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S69 PT #0: City Planner January 22nd @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Creative Prompt:

I've always wanted to be able to live near and visit a place like New York's Central Park on a daily basis, so that's more or less what I'd be going for here in Quebec City. Plopped right in the middle will be our beloved Vidéotron Centre, of course. After that all I have to go off is vague descriptions of Central Park, since I've never been there. But trees. Lots of trees. Amongst all this wonderful shrubbery would be water features, occasional open meadows, and walking paths throughout. There would also be a year-round hockey rink for the public, a fully QCC-funded animal shelter, an amphitheatre, and critters. Critters not for petting or catching, but for appreciating. Though it may feel a little redundant, I'd also like to have an indoor botanical garden. Winters are long in Quebec, and it'd be nice to be able to enjoy pretty flower things for longer than 6 weeks. In summary, I'd like to make the area around the Vidéotron somewhere people can relax when they need it, and have fun while they're doing it.

[Image: loreoh.gif]
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Creative Prompt

I think any good home arena should be a place where all people should gather for games, not just those who hold tickets. This means that there should be a large park next to the arena with a slight slope. This would allow people to enjoy spending time in the area before games, and watch a projection of the game from outside where everyone can see. Hopefully this won't discourage regular ticket buyers from entering the arena to see the game in person, but will instead just allow for more viewing options for the public. Of course there needs to be plenty of options to get to the arena as well, so there will be a public transit hub within walking distance of all the facilities. There will also be plenty of restaurant and fast food establishments in the area as well so people have more reason to stay and enjoy the games without going hungry. Finally, an outdoor rink will also be nearby so that people can enjoy playing hockey as well.

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

Swiss defenseman Julian Flörsch was called up to the Minnesota Monarchs, playing in the Simulation Hockey League, for the upcoming season. He has spent the past few season in Detroit, when playing in the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League with the Detroit Falcons. Julian is currently at the IIHF Championships to represent the Swiss national team, after having won a gold medal with the DACH team in the WJC recently. When he gets to Minnesota, he'll need to look for a new place to live.

Julian doesn't have a lot of demands for a new place to live. A decently sized appartment, maybe even shared with other Monarchs players would be fine. He just needs a place to sleep, eat and spend his free time. He's usually in the gym, or out doing outdoorsy active stuff anyway. A gameroom would be nice, and a place to store his sports equipment. But that's about everything he absolutely needs.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

Player Prompt: 235 Words


Right now, it's a little condo out in Bellvue, across the lake from Seattle. Nothing huge or fancy, just enough room for him and the cat--Fiorentini's pretty settled into the Seattle area at this point and is looking to spend the career here, so he's got no problem buying property instead of renting. This is, admittedly, only his second season in Seattle, but he's pretty goddamn certain he's not going anywhere. As far as the layout, it's a pretty solid size for just one guy--around 800 square feet, two beds, two baths. Hardwood floors, relatively new appliances, and a real nice-sized kitchen for all of the meals he never cooks. The living room's a good size, has the TV and the Playstation set up there for when the boys want to come over and play a little FIFA or whatever. The bedroom's kinda small, but it makes do given he's only in it for so long during the season anyway. All things given, it's a pretty cozy little pad with enough room if his parents want to come out and visit or if friends are in town and need a place to crash. In the future, he'd like to be a guy that the new rooks can shack up with while they look for their own places and build some money up, but for now, he's fine with it just being him and the cat.

[Image: MvfRxO2.png]
sigs by me bitch


Metzller currently lives in an apartment a few blocks away from Kelowna's home rink. Close enough to be within walking distance, but far enough to create some mental distance for himself from work. He currently lives in a nice 2 bedroom apartment that is about 1300 sq ft. He uses his spare bedroom as his office where he has his gaming computer, a nice OLED tv with his xbox and ps5. While he lived with roommates last season, this year he's trying out living by himself, well at least with his 2 cats. His decoration style is somewhat minimalistic with a modern theme. He tends to favor darks blues and browns for colors of furniture and rugs to offset his white walls. He has a few money trees as well to give the space a more cozy feeling where he can relax between games. While he does love his spot in Kelowna, he has already begun apartment shopping in minnesota for his inevitable call up

165 words

Player prompt:

Pork Tenderloin isn't used to the normal customs of living in a condo/apartment/home. Being a living cut of meat he finds comfort in a deep freezer, the cold helps to prevent him from rotting or going bad. Consequently this is also why hockey is his preferred sport as the cold air of the arena is something that he finds comfort in, especially when he is pushing his body to its limits day in and day out. So, the amenities of the freezer he lives in are not unlike those you would find in a normal home. He has a bed, a couch, a TV, etc. It just simply exists in a refrigerated area where the temp stays around 20-30F for 24 hours a day. Sure, he can withstand higher temperatures and nothing bad will necessarily happen to him, but the temperatures of the walk in refrigeration unit simply feel like home to Tenderloin.

155 words

[Image: rankle.gif]
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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

If there's anyone who is good at doing things he's really not qualified for, its Miguel Hefeweizen. After all, he's a semi successful professional hockey player! One of the things that Miguel really wants for the area around the Winnipeg arena is for it to be easily walkable. Getting in and out of a car when you are going somewhere isn't really a lot of fun, so he wants to make sure you can easily park (or ride the bus/train) and then not have to deal with transportation until its time to go home. So lots of sidewalks and minimal streets are his goal. There should also be a wide variety of places to go. Want to go out with the boys? There's a place for that. Want to take the spouse and kids out, there's a place for that too! Finally, he wants to make sure there's some nice green space for a relaxing stroll or just to breathe some fresh air, not just a boring concrete jungle.
177 words

[Image: zootshl.gif]
Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

[Image: jO2Di2N.png][Image: Voi7GNj.png][Image: 3NfeQdx.png]

Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

It's kind of a cheating answer but I think the ideal neighborhood around an arena would have a nice combination of everything. You definitely want somewhere that the fans could party at both pre and post-game, but also be accessible to families with children. Also you don't want to make it purely a party scene, that would scare off the older generations from showing up to the game. Honestly, somewhere in the middle of a downtown atmosphere would probably work best, just because you would have access to so many different types of activities. Something to keep in mind as well is the transit part of it all; keeping it deep within city limits would help out parking in the sense that everyone would be able to use public transportation instead of having to find a place to park, PLUS having to pay outrageous fees to park as well. I think Seattle has a great setup for how / where their stadiums are located.

Words 150+

Player Page || Update Page

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Creative Prompt

The dream is an arena with easy access for everyone and a way for thousands of attendees to get in an get out without causing traffic jams or filling up every parking lot in a 10 mile radius. Therefore, Sven is introducing a shuttle system all around the arena. With dozens of vast parking lots built out further away. Think airport parking lots which are miles away from the airport and has free shuttles to and from. No cars are allowed around the arena. Everyone either has to either walk to it or take one of the shuttles.

Now, other than the shuttle lanes Sven is going all out on the experience around each event. Going to a game should be a full-day thing. We're talking several restaurants with cuisine from all over the world, axe throwing, arcades, barcades, a nice park, a farmers market, and even a small version of Lego Land.

[Image: sBUQCq8.png]

Past Players



Biggest thing for me when it comes to attractions near the facility are those post game parties. There are so many things I can enjoy after a game when celebrating. Number 1 on that list is ice cold beer. Let's be honest. I'm going out for a beer after a loss too. Now to piggy back off that beer there are a handful of things that pair well with a nice cold beer here in NOLA. The number one thing is of course hitting the golf course but after a long game of knocking in some teeth, I'd settle with a simulator. Now this top notch facility has golf simulator but also many other options with the simulation experiences. Batting cages / nascar driving and many other options. I did also request for axe throwing to be apart of this location but was denied after "not being able to control my anger on the ice"

ISFL Affiliate PT

[Image: euPeo5t.png]
[Image: 7361srC.png]

Priority 1 of planning around an arena should be public transit IMO. Whether that is a subway, light rail, and/or buses - getting to the arena should be easy for everyone. It is always such a mess to get to and from the arenas where I am that I would make this priority 1.

From there - we should focus on commercial properties. Directly outside of the arena can be restaurants and bars. From the quick bite to a full sit down restaurant - these places can make some serious money around the events at the arena. I am not sure the math of what they will be able to pull in when there is no even though, so we should probably hire some people to work that part out to make sure that the demand meets the supply.

Then as you get further out you can start talking about other commercial properties for office buildings and such before getting to the residential area. While it is great to be close to the arena, people generally do not want to be directly next to it so adding some of this buffer will help.

[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King


Player Prompt:

When GK signed a contract with Winnipeg 3 seasons ago, he initially purchased a condo to live in as he was unsure if he would be in Winnipeg long term, as he has been known to change teams frequently in search for his 2nd cup.

Recently GK purchased a lakeside home in Matlock, Manitoba about 53 minutes north of Winnipeg as he has a love for fishing, and being out on the open water. GK has felt it was time to fully settle down in Winnipeg, as he fully plans and hopes to ride out the remainder of his career here. The home itself looks mid-century modern, and has a private dock backing on the lake. GK has his own boat garage for his boat, which he takes out fishing on his days off. This is the first home that GK has had where he ideally has what he wants since his time in New England, as during his time in Chicago he was staying in a Condo.

(168 words)

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Reinventing the block in Manhattan will be ridiculously easy: we enshrine local hero Lev Lebedev. Of course we will start out by designing and placing a statue in his honor, as well as renaming multiple streets after him. MVP way, Playoff MVP boulevard, All Star Avenue, Record Breaking Street, etc, etc. The possibilities are kind of endless. We wouldn't stop there though, as Lev is quick to deflect praise onto his linemates. We'd have Fiske Road, REO Speedway, Lind Avenue, so on and so forth. After all that is set up, the obvious next step would be for every storefront to adhere to a strict color code of red and black, to show that the city is unified in their support of the Rage. We would have multiple shuttles to the arena from every parking garage because we care about our fans, and making it easy for them to cheer for the team is our primary concern.

[Image: steveoiscool.gif]

The year is 2035 (no really, check the index). The city of Winnipeg has committed to eliminating light pollution to allow for better viewing of the aurora (the one in the sky, not the hockey team). The area around the arena specifically has been altered with light-absorbing cover for all of the main streets and thoroughfares. Down on the ground, the streets are well lit and you can safely walk around without worrying about walking into a car or getting mugged in the night. But up above all of the streetlights is a series of walkways you can go up on, where almost none of the light from the street or any of the buildings can be seen, so you can look up at the night sky and see the beautiful northern lights the hockey team is named after. The walkways are heated so it's not even horribly cold, you can just go up there for hours and look at the aurora. Also, we have a lot of good restaurants and cocktail bars with aurora-themed menu items, all in convenient walking distance from the arena.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

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