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S63 PT #5: Source Code
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2022, 10:59 AM by Chevy.)

FHM does its best at depicting the game of hockey through a program. What do you think it does right? What do you think it does wrong? Have you seen anything in the game that you would NEVER see in real hockey, or vice versa? Is there anything that you would like to see added to the game, or added to the way the SHL uses the game? (150+ words).

This is an idea that we, collectively as a site, have debated and picked apart since making the switch back in season 53.  Overall FHM is hands down a better simulation engine than STHS, however the simple fact is that the way that we build our players routinely exceed the expectation and assumed parameters that define the boundaries of how FHM operates.  When we made the first transition, there was even a spreadsheet developed that showed that most NHL players had, on average (and I could be butchering this because I can't find the link off hand), 14-1500 TPE as high end superstars.  We in the SHL routinely have people exceed that and go 1700, 1800, over 2000 sometimes.  That alone will cause FHM to act unusually and the fact that we can build super-teams on this principle is definitely something you wouldn't see in real life.

One thing for sure I would love to see us add in the SHL and the way we use the game is to add 4th lines to the SHL level.  That is a hill I'm willing to fight on.  I know there's naysayers that will say "well, nobody wants crappy 4th line time" or something to that effect, but overall it helps with line stamina (especially as we have increased season lengths) but also allows you to fluidly shift players who are new and players who are regressing in the league up and down the roster and still have solid contributions to the team.

[Image: QsZ1vOb.jpeg]
[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

While i understand that some people might find this situation their dream scenario and that it would probably make them win several, if not all the rings, for me you want to know what this "blessing" would bring? Nothing but a lot more work. I know nothing about the sim, the builds, the positional requirements, about any other teams. No idea how cap works, who are the general managers, the best players. Tactics? What is that? Also, no clue. So, if you can this exercise, please think about what would mean if someone with zero knowledge about anything that matters here could go "god mode" on everything. I will save you some work and answer that: Chaos. Yeah, chaos would ensue, and not only a for little bit, maybe a season. The league would fold so quickly that some users might just get to the forum one day to update, and the site would be down already.
So please, give that power to someone else.

(165 words)

Prompt 1

To be honest, we're just going to go back to the way hockey should be played. Old School Defensemen, Goons, Crease Clearing Defensemen. No fancy "offensive defensemen" like the modern game. Your job is to hit people and stop the puck. Second no fancy and basically cheating offense roles. No Danglers or Gretzky's Office or Speedy Forwards. And you better backcheck. Two-Way Forwards for basically everyone. Maybe a Playmaker IF you play Center and a Power Forward if you bribe me. No fancy possession tactics either. Break outs along the board, pass to slot, shoot, and it comes back the other way. No playing keep away. Also 4th lines for everyone, scour the inactive FAs. I don't care. It's 60 more players. I don't understand how you can cut a 4th line. It's essential to the strategy of the game!! So. to wrap it up. Boring lame roles for everyone to do a specific job and a 4th line. It's the only way.

[Image: 35broks.gif]

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[Image: aRCIyeu.png]


PT Pass

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

First things first, I'm cranking up the fighting and aggression of every player's attributes as well as the team strategies. We need more fighting to raise user engagement and fan participation. The league has gone soft and is losing users due to the lack of aggressive play. No one is watching the stream anymore because it's all dekes, passing, and shooting. Cool, you can skate fast and score goals. But can you take this right fist to the jaw? Let's find out. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. It's time to see who can take it and who will back down. If I promised you 4-5 fights per game, would you not watch? If you say you wouldn't, you're a liar. MMA is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Let's tap into some of that market and reap the benefits. Well, that's 150 words, so I guess there's no second thing I'd do. I'd just increasing fighting and aggression.

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]


Letting the AI take over is something I use to do often as a kid playing the NHL games. I would often start a be a GM series, similar to what would be happening in our FHM world. I would sign players during the free agent period, set the lines once then let the AI take over as I sim the whole season. I see the AI having a similar effect when they take over in FHM. "Team Managers" would do any off season roster work, set the lines once at the start of the season but the AI would have free reign to adjust the lines as needed as the season moves on.

If the AI took over I think we would see player roles used more effectively, such as checking or shut down lines. I think it would also lead to more even ice time across 4 lines of skaters. No more 3 line SHL, as the AI would not stand for that. I think we would also see more trades happen between AIs then we see between GMs now.

175+ words

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[Image: 401.png] [Image: S42cup1.png] [Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png][Image: WuTGq5J.png][Image: XUMDqMO.png]

Written Task:  FHM does its best at depicting the game of hockey through a program. What do you think it does right? What do you think it does wrong? Have you seen anything in the game that you would NEVER see in real hockey, or vice versa? Is there anything that you would like to see added to the game, or added to the way the SHL uses the game? (150+ words).

Honestly I am one of those people who does not watch any of the games live. I think the sim goes way to fast to even really follow and also I just do not enjoy watching it haha. With this being the case I have no real ideas or opinions when it comes to what should change regarding the sim. From what I remember havin seen in the past you do not really get a good idea of what is actually happening on the ice besides the text, but it has been a while since I have seen the sim. So as with what it does well/wrong I also have no opinion on what the SHL could do differently with the sim. I know how many games there are so the speed is there to keep things following. I just do not care for the live watching of the sim and enjoy the boxscores just keep tab on the the points list to see how my player is doing.

[171 words]

[Image: 43436_s.gif]
Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

Prompt 1

There's a new graphics king in town.

[Image: h2x3Evr.png]

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

I actually think that having bots would be good for league parity. Maybe too good though, it's hard to say. There are definitely some teams out there that spend a LOT of time learning the ins and outs of the engine and finding exploits in the tactics and line formations. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it makes things less fun for the teams that don't have the time to invest in all the testing to learn the sim. Especially with the amount of GM jobs that are opening up. Making the league more balanced would be a good thing. If I knew of an exploit, I wouldn't mess with it because I feel that it would be pretty easy to figure out that it was me when all the teams blow except Seattle and our offense is completely optimized for me to score 100 points. I also just don't think it would be as fun to just dominate the sim knowing that I'm cheating. I'd lose interest and quit after a while.

[Image: notoriousTRON.gif]
Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
[Image: gs89eGV.png]

PROMPT 2: Okay, so, I think there's a few flaws in the current FHM engine we are using, but here are a few of my favorite ones. For starters, if you are looking at tactics, the "Dump and Retreat" option under shorthanded attack has a hideous typo. It has "forwards" spelled "forewards." This is a really crucial thing to have fixed in the next version of the game (which I haven't played, so for all I know, maybe they did fix it). Other complaints I have - oh my god, please fix the pronouns. I don't think it ought to be really that hard to have an option to specify player pronouns so it's not always saying "Elizabeth Doyle slams his stick on the ice" etc. Another thing I have seen that is very unrealistic is when the two teams playing score goals that are super close to each other, sometimes it glitches and shows the first goal twice. Can you imagine in a real hockey game if the announcer just announced the same goal twice even though some totally different dude on the opposite team scored the second goal? A travesty. Anyway, the game is fine for what it is, but people are always going to find ways to ruin the fun for everybody else.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

Prompt 1

Don't tell anyone, but I've done this already. I unleashed a massive virus into the IIHF system, a virus which I've lovingly dubbed "The Jimmening". It's quite simple in nature: it takes away every ounce of individuality from all rosters, replacing every player, every GM, every alumni with JIM. Soon the entire league will be full of Jims, and once that happens there will be no Thunderdome, no punishments, no max earners, only Jim. Every prediction thread will be max credit for all users involved, since the only possible answer is Jim. "Who will get more shots blocked in the matchup between the Jim Jims and the Jim Jims? Jim or Jim. 2 TPE plus .5 per correct answer." The league will finally have true parity after 65 seasons, and I'll be praised for fixing all the SHLs problems...or should I say, the SJLs problems. The Simulation Jim League.

[Image: steveoiscool.gif]

For #1,

Given the opportunity to decide everything that is going on in the game, first of all I would make everybody play as goons, enforcers, and fighting maniacs (like Wilson, Khaira, Marchand and Reaves). Then, I would set the aggressiveness on everybody's tactics to its max, and tempo to very high. This would very much lead to about 2 rounds of very brutal hockey, which would land hits one after another. It would also fill up the penalty box quite nicely, so please expect plenty of penalty minutes per player per game. I would laugh at the end of the season to the fact that majority of the players in the league has more penalty minutes than points in general. Second, I would create a software based on the hack, which would randomize all players in each team. This could mean that one team could potentially have 15 defenders or 15 forwards, or even a skater playing as goaltender (because that was where he was assigned). It would be glorious, but at the same time chaotic evil as heck.

[Image: jE4ioeC.png][Image: meOh9pz.png]
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2022, 01:50 PM by lilstifler.)

prompt 2

The transition to FHM was fantastic. I had no idea that this program could be adapted to the simulated league. I was delighted about it, because hearing a lot of negative about the previous program on the basis of which all the league's existence took place, I hoped there would be no such rebukes for this so much. That is why I do not agree with the negative opinion of many people on this programme, which seems to me perfect for us. It makes it more realistic and visually appealing for us to follow games, even if they are quick simulated games. Many are always frustrated by the fact that often teams of favourites lose nominally weaker opponents, or, conversely, win them all in succession. However, we cannot disagree that in real life it is also what is better, and on the contrary, what is worse. I like exactly the visual aspect of this program. From the negative, I might highlight the number of sometimes big throws when a team of favourites plays against a weak opponent. In reality, even in such cases, so many throws are not done so regularly. With an emphasis on - regularly. Rare times it happens, but not necessarily. In general, I can't say anything wrong. I have also met this programme myself and I hope that I can make my team in this league in the future.

[Image: zdS3fEt.png]

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

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[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
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