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S66 PT #1: Opening Ceremony

The Maine Timber staff has given Matthew Mayhem the green light to plan the teams opening night excitement, an act which they will surely not regret. Mayhem has decided to hire a tribute band to play nothing but AC/DC songs, a ton of explosives, and some live animals. The night will begin with fireworks, and then bears jumping through flaming hoops (safely and with no harm to the animals, of course). That will be followed by a family of large moose riding unicycles. To cap the pre game festivities, Matthew Mayhem himself will juggle flaming axes, in true Maine fashion. He will also invite one young fan down on the ice and show them how to sharpen an axe, and this will be done in the center of a ring of fire while fireworks explode overheard. It will be a night to remember for all. After the game there will be a dunk tank and ice cream trucks all around the outside of the arena. 

166 words


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Player Prompt

I can feel the music more than I can hear it. I know the anthem has started but I can barely hear it, all I hear is my inner dialogue. The C is on my chest above my heart and I have large skates to fill; Rashford and Al'Thor were both larger than life and I don't know if I can live up to that. I want to make a big impression on my teammates and I want to proudly wear the C for Newfoundland but I know this is a rebuilding season. I don't even know if I will be a Berzerker by the time the season ends; anything can happen in the SMJHL. My mind is racing and I'm doing my best to focus on the task at hand, winning our first game. The fans are clapping and cheering now, the anthem has subsided and I lift my bucket onto my head and lineup for the opening draw...

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[Image: d9J5DHT.png]  [Image: 16PgOBm.png]


Well with New England I think it would definitely require wolves. Maybe was just have a few wolves wandering the arena to really spice things up. Now these wolves would be initially brought in on leashes and have some amount of prior training, but I can quickly see that going poorly. Loose wolves running amuck throughout the arena scaring the life out of everyone around. I figure they would probably end up at the concessions booths eating up tons of $17 chicken fingers and fries while licking the nacho cheese cups empty. Though that does imply they would get thirsty and I am not sure how they would go about finding liquid. I do not think they would be able to manage to work the fountain soda machine so maybe they will have to drink the blood of those poor suckers that got in their way? I do not know, but I am sure it would be chaos.

[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King


Creative Prompt:

The fans in Philly are crazy so it is no surprise after a long offseason that they are anxious to get back into the rink and cheer on their favorite team. The team knows how to put on a show as well with a lot planned for the home opener for the forge. A lone skater dressed as a blacksmith comes out onto the ice as the lights dim and the spotlight goes on the lone skater he skates to the center ice before cracking his hammer on an anvil causing a loud smashing sound and a ripple effect of flames and fireworks to ignite in the stadium lighting up the building as the crowd beings to go crazy! The blacksmith Strikes a second time causing even more fireworks and flames to erupt it is in this moment that announcer comes across the air and starts introducing one by one each of the Forge players for the season, Each player announced there is another strike of the hammer on anvil and sparks fly by the gate as the player skates through to make their way to center ice.


[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
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some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

07-18-2022, 12:33 AMPLAYER PROMPT- The start of a new season is no doubt an incredibly exciting time for a player. Anything can happen in a new season, and this might be your year. After weeks of hard work and training, you\re finally standing on the blue line, helmet off for the national anthem, staring up at the spot lights-- your first game back is just moments away. Wrote: Written Task:  Tell me what's going through your players head at this last moment, seconds before their first shift after a long off-season. Are they nervous? Excited? Maybe stressed? Are there specific people or moments that come to their mind? Do they need to settle down in a moment like this to play their best? If so, how? Or are you the type of player with ice in your veins that thrives in exciting moments like this? (150+ words)

At game day, there is no stress because I've waited all summer to play again! I'm excited to see the boys and the staff to have a great season.
Before stepping on the ice, I listen to the crowd and get ready mentally to give my best. I check my equipment if all is there to not get an injury and that my blades are ok.
When I'm in the front of my crease before the puck drop, my head is completely empty and I tried to focus my mind on the present moment. I also focus about the little things I need to do. I rely on my positioning and my reflexes so my body doesn't have to move much, but when he had to, he needs to act quickly so my mind need to be sharp.
As a goalie, I need to stay focused but when there's a pause, I like to feel the beat of the music and stay in my bubble.

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CREATIVE PROMPT - We're back baby! It's S66 and your organization wants to kick it off with a bang! You've got a big budget, a whole team of arena staff, and the owner's green light to do anything you please-- as long as it's a night to remember.

Written Task: What incredible spectacle do you plan for your team's opening night? Fireworks? Live music? Live animals? Your only goal is to make the most exciting and memorable opening night you can. Go as crazy as you like, but try to incorporate at least some elements of your team's branding or culture! (150+ words)

This all is going to seem crazy to you I'm sure but stick with me here: we are going to put a live Kraken under the ice for the first home game of Carolina's season. First you might point out that the Kraken isn't an actual animal and what I say to that is that it isn't an animal YET. We will have to heavily fund some scientists to splice the genes together of various animals until we can create our own real world Kraken. It would have to look like our logo and be pretty fearsome but I trust science to get us to where we need to be. Then we wouldn't have any ads on the ice or anything because we would want the fans to be able to see the Kraken below the ice surface while the team is playing. We'll have to develop some cooling system to keep the ice on top while the Kraken swims underneath. But I think it will make for a great show for the fans and people will want to come back to see our live Kraken.

186 words without prompt

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Rebecca Montagne had a fantastic off season. She was nominated for the McBride trophy, she won the Jesster trophy and won gold with team Switzerland in this years IIHF tournament. A lot went on for her, so the offseason went by like a small breeze of air.

It went by so fast that Montagne almost forgot to show up for the team games this season. When the games started, she started to get nervous. She had to be there for the team again. It did not go as expected and in the first two games you noticed she has hardly trained with the team, posting a five goals against average and just a 85 save percentage.

A lot has to change and Montagne has to look out for the infamous sophomore slump. She has to do better to not be as nervous again, so hopefully things will look brighter now the first few games are past her.

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Update Thread - Player Page
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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


I'm so excited to be taking the blue line after having a choice of where I wanted to play for the first time in my career since juniors. While I'm very appreciative of the Hamilton Steelhawks drafting me a couple seasons ago, I never quite felt like I fit in in a group of players who had obviously spent time together winning championships and building a locker room culture that I was never really a part of.  When I gave them the green light to trade me, I went to Texas where I mentally checked out for the majority of the season if I'm honest.  I appreciate their interest but it just wasn't a great fit.  Now that I'm here in New England, despite it being in the middle of a rebuild, I feel like for the first time I'm a part of the locker room, the culture, and am enjoying myself again like i did during my time in juniors with Anchorage.  All of these emotions have made me extremely grateful to start the season, and I can't wait to show this fan base what I can do.

WC: 189

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Prompt 2:

Ethan Duncan stepped onto the ice in Winnipeg for the first time as a member of the Aurora and it was like he was a rookie once again instead of a 10 season veteran. Skating out there in front of a brand new fan base was tougher than he thought it would be and of course playing in a new position that he had to learn over the offseason didn’t help. Getting his first start that night, he stepped into line with his new teammates and looked up as the anthem played and tried not to fidget too much. Duncan had been anticipating this moment for quite some time, but the reality of the big change didn’t really hit him until then. Even still, his teammates and these fans were counting on him and he forced himself to buckle down and get the job done. Duncan ended up showing off his veteran presence, notching 4 assists, and clearly getting over any perceived nerves.

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In order to make the biggest splash possible, the Toronto North Stars will be doing a fireworks show as part of their opening night. The crazy factor will be that the fireworks will be shot out in between the seat, where the people are sitting. Not only this will add to the immersiveness of the experience, it will enhance the spectacle by pumping up the adrenaline glands of the spectators as the danger of whizzing fireworks, sparks and explosions in an enclosed space will trigger people's flight or fight instincts. During the intermissions, volunteer participants are also invited to go down to ice level and fight the players to see who can knock each other out. If the volunteer participant wins they get tickets to the next game, and a hearty handshake. Hopefully these plans will result in no injuries or long term traumatic brain injuries, and that people will enjoy the pugilistic displays during the intermission.

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Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3



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This is how we should start our season every year! Well, we're based in New Orleans, so we NEED to have great music, scrumptious food, and an exciting night to remember! We have to go all out! I'm not sure which band is famous in NOLA to be honest, but we need to get them! Down? The Radiators? The Subdudes? All of them? Sure! For food, we need seafood for sure. Gumbo, jambalaya, po-boys, crawfish etouffee, etc. Everything under the sun and under the water! Besides that, live animals sound good too! Can we have a little aquarium set up that showcases the sealife around New Orleans? And then we can have a petting zoo for the kids. And hey, we NEED to have some pranks set up. We can have little pranks for the public as well, but the showstopper has to be about pranking Valterri Kauppinen of course. Oh! And a dunk tank! We need to get every Coach on there. And Management. And Valterri Kauppinen. Why is he the only player? Why not? Let's get to it, can't wait!

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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: QtEp67y.png]

Our opening night will be all about the fans and about their experience. Celebrating your supporters is the best way to celebrate the team itself - players, officials and coaches, they all come and go, but many fans stay for a lifetime and it's only fair to thank them for that once in a while and celebrate their contributions. So our opening night will be a big outdoor festival all around the arena and all expenses played by the players and management of the team. I'm talking food trucks, lots and lots of beer and maybe other beverages as well, bands, DJs, bouncy castles, video games, open access to almost all parts of the arena and lastly, plenty of chances to mingle with the players. To make the whole thing feel organic make the interactions have real meaning, no autographs or selfies will the players will be allowed, but having a chat or having a beer or hotdog together is totally cool. Just keep your phone in your pocket for one and enjoy the actual experience - you'll have a much better story to tell later.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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