12-24-2021, 03:51 PM(This post was last modified: 12-24-2021, 03:52 PM by retuperkele.)
Task#3 - 3 TPE
From my point of view I can only handle players who are in my own draft class of S57, so lets just say that the New England Wolfpack would have overlooked Brennan Huff to pick someone like Jon St. Ark, Luukas Lilja or Anton Mihailov. Huff never actually fulfilled his potential to play in the SHL, resulting him in retiring after his minor league times were over. We all know that the Wolfpack are in a good spot right now, but not the greatest. Their goaltending department is lacking hard, so what if they would have picked St. Ark instead of Huff at 9th overall? I think with the amount of good trades they have done in the last few seasons, New England would actually be in the top-6 amongst all teams in the league, having a strong contending run from one season to another. Under the old GM this would have been possible, but now? I dont think they have what it takes
Task #6 - 4 TPE
a) I really have no experience on STHS, only on FHM - but I think in STHS it was far more easier to build a great player, because the players in STHS system had no proper specialization, only running the same core skills - but in the FHM it is far more difficult to build the perfect player for your role, since subroles do exist - which is why FHM cup run is way more valuable to me
b) I'm really getting sick of the same teams reaching the finals, which is why seeing Los Angeles Panthers and Baltimore Platoon at the top-4 spots in the recent few seasons has been a blast. Whichever matchups the FHM decides to whip up we would have seen a dynamic conference finals and cup finals overall - again. Boring, I must say. We need disparency
c) Hard to say, since they have been so succesful in the last 10 seasons or so, but I must say I would relocate the Steelhawks franchise all the way to Houston, to have some more fierce competition against the Texas Renegades, and just because Houston has far more sports fans than in Hamilton, which is in Ohio? Like come on, hockey in Ohio is not a thing
d) I think safe to say that the best players to not make it to finals in the last 2 seasons is Adam Barron. He has been a great player for Toronto and it is sad to see him waste his prime playing for such a garbage team. During his prime he was the greatest player of all time, on paper, but not on the ice. Despite playing for Toronto he had a great impact even though his usage was lacking hard - which is why I think Barron is one of the greatest offensive defensemen to not make it to cup final.
Task#11A - 2 TPE
Well yes, but actually no. Both teams have surely managed to claim their spot in the cup finals with hard work. Hamilton is a long lasting favourite and one of the greatest dynasties in the SHL, where as Texas has managed to rebuild succesfully from scratch and has proven themselves worthy by doing so. None of the teams are clear favourites but both teams have their ups and downs, goalkeeping department goes to Hamilton, same with forward department - but the defense is favoring Texas hard. Needless to say, hopefully the final series will go all the way to game 7, because once again its going to be the clash of titans, also known as fucking entertaining hockey.
Task#14 - 3 TPE
Deciding to go on a rebuild is never an easy option, mostly because it means having to calculate your assets and distributing them accordingly in order to gain the most favor on the long run (picks, prospects etc) and secondly, the players who would stay in the team during the rebuild would have to suffer a great mental setback, assuming that the rebuilding team is not having great success. One of these teams to come in mind right now is Toronto, their core is starting to age pretty hard and now with the new regression rules I think they will not last any longer. Second team to come in mind who would gain more from a rebuild rather than continueing with their current way is Edmonton. Their core is far more older than Toronto's and I think they may have pushed the panic button already, but have not fully commited - which is why they had no success in this years regular season, nor the postseason. Right now the best would be for both teams to gather up their resources and make wise trades.
Task#18 - 3 TPE
To add up on Luukas Lilja, I would select only 4 defensemen, just to see which role has the most impact in the league
Roope Rossi, a twoway defenseman for the Anaheim Outlaws, who got picked up by Edmonton Blizzard - captain since year 5, who would not post more than 200 total points in his career. Edmonton hall of famer, but not SHL HoF worthy who played his whole career for the Blizzard
Julius Lilja, Luukas Lilja's little brother, a playmaking defenseman for the Carolina Kraken, who simply does not shoot. After his rookie season he got traded up on and picked up by the Calgary Dragons, cause why not have 2 goats in your team rather than just 1? Julius only had 1 job during his career: pass and defend. He played his entire career for the Calgary Dragons, but immediately got traded elsewhere after his big brother announced retirement. Julius never captained the Calgary side, and retired with 470 career assists, and 11 goals.
Jonatan Lilja, an offensive defenseman for the Newfoundland Berserkers. His job was only to be the maestro of Newfoundland's offense - which he managed perfectly. After his rookie season he got picked up by the Baltimore Platoon, since they enjoy their offensive defenders so much. Jonatan possessed a great shot which is why he was called in for powerplay duty during his rookie season, which is why he was able to win the rookie of the year award, posting the most points and most goals in total during his rookie season - all because of the powerplay duty that was given to him. Jonatan played for Baltimore during their prime phase, but when the time came for them to rebuild once more, Jonatan was the first player out of the door to Chicago Syndicate, a notable franchise specialized in picking up great pieces of other teams. Jonatan went on to become the first defenseman to post +35 goals in one season, and announced his immediate retirement after a massive wrist fracture during his 9th year in the league. Jonatan was added on to the hall of fame the following season, with more than 200 goals in his bank as a defenseman.
Vuohi Lilja, a fantasy monster sort of defenseman. His offensive quantities were utter garbage but he was always there to land a hit or to block a shot, which is why he was drafted by the New Orleans Specters, who are known for their fancy towards great fantasy defensemen. It only took 3 seasons for Vuohi to be the top pick of every fantasy hockey draft ever, notching up more than 400 blocks and 200 hits a season. Vuohi was the first ever fantasy player to reach 800 points in the current system. His late retirement did not come as a surprise, after 16 years in the league it was very much time for him to move on.
I guess I would want to keep the team at least somewhat close to where they are now. Instead of making the obvious move to Toronto, why not go the other direction and instead go to London. You could confuse people in great ways and make it a London franchise, but not one in the UK. I think there is lots of great branding opportunities with that and great ways to partner with the actual city of London.
12-24-2021, 06:19 PM(This post was last modified: 12-24-2021, 08:08 PM by karlssens.)
1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Victor Helstrom
verification word = karl
2. Written, 3 TPE, GM stands for Great Man (150 words min.)
There have been some good and some bad GMs in SHL history. (Mostly bad) Pick a GM you think was outstanding and explain why you think they were one of the better GMs in SHL history. Point to trades/signings/trophy wins/locker rooms to support your claim.
I had the pleasure of working with several quality GM and co-GM's. First was Allegiant. He had the incredible foresight to hire me and he was super patient and easy to work with. Next was Ace. Never afraid to make a splashy signing or trade he always kept the locker room activity bumping and was a huge reason why my involvement in this league is still rolling today. While the ultimate prize has eluded him he has an incredibly long track record of success. I have no doubt Winnipeg will be competitive once again under his management. Lastly was Keygan. Cool and calculated and sometimes a little tough to read he has an amazing understanding of the sim engine and what it takes to build and maintain a competitive squad. It's no surprise he retired near the top in wins and win percentage as a GM after a long and successful tenure following my run as GM.
6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
b. Be honest, would we have seen the same final 4 as last year (Chicago, Texas, Hamilton, Buffalo) had BUF/HAM and TEX/CHI not run into each other in the second round?
c. Hamilton has a population of roughly 5 people. Where would you relocate the franchise?
d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?
A. The STHS era was arguably more random and therefore frustrating, but at it's height it had fewer teams than the FHM era. That being said the bottom 4-5 teams in the FHM era are no where near contention for the cup so if I had to pick one I'd say the STHS cup meant more.
B. Honestly yes, but not because of PaRiTy but because those are the top teams in the league today. Chicago, Texas, Hamilton and Buffalo finished 1, 3, 5 and 4th respectively so it's not exactly wild to see the teams that did well in the regular season perform well in the playoffs as well.
C. I'm pretty sure Hamilton is larger than many other Canadian cities. It's actually top 10 in Canada. But we already have one just down the road in Toronto so I agree lets move it. I think Ottawa deserves a team, it's the capital after all and is larger than Hamilton. If we were to move it to America I think a Pittsburgh or perhaps a Houston or Dallas would be cool.
D. Taking a quick look at the TPE leaderboard names like Sven Yxskaft and Adam Barron are long overdue for an appearance in the finals. Especially Barron. His name has come up many times in terms of individual awards and Toronto has had some good seasons in recent history, but he's yet to see that final stage. Another one that comes to mind is Cal Labovitch. The long time Minnesota Monarch has been lurking around in award discussions but has no playoff success to his name.
12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
hahahahahaha remember this task from last season? The one where everyone was like "nah we're good, tampa and BAP will be in the finals soon and you'll see that the old guard will make way for the new young teams". Now that we have the exact same fucking teams in the final again, let me ask, is parity an issue in the SHL? How do we combat this?
While I do agree there is a clear pattern of regular reoccurring teams in the finals I don't believe there is an issue with parity at this time. Yes, Hamilton was once again in the finals, but in the regular season they finished 5th and team TPE wise they are ranked 8th in average TPE per player. Texas meanwhile finished 3rd in the regular season and are 3rd in average TPE per position. History removed they would be the favorite. The two names mentioned in the question, Baltimore and Tampa are 1 and 2 in average TPE per position respectively and finished 2nd and 7th in regular season standings respectively. The "old guard" seem to find ways to continually meet or exceed the expectations of their roster, while the other teams struggle to find consistent success both in the regular season and more notably in the playoffs. Personally I think it goes back to a better understanding of the sim engine, something that can be achieved through a bit of hard work.
15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!
Norway made waves two seasons ago finishing 3rd in the round robin. They followed that up with a 7th place finish in S61 so a bit of a step back. In the pre-season games leading up to the round robin games they once again surprised everyone and went 6-1-0 to finish 1st among all nations. Could they carry that in to the round robin? This non-bias Norwegian thinks so. Spoiler alert they did not carry this in to the round robin and instead fell flat going 0-5-0 through the first 5 games. Perhaps next year! Ireland meanwhile has improved drastically with 4 wins through their first 5 games. Last tournament they only managed 4 wins through 12 games so they've already matched that with a fraction of the games played. Are they the real deal?
12-24-2021, 06:33 PM(This post was last modified: 12-24-2021, 07:11 PM by Asked Madden.)
1. SlashTopTierPTHead 3TPE (Victor Helstrom?)
6a) A cup in the STHS era appears to mean more to people in this league. Now that was way before my time and I'm glad I wasn't here for capped and uncapped TPE but it sounds like the sim was fair until a certain nameless group broke the game for everyone
C) Now this may come as a shock to you but I'm going to keep it in a small place called Hamilton... Wait wait wait, not the same place. I'm talking about Hamilton in Glasgow Scotland. Home to the shitey Rugby team the Hamilton bulls. Its just as depressing with as many depraved people they'd fit right in.
D) . Theres only one name in my lips when it comes to this question and its my answer to any when it comes to league heroes. Lyle Odelein III. This man should be taking part in the finals every season. Complete class act and incredibly positive. Huck deserves anything and every success he finds.
18. Begun the clone wars have.
4 seasons of Texas versus Hamilton finals has torn a fucking hole through my face and caused my eyes ears and nose to bleed profusely. But apparently I am a glutton for punishment and instead of quitting the league, I have decided to make 4 more players out of spite.
I will demand for all 5 to go to NOLA to play under the tutelage of Joe and if any get drafted elsewhere I will make them shit builds. All in fighting none in strength or bravery.
I will make a full line for NOLA so with Friedensreich Hundertwasser playing centre the rest of the team are as follows:
LW: Disim izrigd - Small but quick Icelandic skater
RW: Wyam Eyecaring - Sets up Hundertwasser a lot
LD: Aitch-oh Hazbonerz ForeHamilton - He really likes to beat down on all teams except the Steelhawks
RD: Fanny Schmeller - Because why not
19. I would love to say I paid enough attention to have an SHL style almanac and go back and bankrupt the casino. Alas, S62 was not the most riveting spectacle for those of us in NOLA this season in fact I'd kind of checked out from results by mid-season. However I would for sure have put a big ole dirty bet on Texas - hopefully earning enough cash to pay for a possible positions switch (which is absolutely extortionate in this league by the way).
I wouldnt bother telling the rest of the team as there wouldn't be much we could do what with the amount of cheesing of the sim being done by these teams there would be no way fir us to catch up. I would be asking the GMs to change me up midway through the season as my stats took a hefty dip and I played shite for a good number of games.
21. I think the obvious choice here for head of PT would easily be everybody's favourite ex Dallas birddog... @Kyamprac
Kya is one of the sweetest most wholesome, yet still incredibly fun people you will meet in sim leagues and most importantly she has never been at the heart of any sort of PT controversy whatsoever, no siree.
Kya would never do anything to possibly damage the reputation of the PT teams and would always be incredibly strict with deadlines. I'm sure there is a known acquaintance she could call on to help her with PT ideas if she was running low.
Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac
12-24-2021, 06:43 PM(This post was last modified: 12-24-2021, 06:51 PM by raymond3000.)
1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
b. Be honest, would we have seen the same final 4 as last year (Chicago, Texas, Hamilton, Buffalo) had BUF/HAM and TEX/CHI not run into each other in the second round?
c. Hamilton has a population of roughly 5 people. Where would you relocate the franchise?
d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?
a. As a GM I think its certainly harder to win a cup with FHM, as the number of hours needed to build and coach a championship team is far larger than it was with STHS. However, I think as a user I valued my cup wins in STHS more. In STHS you never knew who was going to win, and that made the playoffs far more exciting. In FHM, there's only a handful of teams that can win any season, and if you're fortunate to be on one of those teams for long enough, than you can win a cup.
b. In the western conference, Texas and Chicago are the clear top two teams. LA is getting closer, but they're just not quite at the level of the other two teams yet. The east is a different story, where I think Baltimore could have defeated Buffalo if the two went head to head. Tampa likely had an outside chance as well.
c. Despite there being nothing noteworthy about the city itself, I enjoy having these smaller cities represented in the SHL and I wouldn't want to see the Steelhawks relocated. In addition, the Hawks are one of the league's most influential and pivotal teams, and you can't just ignore how they for better or worse have shaped the league's history.
d. Considering only two teams have made the finals the past two seasons, several star players haven't made it to the final round of the playoffs. Most notable would probably be among the likes of Ryan Shepard, Ryuuji Minamino and Steve Harrington. These players all play for top teams which just haven't been able to get over the hump in the postseason.
11b. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and you also like doing graphics instead of writing. That's cool, too! Create a Series Recap broadcast graphic - the contents can be whatever you want, but your graphic must list both teams and at least 3 stats for each.
12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
14. Written, 3 TPE, Blow it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is on track to completely sell off all assets and begin a long rebuild? A few teams are already in the midst of this, but what teams are watching their window slowly close and need to get younger soon in order to start the climb back to the top?
Toronto is the obvious candidate here. Not too long ago, they had seem poised to break into the SHL's top tier, but for a variety of reasons they were unable to do so and have fallen back down into the midpack of the SHL. Their 'window' is just about shut, and their top players seem to be already wanting to leave the team, so it would be best for them to recoup some assets while they still can. They still have quality young talent, but with no prospects in the pipeline, the new GM will need to play their card rights to avoid a full on rebuild. Another team in a similar situation is the New England Wolfpack, where their 'rebuild' has stalled out, their GM has stepped down, and several key players are leaving the team. The Wolfpack has several high end older players which could fetch some good assets and draft picks in a trade.
Task 2: Well I can tell you right now it’s not Lee because Lee sucks. I’d have to say @”Wasty” simply because of his longevity. In my experience, he was always trying new things and making sure he evolved with the system and the game and the locker rooms were always poppin’. I mean, he made sure he wasted some picks on my players who ended up sucking absolute ass, so he’s not THAT great, but I would say anyone who is a general manager for as long as he was is very good at their job and deserves some recognition. Though Los Angeles only won a cup once while he was the general manager, the Panthers were always still toward the top of the standings while he was in charge. He wasn’t afraid to make splashes in the trade realm or to start a retool if he needed to. I know a lot of GMs looked up to him. Also Lee sucks.
Task 3: Speaking of wasty… even though I said he was a good general manager… he traded some assets to get the 11th overall pick in the S44 draft in order to draft Willie Fisterbottom… which is one of my old players. He had A LOT of faith in me after I had gone inactive after starting Hans Moleman. Well as it turns out, he should not have had faith in me, since I went inactive again. Fisterbottom would end up playing six seasons as a defenseman for the Los Angeles Panthers, amassing five measly goals and 68 assists for a total of 73 points in 280 games. Halfway through S51 he was traded to Winnipeg where he finished his career with 13 points in 70 games. Incredibly unimpressive career. He also finished his career with a -25. I felt awful that wasty moved around assets in order to pick me up before someone else did.
Task 6:
A. I am not really sure, to be honest, which one is better. I’ve won in both and honestly I feel like STHS was harder to win a cup in, but that might just because now I am on the Buffalo Stampede and we are always pretty good. Probably if I was on one of the worse teams I’d be saying FHM is harder to win in.
B. I would say that it will be Hamilton vs. someone pretty much every year. I don’t think there’s any other team in the league except maybe Baltimore that could make the final four, so yeah… if the matchups were different… the final four would definitely be the same as last year. Is it annoying? Yes. Is it okay with me since I’m on one of those teams? Also yes.
C. Houston. Houston is like the fourth largest city in the country and if it works in Dallas then it should work in Houston too. I’ve always wondered why we had a team in Hamilton… but I also wondered why we had one in West Kendall when we did. So either Houston, or follow the NHL thing and bring Vegas back in some capacity. Then you have other crazy fanbases like Nashville to think about.
D. Steve Harrington, hands down. 99 points in 66 games in the regular season is absurd. Some dude in Chicago got more points but he’s not on Buffalo so I don’t care. I’m still going with Harrington. I mean, he totally disappeared in the playoffs… but he was still really good in the regular season and we can’t just ignore that.
Parity is an issue in the SHL. In my mind, though, it's not cap, meta builds, or TPE. To me, it seems like there's a problem with the way that war rooms are instructed in the league. Having been on teams that have struggled with FHM to varying degrees, the testing and analysis seems like a rather nebulous task. For some users, especially the ones that would like to be invested but have little time to invest, that's a major block.
Let's face it, with STHS, any monkey who was determined enough to bang on the keyboard in the right way could get somewhat decent results. The settings that worked well were limited to two or three strategy sets, you generally put top TPE on the top lines, and testing was really, really easy if you had a 2000 game schedule or what not to throw the line files into. FHM? Just testing a file 10 times means reloading or creating a separate save file 10 times. Different folks have all kinds of different analysis methods, spreadsheets, and the works. Most of us probably at least looked at Canadice's code tutorial for statistics. Two years ago, none of this mattered. Now, there's some edge that the good teams have figured out, whether it's throwing bodies at a problem until luck strikes or playing amateur Moneyball. I think, though, that the people putting together the strategies and their awareness and education in the sim is where parity will be most effective. Not completely effective, but most effective. (257 Words)
14. Written, 3 TPE, Blow it up (150 words min.)
Unless the incoming GM is really set against it, the Toronto North Stars are probably going to be rebuilding over the next couple of seasons. It's really frustrating, since we should be at our peak, but efforts have been hampered by real life killing time and enthusiasm for the league across the board, and by going almost three seasons with no GM. Squall, bless him, has done as much as he could, but he doesn't have the time to really be the GM. Couple it with the learning curve that comes with FHM, and we don't have the people to go far in the Playoffs. One person coming in as the new GM is probably not going to change that. It hurts to think of what could have been, and what we got somewhat close to once. It's been a long, difficult discussion in our war room and locker room over the past few weeks, but it will likely begin imminently. (161 Words)
19. Written, 3 TPE, Groundhog Day (150 words min.)
As nice of a guy as he seems to be, I think my move would be to push against KlusteR coming in as GM of Toronto. We had him for maybe two weeks before he went MIA due to personal issues. At the time, he seemed to be a very good fit for our place in the league and the locker room culture, but his absence has really screwed us over. There's a lot of people who are ready to give up on our team now. It's even more inconvenient with how many of our people are coming up to free agency. Aside from that, I know my activity was at an all-time low this season, so I'd make more of an effort to do activities and update if I could. The last few months have been pretty awful for me personally, so maybe I'd just end up back in more of a funk. (154 Words)
1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
b. Be honest, would we have seen the same final 4 as last year (Chicago, Texas, Hamilton, Buffalo) had BUF/HAM and TEX/CHI not run into each other in the second round?
c. Hamilton has a population of roughly 5 people. Where would you relocate the franchise?
d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?
6a. A cup win in the FHM era of course means far more than anything in the STHS era. The STHS era was the wild wild west with TPE practically not mattering at all for any player's performance, with players at 1000 TPE able to outperform players at 2000 TPE very very frequently, which is fairly outrageous. So with FHM, team building and player builds matter so much more and so only trophies in the FHM era really count for anything at all.
1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Victor Helstrom
Verification word: Buster
2. Written, 3 TPE, GM stands for Great Man (150 words min.)
There have been some good and some bad GMs in SHL history. (Mostly bad) Pick a GM you think was outstanding and explain why you think they were one of the better GMs in SHL history. Point to trades/signings/trophy wins/locker rooms to support your claim.
Someone who definitely does not get the respect he deserves for his GM skills is Tez. Tez has not been GM for a long time so even though he is in the Hall of Fame, I completely understand why he doesn't get talked about. Tez was the GM who turned Edmonton from a league laughing stock to the greatest team in league history. Prior to Tez taking over in S11, no one wanted to play for Edmonton. After Tez took over, he created a great core of people including JayWhy, JayTee, Jedi and Keenan. He was able to use this to bring in the best FAs in the league, leading to the S15 Blizzard dominating. This team ended up with a massive FA class of Willie Weber, Ivo Willems and Teemu Nurmi, the top free agents that season being added to an already impressive core. Tez stayed on for another 10 seasons after that, with Edmonton always being a top team in the league.
164 words
3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Busts (150 words min.)
There are a lot of "could-have-been" draft picks in the SHL, but let's have some fun thinking about someone that busted hard. Write about their potential and where they were picked, and how that franchise could look *if* they had in fact panned out.
In my opinion, one of the recent biggest draft busts wasn't a player who was drafted highly in the SHL. I'm actually going back to an SMJHL draft bust from recent history. Anyone who was in the SMJHL in S47 remembers Travis Bitties. Bitties came on the scene absolutely on fire. Bitties looked like the surest thing the SHL has had in a long time. Active as all hell, always present in SMJHL media and was a generally well liked member. From the moment he joined, people were talking about him as the next great. Sometimes with the SHL though life gets in the way. His fall was very swift, disappearing almost overnight. In reality he became busy and wasn't able to keep his activity up, so he quit cold turkey. A team still took a flyer on him in the S48 draft but as a member, Bitties never returned. A true recent what if.
155 words
6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
As of right now, a championship in FHM is much more valuable. This solely stems from the amount of teams that have actually won in the new sim engine. Until teams that aren't Hamilton, Buffalo, Chicago and Texas break through, you can't really compare the two sim engines. FHM has been an exclusive club so far, for better or for worse.
61 words
d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?
The best player to not make the finals in the past 2 seasons is easily Krash. Baltimore has been the best team the past few seasons to not make the finals in general. Baltimore keeps hitting the Hamilton wall and can't get past it. Krash is the star of that show and is the dominant piece of that core.
59 words
11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Was it an exciting final, or predictable? Is one team the clear winner?
For a final that included both Hamilton and Texas, which is really the most predictable final not including Buffalo and Chicago, this finals was anything but predictable. I would put my money on people expecting Hamilton to win this series and really not expecting Texas to put up much of a fight. Instead this final went 7 games with Texas taking the series. For a finals that seems lame and boring at this point, it was really a nice change of pace seeing some excitement still coming out of it. Now we should all just not play next season and give it to Baltimore to send the fans home happy.
110 words
12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.) As much as it pains me to say, that Finals series was incredible. Our Steelhawks did not come out on top, but the series went back and forth the entire time, culminating in a game seven win for Texas. One of the craziest moments came in game four when Hamilton was down two goals with only 45 seconds left in the game. We managed to score two quick goals, send the game to overtime, and eventually make a game-winning goal to nod the series at 2-2. One thing is for sure - for neutral fans, this might've been the most entertaining finals series we've had in a long time. Two titans of the league, seven games, one champion. What more can you want from a cup-deciding set of games? (128 words)
1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Victor Helstrom
7. Graphic, 2 TPE, This one's for Seymour
Design a championship ring for either team. Yeah you can use the ring site. Here's a link to the ring site: https://designer.trophysmack.com/productdesigner/index/index/id/97/template/MTUz/cid/MzMwMDA2MzU2Mjk2Mjk=
12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
hahahahahaha remember this task from last season? The one where everyone was like "nah we're good, tampa and BAP will be in the finals soon and you'll see that the old guard will make way for the new young teams". Now that we have the exact same fucking teams in the final again, let me ask, is parity an issue in the SHL? How do we combat this?
It is an issue. Otherwise we weren’t having more or less heated conversations about parity at least every month. Let’s start with what SHL is. It’s Simulation Hockey League. So it’s a simulated hockey league. I think simulation means “an imitation of a situation or a process” (googled it, okay). So if we want to imitate NHL, like I think we kind of do, we are failing in terms of parity. In NHL, the past five seasons have seen 9 different teams in the cup finals. NINE FUCKING TEAMS! Almost a third of the league. I don’t even want to check what that number is in the SHL, because it would make me feel bad. But I guess it’s like four. How do we combat this? There are tons of ways. Some better, some worse. A lot of ideas have been floated around in the topics around parity recently, so I’m just saying that take some of the best ideas and give them a try. At least think about them, run some sims, maybe put some polls up. There are ways, everyone knows it. (184 words)
20. Written, 3 TPE, Free Advertising 150 words min
If you're in another sim league and are using 4 of those CW tasks here, you can do this task to advertise that league in your CW. What league is it? Is it fun? How does it work? What are the pros/cons of that league, especially in comparison to the SHL?
I am in SSL, the Simulation Soccer League. So it is a football league, the original football. Real football, no handeggs allowed there. It’s a football version of SHL, and the sim engine is Football Manager. The obvious good side is that Football Manager has a way bigger market and thus a bigger budget and a lot more humanpower behind it. So it should be pretty stable and likely not as easily breakable. Another huge advantage is the 3D sim engine, which gives a new, cool element to watching games live (when compared to SHL). It’s super fun to see your player actually move around and do some good and bad things. We’re only in the first season, but I can already imagine how exciting it will be to watch some huge games live and see the goals actually happen. The cons are so far that the community is still growing, so it’s rather small and there aren’t as much content created by the community, such as podcasts, graphics etc. But it will come, I believe. (176 words)
21. Written, 2 TPE, No take backs 100 words min
HO didn't feel like making a job posting for PT Director so they just put you in charge of picking the new one. So elect a new PT director, tag them, and explain why you think they'd be a great fit for the job. Or just someone you want to torture.
I am electing one of my favorite people in the league, unarguably the nicest guy around. @KaleSalad, I’m choosing you. I think for many things in life “something for everyone” means “nothing for anyone”. But as a PT director I think it’s a good thing if you can keep everyone moderately happy. If you do something more creative, some people will like it and some will hate it. Slash I think got to experience that. So Kale could maybe continue the tradition of having multiple prompts to keep everyone satisfied. I also can not even imagine how anyone could hate Kale, so I know he would be safe from any unnecessary badmouthing. I know you’re busy with the co-GM job, but what can you do. Enjoy the job, bud! (129 words)
12-25-2021, 06:56 PM(This post was last modified: 12-28-2021, 10:04 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)
8. Graphic, 3 TPE, Comic Book
Create a comic book cover of your favorite SHL player in action. Title the comic and give an issue number.
5. Graphic, 3 TPE, Worth a thousand words.
Depict any challenge cup winner celebration from s61-s1. Label at least one player from that team and include a blurb about why that cup win is important to the franchise.
16. Graphic, 3 TPE, Onto the next
Design a season preview for your team/player next season. Highlight a stat you upgraded/will upgrade, or a player your team will call up from juniors. Make it snazzy.
14. Written, 3 TPE, Blow it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is on track to completely sell off all assets and begin a long rebuild? A few teams are already in the midst of this, but what teams are watching their window slowly close and need to get younger soon in order to start the climb back to the top?
What’s interesting is the thought that every team who’s window closes or gets old HAS to embark on a long rebuild. That would negate the special accomplishment of the Calgary Dragon's over the past 3 seasons. In S58 we were the oldest team in the league by far. We had a total of 4 players not in regression! That means 13 players were on there way out!.. since that time 75% of the team has changed!.. now we have just 4 players in regression... and we did it while winning the division 3 times! And while getting to a western conference championship series!… I’m not sure there’s a single team in recent history that rebuilt a whole roster this successfully… because it’s so obscure to see a team turnover this easily, we will see if history understands/recognizes what the dragons accomplished.
13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
hahahahahaha remember this task from last season? The one where everyone was like "nah we're good, tampa and BAP will be in the finals soon and you'll see that the old guard will make way for the new young teams". Now that we have the exact same fucking teams in the final again, let me ask, is parity an issue in the SHL? How do we combat this?
Hard question which the site elders have wrestled with for almost 10 seasons now.. the truth is unless we change to a different or upgraded engine, were stuck picking apart of the essence of what is the SHL to try and fix the issues that plague the sim… I understand why we have added the changes we have but I’m unsure if there good changes.. we have run a very successful league up until now and when we start picking apart the pieces that made it successful we tinkering with things we don’t know. But will see. My hope is The new version of FHM will incorporate more ‘chance’ to the overall outcome .. they need to find a way to allow the accasional tesm need in the top tier tpe group to win. If they do that then perhaps we can change some of the changes we recently made on the regression and contract side of things.
1 TPE - What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
We’ll, I don’t think there’s an importance tier when it comes to winning a championship. To win a title comes great work from everyone.. from management to the players…and it doesn’t matter which engine we are using to get there. Sths and FHM are very different gameplays.. both have there good and bads.