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S65 PT #2: Matinée


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Beating out Wheel of Fortune and Bingo nights? Sounds like an almost impossible job... unless, you bring them to the arena. To target the 60+ fans every fan will receive a bingo card, and for each player that scores, you can stamp off your numbers. So you might not see a winner every night depending on the game (or do not have any players playing with your numbers) , but it gives the folks something to watch besides hockey.

For half time entertainment we will bring out some of the favorite 60's imitators (as the actual artists from their youth probably won't be able to make it). As a giveaway we could also give healthcare products branded in the style of the franchise

All in all, i think this will work just fine. The Simulation Hockey league will have more fans than you can imagine by doing the shift in time and once the other inhabitants of the elderly centres find out, many more will follow. After all, who wouldn’t want a fake teeth cleaner branded by your favourite hockey teams.

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Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)

PT Pass

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

Creative Prompt, written task:

For some reason the SHL is trusting one of their very own players, Yannick Svoboda, in trying to drive up ticket sales amongst the 60+ demographic. While he has no experience in marketing or with old people, he decided to give it a go.

Of course on top of the increase in matinee games, the SHL will also put in place a strict noise limit on the crowd. The league will invest in noise level meters to put in every stadium, as well as extra staff who will help ensure a noise limit of 70 dB. Anyone found to be louder than 70 dB will be removed from the arena.

Further, instead of 50/50 prizes, teams will now implement a version of bingo where squares will be filled by things like 'X player scores a goal', or 'home team gets a shutout', etc. Each fan can purchase a card for $5, and they will all be slightly different from each other. First fan to claim a bingo will recieve half the money generated from card purchases.

The last change will be made at the concessions, where the SHL will introduce more senior-friendly food options, like soup and oatmeal.

199 words




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Player Prompt

Well, I would have to say that getting up for games at 12 pm instead of 7 pm would be absolutely horrible for my player. First, I would have to wake up at like 8 am instead of my normal game day routine of waking up at 12 pm. Like the time that I am normally just rolling out of bed, I would legitimately have to already be on the ice, ready for the puck drop. I mean, we are not even talking about warm up here, that is just way too early for the actual game to start. However, I am already not that great of a player, so will I really go that far downhill? I don't really think so. I think I would be fine. I would just be very annoyed at the start time and probably complain about it every game. But we're getting paid to play hockey, so I can't really complain too much...

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[S78] #14 C | Jon Garfield
[SMJHL] Regina Elk / Thunder Bay Walleye

[SHL] Buffalo Stampede | Prospect

[S58] #72 LD | Shion Okamoto
[SMJHL] Newfoundland Berserkers | Former Captain | S60, S62 Four Star Cup
[SHL] Chicago Syndicate | S64 Challenge Cup
[IIHF] Team Japan | S60 Gold


Heck yes! back to noon games would be amazing. The arenas can arrange easy transportation with retirement homes, and being a large center can make sure to have enough medical staff and supplies on standby to cover any unfortunate accidents. A lot of rinks will need some retrofitting because the stairs are pretty steep, so sponsorship deals with stair lift companies will be the hot ticket around the league.
What event do seniors love doing? Mall Walking! Well intermission walking is basically the same thing. They can walk laps around the concessions in intermissions.
Ok - so they have their exercise, but what about nutrition you ask, afterall stadium food isn't known to be the best and a lot of these folks aren't able to chew. Well look no further than our Vitamix tm booth! For only $3.50 you can get your food professionally blended so you can easily consume it through a straw. Hotdogs, popcorn, nachos, soft serve, you name it!
What about cost you ask? These games aren't cheap. Well we have that covered as well! We have excellent food and medical facilities and transportation, and our newest partnership with a Chip Reverse Mortgage is perfect in this scenario. You worked hard for your money, so why should you be expected to leave it all to your spoiled, entitled, bratty kids? They can make their own futures, shouldn't you be able to enjoy your retirement? A Reverse Mortgage will allow you to be a season ticket owner and stay in your home for the rest of the days with absolutely no risk!

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Creative Prompt

For all these senior folks to enjoy the games several changes will be made at the Monarchs Arena. The first change is that no old person likes sitting on cold plastic seats, so instead at every single home game each senior will be given a pre-inflated donut to sit on for their own comfort AND they will also be giving super thick blankets to keep them warm in the arena because old people always get cold no matter what. As for activities and bonuses, during some home games seniors will be encouraged to knit and crochet different items and each item will be voted on by the fans and players to win a free session to a water aerobics class lead by the team doctors. The category will be given out prior to the game to these folks can plan and prepare. The items will then be donated to a charity or thrift store so that they don't go to waste.

[Image: keithley.png]
[Image: mcalister.png]

Written Task: What other changes do you make to the SHL in-arena experience to turn these afternoon games into THE place to be for old-timers? What does the intermission entertainment look like? What extra services, bonuses, or giveaways do you offer? Remember, you have to out-compete Bingo Nights and Wheel of Fortune. (150+ words)

The Calgary Dragons have long been known as a "boomer" team with all the old-timers who have been with the team forever, so we have a pretty good idea of what appeals to this demographic! There are two main things which appeal to the Calgary Senior Citizen: getting free stuff and complaining about it. So, in a genius attempt to save the sanity of their staff, the Dragons installed "Complainobots" all over the arena. The AI of the robot is designed to never roll their eyes at every comment along the lines of "this coffee isn't hot enough", "it's too cold in here", "everything was better back in the day" et cetera. So it gives the elderly a listening ear that can't just mumble something and scurry away! The best part is, when they finally end their senile rambling, the robot will spew out a coupon for something for free from the gift shop - a hat, a keychain, a bobblehead, anything like that that is cheaply mass-produced and cheap so gramma can give it out as a Christmas gift to the grandkids. So the silver-haired fan is actually rewarded for complaining!

Another new design is that their are no stairs anywhere and their are mobile ramps that take the shufflers through the arena and to their seats without the exhausting walk to get where they need to go.

When they do finally get to their seats, they are very comfortable and can recline so they can just sleep through the game, and given the way the Dragons are playing this season, is probably for the best. When the game is over, there is still enough time in the day for them to go to the Early Bird dinner and get a cheap cut of prime rib with a coffee for dinner, which of course they get to complain about, too!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

In order to appeal to the old timers, we will have new food options to better cater to the older demographic and their tough time with solid foods. We will have a juice bar, but you can get any food served at the arena in juice form. Would you like a hot dog and a beer? We can juice that for you! Would you like to get yourself some nachos? We can juice that for you too!

In addition to the juice bar, the games will be forced to reduce all the volume of all sirens, goal songs, in arena entertainment and any other sounds that may disrupt their fragile hearing. This will ensure they feel more comfortable at the games. Lastly, we will make sure the arena temperature is not too cold, as we all know older people tend to have very warm homes. I know there is ice in the building, but we will do what we can to keep the temperature at a 60+ friendly level. All these changes should attract more older customers to the SHL games.

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[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]  [Image: gdppv5N.png]

Oh boy the 60+ demo. who are we Nascar?
Well to move on to them noon starts and 4p primetime games so they can watch while eating supper. I can assume we go back to all tickets being in hand as a couple seasons ago we went to digital only tickets. Yeah that does not happen anymore. We go back to in hand tickets, and also we went to cash averse system for concessons. Plastic only. Well we are gonna have to go way away from that. We wll start accepting checks as well as cash in the concessions and to buy the tickets at the ticket booths. Becuase after all honestly we are dealing with the people that go into the grocery store and hold up the line because they are writing the weeks groceries in a checking account. So yeah doing that oh and also we change all the music to like 1940's vntage. Classic and such. But like 1920's stuff llike they would swing to. So honestly the games will be come more 20's party like.

Prompt 1

Need to get some old timers to your games? Let me tell you how!

1. Shuttle Service, the elderly should not be driving lets be honest. You will need to have a shuttle service the provides pick up, and drop off services to the elderly that are attending the game.

2. Coffee and tea, thats right the elderly dont drink to much liquor so you will need to have some free coffee and tea ready to go when they show up. But lets be honest, not to much cause they take 4 hours to drink one cup of coffee so we do not want to over stock.

3. Recliner Chairs, tons of old people have bad backs, low mobility or other conditions where sitting in a regular arena chair just wont do it. You will need to swap those chairs out, bring some recliners in and let the elderly people relax.

4. Glasses, you never know they might forget their own pair so make sure you have extra's ready to give away!

170+ words

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I guess if games are at noon now. I just like. Have dinner like a normal human peasant at an actual dinner time instead of 10pm at night. I guess I go to bed earlier. Do less partying. Do less drinking. Become a better person. Start helping old ladies cross the street. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. I have to get up early now. And hit rush hour traffic on my way to the arena. So I start taking public transportation cause traffic sucks. Now I start getting recognized cause I'm on the tube and not in my personal car. And now some fan is chirping me on the tube cause I missed a game winning goal that one time. So I knock his teeth in. And now I'm viral on Tik Tok for all the wrong reasons and have to do even more (forced this time) community service. Man these noon games are a wild ride.

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