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S64 PT #2: Deficit

Prompt 2:

If I asked to take a reduced salary, likelihood is I would ride out it and continue my time on the team as long as there was a plan for the team to succeed. GK really doesn’t like to live a life of luxury and lives well below the amount of money that he makes. GK has a small home with no mortgage, and simply looks for deals/bargains when grocery shopping despite the amount of money he makes. GK is not flashy by any means, and drives a regular honda civic.. Overall, GK grew up in a middle class household, and learned the way of saving from his family, and has transferred that over into his own personal life gearing himself up for future retirement so that he can live comfortably once he retires and will not have to find alternative work ever again. GK effectively has a team first mentality so if the team needs him to take a pay cut, he will do it.

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Cillian Kavanagh is always willing to talk money when it comes to his salary as a SHL player. He's always been willing to help out the organization as much as he can and that includes taking a pay cut so the franchise has the flexibility to sign other players. Cillian is a simple man in that he doesn't need luxury to be a happy man. He has beautiful houses for him and his wife just outside Dallas, the Florida Keys and his hometown in Ireland. He's got a few cars that help him get from A to B and lives an overall very successful life. Cillian is more concerned about working on his game, getting better each day rather than trying to earn a certain dollar amount. If Cillian were to not receive another cent starting today, he would live a more than bountiful life on his savings he managed to accrue thus far. "I'd rather the club use the extra cash to sign the highest quality defenseman we can afford to help me keep the pucks out of the net".

Word Count: 185

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[Image: NIYtQkE.png] [Image: NjFSX1z.png]

So we lost all our money with risky (some might say stupid) investments? Well why not get them back the exact same way, by putting what little we have left into the stock market or the casino or NFTs again because we gotta win eventually, it's a sure bet. Right? Right??? Wait that's a sign of a severe gambling problem you say? Okay fiiiine, guess we'll have to look for something else then. Raising the ticket prices will definitely have to be on the menu though and maybe we'll have to carve off some parts of the franchise to sell them to outside investors. Or maybe, if w get lucky, we can get something that corporate America could always rely in in times of self-inflicted crisis... A nice juicy bailout! Privatize winnings, socialize losses, it's the way of life and it's about time we get our piece of the cake. It's Capitalism, baby!

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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The first extension I signed with Edmonton they told me we have no money so I’ll have to take the minimum so this isn’t really anything new. Slavakov doesn’t particularly care about money as he has many endorsements and jobs outside of the SHL where he doesn’t need to rely on contract money to live. Yes it’s a nice bonus and helps fund outside ventures like his trading card collections and small chain of Japanese restaurants, but taking the minimum has never really been an issue for Slavakov. What he would be more worried about is who is the one who caused the team to lose all of the money. As a leader on the team, he knows that many on the team do rely on contracts to support them and his family. So he would definitely try and lead an investigation to see what happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Maybe he would set up a budget so the GM’s don’t go over the cap for example.

[Image: OX6Yrrn.png]

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

Player Prompt: Duncan Mackenzie sits across from linemate and fellow S61 draftee Grogu Mandosson.

Grogu frowns and looks at DMack. "We need you to take a discount on your next contract. Some things came up..."

Dmack frowns back. "Im your CO-GM and I budgeted myself to take the lowest contract. You know this. Why are we even discussing this? What....what came up????"

"Well, it wasnt just one thing," Grogu replies, eating another egg out of the jar, " a whole lot of stuff came up. Like, first, #kitty got out of the cage and tried to eat the Parm-pidgeon again. The medical bills were huge."

"#Kitty managed to actually catch the Parm-Pidgeon?" Dmack asks, surprised.

"No. The Parm-Pidgeon caught #Kitty. The damn tiger may need another eyepatch. And then there was the fight between Esa Parmborg and Kata Vilde over who could eat the most Chicken Parm in one sitting."

"Oh god," DMack repies, "I hope they weren't seriously hurt!"

"No no. no physical altercation. The competition lasted three days and cost the organization over $15 million dollars." Grogu says deadpan.

And that is why DMack is taking the minimum contract.

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Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

In the SHL world we rarely see any big contracts getting thrown around. The large majority of us are on team friendly (min) deals to help bolster the team as best we can. That being said let's say I were to ask for big money and the team rejected the offer. I think I'd take my talents else where and see what happens. If no one would have me because I'm a dusty old man now I'd crawl back to Edmonton and ask them to reconsider. I'd then open up my own clothing line of baby clothes with built in knee pads called Crawlies and sell them to millennial families all over the world. Hopefully by the time I retire my fledgling business has taken off and I can comfortably transition for the SHL to the business world and maintain my high standard of living in Edmonton. It costs a fair amount to heat my mansion during the winter seasons.

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

Friedensreich Hundertwasser isn't really a man for negotiation and absolutely is a team first player. Which is why, when Joe and python called him into the office he was expecting the chat. After new Orleans spent a lot of money on a brand new chip and dip stand for the home locker room on game day he was aware the money would get taken from somewhere.
"how much less do you want to pay me? Just right it down and I'll sign it. I don't give a fuck. Money doesn't mean anything to me, we're in 7 figure territory what's 1 or 2 million less. I grew up on pork n beans and I'll happily continue to love on pork n beans."
This is actually an in real life look at my contract negotiations with Joe "what's the least you can pay me? I'll have that"

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Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac


The team decided to save money by getting rid of all equipment. Literally all equipment. From now on every player has to get every piece of equipment from one of the team's sponsors. Luckily the sponsors include a flea market, a local sports goods store and a Walmart. They just have to have the minimum amount of protection required by the league rules, and also they have to follow the team colors with their jerseys, pants and socks. But it does not need to be a Pride jersey, it can be any purple shirt that can fit the padding underneath. Unless they happen to find a Pride jersey from one of the sponsor stores, but even then it could have a completely different name in the back. The equipment the players originally had, including sticks, jerseys and all the pieces of protection, were sold at an auction to maximize the profit. It turned out people really like all the weird and smelly hockey gear, as long as they were game-worn or practice-worn.

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PLAYER PROMPT: for me, money is a huge issue. I’m constantly teetering between completely broke and bankruptcy. I only survive the day to day because of the free food and showers at the team facilities. I cannot afford to eat out or buy groceries, so on off days, you’ll typically find me in the park scrounging for worms and soggy, moldy bread. I also can’t afford to pay my bills so no running water or electricity for me. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve considered selling my bill to pay the bills. They are very valuable, especially on a celebrity duck like myself, but I can’t part ways with it just yet. However, since I’m already getting paid millions and I’m in this crippling debt, I don’t really see what a pay cut will do. I get all my sustenance from the team facilities, so there wouldn’t be a difference to me. I’d take a cut for the team so we can continue to win games and please fans. I can’t risk getting cut from the team for not taking a pay cut. Then I wouldn’t make any money nor would I have a place to eat and clean.

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]

Player prompt, written task:

One of the greatest qualities that Yannick Svoboda had that he used to appeal to teams attempting to draft him was his dedication, and loyalty to his team. This was evident right from the start, when he signed his his first contract with the Regina Elk in their inaugural season at a league minimum. This continued after being drafted by the Panthers, when he did the same for them. This was a quality that most assumed would stick with him throughout his career.

Then SHL cards got released and everything changed for Svoboda. You would imagine that simple cards wouldn't matter when negotiating contracts in the millions. These cards, however, are priced at a ludicrous 100K per pack. Now that these cards exist, all loyalty has been thrown out the window, and Yannick Svoboda will now look to follow the money wherever he goes. So when he got called into his GM's office to talk about a pay cut, he left without saying a word. It became obvious he wasn't interested when he was later seen opening more card packs.

180 words




PT Pass

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

Okay well honestly the thing about that is I do actually already have to save bloody money now cause I do not know if I am going to retire in a couple of weeks or next season so every piece of money counts.

To save money I just do what I have been doing since the days of me having over 50 million and that is mainly making sure I get all of the twitter money I possibly can which adds up. I would also make every SHL teams go all out and by all out I really mean all in on saving as much money for us as possible.

I mean really who really needs ice on the ice court, really? It would be fine to just use field hockey as the new sport instead. Oh and we raise prices to at least 41 times the amount that they actually are. Why 41 exactly? Well, I mean Jon Forty One is #41, duh.

Oh I guess we could also spike the new SHL cards to extra tax so we get more money to the players. Unions get right on that.

[191 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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Creative Prompt, Written:

Now i know it is not all that creative. But going back to wooden sticks might just be the ticket to have the Toronto North Stars start playing better. Lets face it, you used to be able to shoot just as hard, if not harder with those old hardwood classics and they are even cheaper. Especially since they don't break half as often. Imagine the bad luck of other teams having their sticks break in a bit of a battle in the corners because the wood is too hard?

There are legends out there that have scored so highly with just the good old Canadian Timber between their mitts. Better yet, the big wigs in the team's head office have decided to make commemorative versions signed by each player in order to be auctioned off during the season to add further revenue. Now that's just good business sense when it all comes down to it.

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Creative prompt

I think one of the best ways the Panthers could raise money is to start a post-game fight club. Allow fans to buy tickets that give them a chance to challenge legendary alums like sloth to a little tussle out on the ice in front of whatever spectators remain after each game. Participants would be required to bring their own skates and helmet so there wouldn't really be a cost to the team to host the event, and some of the spectators who hang behind might invest in more beers or food as they enjoy the show. The team could even maybe throw some cheap merchandise up for sale to promote the event and maybe earn a few more bucks.

A post-game fight club has the added benefit of tuning the players up for one of the most important player attributes known in hockey. They won't say it too loudly for fear of poor public perception, but fighting is one of the team's most valued attributes and highly encouraged and enjoyed by all.

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thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

Is Kayden Pale willing to take less to help out the team you ask? My answer is check out my contract obviously I'm a greedy pig for the money too get the most out of my TPE and player and than you ask if Kayden Pale cares about money? Well I certainly want him to get better and getting better takes money so yes my player Kayden Pale certainly does care about money he puts most of his money towards tools that can make his game that much better he loves the game of hockey and it his in his blood part of his religion. These players around Kayden all took decent contracts so he could take the fat load and do some nice upgrades that 6 million contract given by manager Luke sure made me one happy son of a gun getting it gives me opportunity too get Kayden Pale into a higher range I hope it pays off for Luke and Kayden over time


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