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S69 PT #2: Contract Talks February 5th @ 11:59 PM (PST)


Petr is represented by only the best legal aides and diplomats from Czechia, after all Petr is the agent. Petr and his entourage have only the interests of the nation at heart, and will stop at nothing to pursue them. You need an entire boardroom and enough paper to cut down another acre of the Amazon to get through the legal ramifications of signing Petr. It's basically like foreign governments engaging in a weapons deal. Petr's diplomatic team are like his family, just like all Czechs, but they've been by his side ever since his creation back in the test tubes in Czechia. Petr is, naturally, a government official himself, being involved in the State Security agency, but due to the sensitive nature of that information, this isn't brought up in negotiations, and the other parties involved must only guess why on earth they're going through this hell with 20 plus Czech Government representatives just to sign a short-term hockey contract.

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
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Player Prompt: 209 Words


Originally, Fiorentini was his own agent. He handled incoming offers, phone calls, emails, and everything that comes with the territory. Invites to speak on this podcast, interviews for that website, those sorts of things. And while he was perfectly capable of handling his own business, when he really started knuckling down with his career, he realized he needed someone who could take that workload off of him and let him focus on his game.

On the advice of friends and mentors, he hired ex-PHLer and younger brother of former Vancouver Whalers GM Bastien Marchessault, Laurent. Laurent Marchessault, who'd mostly worked as an agent of players in the European leagues, took on Fiorentini as his first major SHL client in his rookie year and has been a consistent part of contract, advertising, and brand negotiations ever since. While Marchessault may have been inexperienced at the SHL level, Fiorentini whole-heartedly believed that everyone needed to start somewhere. He was starting his career as an SHLer, and Marchessault was looking to work with players in the big leagues--it was a match made in heaven. Ever since, the two have maintained a close professional and personal relationship, with Marchessault and his husband having been present at many a Fiorentini family gathering and dinner.

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sigs by me bitch

(This post was last modified: 01-30-2023, 04:13 PM by Caleb. Edited 1 time in total.)

Written Task: What special conditions do you want in your players contract? Is there a special snack that has to be in your locker stall every morning? A specific type of coffee stocked in the machine? A certain way the trainer must tape your stick or you'll throw a tantrum and quit? Tell me about what special requirements if any your player wants in their contract and why. (150+ words)

A special condition I want on my contract extension is something along the lines of this. Caleb is known for loving his buffalo chicken tenders, and he will do anything to get them. One of the special conditions would be that he gets a free order of the buffalo chicken tenders any time he gets a shutout, just as a little prize for standing on his head during that game. Obviously though, Caleb will have to return the favor at some point, so if Caleb ever allows 4 or more goals in a game, he will have to buy the whole team a dinner of their choice, no questions asked, even the prospects can get in on this even though they aren’t on the active roster. Caleb’s contract actually ends soon, so maybe this will get implemented in his new extension, who knows, only time will tell if he can get this special condition.

154 Words

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(This post was last modified: 01-30-2023, 04:07 PM by Aneeqs. Edited 1 time in total.)

Oh when contract talks come around, you know that my agent is wheeling and dealing. My agent is none other than the legendary wheeler dealer himself. Harry Redknapp. Contrary to popular beliefs Harry Redknapp is in fact a wheeler dealer. The man is a wizard when it comes to getting me the best deals! Harry used to run a team in London called West Ham and used to deal with player agents all the time. I figured it was natural to get him on board now that he's here, things have been crazy. Harry's been telling me all about my worth and the way I should believe in myself when it comes to the negotiating table. I mean it's honestly a little bit too much at times, cause I just want to focus on my hockey, but yeah, I get the need to be able to market myself and make sure that I am earning what I deserve. At the end of the day, I just leave it to Harry to get things done and I just keep my head down to be honest.

184 words

PT pass

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!

Raptors Argonauts 
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Gritty is a pretty simple guy.  He doesn't even really care about the money all that much since he is independently wealthy from the sweat done in updating.  He does however have one strange request that he asked his agent to negotiate into his contract.  Each month during the full moon, he asks that he's given the night off.  At first it was a very strange request.  People started speculating as to just what they were getting into with this guy.  Once, after an extended road trip where the full moon occurred, the hotel staff complained of orange fur being littered all over the room.  At that point it became very clear that the mascot in Philadelphia wasn't the brain child of some marketing guy, it was a representation of the player known as Gritty McGritterson.  Nobody knows what kind of person Gritty is when he's transformed into his normal self but if the mascot is any indication, he enjoys berating visiting fans and absolutely holds nothing back when it comes to being crazy.  It is a site to be seen.

[Image: kpALfz6.jpg]
Gritty McGritterson Player Page
Gritty McGritterson Update Page

S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
S56 Challenge Cup Champion - Hamilton Steelhawks
(This post was last modified: 01-30-2023, 04:28 PM by CrazyMojito.)

Player Prompt

When it comes to contract negotiations there is only one person that Jack St. Clair trusts to get the job done and done right. Thats none other than Jack St. Clair. Agents are greedy and how can you really trust they have your best interests at work? Maybe he want a team friendly deal instead of maximizing my potential earnings and strapping the teams budget? An agent would never go for that since they bill by commissions. Also what better way to build rapport with your GMs than to get in the trenches yourself and showcase your commitment to winning?

Sure St. Clair absolutely consults with some close family members and friends, but he knows what he wants and closes the deals where everyone walks away a winner. Stop at Tim Hortons for a some double doubles and a box of doughnuts for everyone in the front office, let the GM know the length and salary and its always a done deal. Maybe for the discussions he can ask for a change stall away from the goalie because his equipment stinks.

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Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

Creative Prompt

Being at the point I am in my career, I can start requesting certain contract requirements out of the good will of my career. One of the main requirements is to open a Kondos Fried chicken approved joint in every city I play in. Fried chicken is an important meal in my pre game meal ritual, so it is important for my quality of play. I know I am also not the best player on the ice by any means any more, but it is important that I can still hold solid playing time as I chase down career goals, and numbers. I would like to make the hall of fame if it ever comes back, so I need to ensure that I still receive quality ice time. Now that we have covered pre game, during the game and the only thing left is post game. My last request is to have my bed and pillows paid for. I am a big sleep guy, so I want the team to support me in that, and getting the best mattress and pillows available are important.


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My contract stipulations are as per my usual standard. First, under no circumstances may I be exposed in an expansion draft, excepting expansion drafts for which the new team is based and physically located in Ohio. Second, in the event that a team is founded in the state of Ohio, I must be exposed in that expansion draft, excepting where prohibited by league rules. Third, I reserve the right to veto any trade of myself to any team that is not based in Ohio (trades to Ohio teams are to be considered auto-approved.) Fourth, in the event that my current team relocates to Ohio, it shall be specified that I am not thereafter asked to waive my trade protections either: after the move is announced, but before it is executed; chronologically during the move; or after the move is complete. In the event of a trade, my new team will be obliged to honor these contract conditions, especially the provisions regarding Ohio.

(165 words)

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Player Prompt

Louise St. Martin usually handles her contract negotiations herself. Not because of any agenda or personal reason, she is just a radical independent who wants to do things her own way and doesn't trust middlemen. Plus, not having to pay an agent means she gets to keep more of the money herself! It makes negotiating clauses and special stuff easier when it's not a giant game of telephone and it's just player-to-front-office talking. True, when she was younger and negotiating her first contracts back home she would have a family-hired agent, but that's because she was a teenager that knew about as much about financials and contracts as she does about Olympic judo. When she got old enough and financially literate she snipped out the middle man and went direct. She doesn't judge anyone who chooses to work with an agent, it's just not for her.

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @Symmetrik, @Merica, @enigmatic, @sulovilen, and @OrbitingDeath for the sigs! 
Avi courtesy of @MN_Moosey
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Citadelles Stampede Switzerland 
Citadelles Switzerland Stars Blizzard
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PT Pass

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

Creative Prompt

It is that time once again - a time in which friends turn into enemies, and trusted mentors turn into adversarial negotiators. Yes, it is contract negotiation time. As he negotiates his contract with long time friend JNH, the General Manager of the Chicago Syndicate, Tummy Hurts has come up with a few conditions and demands that he wants to be sure are included. First and foremost, Tummy will require that he be given an extra serving of every team meal. For games where Tummy is the backup (which will be in many games when he first makes his debut in Chicago behind the legendary Mat Smith), Tummy will need a third serving of every team meal - that seems only fair. The other condition that Tummy will not be able to budge on is that he needs to have full creative control over the dishes served to the team - that's right, Tummy's in charge of the menu.

Something happened on the day he died. Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside.
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried. I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar.

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 a bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, source of all greatness, all things that be.


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Viktor is a pretty low maintenance guy, though his agent does her very best not to let that on. He already seems to have no real interest in the actual numbers on his contract, just as long as he's got enough cash in his wallet to pick up some packs of hockey cards on his way home. On the advice of his agent, Viktor added a few creature comforts so as not to "seem like such a pushover". The first stipulation was that the team keep a separate account on his behalf, with a monthly deposit from his cheque being put aside towards the future adoption and care of a Hargreeves puppy. Said puppy is going to be ruthlessly spoiled since Viktor plans to wait until retirement to have one. The second and third stipulations involve keeping a steady supply of his favourite soap and the only brand of socks that he's willing to put on his feet flown in directly from Cape Breton.

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Player Prompt

M'Baku Olubori’s initial agent that brought him over to North America is the one and only Johnny Hamilton. Many know this at this point. However, with Hamilton’s extensive duties as an SHL GM, he’s not able to effectively serve in his role as primary partner and founder of the Hamilton Sports Agency. That’s where the names behind the marquee come into play.

Hamilton has trained and brought several brilliant legal and business minds into his business. Three stand out as the major forces behind the agency: Ophelia Morton-Gardner, Antony Lewis, and Mxr. Viv Tick-Wallace. Morton-Gardner is the most notable (and accomplished) of the bunch—she’s worked with Hamilton for over a decade, leading to her well-deserved recognition as senior partner in the firm last year. Morton-Gardner has served as the primary agent for Winnipeg’s Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson since Hamilton took over Baltimore. But we’re not here to talk about him.

For Baku, another agent does much of the heavy lifting. When it’s time for a new contract, Olubori calls upon Viv Tick-Wallace, a junior partner at the firm he clicked with. Viv has an easy smile and quick wit that the Nigerian forward appreciates. They are also great at details (which Baku admittedly is not). That focus is what led Hamilton to hire Tick-Wallace in S64 right out of law school to help with reviewing contract text of all sorts. Mxr. Tick-Wallace worked their tail off for years before making junior partner 3 years ago. Some day Olubori’s like of Viv helped (but those people are stupid—Johnny Hamilton doesn’t promote anyone without merit). To avoid conflict of interest, Hamilton allows general counsel and his Co-GM, Brock Bolder, handle contract negotiations with Olubori’s camp.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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