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S65 PT #5: Day With the Cup

Elizabeth Doyle day with the cup would be pretty tame compared to many players in her team. She would definitively bring it to Galway so people of Ireland could see this mythic cup that not a lot of people were caring about before she joined the Simulation Hockey League. The popularity of hockey great considerably when she joined the league as people had a reason to watch it. She knows that in her hometown, there's a sport bar that show every Buffalo Stampede game, including playoffs, despite being the small hours of the night and she would bring the cup in that small pub in order for the regular patron to enjoy and actually see it. They saw her win the cup twice but in the first two time, she brought the cup home and partied with her family and friends and the second time she brought it to her childhood school. It would be the first time she would bring it in a uncontrolled public place.


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I know that a player that I look up to (and a former player of mine) Barret McCarthy absolutely had a beast of the day with the cup when he finally won his back in season fifty two. His hometown went nuts for him, and his older brother, Cloud, who never quite made it big, was def on the receiving end of a few jokes by Barret. After all that, the cup spent some time at a few youth arenas, spending time with the kids and showing that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. After all that, a dinner with friends and family was in order. Old teammates and friends through the years got together and had a lot of beer and BBQ, enjoying their time with the cup and ability to take pictures with it. Finally, Barret, got to bed late and fell asleep with the cup by his side, only to awake and have to give it back for the next teammate to have.

I have a pretty busy schedule as a Platypus secret agent and pet so I would probably be bringing the cup into the secret agent office for the day to show the other agents and maybe rub it in dr doofenzmirtz's face. I would love to show phineas and ferb but since they only know me as their pet platypus it might get kinda confusing about where I got this hockey trophy. I might be able to get someone else to show it to them though and make it seem like I wasn't the one with the trophy but again that seems like a lot of extra work for that. Having the trophy at my house though would fit nicely into the plans that phineas and ferb have to have the best and most incredible summer ever so maybe I would have to share it with them! Either way I for sure want to show the other secret agents this amazing trophy!

If Jasper Maximov won the cup, he would obviously love to bring it to his hometown of Odessa. With what's going on in his home though, it might not be the best idea and the league might not let him bring such a precious artefact in a warzone.

If he couldn't bring it there, he'd just make sure as many Platoon fans as possible would get the chance to see the trophy in person and of course pose with Baltimore's best player, himself. We've already established that Jasper loves himself as much as he loves winning so using his 24 hours to see people wait in line to see him (and see the cup too, I guess) would mean the world to him. He might even bring the cup to Florida, where the Platoon played for so many seasons and give them a chance to witness his gloriousness. Jasper's getting old though so that dream may never manifest. It's fun to think about, though.

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Player Prompt:

If Ryosuke Sato had a day with the cup, he would definitely throw a celebration in Japan for his friends and family back home in his hometown. Hockey is not the biggest thing back in Japan, but Sato is excited to being it back home and host a large celebration at a local restaurant with all those that he loves. Then, as the day comes to a close in Japan, Ryosuke can take a flight to Vancouver where he first started his professional career. Honestly, not entirely sure if this still counts as a day, but because of time zones, Vancouver is still on the same calendar day technically! Now in Vancouver, he really wants to commemorate his times and fans from way back in the SMJHL. Sato will invite his old GMs and his old teammates to a bar/pub with the cup where they can celebrate as friends and drink the night away. With the cup, it is always about the people to celebrate with.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

PBE Claim

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Gritty McGritterson Player Page
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S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
S56 Challenge Cup Champion - Hamilton Steelhawks

For B Jobin a day with the cup would absolutely just be a wacky zany romp in his hometown with all of his boys hanging out with him and getting just absolutely blasted, and his dad would also be there (since he is a steelhawk alumni). In addition, his brothers C and D Jobin would be there but C wouldn't be allowed to touch the cup because hes not a hamilton guy haha what a nerd am i right, but yeah it would be a wacky day and they would smoke hella weed and do a lot of alcohol make no mistake. They would host a mini parade through the streets of his hometown and they would high five all the people out there and let them kiss the cup and they would wrap up but eating a nice cream of mushroom soup out of the bowl at the top (B Jobin's favourite kind of soup fun fact for you right there).

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**


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Player Page

Greyson Cooper’s day with the cup would be one of the wildest days for him & his people. He would take his cup to his hometown and share the celebrations with friends and family. He is from a small town so they would have a parade with the cup just for him. So he would start early in the morning heading out to his family‘s cabin to take pictures with close friends and family and then he would head to his old school where a rally was planned and celebrate it with students and upcoming athletes. Then he would head to the parade where the town would have a huge celebration just for him and then there would be a big party at the hall in their small town with auction items and prizes and all the money raised that evening would go to a local charity so a very busy day for Cooper but one his home town will remember forever.
162 words

Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
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If patches had one day with the cup it was be a no brainer where he would start by bring it to his garden and having a couple licks of water out of the top, after that he would then invite his fellow friends such as Surkhi-Ze'ev over to play around in the beautiful back yard with the cup, some games would include first one to toss a bone into the cup, once someone hit it then it is a race back to the cup of course patches would win. after patches and Surkhi catch up for a bit it would be straights to the family to give them the amazing experience with the cup as well. After I arrive I would bring them outside and let them carry it in to the house and put it as the center piece for a everyone that's invited over to bask in its glory, after we had a meet and great with the rest of my friends and family its back to my house and the cup will be tucked in right next to me.

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If I had the cup for a day I would take it to hang out with my friend Shoyo Hinata. We would play video games and put a controller in the trophy so that it did not feel left out. Of course the controller would be unplugged but at least this way the trophy can think that it is playing with us. Afterwards we would go to a bar and we would get drinks with the cup. We would fill the cup with Labatt's and drink from is using straws at the same time. Maybe after the bar we could go see a movie but I don't think the trophy would like that since the loud noises might echo inside it's big round opening. Overall, I think that we would have a very fun time with the cup. Maybe we could even take it to Cincinnati and fill it with skyline chili or cane's sauce!

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ok so the weirdest and or maybe coolest day that the cup has ever experienced as an inanimate object that we way or may not be anthropomorphizing (i think this is the correct word for the way that i am trying to describe how people try to pin human emotions on inanimate objects and i asked my friend who is good at english who may or may not be dyslexic and he said the correct word should be the one above that i used) has got to be the time that dick @5ympathies clapper brought it to angus @micool132 mcfife back when he was but a young lad and that was how angus mcfife discovered his love of the cup and has since vowed to win the cup every time the cup is mentioned and even if it is not mentioned. this is a critical piece of simulation hockey league history and i bet historian @honkerrs and hot dog @hotdog would agree with me too

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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If Rocky Baljoa had the cup for the day he would first off is get the name of the cup renamed as "He is the Chosen One" so is undeniably the only one who can bring balance to the Force and rid the Galaxy of the Sith! After that piece of business is taken care of, I suspect he would go home and show it off to his family and friends, especially his twin cousins who are big Star Wars fans just like Rocky is and he would proclaim to the two of them "Yo! I DID IT" with the trophy raised as high as he could above his head and shoulders. He would go back to his home and make a spot for it to be put on display so all could see as they entered. Rocky is very careful with prized possessions, so he would find the best cleaning material to make the cup as presentable and magnificent as possible.

Manon has always loved dogs, and since she often takes her morning runs through a park with quite a lot of them, she thought about what would be a great idea for spending a day with the cup. It was simple really, since she knew the majority of people like to go big when it’s their time to have the cup, she thought a more subtle approach would be in order. When she finally receives the cup, the first thing she would do was grab a dog leash, a foldable chair, and head to the park with the giant cup in hand. Once she found a nice, shady spot to unfold her chair, she’d wrap the leash around the cup like you would a dog, and tie the other end to her chair. Without missing a beat, she’d sit down and enjoy the nice sounds of nature. It’s not every day you see a championship cup in the park.

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