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S66 PT #2: Freaky Friday

The ideals of a player turned coach are pretty simple. There's a very direct market inefficiency out there in the world--not enough coaches tell guys to 'just work harder.' How come in the SHL you don't just hear coaches belting out to hit, skate, shoot, pass, and go into the penalty box harder? I'd have to imagine the returns on such a venture would be astronomical. Imagine if every player out there was just 1% better, that's like, more than 1 point in the standings at least! I mean, really, why not get that aggression out of every player possible? It's really a fool proof strategy to winning.

Trying to breakout against this type of team would be near impossible. Guys would be on the puck carrier hard, they'd follow up passes hard, and there would be a lot of turnovers forced in the other teams offensive end. In closing the real market inefficiency that would be solved wth me coaching is the lack of aggressive forechecking.

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Friedensreich Hundertwasser woke up and walked to his wardrobe opening the door. The reflection on the wardrobe mirror shocked him, grizzled tanned hardworking skin and a glorious beard looked back at him. He looked his clothes over, 20 of the exact same red & black checkered flannel shirts and workman's trousers.
Huh, it must have all been a dream. Of course I'm not an adequate ice hockey player for the new Orleans Specters. No, clearly I am an award winning lumber jack and wood sculpter.
He threw on his flannel, his trouser and his steel capped boots and jumped in his Toyota Truck, driving down to the work site.
After a long, fruitful day if felling trees he went back home to his garage where he got to work oh a personal project. He decided to sculpt himself as a hockey player to remember what had been the most vivid dream of his life.

[Image: Hockeymans.gif]
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Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac
(This post was last modified: 07-30-2022, 04:13 AM by Froste39. Edited 4 times in total.)

Quote:PLAYER PROMPT - A stray puck takes a weird bounce in practice and-- oops! You got bonked on the noggin! To your surprise, you wake up as yourself, but with a different life!

Written Task: If your player could choose any job outside of being an SHL player, what would it be and why? Simulated doctor? Simulated European truck driver? What other talents or passions does your player have that they want to explore? What does this life look like? Is it super different? Or do you end up rich and famous anyway? (150+ words)

Graphic Task: Show your player enjoying their new job! 
Dominik's life wasn't at all streamlined to a successful hockey career. In fact in school nobody would have predicted that Dominik would ever make it to a professional level, yet alone in hockey. If his parents weren't so adamant about Dominik always doing at least one sport in his life , it probably would have never happened. So what if they didn't insist? Well, funny thing is Dominik always was a big nerd before and was a pretty good shooter player. He even made it to the Electronic Sports League and played professionally. If hockey wasn't even more successful (and more heallthy lol) he would still sit on the PC for 10 hours a day, honing his aiming skills. While Dominik still games a lot to relieve stress and have fun with some friends it isn't a life choice anymore. It is funny however what small decisions (thanks parents) can do to push a life in a different direction.

(This post was last modified: 07-30-2022, 05:07 AM by blakec1414.)

Player prompt 
Kezia sees the puck in the crease and drives hard towards the net. Unfortunately, the dirty enforcer on the other team saw a clear as day opportunity to remove Regina’s biggest pest from the game, and gave  them just the push they needed to go headfirst into the post. Everything goes black.
Kezia wakes up groggily and unsure of their surroundings, before realizing that they seem to be in the bunk bed of a tour bus. That’s right; Kezia’s life now is as the guitar player and vocalist of a popular hardcore punk band that tours all over the world. Kezia lives the reckless rock star lifestyle, and happily forgets their hockey aspirations in order to play to adoring audiences every day. One time while playing a show, the bass player accidentally domes Kezia with the headstock of his bass, and they come to, once again on the cold ice of the Regina home arena. (160 words)

[Image: kezia-elk4-smol.png]
sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno

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(ISFL: 37thchamber)

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The Journey

6,000 mile road#DidItForDildo1,700 miles more
A Silver Road

Drought Ender, Curse Breaker, Firebird

Player Prompt:

One odd game and Sato was really out of it as he had some bad sushi last night, but regardless his life would change forever after this one experience. Sato was playing defense in the Toronto North Stars zone and while attempting to block a shot the puck gets deflected weirdly and hits him. Clearly concussed, Ryosuke hobbles to the bench and tries to gather themselves... but suddenly the next day he decides he is going to find a new line of work. Ryosuke really likes driving and found American rodes to be great for that, so on that fateful day he puts on his favourite North Stars hat and enrols into a trucking business as a driver! Life on the day-to-day is much more relaxed as he is just hauling loads across this great continent for hours on end, and clearly his body begins to show that as he appears to gain a bit of weight. Regardless, Sato enjoys the new time where he is behind the wheel, listening to the latest podcasts about the SHL, and just driving along like there is no worry in this world. Of course though, there are the odd working shifts here and there, but definitely does not mind.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

I think when it comes to coaching, most of the game has been universally "mastered" in terms of tactics. Trying out five forwards on the power play could be an interesting idea to try and overload the opposition with offense, but you're also giving up completely on defense in the event they make it through to the neutral zone. Something I wouldn't mind trying would be rolling with three defenders late in the game if you're trying to maintain a lead. Of course you would have the normal two on defense, but make your most offensive-minded defender take the center position to play the complete 200 foot game. You would have one of your wingers (one of only two forwards on the ice) take the actual faceoffs, then immediately switch back to wing once the puck is in play. I think this would provide a really solid defensive and conservative approach to maintaining a late-game lead.

Words: 150+

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As Melvin wakes up in a dream life, he finds himself being.. well incredibly ordinary, at least to most people. instead of having something glamourous that has happened to him, Melvin finds himself back "home" in Michigan, just hanging out in the forest. While the moose had very much adapted to life in the human realm, Melvin's dream life apparently involves him just becoming a regular old moose. Now, unfortunately for Melvin, he apparently gets plopped in the woods in the middle of hunting season. So not only is Melvin going to have to live out his days in the middle of the woods, with no creature comforts that he has grown used to, but he is also going to have to avoid all of the hunters and predators that are out there just waiting to eat him. Melvin found that he needed to sharpen his antlers, but without the money of the SHL, he no longer had antler implants for the entirety of the year, and instead had to shed his antlers every year. He is very sad about this.

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Prompt #1

Jaska Seppala was taking his normally practice routine at the Buffalo Stampede practice facility and having a good time while doing it. That was until big dumb KEKW Kekkonen shanked a puck and hit him directly on the head. For some reason Jaska Seppala was not wearing a helmet at the time. When Jaska Seppala wakes up at the hospital he wakes up not as the star hockey player but as Jaska Seppala the janitor. Jaska Seppala could not believe his eyes but as the days progressed he accepted his job as the janitor of a bank. He enjoyed keeping everything clean and was very good at it. He slowly forgot all about how he was a hockey player. Sometimes he wondered if that ever happened to begin with. It is a life without being rich and fame but it is an enjoyable life nonetheless. Jaska Seppala also enjoys conversing with everybody that goes in and out of the bank

[Image: blurrybad.jpg] [Image: zomboy3.png]
Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
[Image: Pw202QP.jpeg]

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to continue the theme from the previous point task, mitchell van der heijden would want to be a formula one driver if he was not as talented at ice hockey as he is. van der heijden has previously made his support of the alfa romeo sauber formula one team well known due to its swiss origins and base, but if he had the chance he would jump to possibly replace sebastian vettel in the open aston martin seat. van der heijden has been known as something of a talented open wheel racer, having go-karted in his spare time as a junior player and even making an appearance in the hockenheim round of formula three years ago for the jenzer motorsport team, having finished in 12th in the sprint race and 8th in the actual race, scoring points in his one and only f3 round. while this is nowhere near f1 worthy, van der heijden still fancies himself behind the wheel of one of those cars.

Armada Monarchs

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Player Prompt

If Buck had a career outside of the SHL it would definitely be an arborist or something along the lines of landscaping. Buck finds it soothing firing up the riding lawn mower, sitting down and being able to constantly be surrounded by the smell of fresh cut grass. Buck also enjoys being outdoors which is right up his alley since being in the lawn care and arborist industry is always out doors. This would also give Buck the chance to meet new people, which he loves, and to be able to leave customers satisfied after a hard days work of cutting their lawn and caring for their trees. This would be Buck's ideal career but some honourable mentions include being a chef, being a vocalist in a metalcore band, being a pilot or something that gets him out of the house and seeing the outside world and allowing him to travel.

[Image: keithley.png]
[Image: mcalister.png]

Being a coach in the SHL is one of the challenges that most players hope that they can tackle after their careers have started to wrap up. Its not often that a player gets thrust from the prime of his or her career to behind the bench. However, with a roster like Chicago has this year, it would be a fairly enviable spot to be in. Mostly, I would expect that the roster in Chicago could carry me to a decent amount of success even with very little knowledge of how to be a head coach in the SHL. However, there are some more creative things that might help the team be a bit more successful than perhaps the current coaching staff is willing to try. The first thing would be to include more off ice competitions. This roster is really quite talented on the ice and with such a large number of veterans, the monotony of on-ice drills and practice can create a bit of staleness for the team week to week. To get a bit more pep in the step of the older guys, we'll introduce more practice time that is dedicated to off-ice work. Things like wally ball and maybe even some hand-eye work out on the golf course.

As a new coach, trying some of the things that are creative and not as conventional would be one of the most enjoyable parts of stepping into a new role. It would be awesome to bring a little big of fun to the players who work hard every day to put on a great show for the fans and put wins in the victory column.

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Thanks Jove for my sig

SMJHL Simmer PT Pass

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