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S65 PT #2: Matinée

Rocky Baljoa prepares for game by starting with a quick prayer. Being able to communicate with God is very important to him; and it gets him in the right head space. After a quick prayer Rocky start playing music from his workout playlist so he can begin being put in the right aggressive headspace by the time the game times. He is always alone during these times of preperation. Being in a quiet place to focus always helps him stay calm and not anxious. After a little time alone to mentally prepare he will go and help his teammates get their own gear in order. Take care of your equipment and your equipment will take care of you as the saying goes. Rocky Baljoa cares about his teammates and makes sure that he goes around the each and every member of the Maine timbers in order to make sure he can do whatever he can for them.

ISFL Affiliate

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Well Bas O'Bigber's pregame ritual is normally to just get blasted on Guinness before the game and play some poker before hand. For a noon game he would have to wake up extra early to start drinking and then wake up his degenerate friends to get up early to so they could all play poker before the game. Is this something that the coach would like? No but fuck it. It's what Bas has basically done since he started drinking and some degenerate friends got him into poker. These things keep Bas relaxed before he hits the ice so he can score some goals. Look at how many goals he scores. It is clearly worth it. Some other rituals would include getting to play some soccer with his line mates right before they put on pads and skating around the ice before either team takes to the ice. He could still do these things it would just mean having to go to bed on time the night prior.

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ISFL PT 35-4

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Bojo Box (C. Knouse)

The league can do a loot to make the games fun for the elderly. First of all, I would make the length of the intermission bigger. It would be 1 hour instead of 18 minutes. Old people have nothing to do so they will be happy. Each intermission will consist of two things. There will be a mandatory 30 minutes naps and then a game of bingo or the team would bring out the wheel of fortune on the ice.  The second big change that I would make is to change each seat by some lazy boy. It would help for the naps! Each games there would be a cornhole tournament and the winner will win absolutely nothing.  I would change every bag of popcorn to a bag of peppermint. Lastly, I would increase the price of the tickets. Old people have money and we will need to figure out a way to pay for all those changes.

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credit to Qwest

I'm not going to lie, it was a huge adjustment for me. One of my daily rituals on gameday is to have a late breakfast at Waffle House before heading to the team facility. There's nothing that gets me in the right frame of mind for a game than an All-Star Special with scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, wheat toast, and a plain waffle. But now that games are earlier, I don't have enough time to eat my delicious meal and also digest it properly before the game starts. I've toyed with just waking up earlier and moving the schedule ahead seven hours, but I love sleep too much to do that. The best compromise I could come up with was to stagger all the individual pieces of the meal throughout the day to make it slightly easier for the earlier start time. I start with bacon and grits first thing in the morning, have the waffle after the first period, then finish with eggs and toast after the second. So far it's worked out pretty well for me but we're definitely still in a "wait and see" mode.

(188 words)

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We have to drop the puck at noon to keep the old folks in? Alright, fine. I guess here in New York, we have quite a few old-time musicians laying around here. Billy Joel comes immediately to mind, though I'm sure quite a few others would spring at the chance to perform some intermission entertainment for the people who remember seeing them in their physical primes. Maybe we have promotions where bringing your grandchildren gets you a discount on their ticket or free admission on their ticket! Only on certain days, though. Not in the middle of the school year with class in session. Perhaps we have frequent chances for them to meet players of old from past teams, with special days such as anniversaries, the first game, and the last game featuring players from special teams. Players from the franchise's first team, players from Cup winners, record setters in SHL history, etc. Try to get some of our legacy players chances to openly mingle with the crowds so the people can tell their grandkids of Cup campaigns of old. Especially those children who aren't old enough to remember the Rage's Season 52 Cup winners. And certainly not old enough to remember the S38 champs before them. Heck, these days, there are college graduates who don't remember them personally.

Speedwagon Player Page | Speedwagon Updates Page 

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The league has given a shocking announcement that they are changing every single game's start date from here on out up to noon instead of seven in the afternoon. A lot of people are shocked, especially fans. Din Djarin though? Not really breaking a sweat. All of his slight tweaks and changes are minuscule. Din Djarin is the type of man who lives on a routine that happens in the early morning anyway. He does his workout, eats his morning meal and runs his errands. He does not have a huge pregame ritual other than doing some meditating and talking between himself and the Mandalorian way. He is seen at least once or twice before a game telling himself "This is the way." A little big cliche but it seems to help motivate himself before the game and if something works, do not try to fix it. Because then the game might be affected. It is all surrounded by superstitions.

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My daily routine during the season doesn’t change much. I try to keep it simple, but it’s taken some tweaking and experimenting to find my current routine.

When I wake up, the first things I do are hydrating and stretching. My breakfast usually consists of oatmeal, eggs, and sausage with some type of green juice. Then it’s off to the gym for a good workout. I’ll try to sneak in a nap and have a snack afterwards which is usually rice, a protein, and a veggie. I’ll also have another green juice. After that, maybe another light workout and/or some ice time. Pre-game meal is almost always a gluten free pasta and meat sauce with a protein like salmon or maybe chicken. I usually prefer salmon because it’s high in protein and I just think it adds more flavor. Come game time, staying hydrated is top priority. I have a drink mix that’s packed with electrolytes and amino acids that fuels me really well. I get a lot of that leading up to and during the game. After the game, a nice shower or ice bath depending on how rough it was. Then it’s either back to the house, the hotel, or off to the next city. I’ll get as much sleep as possible before it’s time to do it all over again.

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ISFL Affiliate: Sebster

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Seniors are in. Everyone else is out. Hockey is for everyone they said, but the SHL said hockey is for old people, so the teams have adapted. With the new noon puck drop times, the demographics have shifted, and so have the promotions and events at the stadiums. In philly our first week includes a couple of special events for each game, the first one being black and white hockey! The game will be televised in full black and white and the attendees will be asked to come dressed in their best old time attires! Unfortunately the shl has not allowed players to use old school equipment so unfortunately that will stay the same. Lastly we have hockey bingo night, where attendees will be given a cardboard with certain slots (scoochie lets a goal in, nathan scores 2 or eab nets 3 assists for example) and whoever gets a bingo will win a meet and greet with the team!

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

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Ahh, the seniors, the octegenarians, the old fogues. They have oodles of pocket change and even more birthday money to give. So, in an effort to suck the marrow from the wallets of the elderly, the Baltimore Platoon have come up with an idea they believe will solve this problem. Since most seniors care about telling a bunch of old stories from their lives, the Baltimore Platoon will allow for each hour before game time to be used for a group luncheon where the players sit and have fellowship with the home teams' communities of seniors. Not only will this encourage the elderly to be more involved with their communites (for ONCE (just kidding)), but all the leftovers from the buffet will go to elementary schools around the neighbourhood. So now we've got a bunch of bord players and fed old people and kids. Win-win, baby!

Platoon Rob Wright Battleborn

When it comes to Greyson Cooper he has a very strict schedule & regimen so when they throw in afternoon games it throws him off a little bit. However it has never really affected his game play, he still comes to compete every day. The only thing he complains after is he misses out on his afternoon nap before game & doesn’t have have a lot of time to hangout & get ready at the rink. He also heads to bed quite a bit earlier when he knows there’s an early game. So yes the 7 hour difference in game times does create a wrench in the system because the kid does love routine but you’d never know as he’s not a guy who shows he’s frustrated or shows any kind of emotion. Hopefully he won’t have those early games too many times in a season because he doesn’t like getting out of routine too much.
156 words

Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
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Martijn is a man of routine and that cannot be altered when it comes to game day traditions. Everything will simply have to be shifted seven hours forward. Waking up is now at midnight instead of 7 am, so we're pretty much going nocturnal here. Head to the rink and go out for a solo morning skate at 3 am instead of 10 am. Then we're back to the hotel for a pre-game nap at 6 am. Wake up, have a little pre-game pasta at 8 am and then we're hopping in the car to rip off for the game. It might be at noon, but our body is running on the Gameday Time Zone. This is how you maximize peak performance, even if it means never seeing anyone socially except for the people on your team that are also facing this same stupid schedule. It's not the ideal solution, but it's one you have to make when you're chasing greatness in a simulated hockey league.

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Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

If you want the old people to watch hockey you meed to turn it into old people hockey. More moustaches, longer hair, less padding. Goalies gotta stand in this arena. Nobody can wear a helmet either that is for babies and communists. Fighting is encouraged to toughen up the players. No self respecting old timer is gonna watch some god damn sissy 'goalie interference', 'slashing', 'boarding' whining from the referees... Let them play the damned game. Theyre here to see fuck it chuck it game time shit. They wanna see slap shots that crack the goalie's mask and hits that break the glass on the boards. These oldies are thirsting for violence and we are gonna give it to em. Let the players get drunk i dont care. Give em beer on the house. Lets get a show going and you wont find a bingo hall from here to timbuktu that provides entertainment like that.

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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
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