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S65 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 11:56 PM by dogwoodmaple. Edited 5 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max

3. Written, 3 TPE, Four Star (150 words min.)
That's one is easy!  Greatness, humility, determination, and teamwork.  Yes, it's hokey. Yes, it's wholesome, but that's what it stands for!  First, you have to be great in the SMHJL to win.  No matter about anything else, you have to be a team full of elite talent and great players.  Second, humility.  You can't get too big for your britches here!  You have to stay humble always.  Next, determination.  There are always hard times, lulls, and just times that things don't go your way.  You have to grind through the hard days and come out on the other side all the better.  Lastly, it's al about teamwork.  No one player can win the Cup - it's about the entire roster from the top line on down.  You cannot shoulder the entire weight of the franchise on your back, there's just not enough strength in the universe for that.  You have to rely on your teammates, trust them, and make sure to cover each other when there are mistakes.  It's a long season and if you don't have the full trust of your roster, there's no way you win.
(187 words)

4. Written, 3 TPE, Do You Touch It? (150 words min.)
In our locker room, we all move one locker to the right in any elimination game.  That doesn't mean the lockers switch nameplates or anything, but we just get dressed in the teammates locker to our immediate right, all the way around the entire room.  That's our main superstition and it even supersedes the "don't touch the trophy" thing for us.  It all started when one of our teammates, who shall remain nameless, accidentally got dressed in the wrong locker but he was known for his violent temper and had headphones in.  None of us dared to correct him, so we all just shifted down one...the result?  We absolutely dominated that team in astounding fashion to clinch a spot in the next round. Ever since that moment, we've signed up to that superstition and it hasn't failed us yet.  I've even brought it to Toronto and we're going to debut it next season...hopefully en route to a Challenge Cup victory for all our wonderful fans in the lovely city of Toronto.  Some superstitions are bogus, but I'm a firm believer in this one.
(183 words)

5. Written, 3 TPE, Mysterious Person 150 words min
Edmonton "Eddie" O'Johnston was perhaps the most important figure in SHL history.  While O'Johnston was a great hockey player in his own right, he really made a name for himself and for the SHL with his administrative and managerial skills. After his playing career ended in the MLHAA (Minor League Hockey Association of America), he was going to get drafted to the major leagues, but that league was in financial trouble and folded.  The MLHAA soon followed and for a three year stretch, there was no professional hockey in the United States. O'Johnston just couldn't stand for that.  He traveled around the country taking donations and advertising for a new hockey league.  He eventually raised $85,000, which was a huge sum back then, and purchased enough hockey gear for the first two teams to join the league.  When that succeeded, more teams wanted to join and before he knew it, the SHL was born.  O'Johnston was then able to take a break from managing one of the teams and was elected as the first president of the SHL and oversaw it's initial decade run and first expansion. We owe him a debt of gratitude.
(194 words)

6. Written, 3 TPE, New Stat (150 words min.)
Oh this one is easy.  If I could add a stat, I'm definitely adding "clutch factor."  This would be defined as how well a player plays when his team is in a close game and near the end of periods.  Down by 1 and need a goal?  A player with a high clutch factor will play above his abilities.  Up 2 in an elimination game and you're shorthanded?  That player will kill the penalty at a higher rate than normal.  It essentially defines who can play the best when the lights are the brightest.  It would also be a fun stat for people to build with because you wouldn't always get the benefit.  If you're up 3-0 in the regular season, the clutch factor might not come into play at all.  But when the stakes are the highest, when the lights are the brightest, and when your team needs you the most, that's when the clutch player will absolutely dominate.  It adds an interesting wrinkle from a gameplay and build perspective, as well as opening up opportunities for some non-max earners to make a living being that clutch player who gets major minutes in tight spots. It would be a great add for the league.
(205 words)

Milestone +1 TPE

[Image: pkHEmu9.png]

7. Milestones, 1 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


13. Graphic, 1 TPE, DALL-E? More like WINN-ING!
Since the ring task was unbelievably easy, I thought I’d try out another insanely easy graphics task. Try using OpenAI’s DALL E Mini to generate a Challenge Cup related image. It could be a championship ring, your player lifting the cup, a locker room celebration. Go nuts as long as you’re attempting to make it SHL related! The results will be weird, but it’s fun! 

[Image: dallemini_2022-7-3_21-22-42.png?width=562&height=676]

21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Boss Fight (150 words min.)
Develop a video game boss fight based off of your team’s branding. Tell me what it looks like, what its strengths are, and most importantly– how you defeat it. ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player fighting the boss you’ve imagined.

Well, for the Winnipeg Aurora I think it would be quite simple really. Especially after the recent logo change, it's never been more clear that the Aurora's branding focuses on a polar bear (in our case, known as Stardust). This would make a great video game boss, as there's lots of very strong options. Obviously one of the most basic is simply, a polar bear. Known in games to be quite strong, something like the bear in Dread Hunger, which is just a bear. It's got a good amount of health, a strong AoE ground slam that knocks players around, and a direct attack with the claws. The way to defeat it is simply with a lot of damage, and teamwork. That would be the same for Stardust. You could also go with something completely more wild as well, sticking with the polar bear, but as Aurora, and Stardust are very space themed, you could also have a bear that wields some kind of astral magic, to attack and defend, and you can only defeat it with matching earthly magic. (180 words)

23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)
Instead of asking you about other people this season, I figured I’d ask about you! How are you feeling? Take a couple of minutes to write about what’s going on in your life and how you’re feeling lately. I think taking the time to write things down helps me appreciate or understand them better, so maybe this could help you! Or you can just rant about your cat annoying you for 100 words and collect 2 TPE. I guess that works too.

Oh god I could write 10,000 words for this task. Life has been a mess for this entire season really. I had met a girl, things were amazing, and then I fucked things up and it really took a toll on me, and that only made things with her worse. I had hope for a while, and then other people got involved, and fucked her over and got her in some trouble in an online community she was then removed from. She blamed me I think, eventually I accidentally found out she's seeing some new guy. So yeah it's been a pretty wild and messy few months. At least I basically have closure and can move on to enjoy summer holidays. (121 words)

17. Written, 3 TPE, A Few Of Your Favourite Things (150 words min.)
Last season I asked why you chose your IIHF country, and this is somewhat similar but I’m specifically asking for non-hockey reasons now. What are some of your favourite things about the country your player is from? Are there special sights? Cities? Maybe it’s food? All of the above? Do a little research on the country and tell me what you like!

Well, Christian Kinsinger originally hails from Denmark, and if only there was a Danish team in the SHL's IIHF tournament, I could tell you about all the things in Denmark that are so wonderful. Unfortunately that is not the case, so Christian Kinsinger opted to join the Finnish national team program. One incredible thing about Finland, which should, and probably does, top most people's lists of great things about Finland, is that it's the happiest country in the world. Who wouldn't love to join just for that alone? Of course there's also incredible sights of nature all over the country, vastly different regions and things to explore. The far northern Lapland, where the sun never sets in summer and the Northern Lights come out to see in the winter. Lakeland, with all it's lakes, forests, islands, and more, all kinds of treasures tucked away on the lakes. There's also the large city of Helsinki, so you can get a lively and urban experience as well, if you're in the mood for it. Just an incredible blend of anything and everything you could want to see, all wrapped up in the happiest country in the world. (195 words)

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Gone Viral (150 words min.)
Your player unexpectedly has a video go viral on social media. Why? Does it make your player look good? Does it make them look bad? What happened and why was someone filming you to begin with? ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player being filmed in their viral moment.

Christian Kinsinger spent a while in the summer back in Denmark, relaxing in his home country, at home with the Danish nature. Messing around in the wilderness, Kinsinger had someone filming the adventures with the goal of sharing some social media, or potentially promoting some Danish wilderness and hockey promotion. His outdoors adventures may reach some people who would otherwise not consider hockey, and perhaps his personality could draw them to connect from outside the hockey world. He was doing some swimming, in the ocean and off some rocks. Before even leaving they decided to post a video on TikTok, and by the time they got home it had blown up, thanks to some great camera work it made it look a little crazier than it was, and a professional hockey player doing something like that drew some attention from all hockey fans, and that spread quickly, reaching reddit's /all page, and spreading across the rest of social media as well. (161 words)

[Image: symmetrik.gif]

Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
[Image: symmshl.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 11:26 PM by caltroit_red_flames. Edited 3 times in total.)

Affiliate PT

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
I did the trivia boiiii

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. An LAP team that was disappointed in a S63 finals loss is back again to face a TBB team that has been hungry for their chance in the entire FHM era. Who are you taking as a winner and why?
b. Tampa Bay’s top forwards have been absolute power houses on this run, totalling 102 points across their top 6. If you’re LA, how do you line-match against two lines that are on an absolute tear?
c. L.A.’s D pair of Kierkegaard and Kahnwald are maintaining a shocking 2 more GF/60 than GA/60, despite playing more than 21 minutes a game including PK time. If you’re Tampa Bay how do you get around these two? Hope to outlast them in endurance, or look to more depth scoring?
d. TBB’s roster has racked up many more shot blocks (294) than LAP has (188). Do you see this as a good thing? Is this an iron willed team that’s willing to lay down their bodies to get the job done, or do you think it paints a picture of a team that can’t maintain possession and has to find another way to keep the puck out. Maybe a bit of both?
a.) I'm taking Tampa Bay as the winner. They've been fighting for their spot for so long that they deserve this. They've built a great team and done it the right way too. Ambacas Cuddles and Michael Fitted are going to connect for the final game winning goal of the series. I do love LAP still though.
b.) If I'm LAP I don't really worry about line matching. Their defense is so good and Tampa Bay hasn't had to play against them very much in the regular season. Let your offense do their work and just make sure you have a defensive defenseman out there at all times. They won't be able to get through that.
c.) I think the idea that everything is about special teams is kind of a crutch. You can't depend on the refs to be good and you can't depend on the other team to take bad penalties. You need score at 5 on 5 when the other team's 4th and 3rd lines especially are out there.
d.) I think blocking shots is okay but really it's not something that we should be glorifying. You get hurt blocking shots and you're honestly generally better off keeping shots to the outside by applying pressure than collapsing onto your goalie and blocking their view of the shot. So great, you put your body on the line, but it can actually hurt your goalie's save percentage.

3. Written, 3 TPE, Four Star (150 words min.)
Tell me what each of the four stars on the Four Star Cup stands for! Some will say it’s for each of the four divisions in the SMJHL, but you and I know better! What four things are embodied in the SMJHL’s greatest trophy?
(165 words) What people don't know is that the four stars on the four star cup actually symbolize the four asteroids, or shooting stars, that on the first night of the regular season of the inaugural season of the SMJHL flew past Earth at an incredibly close trajectory. So close that it is said that four generational talent level hockey players were born on that night. Since then we've seen those players come through the ranks, play out their careers and already finish off their careers. Who knows which players they were, there have been so many great ones in the history of the SHL, but the world awaits when those four stars will pass by Earth again to usher in another great era of hockey the likes of which history has only seen once before under the watching the one and only great Simon T. Not everyone believes the legend of course, but I do and so do those who were around on that fateful day.

15. Written, 3 TPE, IIAM Excited for IIHF (150 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! We’ve had some federation shake-up this season that will surely lead to some interesting results. So who do you got? Who’s going to take it all this season and why?
(174 words) So maybe some people see this as a joke but I actually love IIHF. I'm obviously going to take Czechia all the way. We're watching some teams with really bad plus minuses near the top of the standings right now but we're going to see that even out really quickly and have Czechia much higher in the standings than they are. We also have a secret weapon in Petr Svoboda who is a player unlike any other. During his SMJHL seasons he didn't take the path that others did. He spent his time focusing almost entirely on scoring instead of an all around game. So now nobody really knows how to defend against him because he's still scoring at insanely high rates. Brick Wall in net is really going to pop off against the other teams too, especially in the knock out round where he has historically really hit his stride and kept other teams from being able to jump on Czechia. We expect everyone to come together take Czechia to gold this season.

[Image: 5PYmCAe.png]
[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 11:31 PM by Jepox.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Boss Fight (150 words min.)
Develop a video game boss fight based off of your team’s branding. Tell me what it looks like, what its strengths are, and most importantly– how you defeat it. ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player fighting the boss you’ve imagined.

The Atlanta Inferno of the Simulation Hockey League would have a very cool boss fight based around their branding. Their logo is a phoenix so it would have some very cool strengths. They can fly for one, and can burst into flame, and have really sharp claws, and have beady little intelligent eyes so they can anticipate your every move, and have a sharp beak that they will pull you apart and eat you with, and they also cry tears that heal you so they can just heal themselves mid fight. They are a very tough opponent. In order to beat a phoenix you would have to wait it out. Unfortunately phoenixes can resurrect themselves so they can't truly died for thousands of years so you can only just temporarily win against them but they will always come back and fight you again. In my opinion this makes the Atlanta Inferno branding boss battle the hardest to win because you can't actually win it. (164 words)

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Gone Viral (150 words min.)
Your player unexpectedly has a video go viral on social media. Why? Does it make your player look good? Does it make them look bad? What happened and why was someone filming you to begin with? ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player being filmed in their viral moment.

Superstar forward Pablo Salvatici of the Simulation Hockey League (SHL) franchise based out of Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States of America, that is known as the Inferno unexpectedly had a video go viral on social media. It's no surprise that he would have a video go viral given his past year and his drama on and off the ice. This time however the video does not make Pablo look bad, but instead makes him look very silly! Teammate Burlok Sulfergold made Pablo a bet that he couldn't run around the entire arena three times while wearing a grinch costume in the dead of summer and Pablo decided to take him up on it. The two did not intend for their silly little bet to gain the popularity that it did but thanks to a single video taken by a fan the craze has swept the nation and the youth of today are all running around buildings wearing grinch costumes. Very silly time indeed! (164 words)

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. An LAP team that was disappointed in a S63 finals loss is back again to face a TBB team that has been hungry for their chance in the entire FHM era. Who are you taking as a winner and why?

I'm going with the Los Angeles Panthers in this series. I think that as the team with experience and veterans who have been on this stage before they will be looking to make the most of this chance and know what it takes to win, so they'll be going all out and will as a result of that win the cup. (61 words)

23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)
Instead of asking you about other people this season, I figured I’d ask about you! How are you feeling? Take a couple of minutes to write about what’s going on in your life and how you’re feeling lately. I think taking the time to write things down helps me appreciate or understand them better, so maybe this could help you! Or you can just rant about your cat annoying you for 100 words and collect 2 TPE. I guess that works too.

I am doing good thanks. I started a new job a few weeks ago and it doesn't completely suck so that's nice. I went to a family reunion and saw a bunch of people for the first time since before covid so that was awesome. Cooked hotdogs on a campfire and went swimming and minigolfing with my cousins, made for a really good weekend. Just picked my classes for this upcoming year as well so I'm excited for that to start in a couple months, got a few that I'm really looking forward to. Overall these last few weeks have been great and I hope that whoever grades this is also having a great time. (115 words)

13. Graphic, 1 TPE, DALL-E? More like WINN-ING!
Since the ring task was unbelievably easy, I thought I’d try out another insanely easy graphics task. Try using OpenAI’s DALL E Mini to generate a Challenge Cup related image. It could be a championship ring, your player lifting the cup, a locker room celebration. Go nuts as long as you’re attempting to make it SHL related! The results will be weird, but it’s fun!  
[Image: unknown.png?width=613&height=663]


[Image: Jepox.gif]

1. Trivia (1-3 TPE)

Verification Word - Toight

2. Grab Bag (4 TPE)

A) It's very hard to discount the experience that a deep run grants your team, but I'm going to have to go with the Tampa Bay Barracuda. Long are they from their awful seasons, and they've built themselves into an incredibly strong and deep team in that time. I think that being fresh this season without as deep a run last year will have the Barracuda healthier and more ready to grind their opponents down into the ground. Strom Chamberlain put in a very strong season between the pipes, with a massive 20,95 GSAA and a .922. I think that he does not benefit from the team around him quite as much, and will come out as the difference maker in this series.

B) I think the answer is really simple. You want your best players on the ice whenever they can be, and you need your best players to shut down their best. This stays true for Los Angeles top scorers. Of their top 4 scoring forwards, 3 of them have been putting in very under the radar defensive efforts throughout the playoffs. Burke, Fruit, and Donair have really been showing they know what they need to do to win in playoff hockey, and that means sacrificing themselves and making that defensive efforts. Between them, they have 82 shot blocks and 27 takeaways, really showing that they aren't slouching in that defensive zone.

C) I think the key here is that you're going to have to devise some good plays from your high powered foward lines and really lean on those second and third lines to put the puck in the net. Kierkegaard and Kahnwald will be playing big minutes, and will be tasked greatly with shutting down the offensive firepower of Tampa Bay's top forwards. The top line will have to still find ways to score despite the players, whether it's quick breakouts or shifting up the line order a bit to try for favourable matchups. Largely though, they will need their other lines to take some of the weight off and show that depth.

D) I think we have to take it as a good thing. This shows that Tampa Bay has been very well coached that it's playoff time, and you'll have plenty of time to heal up those bumps and bruises after. They need to put the body on the line to be lifting that trophy, and they've been showing what they've got. So often, we see teams where players just aren't willing to put themselves out like that, but just the staggering total of the team shows how all in the entire team is.

3. Four Stars (3 TPE)

Long held has been the secret of the four stars on the illustrious SMJHL championship the Four Star Cup. Today, that information has finally been released. These stars were modeled after qualities that the founders believed that the teams would need to be able to make it through the grind of the playoffs and to be lifting that cup at the end of the season. Those four characterisitics that they had decided on were bravery, focus, effort, and grit.

Bravery was chosen because making it through the playoffs requires a great deal more than safe play the entire time. Risks will need to be taken, whether that's jumping a pass, or stepping in the way of a 100mph clapper, teams will need to be putting themselves out there and not play it safe to make it to the end.

Focus was chosen because it is a quality that needs to be maintained through the whole season and playoffs. The teams need to be centered in along a common goal, and they need to do everything they can to be working together, and to have the end they want in sight at all times.

Effort was chosen for fairly obvious reasons. Whether training plays, in the weightroom, or rehabbing injuries, you're going to need to be working harder than others. Not just to make it to the cup, but to win every game, every night.

Finally, grit was chosen because of the grind of the playoffs. By the end, everyone is battered and bruised, but they still need to push through.

5. Mysterious Person - 3 TPE

Long unknown in the league, but important in the long run has been Jean-Sebastien Paul III. JSPIII, was endeared by many in the community despite never holding a position that required incredible policy making, or for him to be the most athletic, but it required him to be a steward of the people and incredibly caring. JSPIII was the first keeper of the challenge cup. Through the early years, a lot of community outreach needed to be done in order to help build intrigue and goodwill for the game, and there was no one better suited. Always seen near the shining trophy, JSPIII was quick to complement, and would always go out of his way to help those around him. Many players even today have fond memories of meeting him when getting to go see the cup.

A moment of his that is often lost in history is after the S6 Challenge Cup. The LA Panthers were celebrating their first championship at the Santa Monica Pier. Taking the cup on rides with them, when a bump in the roller coaster caused the cup to go overboard and fall into the ocean. While all the celebrating players and fans were staring dumbstruck, and frozen in place, JSPIII did the first thing he could think of and immediately dove off the pier in order to save the cup. Things were silent as they awaited his return to the surface, and when he returned, a large cheer erupted from the crowd, allowing us to maintain the original cup and not have to give it up so soon.

7. Milestones (3 TPE)

Milestones Link

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

[Image: ecaJZ6D.jpg]
[Image: flowseidon.gif]
[Image: PRedauw.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 11:46 PM by Sebster. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. +3 tpe
ISFL Affiliate: Sebster

2. +3 tpe
SHL Milestones

3. +3 tpe
Trivia Confirmation Word: pizza

[Image: 8pRoFZH.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 11:45 PM by Gordon Bombay. Edited 2 times in total.)

PBE Affiliate

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.



7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.



13. Graphic, 1 TPE, DALL-E? More like WINN-ING!
10 TPE

21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Boss Fight (150 words min.)

Develop a video game boss fight based off of your team’s branding. Tell me what it looks like, what its strengths are, and most importantly– how you defeat it. ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player fighting the boss you’ve imagined.

The Atlanta inferno video game boss would be a big-burning phoenix.  It would have a 10 meters wingspan and huge talons.  It would burn like ten thousand suns. The player they attempt to defeat the Infernos would need to have fire resistance hockey gears if he even dreams to approach it. The huge fire chicken would have many strengths, starting with the fact that it’s on fire. He would also be pretty funny and pretty much invincible to physical or magical damage. His habitat is one of his strengths too. He lives in a burning volcano. The player would learn that it’s impossible to defeat him. He always resurrects from his ash. The solution would be to befriend him by doing a huge hidden fetch quest. It would surpass the player's expectation and I think that it would be a pretty cool twist. Once befriended the Inferno would shrink and join the player party. When in the player party, the inferno would be pretty weak.

13 TPE

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Gone Viral (150 words min.)

Your player unexpectedly has a video go viral on social media. Why? Does it make your player look good? Does it make them look bad? What happened and why was someone filming you to begin with? ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player being filmed in their viral moment.

Shoyo Hinata does not use social media anymore. He has not been active on Twitter since the month of March. He deleted his online presence following an incident where he went viral. He was filmed in a Hamilton Tacos Bell at 3h30 AM drunk and before an important game. He was ordering a lot of tacos and Baja blasts and said something that is unforgivable. The cashier was asking him will Angus Mcfife win the cup and Shoyo Hinata answered: “NO I am enough of this shit”.  But Shoyo and his drunken mind did not really understand the question, he thought that the cashier said “ Do you want beef Angus and a cup of salsa? The following day Angus and Shoyo fought at practice. Shoyo did not have the time to explain himself. It was before the last two games of the season. Shoyo was about to beat the rookie scoring record but the fight and the controversy really broke him. That’s why he had a rough end of the season and rough playoff.

16 TPE

[Image: 75fL0ul.png]
credit to Qwest
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 11:45 PM by ProjectSaint. Edited 1 time in total.)

PBE Affiliate (3 TPE)

Task 1 (3 TPE):

Task 3 (3 TPE):
Ah, the Four Star Cup. In my honest opinion, this is the hardest cup to win in the entirety of the SHL system. Such a major cup, and you only have 4 season at most to get to the crown.
4 chances. That's it. Its cruel, but it makes it all the more sweeter if you manage to win it all.
In my opinion, the 4 stars that give meaning to the cup represents talent, camaraderie, synergy, heart.
Talent comes from the players and GMs molding their craft to develop their tactics and skills to make their young weapons sharp.
Camaraderie comes from the unity that the player develop within their short time together.
Synergy comes from how well they can play with each other, and even amplify their skills together.
Heart comes from the will to hone thier talents, to lay their lives for their goal and to achieve the trophie that few can say they have claimed.

Task 7(3 TPE):
Champions Week

Task 16: (2 TPE):
RESO: Erm..................crap, not exactly many options that comes from Great Britain. Honestly, one of the few that I came remember that I've had off by heart is the classic English Breakfast. Just your usual Toast, Sausage, Beans, Bacon and Egg. And to be honest, I can't help but just pine for that every now and then, simply because I like its simplicity. It can just as much feel like home to many, and its never a bad thing to have. Others that I can safely say is british and I've had is Red Leicester cheese, and I just love how mellow it is.........damnit, you made my hungry thinking of food.

Task 23 (2 TPE):
Well, erm..........thanks for giving me a piece to myself on this. Yeah, I've been rather busy, even with no university to be around. Sadly, when you need to do extra work to pass using a software that so many engineers just loathe with the biggest of passions, it tends to make your time just a bit longer. But other than that, I am learning how to drive, and I have to admit that I like it, it gives me more freedom to do things. I also got to be with my family, and I can't overstate how much it means, even as an anti-social. Again, thanks for giving me this piece, its very much appreaciated.

[Image: ProjectSaint.gif]
Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

3. Written, 3 TPE, Four Star (150 words min.)
Tell me what each of the four stars on the Four Star Cup stands for! Some will say it’s for each of the four divisions in the SMJHL, but you and I know better! What four things are embodied in the SMJHL’s greatest trophy?
Each of the stars on the four star cup stand for some very important thing. The first star is for goals, you need to score goals in order to be able to win games. As a result, if you're not scoring goals you won't be able to win the trophy in the first place.
The second star is of course for assists, goals typically come much easier if you have someone passing you the puck to be able to score. The third star is for points, this is a combination of both goals and assists. If you get lots of points, odds are you're outscoring your enemy! This typically means a whole bunch of victories heading your way. Meanwhile the fourth star is for the four star cup itself. When you combine everything together it results in the trophy itself, crazy crazy. I'm sure people think that it stands for something else, but they are wrong. This is the correct explanation of it.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Do You Touch It? (150 words min.)
In the NHL there’s a well known superstition that any team that touches their conference championship trophy won’t win the Stanley Cup. Are there any superstitions like that in the SHL playoffs? If so, what are they? Where do they come from? Does your team or your player believe in them? Why or why not?
In the NHL there are numerous superstitions. The National Hockey League is known to be one of the top sports leagues in the world that has the most. It's quite wild if you really think about it.
Of course, this does transfer into the Simulation Hockey League playoffs. It is a known thing that you're not supposed to touch the ice prior to game. This could involve your hands, as well as your skates. No one is allowed to practice on the ice that the game will be played on.
It's viewed as terrible luck. Of course my team believes in this, they know that it is factual information. Lord Zomp himself is someone who'd never attempt to go practice early on the ice. On top of not annoying the superstition gods, this also means that Lord Zomp won't be tired from practicing before it's winning time. I'm sure that there's plenty of other superstitions that go on throughout the league, however this is the only one that I am aware of. Hopefully over the course of my next few seasons in the league I'll be able to learn about the other ones. I have a feeling some of them are a little bit secretive being used to win multiple championships.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

16. Written, 2 TPE, Just Like Back Home (100 words min.)
Choose a dish from your IIHF federation and tell me about it! Does your player make it? A member of their family? What’s special about it to you?
My IIHF federation is the United States of America. Of course I'll have to pick cinnamon toast crunch. This is known as one of the best offerings that the United States has.
It is without question the number one breakfast cereal on the market. Although, you don't have to view it as strictly a breakfast food. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is something that is absolutely delicious any time of the time.
There's some who turn it into various foods, for example: Cinnamon Toast Burger, Cinnamon Toast Pizza and my favorite Cinnamon Toast Fish Tacos.
It's a food that never stops giving, without question the best choice for this question.

23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)
Instead of asking you about other people this season, I figured I’d ask about you! How are you feeling? Take a couple of minutes to write about what’s going on in your life and how you’re feeling lately. I think taking the time to write things down helps me appreciate or understand them better, so maybe this could help you! Or you can just rant about your cat annoying you for 100 words and collect 2 TPE. I guess that works too.
I am feeling fantastic, definitely can't complain. I took a week or two off from the Simulation Hockey League and came back into it with renewed interest. I believe that it's important to take a break as you need to ensure that you won't get burnt out from it.
I'm quite excited to be able to continue to earn as much TPE as I can to make Lord Zomp as good as possible. Although I unfortunately missed out on some TPE, it definitely wasn't too much to set me back far. I'm sure that I'll easily be able to make it back up over the next few seasons by getting max TPE payouts from trivia and all of that good stuff.

Total TPE: 16



6. Written, 3 TPE, New Stat (150 words min.)
I work for the FHM dev team and I’m giving you, sweet user, the ability to add any stat you want to our player build system. Footwork? Sure! Stink level? Why not! Stomach capacity? Ok… I guess so! Tell me what stat you want to add, and how you imagine it’ll affect the sim.

I liked the idea of a Leadership stat which was in one of the offshoot leagues a while back, either NSHL or CHL.  When I built Slip McScruff, I had imagined him like a Zdeno Chara.  I can put all the physical stats into making him big and tough, but could never emulate the kind of role he had as a leader.

I think to have more control over that aspect of your build, it could be a set of attitude stats where you can only have a certain total amount of points spent.  You make your skater more of a star which makes them tend to have better individual scoring but they'll force a higher minimum contract and their performance will fall off a cliff if you don't give them enough important ice time.  You make your skater more of a team player which makes them tend to elevate their teammates and take a lower contract minimum, but they won't have as good individual scoring.  You make your skater more of a rebel and they play more physical but are resistant to the coaching systems.

You could mix and match these so a rebel team player will be more likely to stick up for his teammates while a rebel star is more likely to go rogue and use his physicallity just to fight the other team.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

1 point


17. Written, 3 TPE, A Few Of Your Favourite Things (150 words min.)
Last season I asked why you chose your IIHF country, and this is somewhat similar but I’m specifically asking for non-hockey reasons now. What are some of your favourite things about the country your player is from? Are there special sights? Cities? Maybe it’s food? All of the above? Do a little research on the country and tell me what you like!

My favorite things about the USA are more regional than nationwide.  I am from the Boston area and have lived in Seattle for 7 years at this point.  I like the weather a lot more here where I don't have to deal with as extreme hots or colds.  Nature is really accessible in this area.  I live and work in the city, but in less than an hour I can be hiking or at our favorite river spot.  I am halfway between the hockey arena and the baseball / football / soccer fields, only 20 minutes walking.

Being from Boston, I like finding all the weird little differences.  Like obviously there is the bubbler and the rotary, but there is also the fluffernutter and the stuffed quahog.  I like exchanging these things with locals and other transplants.  But to tie all that together, my favorite things about the USA are mixing with other people who grew up in other regions to get the best of all worlds.  Especially going on road trips and sampling both the local favorite and tourist traps.  I love a good dumb tourist trap.

Beyond Prompts

20. Written, 3 TPE, From Sim to Shining Sim (150 words min.)
Did you know that not a single SHL or SMJHL team has a city on the opposite side of the world from it? It’s all ocean! Every single one! This is a huge missed opportunity for rivalries! Below is a list of cities that are pretty much exactly on the opposite side of the world from each other, also known as antipodes. Choose two, give me some new expansion team names, and tell me why they’d make a great rivalry! LINK:

For my antipodal rivalry, I will expand the SHL into Wellington and Alaejos.  I can tell you very little about either of these cities, but I have been watching Wellington Paranormal so I am going to assume there is a lot of haunting in both places.  While the TV show only seems to suggest that Wellington has high paranormal activity, it follows logically that paranormal energy would flow directly through the Earth and there would be haunting at the antipode.  What I can also tell you from my extensive research is that Vampires and Werewolves are sworn enemies.  So the pitch will be the Wellington Werewolves and the Valladolid Vampires. 

To align the divisions, we will do two divisions with six teams and two with five, split by conference.  Geographically, we would likely split Wellington into the West and Alaejos into the East, but they need to be divisional rivals for this to really pop off.  We need to align them in a division with the New Orleans Spectors to match spooky, which means they will all be in the West.  We'll shuffle Chicago to the East to keep the conference sizes matched.  Winnipeg is sufficiently supernatural, but we'll swap Texas for Calgary to match Monarchs and Dragons.

That leaves us with a Central Division with three pairs of rivalries.  Our new hostilities with Vampires and Werewolves, our royal rumble of Monarchs and Dragons, and then the Slip McScruff bowl of Winnipeg NOLA.  Everyone will hate everyone given how much they'll need to travel all the time, so expect every game to be CHIPPY.

21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Boss Fight (150 words min.)
Develop a video game boss fight based off of your team’s branding. Tell me what it looks like, what its strengths are, and most importantly– how you defeat it. ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player fighting the boss you’ve imagined.

I imagine this video game as a 2D side scrolling shooter.  For whatever reason, this boss fight takes place in some non-descript metal platfroms in an area that looks like the grand canyon.  The Baltimore Platoon as a boss will be a huge steel eagle which swipes back and forth across the screen and screeches at you.  There are three layers and you have to read which to avoid or else it instantly kills you.

I imagine that the player is carrying around a big old minigun in some tank top with camo pants and boots.  The only way to hurt the boss in this first phase of the fight is to shoot it's backside after it swipes across the screen.  If you get screeched, you become disoriented and the controls become inverted. 

Phase two involves a much more rapid fire swiping attack, but the eagle goes on a bombing run first, so you dodge swipes in three horizontal lanes and bombs in three vertical lanes.  In this phase, you have to see which of the two bombs doesn't explode, then kick it at the back of the eagle to knock it out.

At the end, you get to the nest, retrieve some eggs, and have a big omelette.

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Gone Viral (150 words min.)
Your player unexpectedly has a video go viral on social media. Why? Does it make your player look good? Does it make them look bad? What happened and why was someone filming you to begin with? ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player being filmed in their viral moment.

Slip McScruff goes viral for being caught up in a flash mob at a food court.  The flash mob stages their big dance as the result of a fake fight.  One person trips over another's leg and spills all their food.  They get up and start yelling in the other's face.  It gets heated and they start shoving each other.

Two people come over and try to intervene but they pick opposite sides and get at it themselves.  Just when things are about to boil over, the music kicks on and they start dancing to Beat It by Michael Jackson.  However, Slip isn't in on it and picks an actual fight with one of the actors.  They troupe gets about 30 seconds into their dance when the music cuts and the crowd splits.  Slip is on the ground wrestling with the actor who is also getting legitimately heated by the exchange.

This whole thing blew up on TikTok and now Beat It has ironically become Slip's music in the locker room and after a fight.

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Platoon Steelhawks Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

[Image: Tqabyfh.png][Image: UDyqktK.png][Image: 1DL5JDX.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2022, 01:35 AM by Dextaria. Edited 2 times in total.)


6. Written, 3 TPE, New Stat (150 words min.)
I work for the FHM dev team and I’m giving you, sweet user, the ability to add any stat you want to our player build system. Footwork? Sure! Stink level? Why not! Stomach capacity? Ok… I guess so! Tell me what stat you want to add, and how you imagine it’ll affect the sim.

A new user ability to add to the player build system would be poise. This one is always hard to describe, but I believe that poise is representative of the playoff/league experience that one has. This could make more experienced players have larger impacts to teams despite being worse in most other player categories due to the aging of the player. How poise can translate in the game can be that the player is more likely to not make mistakes as often in the defensive zone, and is able to clutch up more often in the offensive zone when a goal is needed. In terms of it affecting the sim, poise would be a minor "luck" factor to bring more parity into the league while giving players that have been in the league for longer something to look forward to as their player ages. Also, it won't entirely encourage the use of aging players over younger players, but it would make it possible for older teams to have a fighting chance to stay relevant.

175 words.
7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

S65 Milestones (2 TPE)

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

I would say that this playoffs were a little unexpected as the Atlanta Inferno were expected to go a bit further this season considering their finals appearance the previous season. However, on the other side of the playoff bracket, I believe most, if not all, of SHLers believed that the Los Angeles Panthers would be able to take it further, if not all the way this season to become the new SHL Challenge Cup Champions. I would say the only surprises would be the Tampa Bay Barracuda being able to reach the finals over the likes of Atlanta, and even Baltimore to a certain extent. As well as the Winnipeg Aurora being able to push the Chicago Syndicate to 7 games.

121 words

Beyond Prompts
20. Written, 3 TPE, From Sim to Shining Sim (150 words min.)
Did you know that not a single SHL or SMJHL team has a city on the opposite side of the world from it? It’s all ocean! Every single one! This is a huge missed opportunity for rivalries! Below is a list of cities that are pretty much exactly on the opposite side of the world from each other, also known as antipodes. Choose two, give me some new expansion team names, and tell me why they’d make a great rivalry! LINK:

Christchurch, New Zealand with a comparable size to A Coruna, Spain would make a great opportunity for rivalries as cities on the opposite side of the world. Christchurch has a population of approximately 380,000 people compared to A Coruna's 250,000 people. A similar size in city, both entering the SHL at the same time would create a rivalry in terms of who is the best "small town" SHL team in the league. Furthermore, Christchurch and A Coruna both are one of the larger antipodes in terms of pairings, certainly with the ability to get large backings from their respective countries as the first SHL teams there. As for the names of the two teams, the Christchurch team will be the Christchurch Rumble, paying homage to the large earthquake that caused havoc in the city. The Spanish team on the exact opposite side of the world will don the name the A Coruna Vidrio for the glass that it is known for.

161 words.
21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Boss Fight (150 words min.)
Develop a video game boss fight based off of your team’s branding. Tell me what it looks like, what its strengths are, and most importantly– how you defeat it. ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player fighting the boss you’ve imagined.

The boss fight with the Toronto North Stars is perplexing. The main character enters the arena... the atmosphere is cold and the player can see their breath under the dim lights from the top of the building. Then, suddenly a bright white light flashes the players eyes and blinds them momentarily as the familiar Toronto North Stars goal horn echoes through the arena.  Smoke begins to pour out from the away team locker room as a star-like figure emerges. It is hard to make out a clear shape due to the light that emits, but you know that is the enemy. The starlike figure is super fast and can blind instantly so it is best to keep your eyes closed and trust your other senses to lead the way. You realize that you can sense the heat it emits and figure out the only way to stop the beast... is to fill it with so much energy that it collapses. And so, the battle begins.

165 words
22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Gone Viral (150 words min.)
Your player unexpectedly has a video go viral on social media. Why? Does it make your player look good? Does it make them look bad? What happened and why was someone filming you to begin with? ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player being filmed in their viral moment.

Ryosuke Sato going crazy viral on social media would definitely be as a result of something really embarassing. As most know, Sato is a big fan of pho and loves to go around the cities that he visits to try the best pho places in town. One night, Sato heard that there is the best pho place in Toronto holding a mini event where if you can eat the most pho, then you can win unlimited pho for the year. This is it, the cameras are out and it is the night of the competition. Sato makes a bit of headlines going into the event considering his time in the SHL, so everyone is in anticipation. The light goes off and Ryosuke begins stuffing pho into his face as fast as he can. One bowl after another, like a pho-eating machine, Sato downs and eventually wins the competition! But this is where the viral part kicks in as Sato wins the trophy and certificate... and proceeds to puke into the backroom. An unusual look at the veteran so it starts going viral with people making music videos with the sound... yuck.

191 words

23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)
Instead of asking you about other people this season, I figured I’d ask about you! How are you feeling? Take a couple of minutes to write about what’s going on in your life and how you’re feeling lately. I think taking the time to write things down helps me appreciate or understand them better, so maybe this could help you! Or you can just rant about your cat annoying you for 100 words and collect 2 TPE. I guess that works too.

This season I was incredibly busy in terms of outside of the SHL things. I competed in two national competitions with my team and never really got back into the swing of the SHL things despite being able to complete most, if not all, of my tasks. A large motivator is that I always want to see things through to completion so I do not want to retire Sato early, or let my team down when I have a bit more left in the tank. I really do hope to be more active again, but I am also content with where I am in the league.

106 words

16/16 TPE (+2 TPE extra)
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2022, 01:45 AM by hockeyiscool. Edited 2 times in total.)

Scruf is a hottie with a body and I'm definitely not drunk :nodders:  @leviadan  since you're going to be reading this anyway might as well screen shot it. Also love you all for playing DnD hockey, never was into the roleplay thing before this.
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2022, 01:45 AM by JT3.)

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Verification: pizza

Quote:2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. An LAP team that was disappointed in a S63 finals loss is back again to face a TBB team that has been hungry for their chance in the entire FHM era. Who are you taking as a winner and why?
Obviously I am part of the procastinator special squad, but if I had chosen pre-final I would have said LA. I think they've been a contender the last few years and have shown they were on the cusp, whereas Tampa really hadn't shown the goods yet despite a very strong team for a while now, somewhat similar to the Maple Leafs.

c. L.A.’s D pair of Kierkegaard and Kahnwald are maintaining a shocking 2 more GF/60 than GA/60, despite playing more than 21 minutes a game including PK time. If you’re Tampa Bay how do you get around these two? Hope to outlast them in endurance, or look to more depth scoring?
I think if you're Tampa Bay trying to gameplan for a couple of the top d-men in the league you need to just find a way to get them off their game. It's pretty hard to completely nullify top pairing defenseman as there's a reason why they're top pairing defenseman. But you need to make things difficult for them any way you can, whether it's finishing your check or just giving them less time and space.

d. TBB’s roster has racked up many more shot blocks (294) than LAP has (188). Do you see this as a good thing? Is this an iron willed team that’s willing to lay down their bodies to get the job done, or do you think it paints a picture of a team that can’t maintain possession and has to find another way to keep the puck out. Maybe a bit of both?
While some teams are just genuinely good at shot blocking and use it as a big part of their gameplan, I think when you are consistently out-blocking your opponent there is definitely some concern in terms of possession metrics. If you are always putting up more blocks than you're probably spending more time in your own zone than on offense.

Quote:7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Milestone Claim

Quote:17. Written, 3 TPE, A Few Of Your Favourite Things (150 words min.)
Last season I asked why you chose your IIHF country, and this is somewhat similar but I’m specifically asking for non-hockey reasons now. What are some of your favourite things about the country your player is from? Are there special sights? Cities? Maybe it’s food? All of the above? Do a little research on the country and tell me what you like!
There was a number of reasons Noel ended up choosing Czechia as his adopted country for IIHF. For one, Czechia loves their beer, and so does Noel. He actually co-owns a brewery in Baltimore with his best friend and they’ve had that since his second season in the SHL, so the beer scene in Czechia was definitely up his alley. He’d also visited a number of times with his parents while growing up, so it had a lot of familiarity to him. He’d always loved the architecture and the scenery as a child, especially all of the different castles (fun fact that I mentioned in last seasons Championship Week, Czechia is actually one of the densest countries in the world when it comes to Castles with over 1000). Not to mention that the people there are super friendly, and they all love hockey! Plus the Czech GM made the best pitch of all IIHF squads, so that was a plus too.

Quote:18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator! Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?
I actually didn’t pay much attention to the playoffs this season as I’ve had a lot of things going on in real life as alluded to in the final question. Plus we were out fairly early this season losing in 5 to Atlanta in the first round. I would say that looking back at it now, Tampa finally making some noise and reaching the final while beating two strong teams in Buffalo and Atlanta was a little surprising. The West went fairly predictably I think, although I probably wouldn’t have expected San Fran to be swept, or for Winnipeg to take Chicago as close as they did.

Quote:23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)
Instead of asking you about other people this season, I figured I’d ask about you! How are you feeling? Take a couple of minutes to write about what’s going on in your life and how you’re feeling lately. I think taking the time to write things down helps me appreciate or understand them better, so maybe this could help you! Or you can just rant about your cat annoying you for 100 words and collect 2 TPE. I guess that works too.
This one is an easy choice for me since a lot has happened the last few days so I can just pound out 100 words easy. My girlfriend and I actually closed on our first house on Thursday. We've been spending the weekend moving in and also cleaning up our old apartment to get it ready for the walkthrough. Things have been pretty hectic in that sense and I haven't spent much time with the SHL despite being traded during the weekend as well. I also went golfing yesterday and got absolutely obliterated drunk, so that was a nice little distraction from all the chaos.

[Image: jjfrankiejj.gif]
Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2022, 02:59 AM by Lime.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.



2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. An LAP team that was disappointed in a S63 finals loss is back again to face a TBB team that has been hungry for their chance in the entire FHM era. Who are you taking as a winner and why?
b. Tampa Bay’s top forwards have been absolute power houses on this run, totalling 102 points across their top 6. If you’re LA, how do you line-match against two lines that are on an absolute tear?
c. L.A.’s D pair of Kierkegaard and Kahnwald are maintaining a shocking 2 more GF/60 than GA/60, despite playing more than 21 minutes a game including PK time. If you’re Tampa Bay how do you get around these two? Hope to outlast them in endurance, or look to more depth scoring? 
d. TBB’s roster has racked up many more shot blocks (294) than LAP has (188). Do you see this as a good thing? Is this an iron willed team that’s willing to lay down their bodies to get the job done, or do you think it paints a picture of a team that can’t maintain possession and has to find another way to keep the puck out. Maybe a bit of both?

a. I think the recent finals attendees have all the right pieces, and are hungry to win one for sure. Tampa has had a turbulent history and I don't know if they have the veteran presence or the experience to close things out. Tampa should be able to make it back, while the panthers seem like they are ready to win it.
b. I think its easy to shut down those two lines if you are the panthers. I think they have great defenders in the former berserkers and im confident in their abilities. LAP has faced more difficult teams and done just fine. Maybe its time to play a little dirty if things get down to it?
c. I think Tampa will have a tough time against these two. You can't tire them out, so you are gonna have to go with the classic strategy of the best defense is a good offense. Tampa has the capability to score a lot of goals and they are gonna need to keep putting pucks on net.
d. I think Tampa struggles a little bit with possession. They are great when they have the puck but they give it up too easily. Thats a pretty big liability letting the other team control the game like that. As good at blocking shots as you are, the best strategy is always going to be to avoid needing to block those shots first.

6. Written, 3 TPE, New Stat (150 words min.)
I work for the FHM dev team and I’m giving you, sweet user, the ability to add any stat you want to our player build system. Footwork? Sure! Stink level? Why not! Stomach capacity? Ok… I guess so! Tell me what stat you want to add, and how you imagine it’ll affect the sim.

one stat i would love to add is charisma. obviously steve harrington would excel at this. its kind of like leadership except you can actually put points into it. more charisma would affect a lot of things though. if you get into fights you would win a little bit more because you can reason with them instead of throwing punches. and then when they give up and their back is turned you can get an easy cheap shot. also it affects how well the rest of your team plays. if you put a lot into charisma you become kind of like a support character in a video game. hey fhm is a video game so that tracks. another thing you could do is get by the other team. they will be too charmed by you to try to go after you and hit you or try to steal the puck. just asking them nicely will do wonders. why doesnt anyone try that these days?

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


13. Graphic, 1 TPE, DALL-E? More like WINN-ING!
Since the ring task was unbelievably easy, I thought I’d try out another insanely easy graphics task. Try using OpenAI’s DALL E Mini to generate a Challenge Cup related image. It could be a championship ring, your player lifting the cup, a locker room celebration. Go nuts as long as you’re attempting to make it SHL related! The results will be weird, but it’s fun!  

[Image: unknown.png]


18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

I think it was always gonna be weird and unexpected to see a finals without a Great Lakes team. Those teams have been so dominant during my tenure here that parity is kind of scary and new to me. I think it was interesting to see Tampa finally make it to the finals after seeing the entire arc from 0-50 to now. Both these teams deserved to be there though, and the Panthers were long overdue for their cup win. Its crazy to think that Wasty's entire career as a top GM they only managed it once, when he started. Just goes to show how hard it really is to win these things normally.

20. Written, 3 TPE, From Sim to Shining Sim (150 words min.)
Did you know that not a single SHL or SMJHL team has a city on the opposite side of the world from it? It’s all ocean! Every single one! This is a huge missed opportunity for rivalries! Below is a list of cities that are pretty much exactly on the opposite side of the world from each other, also known as antipodes. Choose two, give me some new expansion team names, and tell me why they’d make a great rivalry! LINK:

Total: 16

[Image: arTbD7O.png][Image: fQjjgGe.png]

Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
[Image: PuANRuu.png]

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