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S67 Championship Week Due: November 6th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Seattle is back in the finals for the second time in a row. While last season was an unexpected run led by a miracle goalie performance-- this season's appearance comes at no surprise to those who watched their offseason closely. What roster changes do you think have put Seattle in this position again? Do you think it's enough for them to finish the job this time around?

b. Manhattan has charged from a ninth place regular season finish to an Eastern conference championship and a shot at the Challenge Cup. I don't think that it's out of line for me to say that not many saw this coming. How do you think they got to this point? Who's performing better than expected? Do you think they have enough gas to complete the Cinderella run?

c. At this point in the playoffs, Manhattan has played four more games than Seattle. With the schedule as tight as it is in the playoffs, do you think that extra hockey will affect them? Could it be a positive that MAN has been in a near constant routine of game days while SEA has seen a bit more rest? Or do you think that wear and tear will start to show on MAN if this series goes to 6 or 7 games?

d. In many ways this seems like a battle of who can stay hotter longer. Both teams have PDO ratings as high as 110 while barely having any players that dip below 100. Seattle and Manhattan are both on absolute heaters of strong goalies and high shooting percentages. What do you think is driving this, and who do you think can keep it going longer? Who comes out on top?

A: I believe Seattle has been building up to this for a long while. Last season seemed only slightly premature. It takes amazing goaltending to make it all the way here. This time, i believe the Argos have it. The continued growth of many of the young players on the team is a huge part of their continued success.

B: When it comes to the Rage, i believe it is fair to say that they have gotten here on the back of two things. First of all, they have been slowly developing throughout much of the S60s to have a strong playoff team. The other factor is for this run to the finals specifically, a place they have not been since S52, when they won it all. That other thing comes in a pair. Lev Lebedev has 20 Goals in 22 games AND 19 Assists! Take him away, and Manhattan probably are not here at all. Two is Name Redacted playing out of his damn mind.

C: Its a hard one to answer. For the Rage, this is a lot of hockey and they seem to be relying on a few top end talent players to get this far. On the other hand, the Argos made the finals last season as well and fell short. So many games so soon after one another could be just enough to keep Seattle as tired if not more so that Manhattan.

D: Yet another question that could break either way. Seattle was here last year, and whilst they have been getting luckier so far, they are a top team having finished 5th with 90 points. Manhattan made it to 9th with 79. One would not be in trouble for assuming that, at a base 100, Seattle has a higher floor. However, the Rage's Centers in particular have been major scoring threats, moreso than the Argos players in general.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Tough to Swallow (150 words min.)
In your opinion, who was the best SHL or SMJHL team to NOT win the Challenge Cup / Four Star Cup? Who was on that team, and why do you think they deserved to win it all? What round did they lose in and how? Was it bad luck? A hot opposing goalie? Inexperience?

Of course I am going to be massively biased here. But one unfortunate team that doesn't get much talk outside of their own community from back then is the S58 Toronto North Stars. One of if not THE strongest team that franchise has iced. The S58 North Stars finished 3rd in the league with 98 points. Scoring was lead by Bobby "Fast" Lane and his 78 point pace. Both him and Ruslan "Sparkplug" Zaporozhets smashed in 36 and 37 goals respectively. Harry Carpet was in his prime and backed up by Scoochie Scratton, this team was no pushover. They made it to overtime of game 7 against arch rivals the Buffalo Stampede, coming a goal away from making the Challange Cup Finals.

What killed it for them? 9 of their players were below 100 PDO. Of them, Taylor Johansson was the most snakebit. Managing 4 goals and 5 assists on a PDO of just 90.9. To say nothing about Ruslan Zaporozhets losing his scoring touch, matching Taylor's 4 goals with only 4 of his own. If that team played at a more normal PDO, they would have taken Hamilton at least to the edge, if not beat them entirely.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Hotel Rooms (150 words min)
During the playoffs it’s not uncommon to have to spend several days on the road in the same city. Whether you’re in the playoffs or not, who does your player share a room with on the road? What do you get up to? Are you the type to drag around a PS5 everywhere you go, or are you the first to hit the bar after the game? Are you a night owl or an early riser?

When it comes to goalies, of course they tend to share hotel rooms. After all, the sagely advice of "Don't mess with your goalies" is adhered to for a reason. Thus, August Von Hecht and Brady Trussler share rooms when on the road. Both have their odd habits of course. For example, Brady has no problem whiling away at video games like Madden almost constantly. August is usually out trying to find a Rave to get absolutely blasted at and pick up chicks along the way. This keeps him up most nights and makes him nearly last to get on the bus to arrive at the arena. When he isn't doing that, or ends up with an extended stay somewhere with a poor night life scene. August will do his best to tag around with whomever seems to be doing the most fun and exhilarating things for their stay. Usually he gets on well. Some nights he even takes over the Hotel bar.

9. Graphic, 3 TPE, Fall Fashion
Some players like to make a statement with this clothing on their way into a game. Is your player known for this? Show me your player walking into a game in their craziest outfit. Is it some weird costume? A full designer getup? Something else entirely?

[Image: rZ4ueYd.png]

20. Written, 3 TPE, Championship Leek (150 words min.)
If you were the judge of a Leek competition, what would you be looking for? How would you choose the championship Leek? Aesthetics only? Is taste a factor for you? How do you weigh each factor in your decision? Tell me, in 150 words, how you would define the perfect championship winning Leek.

As a farmer irl i can tell you with confidence about Leeks. Leeks have such a subtle taste. Often they don't highlight the dishes they are in, though they provide a bounty of nutrients. To judge a Leek, lets look at it from the perspective of a Fall Fair esq crop growing competition like ones for Corn, Pumpkins, and the like. A Championship caliber Leek would be one that is large and healthy, with consistent colouring from the mild white bottom to the deep evergreens of the tough but nutrient dense leaves near the top. One could of course look to taste it but Leeks are not like many full flavour vegetables, so it is best judged as a prized crop. Perfect for soups, though you may not notice it at all. After all, they are a mild, sweet, onion like taste that can almost be achieved more successfully with Shallots. For that reason, Leeks are often underrated but damn delicious.

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[Image: CptSquall.gif]


CW Pass

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[Image: QwTZD8C.png][Image: iemKOIk.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-27-2022, 06:21 PM by SchwarzNarr. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. Moose (3 tpes)

20. I think the greatest way to judge a Leek would be to see how many different preparations one might be able to do for the leek. Looking at the overall taste of the dishes, as well as the variety and differences within the dishes I think would be very important. Not only would the physical appearance matter, it cannot, after all, look like green vomit on a plate if you were to puree it, but it is also of critical importance to have the aroma and taste of the leek to be on point. With a variety of ways to prepare the leek, using it in multiple fashions (fried, grilled, pureed) in a singular dish could definitely award someone the most points, not only for creativity but also for taste. While the leek flavor is the element you hope shines in the dish, it is incredibly important for the leek to not be overshadowed by the additional flavors of the dish, but also to not outshine them in a way where you view this dish as purely, leek. (3 tpe)

21. Honestly, the best way to speedrun the SHL would be to speedrun each season. Offer users the chance to complete a point task for each day of the week, with claims that are posted beginning 12 hours after the initial post goes up. Just a continual submission of new point tasks and grading of old ones. Allow players to buy training daily and post on the threads for their activity check, and stream 1/7th of the season every single day. Quick sims, most likely because well, there isn't nearly enough time for everything that has to happen. With that said, you would need to treat the league and updating like a revolving door of sushi. Sure, some teams and players are going to miss their windows, and but with continual updates, pt releases and tasks graded, it would definitely make for an interesting season. After a week of literal hell, you can then have a three week offseason to allow everyone to recuperate before doing it again. (3 tpe)

22. Legitimately my band would just consist of Adelie de Pengu. Have you ever seen Happy Feet? Penguins are definitely able to create some incredible music, beats, and more with their flippers and feet, and without a doubt, Adelie would be right up there, tap tap tapping away. Now, while he is busy making the music, Melvin would 1000% be exploiting Adelie's talents for his own benefit. While acting as his manager, and former friend (because trust me, after this, they won't be friends anymore), Melvin would work to make sure that Adelie had the best tap teachers of all time, and spent most of his time practicing. Additionally, finding a vocal coach for a penguin might be a little bit difficult, but believe you me when I say that it will be done, and Melvin will spare no expense of Adelie's money to do it. Now that he has the beats down with his flippers and the song down with his voice, all he needs is one hell of a tune to sing. Melvin will definitely not be stealing that from some poor songwriter. They will be a smash sensation. (3 tpe)

23. @SDCore Corey you are literally one of my best friends in the whole wide world. I know that we aren't always able to talk as much as I think both of us would like, but I'm so sincerely glad to have met you in the ISFL, and for you to bring me into the SHL and eventually into your family here. You have created something so absolutely beautiful in Chicago, and I have loved every moment that I've spent there over the past few seasons. Thank you so much for being my friend, the person I can bitch to, or bounce ideas off of. You're truly one of the best. (2 tpes)

6. One of the weirdest things that Melvin does to make sure that he can win every game is that he meditates in a pool of mud before entering the arena. While the mud isn't great to get onto the ice, Melvin will take a shower before joining his teammates in the rink. While many might think it's weird, in the past it has worked for Melvin, (or at least, he likes to misremember it as working). The reality is, Melvin isn't remotely close to being a champion and the one trophy that he has ever won, or thinks he won, was actually won by his dear friend instead. Melvin really needs to find a new superstition and ritual, because the reality is the mud smells and Melvin isn't very good at taking a shower, so he is probably stinking up the whole place for his team. This means that they are performing worse. (3 tpes)

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CW pass

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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[Image: wMGKypg.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2022, 08:56 PM by WithTheMoose. Edited 1 time in total.)

ISFL Affiliate IsaStarcrossed

(+3 TPE)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


(+3 TPE) (6 total)

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Seattle is back in the finals for the second time in a row. While last season was an unexpected run led by a miracle goalie performance-- this season's appearance comes at no surprise to those who watched their offseason closely. What roster changes do you think have put Seattle in this position again? Do you think it's enough for them to finish the job this time around?

b. Manhattan has charged from a ninth place regular season finish to an Eastern conference championship and a shot at the Challenge Cup. I don't think that it's out of line for me to say that not many saw this coming. How do you think they got to this point? Who's performing better than expected? Do you think they have enough gas to complete the Cinderella run?

c. At this point in the playoffs, Manhattan has played four more games than Seattle. With the schedule as tight as it is in the playoffs, do you think that extra hockey will affect them? Could it be a positive that MAN has been in a near constant routine of game days while SEA has seen a bit more rest? Or do you think that wear and tear will start to show on MAN if this series goes to 6 or 7 games?

d. In many ways this seems like a battle of who can stay hotter longer. Both teams have PDO ratings as high as 110 while barely having any players that dip below 100. Seattle and Manhattan are both on absolute heaters of strong goalies and high shooting percentages. What do you think is driving this, and who do you think can keep it going longer? Who comes out on top?

a. I think the obvious boost that Seattle got in the offseason was in their centers. Last season Calvin Hobbes was really the only center who really had a chance to shine with his 81 points and then Edward Williams well behind him at 62. They brought in Luukas Lilja and Anton Mihailov who both ended up being big play game changers scoring 101 and 71 points respectively. That is an extra 29 points from centers they didn't have before! (79 words)

b. I don't think Manhattan really had to do a ton to get to this point between seasons. They've been rebuilding for a while and despite losing a few pieces, they managed to staunch the bleeding and put together a super team through some smart drafting and savvy trades. The team had time to develop and they'd seen steady improvement for a while. I think it all fell together in the offseason and the GMs deserve all the credit for keeping the team active, earning, and pushing forward. This isn't some Cinderella run, we'll see them back soon. (97 words)

c. I actually think the extra game will be more of a benefit for Manhattan. Going in, Seattle is clearly the better team overall, but that isn't a problem because Manhattan is used to that right? They've been doubted through the playoffs and have had to run the gauntlet to get here. I think having some comfort with longer series and knowing they can come out the other end with the final victory will help them be prepared far better mentally than Seattle who has just squashed everyone. If its a long series, expect to see Manhattan win. (97 words)

d. Both teams have their goalies getting hot at the same time, but I think if it becomes a matchup of goalies then Seattle has an edge. For Manhattan this is uncharted territory for them and the hot streak could falter at any point. Seattle is no stranger to these kinds of streaks though as Willie Miller is amongst the best. He has had these streaks before, knows how to maintain them, and has proven that it isn't just a fluke that will falter in a crucial game. He's a man of pure will. If Willie is locked in, then the matchup between goalies shouldn't even be part of the conversation. (110 words)

(+4 TPE) (10 total)

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, We Should Start a Band! (150 words min.)
Hockey is no longer in fashion, we’re doing music now! Choose a couple of friends from around the league to form a band with! Who do you choose, what instruments do they play, and what kind of music do you all make together? As a graphic task, show me your band together performing in their home arena.

If we're forming a band, then Pengu would know exactly how to approach it. You see, since he was a small little chick he's always been a big fan of emo. The classics like My Chemical Romance, old school Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Dashboard Confessional, and more. The instrumentals, the incredible vocals that mix both screaming and smoothness. It is an addicting symphony for Adelie. He would quickly go out and collect all of his teammates in Chicago to form a band as they've spoken many times of their own love for the emo genre. There would likely be a fight over the drums with Juke finally winning, but once that was figured out it would most certain leave Adelie on vocals as his ability to squawk, gakker, and make other vocal noises unparalleled by the others would launch this band into the stratosphere. Then you'd end up with SDCore and JNH and Matty making up other portions of the band on backup vocals, guitar and bass. It'd be a jam session of legends and one that would absolutely go viral!

(+3 TPE) (13 total)

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Milestones +3 TPE

(+3TPE) (16 total)


CW Pass

[Image: Gabe-lights.png]
[Image: nMz40Vc.gif]

(This post was last modified: 11-06-2022, 01:08 PM by Thunfish. Edited 5 times in total.)

SHL Affiliate Claim

1. Portimonense

2. a. No idea, I guess. Truth be told I think they just worked harder at it and came back wanting the cup even more than last time around. I wouldn't really be able to tell if they did any major moves since I don't really pay that much attention to things but I can imagine they did take the last run as some sort of incentive for this one and so far, it looks like it did work enough to get them back here.

b. I suspect it's because we never gave up. Look, I get what you all mean about us being a surprise contender and I don't blame you for thinking so because we are rather unexpected like that. But truth be told, once you qualify for the playoffs, you're on the run with everyone else. Long as you're there, you have a shot. It's what I thought back when I was with Anaheim for that Cup run and it's also what I have thought about any playoff attempt I've been to at any level. You need a ticket to be in the dance and once you're in the dance, as long as you leave it more to fate, luck and whatever deity you believe in... well, anything's possible. You all should give more credit to our GMs and the roster we have, at least... well, maybe not me that much but y'know.

c. Y'know... Given my experience with FHM, I feel it depends on the fish you're cooking with. Some teams are just untouchable when fatigue is taken heavily under consideration. Still, I believe we don't really deal with that all in this so I guess it's more of a matter of how you did with those games and not how many of those you played so far (or how fewer games you've played when compared to your opponent). If you're able to keep more hot streaks during those, you're bound to come screaming.

d. I hope it's us. Kinda tough to ask that from someone who is in the series, ain't it? Now, I can say with safety that Seattle's goalie is pretty good. We were teammates back in Nevada and he already pulled miracles back then so I fail to see any surprises in that regard. For us, it's our goalie whose name we can't type and Lev "The Legend" Lebedev.

5. "I don't really mind going on the road for long stretches of time but I do bring a couple of things with me whenever we go on away trips. I think my essential thing would be a skateboard, I like having it with me and maybe getting some time on it whenever I need to just spend some time not thinking about anything. I also bring a Kindle so I'm always near my book collection. I didn't bother with them that much when I was younger but I got some suggestions from fans about it and I figured it'd be fun."
"So, if you were younger and not yourself, would you never read your own biography, for example?"
"Eh, I think I would. My life's pretty fun to read about, right? And you write it pretty well too, I'm guessing."
Taken from "An Irishman's Journey into Global Hockey"

7. Milestone post, claimed 1

13. [Image: craiyon_120212_anton_harrier_hockey_manhattan_rage.png]

17. The way I see it, given the state of affairs our world is currently in, we could probably spring for some recycled materials to make medals out of. I have no idea what kind of material each medal would be but I'm thinking we could maybe just use the same base for all variants and then just differentiate them with paint. Namely, gold could be painted in a neon yellow tone, silver could just get some silver paint and bronze could just go with whatever natural colour the material has. I'm thinking maybe the strap could be made out of cobbled-up pieces of cloth from those that can't be restored into clothing for those in need and the medal itself could be made out of recycled aluminum. That way, we'd help to make a difference on mother Earth's behalf and look kinda snazzy as well, right?

[Image: d8gycCg.png]
Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
Player Page - Update Page
Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2022, 06:19 PM by Crazylemire. Edited 1 time in total.)

IFSL affiliate +

most likely would of just went and passed over this question because I dont think I would be able too fit 150 words into a thing for a song but for where Kayden Pale plays in Chicago and my love for the Chicago drill scene well this is a must need Answer Man it tho it really could be any of them I think giving it to Lil durk would be best option though with the song "Dis Ain't what you want" as it is a beauty of a pump of song, with the beat going Dis ain't what you want. I think this would be an inspiring artist too pick for the city of Chicago since I feel he has been at the top of the drill scene for years and would put the amtompre in the arena above and beyond beautiful. With the ways durk makes us all feel in his words from his rhymes yes it gotta be durk forsure.


CW pass

                                           Finland Update Page  Interview  Player Page  Wolfpack

                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)


[Image: izzy.PNG]
(This post was last modified: 11-02-2022, 05:19 AM by gordieboom. Edited 13 times in total.)


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification: Alvin


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Yes Seattle had a great run last season led by their goalie Willie Miller. I did noticed they added a few great pieces during the offseason, especially that three way trade with Los Angeles Panthers and Edmonton Blizzard when they landed three quality players. Defenseman Jonas Kahnwald, center Luukas Lilja and winger Jimmy Wagner. After that trade i fully expected Seattle to be the main contender for winning the cup.

b. Yes i agree, it is surprising to see Manhattan Rage in the finals against Seattle Argonauts. I think the main reason for their success is their first line unit who absolutely delivered. Leb Lebedev, Tomas Lind and Robert O. Speedwagon is a line that every team dreams of. I think luck is also a huge factor and apparently you do not need a 1000+ goalie to beat opponents in a playoffs series.


4. Written, 3 TPE, Tough to Swallow (150 words min.)
In your opinion, who was the best SHL or SMJHL team to NOT win the Challenge Cup / Four Star Cup? Who was on that team, and why do you think they deserved to win it all? What round did they lose in and how? Was it bad luck? A hot opposing goalie? Inexperience?

In my opinion the best team that did NOT win the the Challenge Cup was the Toronto North Stars. They had a dominant regular season, finishing second in points, but with the best goal difference, a plus 134. They scored 320 goals, the most of any team. Videl Vador lead among scoring leader, 59 goals. Dogwood Maple scored 54 goals and finished 3rd. Having two topscorers in one team is pretty remarkable. Jimmy Larkin-Conway had 68 assists, Ty Murphy 64. Those 4 players all had around 100 points. Dogwood Maple and Yuuto Kira Cloudera Jr finished with a plusminus of +70, the best in the league. Dogwood Maple had 346, 5 more than Videl Vador. They both had more than 80 shots (!) than the first player from another team. The Toronto North Stars offensive was absolutely on a roll. They continued their strong play in the playoffs, beating Tampa easily in the first round, 4-1. They also started strong against Montreal, 2-0, but than suddenly lost 4 straight games, with a couple of blowout games too. I think the reason for this is the difference in goalie, Montreal has a rising goalie star, where Toronto plays with a former goalie star who is rapidly deteriorating.


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE - Milestones


16. Written, 3 TPE, Hockey History (150 words min.)
Tell me about an important moment or person in the history of your home country’s hockey program! This can be a real-life story or SHL related! Your choice! I want to learn some interesting hockey history from around the world!

In real life i live in the Netherlands. 2015 was a special year for a dutch hockey fan, as in that year every hockey minded fan followed the story of one particular hockey player, named Daniel Sprong. He could be the first ever player, born in the Netherlands, that could be drafted in the NHL. Daniel’s hometown is Amsterdam, as a 4 year old he played against 12 and 13 years old. The development program in the Netherlands is low and so his family decided to move to Canada. Daniel was 8 years old when he left the Netherlands. Although he no longer lived in the Netherlands, the story was still big news here. After he got drafted in the second round and played for the Pittsburgh Penguins he was nominated for young talent of the year. Although he didn’t win it was very remarkable that he got nominated, since ice hockey is not a huge sport in the Netherlands. It certainly helped promoting the sport a bit. Since this day i am still following his career closely and i am happy for him that he still plays in the NHL as he already played for four different teams (Pittsburgh, Anaheim, Washington and Seattle)


18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s results? How do you feel about season two of FHM 8?

The SHL playoffs never go as expected, although i rightly predicted Seattle Argonauts to win the cup. That wasn’t a big surprise. The fact that Manhattan Rage got into the finals is a bit surprising. Another team that surprised me was the Calgary Dragons. A very good regular season, followed by a solid playoffs run, stopped by the eventually winners. Concerning FHM 8, i am not convinced yet that is the right simulator. The amounts of goals scored is still way too much and goalies absolutely getting no love in this league. The league should really start thinking about using an other sims as this one really starting to frustrate.

Stars | Player | Update Thread | Gordie#6746 | Manual Lineup Sheet | HockeyNation | Grizzlies
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2022, 04:21 AM by OrbitingDeath. Edited 5 times in total.)

3 TPE - Task 1 Trivia:    Verification word:  Thanks

3 TPE - Task 3: Song of the Playoffs

A good hype song for the SHL Playoff finals would be something that scares the fans away. They deserve this after Winnipeg did not make the finals. So my song of choice is a song I actually appreciate myself, but everyone I let listen to it, complain to me that how I can like this garbage. It’s a nice mix of 8 bit sounds and whatever kind of dance music it is, but its loud, its obnoxious, its perfect for this event. So I will nominate Crystal Castles - XXZXCUZX ME as the SHL playoff song. Even the text of the song refers to the fact we are a simulation league: Just because we don't feel flesh. Doesn't mean we don't fear death.  And thats actually what we felt when being knocked out by Seattle in the semi finals. So I could not think of any song more fitting than this one, after all, we do care about our players and results despite this being a fake league. It’s real in our hearts.

Words: 172

3 TPE - Task 5: Hotel Rooms

Montagne has a room for herself to be able to rest well and focus on the games. However, things do not always go as planned. Usually she is found hitting the town together with parner in crime Ryuuji Kawashima.  When they find a karaoke place in the city they visit, they are well known for not being able to resist it.  You have not heard great classics like ‘Islands in the stream’  or ‘ Paradise by the dashboard light’  until you heard it out the loud and obnoxious voices of Montagne and Kawashima. Nevertheless, they have a good time and that is all that matters. I just hope the crowd brought protection for their ears. As it certainly is needed. When karaoke is no option, they will just hit up a local pub, grab some drinks and just make their own karaoke bar. Which usually leads to them being thrown of out the bar. Luckily there are enough bars per city to not having to worry about having a place to go, considering this is a road trip afterall.

Words: 176

3 TPE - Task 7: Milestones


3 TPE - Task 11: Now You, With The Weather

[Image: mS2QbFD.png]

3 TPE - Task 12: Spooky Season

[Image: plKRnVm.png]

[Image: m38.gif]
Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: regret


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Seattle is back in the finals for the second time in a row. While last season was an unexpected run led by a miracle goalie performance-- this season's appearance comes at no surprise to those who watched their offseason closely. What roster changes do you think have put Seattle in this position again? Do you think it's enough for them to finish the job this time around?

b. Manhattan has charged from a ninth place regular season finish to an Eastern conference championship and a shot at the Challenge Cup. I don't think that it's out of line for me to say that not many saw this coming. How do you think they got to this point? Who's performing better than expected? Do you think they have enough gas to complete the Cinderella run?

c. At this point in the playoffs, Manhattan has played four more games than Seattle. With the schedule as tight as it is in the playoffs, do you think that extra hockey will affect them? Could it be a positive that MAN has been in a near constant routine of game days while SEA has seen a bit more rest? Or do you think that wear and tear will start to show on MAN if this series goes to 6 or 7 games?

d. In many ways this seems like a battle of who can stay hotter longer. Both teams have PDO ratings as high as 110 while barely having any players that dip below 100. Seattle and Manhattan are both on absolute heaters of strong goalies and high shooting percentages. What do you think is driving this, and who do you think can keep it going longer? Who comes out on top?

A - Well, I mean it helps they are against Manhattan who do not have the most stacked TPE team so that has to be considered an actual factor within this. But the off-season moves helped Seattle be more consistent and ready for the big guns of the league. I think they made themselves favs for this 1 but it helps when upsets go your way. [65 words]
B - How did they get to this point? They simply won the teams in front of them silly. It is not their fault the teams they faced are hardcore chokers. It is quite the achievement to pull off for sure and they should be very happy with what they have managed to accomplish. Hannah just needs to pull a Boise one more time! [62 words]
C - Well, I am going to assume the game actually gives them at least a day to rest and get ready for the finals or jesus that is very rough. I hope stamina is not a huge factor in this sim league engine or that could be a factor for a few of the earlier games. I am hoping it goes to game 7 and is painful for both teams to watch so it is extra fun for a neutral such as myself. [82 words]
D - Well, I mean on one hand you have a cinderella story in manhattan and those are never easy to pull off and would need Seattle to go down as a huge choker. Whilst Seattle just need to stick to what works for them so one of these things must come true. I think Seattle end up winning it but I have been wrong about the Rage from round 1 so who knows. [72 words]

4 TPE = 7 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE, Tough to Swallow (150 words min.)
In your opinion, who was the best SHL or SMJHL team to NOT win the Challenge Cup / Four Star Cup? Who was on that team, and why do you think they deserved to win it all? What round did they lose in and how? Was it bad luck? A hot opposing goalie? Inexperience?

I am this one is very clearly the Colorado Raptors. We sadly just lost a close series against a team the engine just wants us to struggle with for no reason in Yukon and what can you do when the coinflip does not go your way at the time. I think we would have gone pretty far like Manhattan did otherwise but we will never know now. Unsure if we would have gone all the way cause some really good teams exist but I think going deep like last season was 100% possible for us. Me, Aneeq and Pau are only getting stronger though so it will be fun to dominate yet again with a fresh co-GM this time with the amazing Ruggsy. Plus new goal horn which will very very clearly make a difference to how well we do.

I would put it mainly down to bad luck I guess but what can you do when the sim hates you. Next play offs will be very different. [168 words]

3 TPE = 10 TPE

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

3 Milestone TPE

= 13 TPE


17. Written, 3 TPE, Nu Metals (150 words min.)
Gold, silver, and bronze are old news! Also we’re running out of them in the simulated world so we can’t be wasting it all on simulated medals! Choose new metals to be used for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place at this year's tournament, and tell me why you chose them.

Oh this is a fun one!

I guess the newest gold would have to be Platinum. Which when you think about that is more valuable than Gold so if anything we have improved on the quality of 1st places medal material but if they are running out of Gold in this situation then I guess the value goes up of it so maybe not?

Silver can be replaced with Tungsten. Tungsten is strong and solid metal that you would see in darts usually. It is very suitable for silver in that sense cause you have to be strong and solid. I have no idea about the current value so it probably is not that crazy but still would make a good medal.

Bronze usually has people happier than 2nd place winners so with that we have to make Bronze special and that means woodwork. Yup, fuck the environment we're making medals out of wood. Some crazy designs can be done and some of these could look amazing. But you're not getting a cool material like the first 2 places but this could potentially still be special to the winner like in the olympics it sometimes is.

[196 words]

3 TPE = 16 TPE.

We done!

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

GM CW Pass

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

 [Image: mutedfaith.gif]
Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty
(This post was last modified: 10-31-2022, 11:08 AM by sakrosankt. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. 3 TPE

4. 3 TPE
That is definitely this season Atlanta Inferno. Not sure if it counts as they won the cup the season before, but look at the roster they have. I am still not quite sure how they lost the series against the Manhattan Rage to go out of playoffs in the second round. Manhattan on the other side makes its surprise appearance in the finals and even has a shot to win it, crazy. But look at the roster of Atlanta Inferno, they are full of studs and should definitely be in the finals and winning the cup for the second season in a row.
Another team that comes to mind is Baltimore Platoon from a few season ago before they had their meltdown last offseason. It was close to the parity rule changes when they where about to take the league in storm. Nikiforov was a cheat code in fantasy and some other well known players were on that team. But well, we know how it all ended.

5. 3 TPE
Playoffs are fun, and spending several days in your own little hotel room is something you can very well get used to. It's nothing you want to have all the time, but it helps a lot while being in the playoffs tunnel. When I started my career, I was the newbie who had to share his room with the worst teammates noone wanted to share a room with. In the meantime, I can do whatever I want and most of the time I have a single room. That's not because I don't want to have a roommate, but noone wants to share a room with me. When you think about a typical Austrian guy, multiply that by 5 and you are roughly where I am in my behaviour. Jodeling is a must have before going to bed and right after waking up, and some shoeplatteling is also always going on. I have pretty special demands in terms of food too, as I can't sleep without having some Schnitzel and Kaiserschmarrn.

6. 3 TPE
There are some kind of weird things going on in the locker room, and it is not entirely based on superstition or keeping streaks alive. Sometimes they outlive the streak that started the rituals, but if they do they get tradition what is also nice. Last season the locker room started to lick Mr Mime toes before playing, I am not quite sure if that was a good thing or not. But it is funny to have Mr Mime toe socks. A season before the whole locker room started a weird obsession with the grinch, which is not weird at all anymore. Grinch themed clothes are the latest trend, and you are an outsider if you don't have at least grinch themed shorts. In the end, it is all about living your life, and that is definitely not as wholesome as it would be without the grinch in our all lifes. Grinch is love, grinch is life, grinch is grinch.

7. Milestones
+3, milestone link

15. 3 TPE
IIHF will be very interesting this season. Do you remember what happened last season? The one team that always places near the end was all of a sudden at the top for a while. Austria showed glances of greatness, and it will be intersting to observe how they are doing this season around. They for sure have great potential to be one of the contenders again. Last season they went out in the first round of playoffs, which was very unlucky based on the performance throughout the tournament. But that was the first time they made a big upset in the round robin, so you have to forgive them that. This season though they have to show what they really are made out. I call it now, watch out for the underdogs of Austria in this IIHF tournament. A lot of former powerhouses regressed quite a bit, which gives chances to new nations to rise up and take the championship this season. Let's go Austria.

[Image: CcmpTg8.png][Image: sakro_-_withecheck_-_Inferno.png]

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