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S65 PT #5: Day With the Cup

PT pass

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
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Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

Sven has had some time with every trophy except for one: the Challenge Cup. There's a noticeable gap in the line of photos on his mother's refrigerator where the photo of Sven with the Challenge Cup will be. For his day with the cup he'd likely take it home to Sweden and celebrate with family and friends before going back to Great Britain to start preparing for the next IIHF tournament. He'd present it to the British roster, showing the expectations he has of both himself and the team he leads, before going undefeated and picking up another gold medal. You see, life is good when you're the best Sven both on and off the ice. He'd also invite his Whalers alumni mates Makrus "The Tater" Jager and Lev Lebedev to celebrate with him, since they've been a large part of his success throughout his whole journey. He'd let one of them take the trophy back at the end of the day, he's got no time before the IIHF tourney starts.

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PT pass because I've had my days with the cup. They were lovely.

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Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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Player Prompt: It's was never a dream of mine to win the cup growing up. I didn't even know it was a thing until a few seasons ago. But ever since I first laid eyes on it, I knew I wanted it. Winning it would mean everything to me as it would validate all the hard work I put in to make it this far. I would bring the cup home and parade it around the local park. Let all those folks who doubted me know that I'm the real deal. That they will never be as successful as me. Then I would do what I'm sure no other winner has done. I would take a bath in the cup. No, not a bath with the cup. A bath in the cup. It essentially a pimped out bird bath and I can't wait to fill it up with warm pond water. A nice relaxing dip in the cup. No one's ever been that close to it (I hope).

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If Magnus Liljestrom won the Challenge Cup, he would take the Challenge Cup back to his hometown. Yes, very boring stuff. He would take the cup deep sea fishing, because O-vik is a fishing town, and then display the catch of the day in the Challenge Cup, Then he would take the Cup with him to his mother's restaurant, because family is always important, so says Vin Diesel aka Dominic Torretto, and then use the Challenge Cup to display the daily special, because he wants to boost his family's restaurant business as a retirement plan. After that, he will probably do the basic hockey player thing of skating with it, showing it to the local people, and so on. However he won't be that special because many other hockey players call Ornskoldvik home and the local people have seen many Cups, some big, some small, but special to whoever won the Cup in the first place.

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Player prompt 1:

In my 24 hours, also referred to as the day, or my day in this case as that is what we are currently referring too, what would I do with the cup you ask? Well it is simple. Before the 24 hours start, I would create some sort of enclosure. One with a staging area, and a stage, and a long pathway, like a line, with red velvet barriers on the sides. And then during my day I would place the cup on the stage, and charge mfers money to take pics with and touch the cup. It is honestly a foolproof, perhaps even a flawless idea. I literally cannot see any flaws in my plan. Pricing wise, at least $10, maybe 15 or even 20 depending on how many people turn up. I would be making bank from that alone now that I am basically playing for league minimum and broke after spending all of my money on player trading cards and I broke.

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Thanks to JSS for the signature

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Player prompt.

It's been a long career for Alex with no championship glory, yet. The Pride have been making their climb to the top and now find themselves nearly there, so that hoisting the Challenge Cup would be a particularly sweet accomplishment. I know most would probably want some sort of raucous day with the cup, a celebration with family and friends, perhaps some drinking from the cup. However, for Alex the best way to celebrate with the cup would be to do so quietly. He and the cup would celebrate with a quiet day at home, simply enjoying each other's company after wanting to be together for so long. Alex would make a simple brunch of pancakes, sausage, and eggs. They could watch some of Alex's favorite movies including Mystery, Alaska. Perhaps they could order in some sushi later in the day and spend the evening in the hot tub. Alex would then end the day by serenading the cup with his guitar. Perhaps he'd play "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt even though the lyrics don't really apply here. Anyway, hope the cup has a good relaxing day before going on to party with the rest of Alex's teammates.

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(sigs courtesy of Carpy48, BDonini, Turd Ferguson, FlappyGiraffe, and Sulovilen)

If the New Orleans Specters won the cup, Atticus Hale’s day with the cup would be relatively simple. He would bring it back to his hometown of Moon Township, PA and parade it around the town. He’d take it to visit all of the people that impacted his life growing up and allow any aspiring young hockey players to come get a picture with it. He’d take it to his old high school to do the same. A nice picture would make a great talking point in the school’s trophy case. He might ride around town with it and show it off like most hockey players do.

At the end of the day, Atticus and the cup would be at the most important place - the family dinner table. Without his family, Atticus would have never had this opportunity in the first place. There’s nothing more that Atticus would love to do than bring the cup home to his parents to show them that all the hard work and sacrifices paid off.

[171 words]

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Player Prompt

I never got to see the Challenge Cup as a child so my first order of business last season was to head home to Switzerland and offer people that chance. I was filled with pride as each new child's face lit up when they got to see and touch the Cup. If even one child is inspired to become an SHL player, I will consider my entire life a success; I live my life with the intent of raising others to great heights. Last year I was still in awe of winning the trophy myself and I didn't plan the events as well as I could have. If I am fortunate enough to win for a second time, I will host a mini hockey tournament with the winners being able to lift the cup, with my help if needed, just as if they won it for real. I could not imagine a better day than one filled with great, food and great people.

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Last season when Chicago won the Challenge cup GK took the cup onto a plane, and flew it to his hometown in Iceland. Once there, the city held a parade to celebrate the championship and GK and allowing the children, and adults alike to have a photo shoot with both the cup and GK. Following the parade GK then headed down to the harbour to go on a legendary fishing trip with the challenge cup, which some might think foolish as it could easily just fall into the ocean and be lost forever, however that never happened, and the challenge cup saw its fair share of great catches.

The final stop for the Challenge Cup for the day was GK’s family home, where it sat in the corner of the room like a christmas tree, for the family to see and observe until it finally had to be handed to the next player for their turn with the cup.

(159 words)

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Player Prompt:

If I ever get the chance to win the Cup and have a day with it, I know exactly what I'm going to do with and where I'm going to visit first. In every city that I've played in, one of the first things I do is get in touch with the local Children's Hospital. That's something special to me and I always want to help in any way I can.

If I ever won the Cup, I know I'm taking it to the Los Angeles Children's Hospital. If I can give those kids any reason to smile and forget their situation for just a small amount of time, I'm going to do it. I'd let them look at the Challenge Cup, touch it, take pictures with it, and imagine themselves as winners.

After that, I would just have my close friends and family over for a summer barbeque and just enjoy the win and celebrate with the ones closest to me.

(162 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 78
Regular Season - [G 6] [A 31] [Pts 37] [+/- +39] [PIM 42] [Hits 66] [SB 128]
Playoffs - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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Update Thread - Player Page
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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)

(This post was last modified: 06-15-2022, 10:05 AM by charlieconway.)

Quote:Written Task:  Tell me about the wildest day the cup has ever been through. It can be with completely made up players, or with real ones. Use as much or as little actual SHL history as you want. I just want you to have fun making up a crazy cup story. Who was involved? Where were they? Did this crazy day leave some kind of mark on the cup? What was the aftermath? (150+ words)

Back when everything was in black and white, the Challenge Cup was actually legally the president of the United States for a day.
What happened was that Grover Cleveland had come down with the flu, and was left bedridden for several weeks on end. His handlers were worried about whether or not he could fulfill the duties of President of such a powerful nation so they met to consider invoking the 13th amendment. declaring him unfit to serve.
Meanwhile, Grover Cleveland was not actually sick, but was just taking extended visits to his mistress and returning back before anyone could notice the ruse.
One day, he noticed the pillows he was using for the 'fake' Grover Cleveland in bed were gone, and so he instead used a large award that was left at the White House after the ol' timey Missoura Picketwickets won ye olde cup. One advisor even came to ask Cleveland if they should invade Panama, and took his silence as a no, meaning not only did the Challenge Cup fulfill the duties of POTUS, it actually averted a war.

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Canada | Player Page | Grizzlies | Player Updates | Inferno

If I had a day with the cup, I'd take it to the house to meet the rest of the cup family.  I mean to be honest, this wouldn't be that different than any other time I had cup friends over when i was in junior high or high school.  Now being that this cup is not from a noodle family, the first thing we'd probably do is let him decide his flavor pak of choice and load him up with some of our finest noodles home made by my sweet mom.  After dumping the noodles in, we'd pour the scalding hot water right in the top. Its a weird experience the first time it happens to you, but after you get used to it, it starts to feel pretty good- like a warm bath.  Let that stuff steep for a few minutes and drop in some fresh pork belly and a soft-boiled egg.  We're pulling out all the ramen stops for this most distinguished visitor.  After that, we'd just vibe at the house. Maybe watch an old Godzilla movie or something.
-Cup Noodle

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