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S65 PT #2: Matinée

Other initiatives that the SHL will look into taking will have to take into account the different interests and parts of their life

Larger print menus and rosters - who can read such small print? Jump that stuff up to 60pt font so it can be read

Goal promotions change - a slice of pizza? That'll only add to the cholesterol problems. How about some gift cards to a gardening shop? Or a discount to the buffet?

Individualized headphones for all spectators - now the arena calls and PA can be hears at a personalized volume. If you're getting a little hard of hearing you can jack that up! Don't wanna hear anything, just crank it on down.

Early bird special - we'll need to change a bit about how the food works. That demo is often looking for a deal, and what better way to combine the game with an early bird buffet special. Anyone coming in before 11am can purchase a pass to the buffet for 30% off

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Red Kirkby loves a sleep in so this new change to game scheduling in the simulation major junior hockey league and simulation hockey league is not good, not good at all. Instead of staying up late playing video games with his friends or snacking or watching random youtube clips he is now going to have to go to bed early so that he can still manage to get in his desired eight to ten hours of sleep. Fortunately Red is not that superstitious like many other hockey players and has a pretty simple pre game routine which means that earlier scheduling wont have as much as an effect on him as it does on some others. Really all he likes to do is tape his stick up just the way he likes it and to make sure that he is out on the ice nice and early so that he gets properly warmed up and gets a good feel of the puck on his stick prior to the game starting.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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There are many different activities that could easily bring in an older (senior citizen) crowd into the mix.

First - Knitting supplies will be sold in the arena. This is especially nice during game which have hat tricks, as you can just throw the hat you knitted, complete or not, in celebration. However, we strongly suggest you refrain from doing as as not to break any bones.

Second - Bingo during the intermissions. Who doesn't love a good old fashioned game of Bingo? I know I love it, and winners can meet the grandparents of the players, and reminisce about how good things used to be compared to now.

Third - The seats will be heated. We know the older generation has a hard time with the cold temperatures, and as an added bonus, the heat will help with the arthritis pains that plague the older generation.

Finally - All music played during the games will be turned back about 40 years to be more relatable to the older fans.

Written Task 1:
Today's modern hockey game is much too fast paced to ever be entertaining to the 60+ demographic. In order to make the game more appealing to an aging generation, we're going to need to slow things down a bit. The first new rule changes will be speed limits, both on the speed of the puck and the speed of skaters. Shots are limited to 55 miles an hour, and skaters can't go faster than 10 miles an hour. But even with these changes, the game can still be too confusing, with too many moving parts. No longer will the game be five on five. A maximum of three skaters per team will be the new standard, with the new minimum being a single skater. The ice surface is also too large, as it requires too much neck and eye movement to see it all. To compensate, the neutral zone will be eliminated. But all these changes, will they be enough to truly get the 60+ demo to come to games? Luckily, the best change has been saved for last. All SHL arenas will come complete with all-you-can-eat buffets, opening as early as 6am, and will be open even on days without games.

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As the oldest player in the Simulation Hockey League, Andreas Kvalheim will gladly welcome this league wide scheduling change to exclusively have games starting during the middle of the day. Andreas is no spring chicken, and has been struggling to stay energized during the traditional evening games, which could explain his shockingly poor performance thus far this season. He's found himself getting tired far more easily near the end of the day, and this change to matinee games will only help him stay in peak condition during the entire game. Therefore, Andreas doesn't anticipate needing to adjust his pre-game routines much at all to accomodate this new start time. He already is an early starter, usually getting up at 6AM during both game days and off days. The largest change will probably be with the timing of meals, as noon is usually when he has lunch. With games starting at that time, Andreas will need to eat a light lunch earlier before feasting after the game is over.

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StarsnorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesnorwayStars

I mean, I'm completely okay with nooner games. It just means that I get to be home sooner.

But to increase the number of fans in the stands who are older than 60, we're making every intermission a bingo game. We're gonna have a scorecard given to each person who wants one on the way in. Then they can stamp during intermission. Obviously, we'll need people around to make sure we hear the first person to yell bingo.

We're also going to start introducing shuffleboard in the concourse. With the crowd getting older, there will be fewer people in the concourse because they don't ever eat or drink during games. This will leave plenty of space for people to shuffleboard.

And finally, we'll be introducing 'bring your cat to the game' games. Cat's don't do much, so why not let people bring them in?

I think bringing in the older crowd will be amazing, especially in New Jersey where they already play the slowest game possible.

Update PageWhalers | Monarchs | Player Page

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Jack Durden:

Season 24 - *4 Star Cup Champions - Vancouver Whalers*
Season 36 - *Challenge Cup Champions - Texas Renegades*
Season 36 - *Anton Razov Trophy Winner - Playoff MVP - Texas Renegades*
Season 41 - *IIHF Gold Medalist - Team United Kingdom*
Season 41 - *Triple Gold Member*
**Vancouver Whalers Hall of Fame**
**Texas Renegades Hall of Fame**
**Hall of Fame Member**
(This post was last modified: 05-29-2022, 08:49 PM by wumaduce.)

Creative prompt

Oh I get to boost ticket sales? Hell yeah. Alright, so first and foremost is t-shirt cannons. We've all seen the Simpsons. I want these babies to put a dent in the wall at the top of the stands. And for the last home game of the season, we're launching team jerseys into the stands. And a can of beans, because beans are the way.

I'm also going to have our lawyers look into the Be A Pro night idea I have. One lucky fan, regardless of age, gets to suit up and get on the ice for a full game. We'll roll a die to figure out position. 1c? Backup goalie? It's all fair game. If I could insert discord gifs, 'if he dies he dies" would go here.

And finally, I'd like to bring real Panthers into the stands during intermission. Kind of a meet and greet thing. Jackie Moon could have a bear, so why can't we have cats?

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Many professional athletes have a pretty strict regimen to prepare for games. When games start at 7PM that gives you a lot of time to fit in all your little rituals and pre-game prep. But... games start at noon now. So how are you going to adapt? What does your player normally do to get ready for games, and how are you going to adjust your schedule to get yourself ready 7 hours earlier? Is this a welcome change for your player? Or is this a huge wrench in the system? (150+ words)

This change would not be welcome by Isabella. Although she is a morning person, starting her days as early as 7:00 AM – though regularly waking at 8:00 AM – Isabella is absolutely someone that thrives on routines. Ever since she was a child, her days would be planned out with meticulous detail in order to maximize efficiency. It was a habit her mother started, and something that she has carried into her daily life. The changing of game time plus or minus an hour is no difference to her – she accounts or that in her scheduling.

However moving game times 7 hours earlier? A shift of that magnitude would be difficult for anyone to manage, much less a serial scheduler. Probably the most annoying to Isabella would be needing to find a way to reschedule her pre-game massage. Even while travelling, when games start at 7:00 PM, Isabella  has a massage at 2:00 PM, normally an hour after the mid-day skate, and right after pre-game film review.

166 words

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Written Task: 1

Calgary knows a lot about catering to the older crowd as we have some of the leagues oldest members. The first thing I would do to turn the noon games into the place to be for old timers would be to offer a free craftmatic adjustable bed to 100 random fans during the game. Old people love those beds. The next thing I would do would be hold a 1 dollar raffle for an automatic recliner that lifts you up to the standing position so you never have to use your legs to get up from your chair again. I would give away 10 of these per game. The third thing I would do is offer a 10% medication reduction coupon so everyone would save money on their medications. The last thing I would do is have a Polident giveaway night where every fan over 60 gets a free tube of polident to hold their dentures in because let's face it when your old there's two things you can count on... shitting your pants and having your teeth fall out.

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
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#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

A noon game for patches only changes the sleep schedule my pre game ritual will remain the same, but knowing I will have to start it earlier means I go to sleep earlier. Patches pre game starts the same for everyone game, wake-up go outside for a little stretch and a jog to warm myself up and really get ready for not only the day but for a game. Next up once I finish my jog I come home and take an ice bath to get the blood pumping even more and really make sure I’m awake and ready to give it my all, then we have the pre game meal I like to have prepped a nice meal like Chicken and Rice At my disposal to get a bit of everything, once I have my meal and am ready to go to the rink I like to show up an two to three hours before to get in the zone and get in the game mentality not just be their and play. So that’s my pre game, no matter what time the game.

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With games being moved up to noon, Jonathon Hagan would no longer be able to sleep in as late on game day, compared to the typical 7pm start for most SHL games. Hagan would still sleep in though, rolling out of bed at 9am with a (hopefully) full nights rest, though his behavior the night before may have lessened how good of a sleep it was. He would then quickly down some breakfast and head to the rink, arriving at the mandated 1.5 to 2 hour prior mark, and looking like he had been up for the whole morning. Of course, this would be supplemented by a large cup of coffee, and after his arrival, he’d have to stretch out more than if it were a 7pm game and he’d gotten a pre-game nap. After all that was said and done though, he would be able to warm up with the boys, suit up, and hit the ice


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Creative Prompt:

Old timers can love their hockey too. There are a number of great changes I would love to bring into the game to make the game appeal to the white haired folk. The first one: intermission entertainment. Why have loud, annoying, or fun segments in between periods? Why not instead just bring in the local cover band of 50-70s music acts and have them play some nice, slow, jams to get the old folks into the zone. The other big change I would want to make is on ice... WOOD STICKS, no more whippy shafts, only the real sticks made out of natural wood is worthy of being used in the old folks league. To top that one off lets make another change! No butterfly style goaltending... going to the ice is for people with working hips and backs and kness, and .... etc. With the drop in shooting performance of the wood sitcks, we need to also limit goaltending styles to bring back the standup playstyle so the goals per game doesn't tank completely, as well as make the game more relatable for the older generation, so they don't have to watch a modern goalie flopping, dropping, and... sliding all around the ice. Would bring back some bad memories for some I am sure, broken hips and all that.

Written Task: Many professional athletes have a pretty strict regimen to prepare for games. When games start at 7PM that gives you a lot of time to fit in all your little rituals and pre-game prep. But... games start at noon now. So how are you going to adapt? What does your player normally do to get ready for games, and how are you going to adjust your schedule to get yourself ready 7 hours earlier? Is this a welcome change for your player? Or is this a huge wrench in the system? (150+ words)

This is actually TERRIBLE for Paul Koivu, as he is NOT a morning person whatsoever. Paul likes to sleep in, take his time in the morning to get ready and get a couple stretches in and heat himself up. Now, he has to wake up so early to make it to the games. This is very bad for him, and might even finish his career honestly. He might just give up right here right now, because he would never be able to play well ever again, he would always be tired and not at his maximum. Well actually that is what Paul would do if he was a loser. But he is not. He will never give up. Paul will just wake up early, if that what he needs to do to compete. Whatever he needs to do he will. This is why he is one of the best to have ever played, he will be remembered as the best of all times

163 words

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|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

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(This post was last modified: 05-29-2022, 10:02 PM by Scrufdaddy.)

Creative Prompt:

Bloody Marys on tap. That is crucial for any game that is happening before 5pm. Also, espresso bars to get you up and going, so probably affogatos for the kids. Sunglasses so you can hide your eyes while being inappropriately lit in the middle of the day.

Another draw of the afternoon game is all the time for activities after the game. Big emphasis on dinner after the game with special deals based on the results. Discount on hard liquors if they lose, discounts on champagne (and the champagne of beers) if they win. You can also bet ahead of the game and the stakes are steaks. If you pick it correct, you get your steak for half off but if you pick it wrong, it is full price. Either way, you've sunk some cost in so you are likely to come dine.

Lastly, we won't be out-competing Bingo Nights and Wheel of Fortune because we bring those to the after game entertainment. We've already got the audience into the arena, so now we funnel them into slots on the way out. If just a few get sucked into the bright lights, we have recouped our costs.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

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