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S64 PT #2: Deficit

Prompt 1: Makrus come to practice and finds everyone is panicking about money. The league is desperately trying to come up with ideas. Makrus hears talks of pay cuts. That worries him since its not like hockey players make a lot of money. Makrus assumes most working class people make about the same. So he has to come up with some new ideas to keep his small income. Makrus thinks back to his roots and realizes that the way to save the league is sponsorship deals. Do away with sections and row numbers. You are now in section advanced auto parts in row Toms Taco Shack. We need more than that. Each bathroom stall can have a sponsor. Imagine pooping in Burger King bathroom stall. I know what you are thinking. Don’t we already cover every inch of the arena in sponsors already. That is correct but what if we have banners that we drop from the ceiling too. We can even sell the goals. The first goal of the night is the state farm goal. Or the GEICO game winning goal at the end of the game. We can turn hockey into one long commercial. All so Makrus can keep his average lifestyle of living in a high rise condo with a movie theater and bowling alley.

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You hate to see nepotism ruin a business but the owners have nobody to blame but themselves! The real problem is when they put it on the rest of the people to solve the problem. Everyone knew NFTs were a scam except for the dude that had access to the money, and one wrong button later the team doesn't have the money from daily team operations this season. However, the good news is this team loves hockey with all its heart and we'll do what we can do to play the game even if it comes out of our own pockets with only an I.O.U saying we'll be paid back. We pooled our salaries to pay the support staff of the arenas and those working behind the scenes in training and the corporate office, and we paid for team transportation, food, hotels, spare equipment, and gym use until we could finally force our team owners to put their own money down to pay for their mistake!

In the end, we made the treasurer sell that damn ape back and resign in disgrace! We got a bit of the cash back but the owners will certainly be paying us more than our salaries for the foreseeable future!

206 Words

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Affiliate WSBL PT

Player Prompt:

A week ago if you asked if I would take a discount for the team I would have without a doubt said cut my pay anything for the team! But this week I have discovered a new addiction of NFT trading cards! Not only does my contract now need to maximized but I have taken to doing extra work to make even more money to afford my new habit! These are crazy fun to collect and have given me a new way to blow all my money! With the inability to trade the cards at this time it is all on me to collect them all on my own! Maximize all purchasing every day! This has caused the start of a depletion of my bank account! No more charitable donations for me and one can only hope my betting habits for the SHL pay off this year so I can buy even MORE CARDS! Next step will be starting up a podcast and doing media announcements again in order to pay for my new bad habit.
WC: 177

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Paul Binder is willing to do almost anything for the team. He's a selfless man and is always a team player, but there is something that just does not sit right with him when being requested to take a pay cut. A few seasons ago, sure, Paul Binder would have been glad to accept anything that was more than a million. This season's Paul Binder though? Not a chance. He is currently leading Atlanta in +/-, goals, and is tied leading in points. If anything, Paul Binder should be getting a decent-sized raise while maybe some others take a pay cut. On top of this, Paul Binder has been trying to take care of his family back home in Austria. Paul Binder would be willing to negotiate, and potentially even void, any and scoring bonuses that may be a part of the contract, but to take an overall pay cut on the contract would unfortunately force an upsetting decision to be made.

WC 164

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Player Prompt: Mats Marner is one hundred percent down to take a home town team discount so that the Chicago Syndicate can have more cap space to better improve the team. Marner has quite a large bank account of over one hundred and fifty million so training to help him be the best player he can possibly be is not a concern. In addition, Marner is able to provide for his family and does not live a luxurious life so Marner’s monthly expenses are not overly extravagant. Marner also grew up as a lower class Ukrainian immigrant so he comes from humble beginnings and still stays true to his roots. However, what many cause some larger expenses in Marner’s life right now is support Ukraine after Russia inivading Ukraine and has tried to eradicate the Ukrainian people and its country. Marner has already donated his entire season sixty four contract salary to help raise funds of lethal and non-lethal aid to Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees abroad. Marner is hoping to encourage other SHLers to do the same.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars


Adelie is brought into the front office and asked to take a pay cut due to some front office mismanagement. This is an absolute insult to Adelie and the more he heard, the angrier he got. Everyone knows that Adelie is only in the league to raise money to save his species, so taking a pay cut is an absolute slap in the face. Adelie would absolutely flip the table and walk out gackering loudly and making a scene. He would take it to the media, he would yell to the skies. Social media would be abuzz with this absolute failure by management to keep their player happy. At the end of the day, the team would see Adelie walking in free agency and finding another team because he simply could not afford to take any sort of pay cut. Imagine all of the poor baby penguins that would go hungry. No way this would fly for this particular penguin.


Blouin is less about the money and more about the team, but obviously everyone has their limits, with the salary minimums in the shl I dont think Blouin would take any issue with taking the minimum, he already does that anyways, but if this were like the NHL and the league minimum was significantly less I think there would be a certain tipping point where he would not be interested in taking too little. Giving the team that drafted you a discount and helping the team acquire other key players with the left over money is definitely in Luc's wheel house. In this case it sounds like they just plan not to spend the rest of the money which would likely mean that the team would not be competitive at all, knowing that information I don't think I would re-sign because it wouldn't be worth spending any of my career on a team that is likely just trying to hit the cap floor and won't be competitive.

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Now that Winnipeg has no money, I am in charge of making it work with exactly zero budget. To begin, players will no longer use standard hockey uniforms. They will now wear boxer shorts and we will spray paint their jersey number on their chest and back. We will start by using the rest of the hockey sticks we still have in inventory, but as they break we will share them. When there are less than five left, we will use cheap 2 x 4's that can be obtained from a scrap wood pile behind the local lumber yard. For skates, we shall use marbles which we will crazy glue onto the soles of our feet. The regulation pucks will be replaced with smooth, flat rocks that can be found in the nearby babbling brook. We will sell the zamboni and the ice will be maintained by a volunteer crew similar to that of a grounds crew at a baseball game. Cutting these costs is easy if you know where to save.

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Written Task:  So, do you do it? Is your player willing to take less to help out the team? Does your player care about money? If so, do they have big obligations off the ice that they need the money for? A huge mortgage? A charitable foundation? Gambling debts? Why do you want the money? If they're just in it for the love of the game and couldn't care less about their contract, then why? Are you already set for life on your earnings? Do you live a humble life that doesn't require much? Tell me what would your player do in this situation and why. (150+ words).

I have no issue taking a pay cut at times during my career for the betterment of the team. It is something that I have already done really. The most important thing for me is that I am appreciated for it, and I get mine when it is my turn to get paid.

What I mean by that is when the ‘big money’ players are gone that I took a cap hit for, it is then my turn to be one of those type of players. It is important I think to be a part of a team, and not in it just to make a buck. We have a short stint in this league to make a run at a championship (unless of course you are Hamilton and win every season) so when the opportunity is there, players need to make sacrifices.

The crucial thing is though, you must make sure that everyone understands this and that everyone buys in to the philosophy. Jealousy is something that can quickly fester in a locker room if certain people get treated as the favorites.


183 words

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S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4

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Creative Prompt

There are a lot of ways to save money for the Seattle Argonauts, and most of them impact our co-GM Reid Sutherland, Obviously he's not going to lose his job, because we can't fire someone just because we're poor, but he's going to lose a lot of privileges that he previously had included in his co-GM contract. First of all, the team will stop paying for his extravagant meals, he now has a per-diem of 25$ total when he's on the road. 25$ is more than enough for someone to feed themselves enough to survive the whole trip and then eat more of his own food at home. I guess what we're saying is that when Reid asks for McDonald's, he will be met with the timeless response that everyone feared as a child: "No Reid, we have food at home". That should save us enough money.

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CREATIVE PROMPT - Uh oh! Ownership hired the GM's nephew as team treasurer and he spent all the team's money on Bored Commissioner Yacht Club NFTs. Turns out the rare Finn token was fungible after all! The team is ruined!

Written Task: This season you have to save money and quick! How do you do it? The only rule is that nobody loses their job! The SHL puts workers first, so you gotta get creative! Does the whole team go back to wooden sticks? Do you take a lucrative dairy sponsorship and skate on frozen milk instead of ice? Or do you go absolutely bonkers and do something like raise ticket prices? (150+ words)


The Toronto North Stars, being in a media centre of their nation, do have options to bail out the team from their precarious financial circumstances. Armed threats delivered towards media sponsors, particularly in regards to an improved TV deal giving the suddenly rebuilding North Stars even more primetime Canadian TV slots, can help stop the bleeding.

Other moves could be considered, such as bargain basement boxed lunches for team meals, using single ply toilet paper, cancelling monthly plumbing checks and making them bi-monthly, selling the marble fixtures in the executive washrooms, and dealing cocaine during home games. All of this is done in a bid to secure good financial status, and help prepare the team for a debt-clearing sale. Rumoured suitors include the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, TV executive Jimmy The Scumbag, and Outworld Emperor Kotal Khan. With financial muscle like that in competition it seems likely that Toronto will survive the diastrous treasurer hire long enough to play second-fiddle to Hamilton for another decade or so. Such is life.

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Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

Creative Prompt

We have to save money you say? Well they dont call me Theo "Save Money" Kondos for nothing! No, seriously I like to save money.. Unless it is on SHL player packs then that is another question. The first thing I would do is start with the meals, no more buffet meals. We are going to be moving to a strict chicken protein diet, but it will be all chicken fingers. Players will also have their choice of dipping sauce. To improve on this change, we will also partner with a local fried chicken joint to do sponsorships for them. Either collecting pay cheques from these sponsorships, or free chicken. At the end of the day both of those options are win win for us. Also to save money we will be going to cold showers only, now some players may complain about this one, but there is a lot of evidence that cold showers are better then hot showers so they can live to learn with it. In the long run this will save us a ton of money.


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Prompt 1:

In order to raise money for the team, the Steelhawks players are going to sell all of their equipment and go to the nearest "Play it Again" store to fully suit up with used pads, skates, and sticks.  Then they are going to hold a good old fashioned carwash.  This is not just any regular carwash, it is complete with rock hard abs and open toed shoes.  Plenty of water pressure to go around and with all the boys participating, we should be able to handle 3 or 4 cars at once!  We even have a couple of rookies to get underneath for that undercarriage spray down, really get in there and remove the salt from the frame to prevent rusting.  All this for just $200 a wash, tips are appreciated.  If the carwash does not raise enough funds, we can always set up a traveling carnival in the offseason.  Ty Murphy has experience being a carnie so he would take the lead on that experiment.  All in all, the Steelhawks shouldn't be strapped for cash for very long.

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