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S65 PT #4: Fitness? Yeah I'm Fitness Prompt in the Forum


Everyone knows that DEEP FAKES and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE are the way of the future. Rather than get all sweaty, we are going to deep fake a Slip McScruff workout video and sell it on Youtube PREMIUM. The tape is going to be called NICE FITNESS TAPE or NFT for short. It is going to be minted AS A YOUTUBE PREMIUM NFT and we'll only sell a couple hundred copies, buying 25 ourselves to ARTIFICIALLY drive scarcity or whatever. We are going to use deep learning neural nets to CUSTOM MAKE DYNAMIC NFT WORKOUT TAPES for each lucky buyer.

We first ask them to fill out a HIGH OCTANE WORKOUT INTERESTS QUESTIONNAIRE and then generate the routine based on what they have selected. We don't have to film any of it because we'll just run a DEEP LEARNING google search for relevant routines and SIMULATE THEM to appear like Slip McScruff can do it all. However, every tape will end with a FLAVOR BLASTED CORE WORKOUT ROUTINE which is like handstanding on water skis or something radical.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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Written Prompt

Since Roddy B came in to the SMJHL off of an illustrious career in beach volleyball. Over the course of his career he was a multiple-time recipient of the annual award for Tightest Abs.
As a result, Roddy will be releasing a series of 80's style workout VHS home special editions. Each special will be 2 VHSs tape, approximately 3.5-4 hrs of content. The first tape is a classic fitness instructional class, featuring all the spandex leotards, bedazzled backup exercise-dancers, and absolutely groovy 80's bops. Over the course of the first 2 hour tape, Roddy demonstrates two individual workouts that you can do in an hour. The first is a general, full-body calisthenic workout, and the second is one hour of abs. Crunches, plank bridges, yoga, and all sorts of painful things.
The second tape is the advanced version  of the first two workouts, featuring more intensity, difficulty and complexity.

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For Kermit Murphy, noted muppet, the biggest gains he can make are in terms of hand strength. Specifically, the hand of the puppeteer lodged firmly up his ass that makes him go. That hand has to be able to not only think the game at a high level, but execute a number of dexterous maneuvers to play the game. With specific fingers in charge of each limb, the coordination and strength required from this hand is orders of magnitude beyond even what would be considered a "strong" hand in the general population. Think of the beefiest farmer or mechanic's hands you've ever encountered, and now imagine they took performance enhancers just for their hands. This dude's hand has a 6 pack and Kermit owes his career to that fact. After curling sets of 250lb in each finger, the hand will also spend time on the rowing machine using a come hither motion, followed by a robust stretching routine to avoid potential tendonitis or cramping issues.

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credit to Qwest

Written Task: Your player has been asked to make a workout tape! Tell me about the exercises your player will show off to get their SHL pro body! What vibe will you go for in the videos? Is it serious? Is it funny? Are you all in on a huge budget? How do you want to release it? Are you starting a fitness Youtube channel, or maybe releasing it on VHS for the retro audience? Tell me all about how your player would tackle selling their own fitness program. Don't be afraid to get goofy with this one. (150+ words)

The Kezia MacKenzie Exercise Experience™️ Is the premier exercise tape for any aspiring hockey player out there. It’s got good workout tunes, fun and engaging exercises led by Kezia themselves, and only 2 of the 13 production crew members died during filming! Join Kezia as they lead you throw lower body exercises, upper body exercises, as well as secret “intangibles” training that will ensure that you’re never cut from any hockey team ever again! This tape was designed for the real ones, those who will stop at nothing to be the most mediocre hockey player around. Bench warming is an important aspect of any sport and this tape will ensure that you (yes, you!) are prepared for the rigours of being a healthy scratch. The Experience™️ is available only on vhs, and can be found exclusively in a random bush near you. Watch out for needles while rummaging, Kezia Exercise LLC holds no liability for injury sustained whilst digging for/using the Kezia MacKenzie Exercise Experience™️ (168 words)

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sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno

When coming up with the next greatest fitness trend to sponsor, Xavier Doom knows what’s up. Anyone who’s paid attention to what’s popular in today’s day and age knows that nostalgia is HUGE for people. That’s why we’ve seen so many reboots or spin off shows of our favorite movies and TV series from the past come back into today’s society. So Doom is a smart man, and he goes bigger than big here: Buns of Steel. It’s perfect for hockey as well, because of the famous Nintendo game “Blades of Steel” as well. Not to mention, hockey players are well known for their extremely strong lower bodies. It’s a match made in heaven for today’s world: fitness, nostalgia, buns, and a workout that can help your hockey skills along the way. At least with skating, balance, and strength, and we all know just how important those things are in today’s SHL. So get your copy of Xavier Doom’s Buns of Steel today, located online and in your local Media Play today! (172)

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Jesper is a very simple man when it comes to his fitness regiment. He still does the base workouts from his high school days, rather than any special work designed for this or that. He's driven to succeed more holistically than that.

The crux of his workout is doing things like power clean, with the idea being of doing a jumping motion while lifting to help with explosiveness and burst. It can help with getting a quicker first step, or turning a corner gracefully. He's a powerful skater, and it comes from the constant workout of his lower body.

Beyond that, the typical workouts apply. Bench press, squats, dead lift, so on. Cardio is really where he gets his most work in, running at least 3 miles a day, as well as doing sprints, ladders, and monsters. He wants to completely exhaust himself every day to build up the needed endurance to make it through a grueling schedule like the SHL with so many back to back games.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
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Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!



Zoltan's regimen with the Tampa Bay Barracuda really keeps him in good shape. He's been a top player on the team the last couple of seasons so has really hit his stride especially in the gym. Lots of time on the bike and the squat rack keeps him balanced and conditioned very well. Now that he's made it big time Zoltan doesn't have to cook for himself anymore either. Tampa Bay has started paying for meal services for all of the players. Zoltan particularly likes the chicken parm. He's a sucker for a great italian meals slathered in cheese and sauce. Some advice for the fans and young players out there. Its a marathon, not a sprint. You shouldn't be pushing yourself further than you can actually handle. Keep a firm grasp on whats going on out there and take things at your own speed. We're all different and thats A ok in my own book.

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As a fitness enthusiast, and lover of all things spandex, Chad Nickelback will be looking to take us back to the days of the 80s fitness classes, and here is doing it to PUMP YOU UP.

A very active and fast paced tape with instructions from the promising prospect himself, will have you dancing and singing and getting shredded all in time to some incredible upbeat and fast paced music.

Mister Nickelback will have you squatting, jumping, so ng side bends and pushups all to help you sculpt that body. Who needs weight machines when you've got a body to add resistance for you.

This video will be released on a special edition box set for the low low price of 4 instalments of $19.95. Not just a deal, but a steal!

The ads will be running late night infomercials and will be beaming in to the cable set of all your tvs!

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Germany Elk Aurora [Image: vKrOFwy.png] [Image: VbtOVyg.png] Aurora Elk Germany

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The fitness regimen of Jonathon Hagan consists mostly of a lot of general weight lifting, to include multiple leg days that focus on different muscle groups in the lower body, and, of course, cardio. That includes some high intensity interval training, modified strength and conditioning workouts, etcetera. A good measure of how fit he is, is with a VO2 maximum test, also known as the fitness gram PACER test. The PACER test is also known as the beep test, and it is a very good tool to measure the aerobic ability of an athlete, and for a hockey player, is very important to help measure and maintain stamina, both on a shift to shift basis, and on a per game basis. Hagan also tries a revolutionary new method of training the body, and that is by having a beer after every game, practice, workout, etc. The effects have yet to be fully seen, but it is an important part of his regimen.


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Iam Downski would prescribe his exact workout plan for all who want to score as many goals as the Russian juggernaut. First and foremost a player wanting to follow Downski's routine would need to become acclimated to sub-freezing temperatures as he begins everyday with a brisk two-mile swim in the arctic waters of his native Russia. For those who live in warmer climates though, Downski recommends spending $10,000 on ice and filling their local swimming pool with it and training this way. After the swim Downski recommends warming up a bit by trying to outrun polar bears or any other bear over a frozen lake while having a raw juicy steak strapped to their chest. This will encourage a player to have good balance and body control as well as help them push through those mental barriers as they run for their lives. To finish off the work-out Downski recommends a strong shot of Vodka right before bed.

(158 words)

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When it comes to the Patches work out tape, we got to go full in with the amount of effort we put into the production and the excellent effort from the buyer they should buy it with the full knowledge of knowing it was so intense. Firstly we do some planks and were not going to do 30 seconds and then rest, we're going full two minutes then a 30-second break in between, and back to do another set. Secondly, we bring in a lot of burpees to really get the core going so we're going to hit about 30 of them then we will take another break and repeat it a couple of time. Following and lastly, we have some push-ups to ease into the ending to almost see it as a reward for completion, that is just a teaser for the patches workout tape to get the rest you will have to subscribe to the workout plan.

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