thing to fix for a couple reasons. First, and probably the least popular thing, regression needs to hit harder. Someone who hits 2100 at their peak can continue to carry a team for long past their "peak" cause early stages of regression kinda just mean they stay where they're at. Second, there's probably a pretty large GM gap that will be present whether you balance out player stats/builds perfectly. There's a lot of things you can do in FHM to make a team good or bad. I'm pretty sure I could turn even HAM into a .500ish team if I was a real idiot with sliders. So there will always be a knowledge gap on how to manipulate the sim engine to get the most out of a team. But like anything else, it will kind of solve itself with time as GMs move on, players retire, etc., etc. (158 words)

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones claimed, +3

[Image: steveoiscool.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2021, 07:38 PM by slothfacekilla.)

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE!


8. Graphic, 3 TPE, Zine
Create a magazine cover that highlights either a player in the finals or a standout player from the regular season.

[Image: NZspRnz.png]

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
There has been some discussion on the forums but its always good to hear more opinions: Parity. Going back 6 seasons including this one there have been 4 teams in the finals: Buffalo, Chicago, Hamilton, and Texas. If you add New Orleans you can go back 8 seasons. 5 different teams for 8 straight finals. Is this an issue? Does it need to be fixed? Can it even be fixed? I'm interested to hear opinions, approaches, or just doom and gloom on whether you think this will change, or if we will still be talking about the same teams making the finals over and over in 5 seasons.

I would have to say that only having 4 different teams make the finals in the last eight seasons is an issue.  It always feels like unless you are on these 4 teams and maybe 1 or 2 others then you do not have a chance to even make the finals in the SHL.  I am not sure if head office or the owners are too concerned about it for various reasons but it would be cool if there was some way to make it so that that was more parity in the league and some different teams could see some post season success.  I'm not even sure there really is a fix though, the league instituted an update scale change that was supposed to be friendlier to middle earners so that teams could have better players in their lineups.  But not much has really changed in the standings it seems like for whatever reason.  I think we are probably stuck with this for a bit until another team or two can claw their way into the mix with good roster management.

182 words

19. Written, 3 TPE, Pills
Love it or hate it, that Pill PT (PT 2) was wild and may I say, genius. You've partnered up with the weird trench coat pill guy to design your own pills, with powers and drawbacks to sell to your fellow SHLers! How do you go about this, do you make really good pills to help your team? Trick Hamilton into taking some really shitty pills with the promise of incredible powers? Or do what I did and make a bunch of insane pills and watch the league go absolutely crazy trying to make sense of what the fuck I'm even talking about? Or just make a bunch of jelly beans?

This is pretty exciting I am glad that the PT2 trench coat pill guy wants to team up with me to come up with brand new pills to distribute to the players in the SHL.  I assume that I will get a cut of some of the profits he gets since I am contributing to the ideas, so I already am a fan of this partnership.  I would probably focus on good pills with powers that would help my teammates in Los Angeles.  Some of the new pills would give us super balance and strength so no one could ever knock us off the puck.  We would skate faster than any other team in the league too thanks to our new strength enhanced legs.  The best part of the new pills would be that it would give us unlimited endurance so that we could just skate and skate the whole game and tire the other team out.  It would lead to a lot of wins for the Panthers I'm sure.  Then I would randomly have some pills just be MDMA so players will be tripping balls during games but not expect it.

192 words

20. Written, 3 TPE, Pulling a Jordan
This is for you folks in multiple sim sports leagues. Pick your player from another league and translate them to the SHL. Which player attributes from your sport would translate to hockey? Design a full player page for them based on the player page of your other league and discuss how they would perform in a season. Would they be godlike? Shitty? You can pull a switcheroo and discuss your SHL player playing in the other sport as well.

I am going to bring my player from the PBE, Jose Slothseco, over to the SHL to play hockey for the first time in his life.  I think that his power stat from the PBE would translate well to the hockey world in the SHL.  It would allow Jose to really get a lot of power behind his slap shots and he would be able to muscle the puck by the goalies.  He wouldn't have great aim since he's never played hockey before so he would have to rely on that brute strength.  His eye/patience stat would probably help in hockey a lot since it takes a lot of the hand eye coordination skill.  Unfortunately for Jose he is not very fast over in the PBE and I am not sure how that would translate to hockey.  I can't imagine that he would somehow get a ton faster on skates since he hasn't really skated in his life.  That could make his SHL career pretty tough to be honest.  His player page would probably look something like this in the SHL:

Offensive Ratings
Screening: 9
Getting Open: 5
Passing: 6
Puckhandling: 6
Shooting Accuracy: 6
Shooting Range: 12
Offensive Read: 5

Defensive Ratings
Checking: 7
Hitting: 8
Positioning: 6
Stickchecking: 6
Shot Blocking: 7
Faceoffs: 5
Defensive Read: 5

Physical Ratings
Acceleration: 5
Agility: 5
Balance: 5
Speed: 5
Stamina: 7
Strength: 17
Fighting: 12

Mental Ratings
Aggression: 9
Bravery: 15

He probably would not do too well in the SHL so it is better if Jose sticks to the baseball diamond I think.

205 words without the player page stuff

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry)
It's been 2 seasons now and I can always use constructive criticism. What have I done right regarding PTs? What have I done wrong? Was I doing something the wrong way and fixed it? Was I doing something the right way and fuck it up? Do I even deserve 8 mil a season? Any and all thoughts are welcome EXCEPT malicious posts. Do not attack me, or my work. If you have a problem with it, explain why. Don't just say it sucks and its stupid.

I like that you seem to have been open to suggestions/constructive criticism without bending to every complaint that is thrown your way. I think these departments need to be able to adapt, and you've shown that with things like the multiple options for PTs. I really like that addition to the PTs and I think it is good for user engagement with the various tasks. I think that has also allowed for some fun and unconventional topics that we haven't really seen too much before in the SHL. Since the SHL is an older league it is good to get some freshness where you can so I have to say it has been a plus. Even this Championship Week with the past/present/future/beyond stuff has been a nice addition so I have to say keep up the good work. Maybe slip me some extra TPE for the nice words too.

153 words

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