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S69 PT #3: Dive February 12th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

I think it's overblown. I think everything gets called a dive and that's probably not accurate. Shit stings, and acting like a tough guy and like you weren't hit is pretty unnecessary. I don't think anyone dives too much, but it is fun to watch some of it get called for embellishment. While some may have reputations, I don't think those reputations are unfair. People have reputations for a reason in the NHL and sometimes that includes dives. Although I think the best hot mic moment in the NHL was the "Fuck you you're getting a fucking embellishment call!" man that was a good one. I think that might be something SHL is missing from NHL, wacky unpredictable moments. Like when we had J teams go to SO 8 or so? It was a lot of rounds. I think embellishment in FHM could be funny but it'd probably end up bothering people since it couldn't fairly be determined as of now

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S66 Damian Littleton

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Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

As a proud Frenchman I am certain without a doubt that Luc would absolutely take the dive. Dude would be down on the ice grabbing his face and screaming bloody murder. Really trying to sell it like a European Football player who felt a gust of wind. He is not quite crazy enough to cut himself for the chance at a double minor, but he would definitely consider it in the heat of the moment. Luc actually has a great uncle playing professional soccer in Europe and he is quite well known for his convincing dives. Maybe he can harness his inner heritage and draw that penalty. Luc is not a gloater though, if he pulls this off he doesn't rub it in anyone's face. Even if you are taking dives to get the wins your dignity can only stoop so low and gloating is exactly the type of thing that kills your dignity.

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i would embellish the heck out of that high stick!! did you see that!!!! wow he tried to straight up take my head off!!!! i would go snd yell at the player and tell them to be careful where they are flinging their stick because they could have killed someone!!!! that could have been an extremely serious injury!!!! then i would bite my lip but not in a seductive way, in an i want to try to draw some blood way so that i would start bleeding on the lip and draw a 4 minute penalty! i think those are the rules for high sticks that draw visible blood on the victim's face! then atlanta would get a double minor for high sticking with blood! that would be fantastic for our playoff hopes and dreams! and then we would fail to score and we would all be sadge especially agnes @micool132 and pee @hotdog e and also pebble @Jepox but then we would score after the pow of play and yay!!!!!!!!

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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I flow so hard to get that penalty called. My team makes would be asking if I owned some dairy cows because of how well I milked that. I don't like people flopping or embellishing at all but eff it I would do it 100% to help my team win. If you don't want to be called for that don't put your stick near people's faces. After I do that and the game finished I would look forward to checking in to twitter to see what the opposition fans were saying about me and I would start replying to them all telling them all to cry more. That ios always a mature responce that calms the situation. Following that it would be to go check out the broadcasts and see what all the commentators thing about the situation. In the end I wouldn't care what was said if we got the win.

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Kenneth Lind (S78-)

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@sköldpaddor @High Stick King @Ragnar

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Viktor Krunk lives for these moments. In his culture, getting one up on your opponents by any means necessary is part of the game, and not looked down upon like it is by these soft, decadent Western hockey players.

So of course he's immediately tumbling to the ice like he's suffered a heart attack. But it doesn't end there - Krunk comes prepared for these situations. The blood capsule that he stores in his upper cheek is immediately fished out with his tongue and chomped down upon. As the referee sees the Inferno center lying prone, spitting blood onto the ice, there is no doubt in his mind that he made the right call. Krunk 1 - Fair Play 0.

Naturally, he gets called out a lot for these kind of antics. He reminds the starchy ex-pros that they played in the days before CTE awareness, so their damaged brains are wrong, and when someone mentions it on Twitter, he calls them a fat keyboard warrior.

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While it might seem like a question with an obvious answer, Melvin often finds himself wondering if he can make an actual effort from a moral standpoint. In that moment he recognizes that his team is currently down in the division, and the impact that it could have for the game. Especially depending upon the opponent, but Melvin has a dark past that haunts him frequently, and he tries often to make sure that he is able to live up to and try to bring more good into the world than the bad. While it would be the smart play, it's a very personal decision, and one that Melvin would ultimately feel guilt about. While technically the rules, it mostly grazed his beard as opposed to anything substantial on him, and if it wasn't for the way that the other players were looking at him, I doubt that Melvin would have noticed. He decides to ignore it, and play harder than before.

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Although Alexander considers himself a hard nosed player, if he feels contact on his chin from a high stick he will be snapping his head back just as a natural reaction. There would be zero diving to the ground acting like he was shot like some players have a reputation of doing, but as long as there was actual contact there is no shame in moving your head away from the contact. Even in an important game that may be the reason we get into the playoffs or not, Alex wouldn't fake the contact and go down in order to draw a penalty. He has too much self respect and values his reputation in the league among players and coaches. I would like to think that even if a call was made when in fact there was zero contact, I would be able to do the right thing and talk with the ref that he got the call wrong like he has seen other players do before.

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(This post was last modified: 02-12-2023, 12:36 PM by Bonk.)

Taking a dive in Hugh Manius opinion is a bad idea generally speaking. Hugh thought process is this, if you sell a penalty there just as much chance or greater chance of be called for a penalty for taking the dive. So, it is not really something that High would like to do, especially where the game is on the line. Additionally with Hugh being six foot six inches and two hundred pounds it would look silly for the Hugh to go flying from a minor graze. Therefore, trying to draw the penalty in that situation is really not in the cards for him. If Hugh is going to try to do something deceptive, he is more likely to sneak in a spear, cross check or sneak in a butt ending as due to Hugh’s size is able to shield those things for referees during game play. So, in closing taking the dive would not be Hugh’s first choice.


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Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius

In the National Hockey League there is going to be rule bending, contorting, twisting, alternative truths. Every body is always trying to get an edge on the other team. I think even more these days, with the speed of the game increasing, and every little detail happening in lightning reflex time, players will always being looking to get an edge on the other team, draw a penalty, disrupt and frustrate the other team. Now, is there obvious diving and obvious embellishments? Of course. That's the nature of it all. There is a very thin line when it comes down to embellishing, or a obvious pain or PTSD of a past injury coming at them fast. Again, especially when everything is being made in quick reflexive moments. Should the blatantly obvious ones get called? Yes. Should they called while in concurrence with the penalty that was embellished? Again, yes. Even if the penalty that was callled wasn't actually a penalty? Yes. Give these boys some PIMs Cup. They need to calm down, they're being too loud. Karma.

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render cred: @rum_ham, @Rangerjase @Ragnar @supertardis101 @Jogurtaa @Drokeep @evilallbran @Carpy48 @enigmatic
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Quote:Written Task: What do you think of embellishment calls and diving in the NHL? Do you think they're called too much? Not enough? Is it a necessary evil to make sure the referee actually sees that something happened? Even if it wasn't that bad? Do you think there are players with deserved reputations for diving? Maybe undeserved reputations? (150+ words)

I would say they're disgraceful acts but, really, they're only part of a hyper-competitive setting that enables such actions to be felt as fair and proper in the mind of some (though not all). Even diving in its own right has some circumstances that could qualify it as a justified action. Namely when playing against a vengeful opponent very keen on abusing the nature of the sport to guarantee an opportunity to injure someone they dislike, a dive would then be an easy way to avoid the actual contact while still calling the referee's attention to the situation in play.

Given that most sports work with the idea of athletes participating in their peak performance, diving may be fair but you need to keep that context in mind and it's obviously hard to call it. Personally, as a person that was once an aspiring referee as a kid, I think any diving needs to be called upon but I'll personally admit that the context can be hard to get or hard to act upon.

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Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
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Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

hockey prompt

I think diving and embellishment calls are necessities in todays game. Not every penalty would be caught, but if a dangerous action like a wayward high stick or elbow occurs it should be penalized with or without actual harm done. Professional athletes should have that level of control most of the time, and if they are careless about it I am fine with them seeing punishment for it, and embellishment is unfortunately a way to make that happen. I am grateful that there is a penalty for it, so that it can also be contained to some extent, and I wish that fewer situations ended up with coincidental minors of infraction and embellishment. The existence of one penalty somewhat nullifies the other and it feels like there should be a better way to handle figuring out who actually should be punished. The refs may still be struggling, but it is at least a step in the right direction.

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I don't think enough of the Dives are being called and penalized when players do it in the league.  It's one of those things that just keeps getting worse and worse across the different leagues, be it in Soccer or Basketball, but it's also picking up in hockey.  Before you just always assumed that there was some contact causing these crazy falls onto the turf, ice, court... but now through the magic of Instant Replay you see that a ton of these times don't even have anyone within FEET of the player in question.  And also in real time you think the contact, if it actually happens, is instantaneous, but again through instant replay you realize that this happened sometimes up to multiple seconds before the actually fall.  With everything else going to different official replays, this should be something that a random office in the league is constantly looking at and sending up flags when it happens.  Just because your player thinks that it will help the team if they put on a big show, they should be the ones that get hurt by their own stupid actions.  Come on leagues, make it happen!!!

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