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S68 PT #3: Celebrate Good Times Due: December 11th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Having watched a lot of football/soccer over celebrating can be incredibly silly at times. Watching players dance a poorly choreographed TikTok jig can dampen the excitement of scoring sometimes. That being said, a lot of those slick moves are much harder to pull off on skates so I don't think we will see the same movement in hockey. Regardless, I think celebrations should be relative to the importance of the goal either to the player or the team. For instance, I would allow a TikTok jig if a player scored in OT during a playoff game. If one, however, were to do a jig after scoring a goal in a losing home game in the middle of a season, it would be hard not to roll my eyes. Nothing really beats an instinctive reaction to a goal though, just simply throwing yourself about in pure elation or boredom IDK. I think it's best to do what comes naturally.

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The Venerable, Most Eloquent, Sir Aloyisius Hoglord The Third of House Zwijnjäger

Creative promt

Inwouldndo a massive celly with like fireworks outside and fire from above the boards. maybe a peewee team waving the flags around (ours, canada and maybe usa depending on the team we are play againstt ) once they all  leave we throw a bunch of stuff into the crowd idc if its sharp  just catch it ig but the fan could all go outside and have a party and fireworks and free candy, this would change sometimes like a massive signed jersey giveaway and stuff and do a meet and greet. Or something fun but idk. The problem with this is  Berserkers  have no fans so it would be super expensive and hard to pull of so we would need to get more fans by lower the ticket prices and have somr fum with some wins and some party's. I feel like we would have alot of fun but it would get expensive

153 words

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Creative Prompt

We are going nuts in that one and present new plays every home game win. Yes, you heard it right, the most crazy thing you can imagine hockey players do. We do plays. Can also be musical parts we give to our best, they are the highlight I have to admit. Everyone wants to see big ass grown men knowing for the roughness of checking and brutally fast shots give their best in an episode of miracle on the ice where they try to sing the best musical songs ever composed. Since we started doing that, even the opposing team isn't keen on winning anymore, as they can watch our players giving their all best in something they aren't good in at all. Although there definitely are some talents on the team. Have you ever tried to perform a single song of the musical Hamilton? That is as hard as it gets, rapping is by far not as easy as it seems at times. But we aren't just singing, of course there is also a dance performance on the ice and stuff like that. Like you go to the theater, unless no one is a professional actor on our team.

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Hockey Prompt:

I am personally not for loud and crazy celebrations for nothing goals *cough* Yakupov *cough*. I believe that such celebrations should be left for more monumental goals such as in overtime in the playoffs, or at least please celebrate according to the situation. If the goal is a not as important goal, just have a small celebration, if it is a a little more important, adjust accordingly. However, I would argue that the negative connotation behind goal celebrations are hindering the sport a little as celebrations allow for the expression of players on the ice. This in conjunction with more personality in interviews would more likely bring hockey to the forefront of media. For example, currently, despite the amazing plays on ice there is less interaction in the sport compared to others like basketball and football. If players start introducing more character and crazy goal celebrations, it would certainly start catching the eyes of more people. TL;DR celebrate the goals accordingly, but larger celebrations good for media.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

PBE Championship Week

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Hockey prompt

I love the big over the top celebrations we see from time to time in the NHL. My favorite in recent memory was the Jack Hughes OT winner where he threw his stick into the crowd. The NHL needs more stuff like that if they want to reach a larger audience, especially so if they want to reach the younger crowd, who loves stuff like that. I have a younger coworkers who doesn't really know hockey but still asked me if I saw the Hughes Celly. I know that people have typically been tame when celebrating goals but we need to get out of that mindset and start embracing the big celebrations. I want to start seeing the kind of things we see in the NFL with the team celebrations after touchdowns, I know these guys have some creative juices in them, and they should really let them go wild.

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Celebrations in hockey seem to be pretty muted. I think its because hockey isn't like soccer, where best case scenario you might only score two, perhaps three goals in a game. But in hockey, you might be able to put up five or six goals if the other goalie is having a rough night. On top of that, you usually see the same players getting the goal or the key assist, so there isn't always a variety in who is doing the celebrating. All of that together means that there is a lot to be desired when it comes to celebrations because you don't want to rub anything in the face of the guy who might come back and punch you in the face. I do think we could be doing more celebrations just to keep things exciting over the standard hug + high-five skate, but as long as fighting exists it will be tough to see.

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CREATIVE PROMPT - The in-arena event staff is looking to make your team's wins a little more hype. They want you to sit down with the team and come up with a cool tradition you can do as a group after a home win. Once the other team has left the ice, go nuts.

Written Task: What wacky, fun, exciting new post-game celebration do you come up with? Are there fireworks? Mascots? Props? What's everyone's role? Do you change it up a little bit every night, or do you want it to be consistent so that the fans know what they have to look forward to? (150+ words)

After a win I would love it if the entire team skated out on the ice and were met by the in game entertainment staff with astronaut helmets. Hear me out here. They drop harnesses down from the ceiling for every player. Then each guy has to attach the harness to themselves and they then float around the rink above the crowd like they are floating in space. Once they are all above the fans, they can start dropping gifts and stuff to all of them to thank them all for coming out and supporting the defending champs. The dismount would be very important, so the players would be slowly lowered back down onto the ice where they would be able to do their customary salute at center ice to all the faithful Argonaut fans and can then skate off the ice. However, not before getting more giveaways that they can huck into the stands on their way down the tunnel.


161 words

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S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4

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Hockey Prompt
I believe that celebrations belong in all professional sports, hockey included. There is a general air in American sports, which is especially true for hockey, that there is some sort of "proper" player conduct and that sportsmanship and remaining serious comes above all else. I believe that this mindset is beginning to fade & that showmanship is becoming appreciated across the board. In hockey, goal celebrations are the most popular form of self-expression within the game. Over the decades there have been a number of iconic celebrations, from Gretzky's running celly, to Kane's heart punch, to Ovi's hot stick. I believe that sports are not only functional and a team-effort, but that there is also an art to professional sports. With that said, I stand behind self expression within professional sports, so long as it is not severely hurting the integrity of the game, or the composition of a team. As a final point, I would like to say that keeping it "lowkey" is a form of stoic self-expression, and I think that it'd be a shame to limit players' personalities to some codified expectation of celebratory behavior.

For the Specters we try to provide little changes to each and every post game winning celebration at home, but keep the over arching things the same.  You're always going to see the lights completely kick out as the clock hits 00:00 except for the purple ice lights that illuminate from below.  You'll also always get the slow strobing purple lights as the fog machines fill the bowl with that gentle smoke, and we all know how amazing the in ice lights and fog look.  But one night it might spell out the Specters on the Ice, another you might see the logo go floating thru the arena so close that you feel like you can tough it.  But then on some of those special nights there might be purple fireworks going off, and others when the Purple flames come shooting out of the top of the Glass connections.  Then everyone knows that once a month the players will magically show up on the other side of the ice as the strobes start up, is tonight one of those nights?  Or is it the next game?  The Fans don't know, but it's something magical for the players and fans alike, no matter what day of the week the win is from.

Celebrating is half of the reason why sports teams try to win. Goal and game winning celebrations in hockey and sports in general are what half of Tik Tok is filled with for a very good reason, everyone loves a winner. Not saying it has to be degrading, look at what we’re seeing in Qatar such as Japan's fans cleaning up stadiums, or the America "It's Called Soccer" shirt (okay that one is a little degrading). Some rivalries are born through taking a shot at the opposing team, such as when the visitor scores the game winning goal and then jumps into the glass with fans from the other team. Emotion sells and frankly the goal/game winning celebrations are full of it. Classy moves such as Jagr's salute, or show off moves like Owen Nolan pointing at where he is going to shoot, and then does it and scores!

I love celebrations, and I think they belong in every sport

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First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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Prompt 1
Jaska Seppala of the Buffalo Stampede has been tasked by the front off ice of the Buffalo Stampede to create a crazy wild celebration for when we win at home. This celebration would include fireworks within the stadium that are colored yellow and green this would cause the whole stadium to be filled with green and yellow smoke. Nobody is going to be able to see a foot in front of them. And then the music to Jaws would start playing and then we release an actually Buffalo into the stadium which would cause absolute mayhem. While this is going on the players of the Buffalo Stampede are going to be on the ice applauding and thanking the fans for their sacrifice. Either the Buffalo wins or they do. Either way it will be exciting When Jaska Seppala told the front office his idea, they kindly asked him to go see a psychiatrist.

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Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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Player Page || Update page

Creative Prompt
The Buffalo Stampede team hasn't really had any post-game celebrations, just the typical hug your goalie at the net & lift your sticks at center ice to thank the fans for coming out. Other than that it is actually quite boring & the same as most teams in the league. So to spice things up this year the Buffalo Stampede have decided to have epic fireworks when they win. Inside & outside so even fans outside the rink know they captured the win. It would consistently be fireworks & of course some good music so the fans know what to expect. I'm sure neighbors around the rink won't be too happy about fireworks every time they win a game, so the rink has agreed to give them discounted ticket prices & concession vouchers if they choose to use them. Hopefully, the fans love the new celebration & they continue to celebrate every win big.
154 words

Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
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Simmer Pass

Written Task: What do you think about celebrations in hockey? There aren't many of note, because it seems that most players like to keep it tame. Not only that, but when there is a celebration of note, it makes the media rounds and everyone has to weigh in. So where do you land on it? Should players be respectful and keep things low key, or would you prefer to see them go crazy sometimes? (150+ words)

I mean i think it is toatlly acceptable to do a celebration, sometimes getting a goal in feels really good, it shows you are an accomplished player and for some player it is rare. I think it is fine if you keep it civil, a little celly to show that you are proud and happy of your little play, but nothing too over the top, UNLESS it is a meaningful goal for you or for your team, like a goal in overtime of a game 7, or a goal against your former team that did not treat you well, or something in the likes. If the game is a blowout, and the goal is a goal that otherwise would not really matter and it is not your first, or even if it is, then there is no need for a big celly making fun of the other team, i think that it is disrespectful to the sport.

157 words

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