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S65 PT #2: Matinée

Ricky Koivu is a very adaptable person, so the change of all games being at noon is not an issue for him. He is a very regimented and scheduled person, so he is very capable of rearranging his day's work in order to fit all games now being at noon. His philosophy about the change is simply that while he has less time to do things during his pre-game portion of the day, and then has the liberty to do whatever he likes for what's left of the game day. His schedule before the change would be waking up and doing some quick wake up stretches and exercises, having a nice breakfast, and then enjoying a leisurely walk or cycle with some music, before mostly just taking it easy until the game comes around. However with this change he finds it no problem for games to just start after his usual morning routine, because then the taking it easy just happens for most of the day after the game. (172 words)

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With ticket sales down it only makes sense for the SHL to try to be a little creative with their marketing strategies. In addition to earlier starts which should already win over the older folks and families alike, there are a few things I think you could do to make it truly a catered experience. First of all, replace every other beer stand with bathrooms. Bathroom lines get super long during intermissions, and as we all know the older you get the more you gotta go, so we need to make sure there is enough space to accommodate the influx of bathroom users. Similarly, in the same way that playoff overtime doesn't have TV timeouts until after the first stoppage in the period after 10 minutes, we would have a prolonged TV timeout during non-overtime periods after 10 minutes, to allow folks to get up and go to the bathroom even more. In addition to this, the intermission contest where someone goes on the ice and shoots a puck from center ice through a slot is replaced by a stadium wide bingo game.

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Quote:Many professional athletes have a pretty strict regimen to prepare for games. When games start at 7PM that gives you a lot of time to fit in all your little rituals and pre-game prep. But... games start at noon now. So how are you going to adapt? What does your player normally do to get ready for games, and how are you going to adjust your schedule to get yourself ready 7 hours earlier? Is this a welcome change for your player? Or is this a huge wrench in the system?

Luka is an exception to the normal group of player who take hours to prepare for the game. There is actually a big reason behind this. When he was much younger, his family really didn't want him to play hockey but let him because of his enthusiasm, especially his father. When he was younger, he had a lot of free time because the workload of his studies was much lighter. As he got older, he had less time because his father really wanted him to law school, so he worked harder. Guess what? This left even less time for his real passion, hockey. But he squeezed it in to whatever time he had. Whenever there were clutch games in competitions his team participated in, he was the last to arrive because he was studying or in school. He had no time for rituals and stuff and went straight into warmups and then the game. So this change hasn't affected his routine at all except for changing the times when he'd practice or be free.

177 words

player prompt

a game starting at twelve o'clock is not a big change for mitchell van der heijden. as a dutchman, he's used to morning games playing soccer (or football as it is truly known), and he also tends to practice quite early in the morning by himself in the rink, so it's not a huge change by any means. van der heijden wakes up at 8 am on a matinee game day. he eats a nice breakfast of a protein waffle, eggs, and a protein shake in his house, and leaves by 9. he then drives to the rink, which is inconvenient for him as he prefers to use public transportation like septa or patco, and meets up with his teammates. this is actually some thing van der heijden enjoys. he welcomes the change because he's simply a morning person. he enjoys playing in the morning as he's wide awake and ready to kick some ass. it's the freshest he can be.


Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

CREATIVE PROMPT - Wu-oh! SHL ticket sales are down and the top brass has decided to make a bold marketing play in an attempt to corner the coveted 60+ demographic. The first major change? Effectively immediately, all SHL games will be shifting from 7PM starts to noon starts. Hope you like waking up early.

Written Task: What other changes do you make to the SHL in-arena experience to turn these afternoon games into THE place to be for old-timers? What does the intermission entertainment look like? What extra services, bonuses, or giveaways do you offer? Remember, you have to out-compete Bingo Nights and Wheel of Fortune. (150+ words)

Boomer games are kind of annoying, but it is what it is, if we have to play at noon we have to play at noon. In order to entice the boomers they are doing some creative things, like offering an early bird special on food and drinks, even though everything is early they call it that cause boomers love a deal. Then there are free giveaways for things that nobody else wants, they basically take all the specials from last season and hand them out and make them seem really really special. The biggest thing they do, is call the game the GREATEST GENERATION GAME, so all these old timing boomers feel special and not like they destroyed everything for everyone after them. Pandering to there idea and notion that they are the greatest generation ever will get them to come out in droves. If that doesn't work, then I'm not sure it will ever work to be completely honest.

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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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Prompt 1

Honestly, i already think that the Quebec City Citadelles Rink, the Videotron Center, is the best place to be for anyone. First of all, the team is affiliated with Videotron, as the rink name mention, and the team hand out promotional codes for any Videotron clients for a 2$ reduction on their monthly bill every time they assist to a game. Also, the team offer great entertainment such as Occupation Double during the intermissions. If you want some exclusives scenes of the show, it's straight up on the big screen while the teams rest! Lastly, we also offer free transportation to the rink, all aboard our Big Yellow Bus, as we all call it at home. With Videotron plastered everywhere on the outside. It's still the fastest way to reach the arena. We are very proud of all the services we offer, along with the tasty food that we have available for the clients. Really a place to be!


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Creative Prompt

We barely had games start on time at 7PM, how are we gonna be able to televise those games at noon now? That might be part of the plan to force those old people to go to games as games will clearly won't be streamed at noon. Smart idea I must say. If we want to fill a whole arena we must first need some rules change. Players have to play without helmets so the ladies can enjoy the show if you know what I mean. We need the game to be physical like it once was, a minimum of 3 fights has to happen every games. 5 fights and all people in the attendance get free peppermints, that will get the crowd going. How to compete with bingo nights you say? Well easy, after every period there will be a 2 hours bingo session. Listen players might complain that games are now 6 hours long but that's not my problem.

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Chosen Prompt: Player Prompt

The new time change affects Miroslav specifically because he still has a sleep schedule that reflects his Czechia home nation's time zone as opposed to Vancouver's. However, he has adapted well thus far.

His routine is pretty rigid in that he goes to sleep around 4 AM, waking up around 11 AM, then showering and arriving about half an hour before the game begins to get a quick warm up lap in before retreating back to the locker room to drink two Kiwi Strawberry flavored waters. Ketil is very superstitious and, at one point, he had to start ordering his Propels from Amazon in mass orders because the local gas station ran out before a game with Kelowna. Ketil felt like it threw his entire performance off so he immediately placed an order after his post-game interviews.

When management learned of this, they laughed, letting Ketil know he was allowed to ask the team for the special flavor of water. This has led to the Whalers being stocked to the gills (haha get it?) with Kiwi Strawberry flavored Propel, and has landed Ketil with a small sponsorship deal. All's well that ends well, apparently!

194 Words


creative prompt

so to get these old bums into the arena we're gonna have to appeal to what they love most - playing games of member when? you see in this future dystopian hell-paradise where only hockey exists and its like 2028 or something which is hella far away, so by then all these nerds making member when tweets and reddit threads will now be prunin it up in the old folks homes with their other old friends. so we're gonna create the new member experience. not new member as in new member to the club, but new member as in its a new program focused on doin a member. member super sexy henrik luncqkfist? yea he's now giga old but still super hot somehow its really not fair. if you subscribe to our new member member club you can get a photo with him and do a "hey member when no cups lol" with him 4 times a year at select games


For Christian Kinsinger, this change definitely throws a wrench in the plans. One of the most important things for Kinsinger is getting his meals in at the right time ahead of the game. Kinsinger is extremely careful about what he eats on game days, and is also particular in making sure he eats long enough ahead of the games that he doesn't feel the weight of the food, it digested enough, but he's still getting the energy from the food. That usually means eating the meal 4 hours before the game time. Unfortunately for Kinsinger, that means with games at noon, he needs to eat his pregame meal at 8 am. That shifts the rest of his game day routine, and Kinsinger also exceptionally values his sleep schedule. Being ready to eat that big of a meal at 8 AM means Kinsinger needs to start his morning at 5 am, to get his morning routine done, a bit of workout, and then just shake off the sleep to be ready for a solid meal. Kinsinger doesn't love going to sleep early, so games at noon would wreak havoc on Kinsinger's ability to sleep and would probably drastically deteriorate his play.

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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
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Prompt 1
The Manhattan Rage aren't sure how long the league will be changing time in wild attempt to garner more elderly attention, so all the changes they make are temporary. They add motor seats to all the rows, and purchase a small fleet of motorized scooters that the players steal for personal use during trainings. They keep the kiss cam, dance cam, and the team-specific rage cam, but they add an additional denture cam that goes over surprisingly well, and the one time where an audience member dropped his dentures, he didn't even complain to staff. Perhaps the only detrimental change is to the menu - the cooks change their ingredients entirely to be more palatable for the elderly, and as a result many of the offerings are mush: hummus and pita, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and a myriad of soups. Aksel Fiske cries the first time he sees the offerings and begs the kitchen for a vegetable that hasn't been steamed to death, and a meat that he can cut into.

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gay heghog

Noon starts aren't that early, to make it even more senior focused I would pitch moving back the start time even further to 9am so the game can be finished for lunch time. After the game is finished, arena staff will stick around and offer brunch/lunch services. The arena would be made even more wheelchair accessible, with one section on each side of the ice having the stairs converted to a wheelchair ramp. Additional staff would be available to help anyone who needs to be wheeled around. Intermissions would have the shot competition where the net is covered with a board with those small puck holes, but instead of shooting the puck, seniors would attempt to score shuffleboard style from the blue line. The 50/50 would be changed to a pure raffle and the winner would get the services of a volunteer. Said volunteer would temporarily play the role of artificial child/grandchild and visit the senior and listen to their stories.

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Canada Knights Canada Knights Canada

Player Prompt:

Ryu has to wake up early to eat his ritualistic large bowl of ramen before each game, now for breakfast.
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Credit to @Symmetrik
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ISFL Affliate

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