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S65 Championship Week

Quote:2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. An LAP team that was disappointed in a S63 finals loss is back again to face a TBB team that has been hungry for their chance in the entire FHM era. Who are you taking as a winner and why?
b. Tampa Bay’s top forwards have been absolute power houses on this run, totalling 102 points across their top 6. If you’re LA, how do you line-match against two lines that are on an absolute tear?
c. L.A.’s D pair of Kierkegaard and Kahnwald are maintaining a shocking 2 more GF/60 than GA/60, despite playing more than 21 minutes a game including PK time. If you’re Tampa Bay how do you get around these two? Hope to outlast them in endurance, or look to more depth scoring?
d. TBB’s roster has racked up many more shot blocks (294) than LAP has (188). Do you see this as a good thing? Is this an iron willed team that’s willing to lay down their bodies to get the job done, or do you think it paints a picture of a team that can’t maintain possession and has to find another way to keep the puck out. Maybe a bit of both?

1a. You know, I think I am gonna go with the Panthers just because I think a Barracuda is no match to a panther. Even in the barracuda's natural environment I think a panther would do just fine. I've seen them take on alligators underwater on videos. As far as hockey skills go, I lack the knowledge so I defer to the standings. Panthers were #1 team so that's who I'd as the winner.

[ 74 words ] +1 TPE

1b. Asking me how to line-match in the FHM6 is like asking a shoemaker how to operate a power plant (no offense to any shoemakers). Hockey wise, you take your fastest pest and have them shadow the top players and give them as little space as possible. Get them off their game after the whistles, just try and make them as uncomfortable to play the game as possible. You don't want them to be enjoying it out there, that's for sure.

[ 81 words ] +1 TPE

1c. You need to take advantage of home-ice and last change the best you can. You also need at least one other line to bring something to the table. The pair may be on the ice for 22 minutes but that just means there are 38 minutes without them. Take advantage of that and put pressure on the rest of their d-core.

[ 62 words ] +1 TPE

1d. Blocking shots through the season can be a bad thing because of injuries and the wear and tear on players. But we are a sim league so that doesn't apply. In the end, blocking shots are mostly a positive stat. There are instances where players can get out of position trying to over commit on the block but I have a hard time choosing the team with less blocked shots as the one that is more committed.

[ 78 words ] +1 TPE

Quote:16. Written, 2 TPE, Just Like Back Home (100 words min.)
Choose a dish from your IIHF federation and tell me about it! Does your player make it? A member of their family? What’s special about it to you?

Spack Jarrow's childhood is well known by now. A kid living on a ship isn't afforded the luxuries that a lot of other children his age were. Such simple things as pastries, sweets, or even chocolate bars were an extremely rare treat.

One of the things that Jarrow loads up on every time he returns to Switzerland is boxes and boxes of Swiss chocolate. It's his favourite and every time he has some he is reminded at how far he has come in life. It makes him appreciate everything he has and the enjoyment of rewarding himself with something he dreamt of as a young child.

[ 106 words ] +2 TPE

Quote:17. Written, 3 TPE, A Few Of Your Favourite Things (150 words min.)
Last season I asked why you chose your IIHF country, and this is somewhat similar but I’m specifically asking for non-hockey reasons now. What are some of your favourite things about the country your player is from? Are there special sights? Cities? Maybe it’s food? All of the above? Do a little research on the country and tell me what you like!

I've never been to Switzerland or have any real ties to that country beyond my player being recruited to play there. Honestly the first impression I ever had of Switzerland was probably watching Bond as a kid and the skiing. Of course movies and TV shape a lot of my impressions of the country. So things like the movie Bourne Identity, Amazing Race, Swiss army watches/knives, Swiss leather, Swiss chocolate, Swiss gold but all that is more about what we import.

I think from what I know about Switzerland is that I really like how they have so many languages and how beautiful the country looks. The food also sounds delicious and unfortunately I doubt I'll ever have the money to actually visit it.

[ 125 words ] +2 TPE

Quote:21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Boss Fight (150 words min.)
Develop a video game boss fight based off of your team’s branding. Tell me what it looks like, what its strengths are, and most importantly– how you defeat it. ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player fighting the boss you’ve imagined.

The Winnipeg Aurora of the SHL presents "Star Dust". This boss of bosses. This beast of beasts. A massive 20 foot transforming bear that resembles a polar bear however instead of white fur it has an iridescent glow with Aurora colours. Its powers is while in bear form it can attack you by swiping with its claws or grabbing you with its mouth if you get too close. It can also charge quickly across the screen at random times. It will transform into an Aurora cloud to recover energy and health. While in Aurora form, it can hypnotize anyone too close and cause them to let their guard down and stop moving. The sky will also reign down while in Aurora form injuring anyone unprepared or hypnotized.

How to defeat it? There are some that say it can't be defeated. Am I one of those people? Yeah, sure. Why not. It can't be defeated. Sorry.

[ 157 words ] +3 TPE

Quote:22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Gone Viral (150 words min.)
Your player unexpectedly has a video go viral on social media. Why? Does it make your player look good? Does it make them look bad? What happened and why was someone filming you to begin with? ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player being filmed in their viral moment.

I am the person who posted the video. That is my house and my doorbell camera that the footage is from.

What you are watching is a drunk Spack Jarrow stumble up the pathway to my house. Proceed to pull his pants down and urinate all over my front door. I got the alert from my doorbell video app while I was at dinner and immediately called the police.

Obviously I didn't know that was Spack Jarrow at the time but from what I've pieced together from talking to the cops and to the Uber driver who drove him to my house was that this all started after Jarrow lost game 7 to the Chicago Syndicate. Evidently all of the Winnipeg Aurora players jumped on the team bus and headed to the airport back to Winnipeg except for Jarrow. Evidently, he decided to get drunk and hire an Uber driver to take him around Chicago so he could pee on a rival players door.

The Uber driver claimed that he picked up Jarrow from a liquor store in front of the Chicago stadium and he was already hammered before even getting into the car. The driver didn't know why Jarrow had him drive him around to several houses in a Chicago suburbs. It wasn't until the 3rd house (mine) that he started to question what was going on.

I wasn't the only one to call the police who eventually detained Jarrow who claimed that he was attempting to pee on the front door of a Chicago Syndicate defenseman by the name of Ben Jammin @James Truong but didn't know which house was his. So he was going from house to house, peeing on everyones doors. It's unclear if he was arrested or if they just sent him away with a warning but TMZ paid me $10k for the video.

[ 315 words ] +3 TPE

Quote:23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)
Instead of asking you about other people this season, I figured I’d ask about you! How are you feeling? Take a couple of minutes to write about what’s going on in your life and how you’re feeling lately. I think taking the time to write things down helps me appreciate or understand them better, so maybe this could help you! Or you can just rant about your cat annoying you for 100 words and collect 2 TPE. I guess that works too.

Last week I needed to get some plumbing work done in the house so I had a plumber come in. He attempted to shut off the water to do work but the valve wouldn't shut off. So we needed to call the city to turn the water off to the house at the main. We book a time, they come out and try and turn it off but can't because the last person to work on it bent the valve with the bobcat. So they need to dig up half of my front yard to repair that. They book another appointment. Show up and break the pipe going into my houses water supply causing the mud to back up into the system. That now needs to be flushed and the front yard is partially flooded that now needs repair on top of the plumbing work that I still needed done.

Thankfully the plumbing is now done and the valve is installed. My front lawn looks like shit still though but baby steps I guess.

[ 176 words ] +2 TPE

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What a miserable timeline.

CW pass.

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[Image: 56096_s.gif]
Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

Player page | Player updates
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[Image: jE4ioeC.png][Image: meOh9pz.png]

Gm pass

[Image: KdHbnK1]
Finland  Stars  Berserkers

GM CW Pass

[Image: CnPenxE.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-01-2022, 06:58 AM by Opera_Phantom. Edited 8 times in total.)

3 TPE - PBE Affiliate

3. Written, 3 TPE, Four Star (150 words min.)

Well, if the four stars cup is not related to the 4 conferences in the SHL, i guess it has to be related to the number of in real life years you have to spend on the minors before getting called up in this league. Yeah, that is it, for sure. So first star, or year, you get to your minors team and get to know your fellow players, get a feel for the league, understand your player and where to spend TPE, so that you can pretty much max out and reach the cap. The 2nd year you are now settled and maybe go for some stats, get some nice goals and assists to help you team to a good playoff run. The 3rd and 4th stars or years, you pretty much just ride along the team, annoyed by the fact the league does absolutely nothing to allow players to be called up sooner, as some of us do not care about the minors.

165 words

4. Written, 3 TPE, Do You Touch It? (150 words min.)

Nope, there are no superstitions with Jay Cue, that is for sure. Do not jinx it. But yeah, i guess you can call it a superstition if you want, but in the end it makes absolutely no difference at all in the outcome of the playoffs. It is well known by now that every team that includes Jay Cue in their roster during the playoffs, will get nowhere near winning a ring. You can try and do anything you think it might help, like doing some simming while avoiding a lifetime ban on the league, you can pray, light up some candles to your favorite god, scout the opponents 24 hours a day, whatever. Nothing will ever come close to the "Cue Playoff Curse", patent pending, so do not go and use this anywhere else.
Who knows, eventually when the sim is not looking, it makes a mistake and Cue gets to win something. It is highly unlikely though.

159 words

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Gone Viral (150 words min.)

To be completely honest, if one video of Jay Cue got viral online, it would have to be something like a sex tape or him getting hammered and leaving a club trashing everyone around him. If it is something that is worth it to go viral, at least make it count. Ok, for the sake of young children, let us go with the drunk club one. So, Cue rarely goes out to clubs and to enjoy the party scene. But that means that, when he goes... he goes all in. Nothing is off limits, and with his pocket full of cash, you can imagine the havoc he gets to creaty with his party people. So this time all it happened was that he had just one drink, but it was probably spiked. So he got involved in some confrontation with club security, so he was taped leaving the club... walking in anything but a straight line... with 2 girls on either side... but obviously they were family!

167 words

23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)

I am ok now. Just had covid about a week and a half ago, right when i was about to travel with my family for some sweet vacation time, so i had to spend a few extra bucks delaying flights and what not, but at least my wife and i did not have a lot of troubles with the virus. Just some cough, a sore throat for a day, nothing else really. At least we got to stay at home and enjoy some rest, to then travel fully rested to rest some more when we get there. I just hope the lines at the airport are not very long.

109 words

3 TPE - Milestones

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 17 TPE, claiming 16

GM CW pass




GM CW Pass

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
[Image: VZtEodi.png]
[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

CW pass

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1. ValorMVP

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Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: AH23zKq.png]
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]
(This post was last modified: 06-24-2022, 06:31 PM by ZootTX. Edited 3 times in total.)

PBE affiliate claim +3 TPE

+3 TPE - CW Milestones

1. Trivia 3 TPE
Verification word: tacos

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. While the Barracuda have been a tough opponent all throughout the playoffs taking down Buffalo and Atlanta, the Panthers have been on an absolute tear, winning two of their series 4-0 and only dropping two games to Chicago. I don’t think they’ll be that successful here but I do think that LA takes home the cup in the end. (59 words)
b. The Tampa Bay team definitely deserves credit for the outstanding performance they’ve put on this season, but they aren’t unstoppable. I think that Los Angeles has to play the possession game a bit here and keep the puck on the other side of the ice as well as play a bit more defensively against the first two lines but definitely doable for them based off of what we’ve seen so far this season. (73 words)
c. I think you have to do a bit of both here. Certainly they’ve been impressive this season, but there are another 39 minutes of hockey to be played without them on the ice so its a bit premature to give up at this point. Definitely the Barracuda should be looking for some line mismatches here to give them more chances to score as well as attempting to tire them out.
(70 words)
d. It bodes well that Tampa Bay is willing to be aggressive in order to win, as they’ll certainly have to do so in order to defeat Los Angeles, but overall I don’t think that’s a positive sign that they have had the opportunity to block that many shots. They definitely should be looking to maintain better possession of the puck to keep the Panthers’ scoring opportunities down. (67 words)

6. Written, 3 TPE, New Stat (150 words min.)
Any stat? I’m adding ‘number of beers consumed during the game’ as an FHM stat. Now you would think that the more beers a player drinks might initially help a player’s performance and then cause it to drop off sharply as the player gets drunk, and you’d be mostly right. However, this stat is affected by the rest of their stats. If a player is larger, it takes longer for the negative effects to start impeding the players performance. The player’s nationality as well. Americans are drunk right away while Russians, maybe never! This might prove to be a boon in IIHF play. A team's GM is allowed to set overall settings on how much beer is available to the team, but the player's stats govern how much the player is actually willing to consume and how fast. A more experienced player has better control and makes smarter decisions. Also, once the beer is gone, the beer is gone.
159 words

[Image: zootshl.gif]
Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

[Image: jO2Di2N.png][Image: Voi7GNj.png][Image: 3NfeQdx.png]

Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

GM pass

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2022, 12:10 AM by nour. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. An LAP team that was disappointed in a S63 finals loss is back again to face a TBB team that has been hungry for their chance in the entire FHM era. Who are you taking as a winner and why?
b. Tampa Bay’s top forwards have been absolute power houses on this run, totalling 102 points across their top 6. If you’re LA, how do you line-match against two lines that are on an absolute tear?
c. L.A.’s D pair of Kierkegaard and Kahnwald are maintaining a shocking 2 more GF/60 than GA/60, despite playing more than 21 minutes a game including PK time. If you’re Tampa Bay how do you get around these two? Hope to outlast them in endurance, or look to more depth scoring?
d. TBB’s roster has racked up many more shot blocks (294) than LAP has (188). Do you see this as a good thing? Is this an iron willed team that’s willing to lay down their bodies to get the job done, or do you think it paints a picture of a team that can’t maintain possession and has to find another way to keep the puck out. Maybe a bit of both?

a. Personally between these two teams in the Challenge Cup finals I'm going to have to go with the Tampa Bay Barracuda in this match up simply because you can just see how hungry these guys are to win this thing, whereas Los Angeles is on a very long cupless streak and I think the monkey on their back is too big.

b. I think the best thing for the Los Angeles Panthers to do is to play hard shutdown defense with their strong 3rd line against Tampa's top unit, allowing their top lines to thrive offensively without needing to be solely responsible for keeping the Barracuda's top line in check. You can't totally shut down a top 6 as hot as Tampa's, but all you really need to do it try and mitigate it.

c. The answer here for the Tampa Bay Barracuda is honestly multifaceted. It's not as simple as just winning an endurance battle, or flexing some depth scoring, or even playing a more defensive system like the trap or the 1-3-1. At the end of the day, if Tampa wants to out perform Kierkegaard and Kahnwald, they just need take away their opportunities, and capitalize on their own.

d. I think its definitely a mix of both. On the positive side of things, you can just tell how much Tampa is willing to win by sacrificing the body over and over again to be where they are right now, but their underlying possession numbers and shots against are definitely concerning, and is likely at least part of the reason why their shots blocked are so high.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Mysterious Person 150 words min
Make up an important character from SHL history. Tell me their name, what their job was, and why they’re important. Maybe they were an eccentric team owner? An agent that represented half the league? Heck, make it a real person from SHL history if you want! I’m always down to hear cool old SHL stories!

When it comes to old figures in the annals of the Simulation Hockey League's history, there are few who are as memorable or as important as the first ever Hamilton Steelhawks owner, Drunt Scrink, who may have been the craziest guy who ever owned a team in this league! How so? I'll tell you! He was notoriously superstitious so he made his players walk into the arena in rows of twos and have the same breakfast every single morning for consistency. He also lived in the Steelhawks stadium, turning one of the business suites into his own personal room where he took naps and such. His craziest antic by far though is every single draft day, for good luck he would do a silly little dance at centre ice, and send it to whoever the General Manager is at the time and say "Hey my friend, today is your day, all the good luck's coming to you, I will dance for you". He also did a lot of cocaine but hey, which multi-billionaire owner doesn't am I right?

7. Milestones, 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

3 TPE from this shit baby

13. Graphic, 1 TPE, DALL-E? More like WINN-ING!
Since the ring task was unbelievably easy, I thought I’d try out another insanely easy graphics task. Try using OpenAI’s DALL E Mini to generate a Challenge Cup related image. It could be a championship ring, your player lifting the cup, a locker room celebration. Go nuts as long as you’re attempting to make it SHL related! The results will be weird, but it’s fun! 

[Image: CW_Prompt.PNG]

23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)
Instead of asking you about other people this season, I figured I’d ask about you! How are you feeling? Take a couple of minutes to write about what’s going on in your life and how you’re feeling lately. I think taking the time to write things down helps me appreciate or understand them better, so maybe this could help you! Or you can just rant about your cat annoying you for 100 words and collect 2 TPE. I guess that works too.

I've been doing pretty okay lately, some up and some down as per usual. I graduated just a few months ago from Graphic Design so I'm currently just doing some design work for fun/for the SHL to boost my portfolio as I hunt for a job, and in the meantime I'm still working my shitty retail job which sucks but it pays the bills. I've been playing Minecraft again with all the homies in the Hamilton server and that's always a good time, so that's been really fun, and in a week I'm going to Vancouver for JumpierPegasus' wedding with some of the guys in Hammy as well, so that's gonna be a really fun time I can't wait for that.

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

J GM pass

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