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S68 PT #2: Monstars Due: December 4th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

I would take the attributes of the Quebec goalie because we faced them and they were amazing and hard to go up against. The one thing that I would want to upgrade goalie wise is glove or movement just to get from one side of the net to the other. I would love to be the best that I can because I know I'm almost there as a player I think that I'm almost there as a player. I want to get all attributes to the point where I could be the best goalie I can and will be eventually I want to believe in myself that I am going to be the best goalie ever to exist here and get stronger as I go asi get jobs and do interviews to get them and become the best human goalie as I can. I want there to be people to become like I am as well and defeat my records as a rookie player.

Words 166

Player Prompt
I read this prompt not as a way to gain skills or talents from other players but as a way to take them from you opponents. Taking away your opponents talents worked is a big advantage in the important game against your division rivals. Even though they're a goalie and I'll gain almost nothing back from taking away their skill as a defenseman is the scourge of the league themselves, the one player who seems to turn-up every single playoffs to become a god on skates, Seattle goalie Willie Miller. Miller is one of Winnipeg's biggest challenges in trying to make a run for the puck, suddenly becoming a 1.00 GAA goalie every single playoffs can make it impossible for anyone else to win. Take that away and we can steamroll the West on our way to the cup. I'm not sure what I'll do with my new found goalie powers, we already got Rebecca killing teams, maybe it'll help be be an even better shutdown defenseman.

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Rebecca Montagne is already having a good season with the Winnipeg Aurora, with 18 games played she has a 14-3-1 record, a 1.92 GAA and a save percentage of .922 and 3 shutouts, so when the laser expiriment was announced, she turned it off, saying she didn't want any superhuman powers. But with great power also comes greater success, so she changed her mind. She wanted to steal the speed of the opponents, giving her lightning like reflexes, making it almost impossible to score on her. As an extra bonus, if she would steal the speed of the opponents, they would move on the ice like snails, so no shot that's fired, will be fast enough to surprise her anymore. Global domination as the worlds greatest goalie is soon in reach.

And the best part of this is that no one will be fast enough to stop her. So this is how Montagen would use the skill steal beam and bring the Aurora towards the cup.

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Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


Player Prompt

Marcel Beck has two attributes he would like to imitate from other players. Notice that they would prefer imitation and not addition of skills and subtraction from the source. First, Beck would take the goal blocking ability from his goalie, Rebecca Montagne. That way, few few pucks would get past Beck in the first place, leaving Montagne to post shutouts every game instead of just half of them. The second skill he would adopt would be the longevity of his former teammate, Slip McScruff. Beck has great admiration for the long time Winnipeg defenseman. McScruff has many awards and records for the team and is probably one of the most cornerstone defenseman of the franchise. Beck would like to take up that mantle someday and imitate his hero. While not wanting to take away from his hero, overtaking some of his records and achievements for the franchise would be an honor. But I myself will be old and grey by that time.

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png][Image: augr5GV.jpeg]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


Player Task

Pass would take a look at the best player for winning faceoffs and point at them. Not because he is bad at them, but because he is already good and can only get better at faceoffs as a defenseman. Imagine a defenseman taking faceoffs. It would be the future of hockey. Pass forfeit would be able to sub in for forwards yet still play primarily defense. Of all the players he would choose from, he would choose the best faceoff man in the league, Makrus The Tater Jager who has over 60% faceoff win rate. That is pretty good for over 400 faceoffs. If Pass Forfeit had that and his defensive prowess skills he would be unstoppable come playoffs time assuming he makes it in. We all know that he isnt the best player yet but he is the next big defensive faceoffman who plays defense. Keep your eyes peeled for his faceoffs next time you are on the ice.

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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Creative Prompt

To steal the talent of the best players in the SHL, I would set up the beam in a location I could easily access - the practice facilities of the Calgary Dragons.  Playing in the SMJHL in Kelowna, I would have the easiest time going a little east inside Canada to steal players' talents on my off days.  By setting up the beam in a practice rink, I would be able to access the rink for free whenever I wanted.  As part of my plan, I would pose as an ice crew member, so I could get in really close and personal.  I would likely try to design a special smaller beam that I could carry on my person.  This would allow me to steal the talents of players right as I went onto the ice, making everything appear very normal.  I would also likely try to drive the Zamboni and use it as a disguise and another excuse to get close to the players.


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Written Task: What skills would you take from which players around the league if you wanted to make your player the best they could be? What kind of attributes would you be looking for? Scoring touch? Longevity? Glove hand? Speed? What skills would be most important to your player, and who do you steal them from? (150+ words)

If I were going to steal skills from players around the league first I would look at the goalie leaderboards in the index because I definitely want to steal from the best of the best. It looks like Rebecca Montagne has the highest goals saved above average so far this season so I would be making a stop by her place with my trusty skill stealing ray. They have maxed positioning, rebounding, and recovery on their build so I would set the skill stealer to grab those from poor Rebecca. Sorry, but now BASE PACK has those maxed attributes. Don't worry I left her some of her other skills to keep her afloat in the league. Recently Tired from Atlanta is next on that leaderboard and also leads the league in save percentage so he is getting stolen from next. What the crap he's super low tpe! I guess I will take some of his max stat of reflexes to better my build. Looks like ol Tired has some luck though so hopefully I could steal some of that as well.

184 words

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Beams are overrated, use a needle.

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player prompt
I'd look to steal the prowess of young phenom Lord Farquaads. He's got it all. First and foremost, hockey players need good endurance and strength. They need to be physically fit to play the game for long periods without getting tired out. Essentially, you can't be a good hockey player without first possessing the physical attributes necessary to play the game well. Secondly, hockey players need intelligence and a strong sense of spatial awareness. They need to be able to think quickly and anticipate their opponent's moves. In addition, they need to know where each of their teammates is on the ice at all times so they can effectively help you win the game. A strong sense of spatial awareness also helps you find openings in defensive lines so you can score goals while bypassing your opponent's defensive checks altogether. Next, good hand-eye coordination and a strong sense of spatial awareness help you when you're shooting and passing the puck. Strong hand-eye coordination also makes it much easier for you to punch the puck into your opponent's goal with your bare hands. Farquaads' got it all and I want some of that magic.

[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
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Prompt 1
If we were to make a super soldier hockey monster, there’s a few things you’d need to bring together for the perfect player. You’d start with Lev Lebedev’s touch around the net, and Luukas Lilja’s explosiveness and creativity. While you can argue you need Lev’s clutch big game potential (see his playoff run last year), Daddy Aaron Wilson is possibly one of the best big game players in some time, so we take his clutch factor. Then you’d grab peak Jimmy Wagner’s speed and put it in M’Baku Olubori’s 6-5 230-pound frame. My god, this is scary.

On the defensive end, you have to take Grogu Mandosson’s positioning and grit, and toss in a bit of Theo Kondos’ bone shaking hitting, and steal Makrus the Tater Jager’s puck control. This player would never lose a Jeff Dar. The secret sauce is Andreas Kvalheim’s longevity—few players have been able to have as long and healthy career as that man. Then, of course, because this isn’t enough of a menace, add in the true GOAT Juni Panda’s fighting skills

Put it all together, and this Megazord Monstar freak would be unstoppable.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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Player Prompt:

I was a pretty good player back in my heyday, but time has taken a bite out of my play in the last season or two. I'm still great out there, don't get my wrong, but some areas I've lost a step that I'd love to get back. One area I want wish I could get back was my scoring. Now, I hear there's a beam I can aim at someone to take their skills and I want to try it out.

Having said that, I'm aiming this beam at Dogwood Maple. He's been elite for the last few seasons and has been a big goal scorer in that time. I want that skill again so I'm going to take it from him. He's so good all around, he would just become the best set up man in the league and we wouldn't miss a beat in Toronto. I get my scoring touch back and he can set assists records for the SHL. Win, win!

(165 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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Creative Prompt

Easy answer: puppies. It's already been well established that everyone's brains turn into straight up jelly at the mere sight of pre-dogs. Anyone who claims they are immune are either lying, or have no talent worth stealing since they clearly lack a heart. So we set up a self-care day for every team, featuring soft bundles of rescue puppies in the locker room. I only need to steal from a few of them, but why shouldn't everyone benefit from puppy cuddles? Plus, it'll be less suspicious.

Viktor's much more handsome cousin, Oskar Hargreeves (who is his spitting image except for one very twirly moustache), will serve as the volunteer puppy wrangler. While Viktor's targets lose themselves in the sea of puppies, "Oskar" will take his sweet time going pew pew pew with the energy beam device thingy, which will be cleverly disguised as a tennis ball launcher. It really is just a win/win for everyone involved; Vik gets a Thanos powerup, and everyone else gets snuggles.

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Creative Prompt
How would I laser the powers out of the top players in the SHL? It can't be too obvious, that will make evasion too easy. So I need to find a way to execute this with stealth. I think the best way to do this is to arrive at the rink early. I will thaw out a section of the ice big enough for me to fit in. The plan is to hide in that hole until the the target player skates within range of my laser. This way I'm able to use the laser in complete disguise, and my opponents will never see it coming. Although I suppose it's entirely possible I get kicked out of the stadium for thawing the ice before the game, but these are the risks I will need to take to see through my mission to use the laser to steal the powers of the top players in the SHL.

[Image: NYR73.gif]
sigs from @sulovilen @_Blitz_ @Ragnar and @enigmatic

[Image: 9tINabI.png] [Image: c97iD9R.png] [Image: cEbgUph.png]


I've got to plan this all out perfectly, down to the absolute smallest details. I need to make sure my getaway driver knows the plan, and that we have our alibis completely locked down if there happens to be any blow-back. The plan won't go into action until the very end of the playoffs. My target will be all of the best defensive players, based on advanced stats, from both teams that play in the finals. From the losing team, I plan to immediately head to their locker room in disguise as a sports reporter, but in reality I'll only be using that to slip past security and then zapping the dejected losers while they're in the absolute pits of despair. After that, it's time to wait for the scheduled victory parade for the victors. We all know how those go and how coherent and aware those players will be by the end. They won't even know what's missing until it's too late! It's a perfect plan!

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