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S69 PT #3: Dive February 12th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

While I could definitely take a dive and likely draw a penalty, the stakes are just too high to try that and fail. Too often when you try to do something like that, you end up not only not getting the call, but you can take yourself right out of the play as well.  Earlier this season one of our opponents tried to do that to us and the referee didn't buy it. The opponent fell to the ice, giving us an advantage and we scored an easy 2-on-1 goal at the other end.  It's just not worth it, but not just that, I don't want to be known as a player who dives. If I get legitimately knocked down, so be it. But I don't want my legacy to one of someone who feigned injury or anything like that just to get an advantage. I try to play by the rules, but some rules are okay to skirt. If you're being aggressive on the ice, you can color a little outside the lines, but I'm not going to try and take a dive just for a whistle. It's not in my DNA

193 words

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4 Chainz isnt someone who's going to look like a punk. If it doesnt hit me I'm not going down, and i wont fake it either. Thats weak stuff. However if you hit me I'm going to show it and then we're both going to be spending a few minutes in the penalty box while my team cleans up the work on a power play. I'm not Lebron i wont take a dive to pad my stats and frankly my team is too good to put me in that position. I expect the same from everyone else in the league, if you think taking cheap opportunities like this helps it wont. You have to be able to win the games in crucial moments with legit ways to win otherwise you wont make it further than that anyway and you made yourself and team look bad in the highlights for nothing.

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I'm drawing that penalty 100%. Dude's stick should be nowhere near my face...if it's that close of a call, then he deserves the penalty. At the end of our careers, when all is said and done, people will remember championships, not individual calls. If I need to draw some penalties in order to make that happen, I'll do it. Besides, if I don't, the other team will. If the rest of the league is playing that way, we need to play that way to be on equal footing with them. It's a risk-free move for me, as I'm a first-rate actor, as well. Some guys are really bad at taking dives, but not McHits...he's ready to hit the deck whenever needed to put on for the city of Montreal and for the rest of his team and his coaches. It's all about winning baby, and you never know which moment in the season or which points or result will be the difference between watching the Cup Finals at home or being on the ice to help win them.

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Hockey Prompt:

As far as diving and embellishment calls, I think they are warranted when they happen but you do not tend to see them a whole lot. I am not sure if they should be called more but again I think they only deserve to be called when they happen. The thing I do not like about embellishment calls in the NHL is that refs usually call them as well as another penalty and that does not seem like a correct call to make. Example how do you call both a trip and an embellishment call if the player that got the penalty actually tripped the player. There should be no embellishment calls when an actual penalty is called by the refs. As far as players with reputations for embellishment, I do not believe there are really too many players that have a strong reputation in regards to getting embellishment calls. I think embellishment calls should only happen when they are very obvious.

Hockey Prompt:

Initial thoughts on the whole embellishment element is that it isn't called enough for the rare times that it happens. I'm thankful that it isn't as much of a common behavior as it is in football given the overwhelming benefit you can get from a free kick/penalty as opposed to hockey where an extra powerplay doesn't have the same additional win probability. Not to mention the old school mentality in hockey is oddly positive for this, in viewing those who are light on their skates as being a 'soft' or bad player. There is however, a weird trend of booking both the embellishment when deemed necessary but also a coinciding minor of the violating hook or trip that led to the abolishment. In some scenarios I can see that there was a penalty committed and an embellishment committed in the same situation, but it already seems like refs are afraid to simply say that one player was entirely in the wrong when obvious (or at least obvious with play by play.

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Kaapo Kampainen is known to try and stick by the rules as much as possible, but I think he has reached a point in his career where it's cup or bust and he's getting tired of seeing other players do it, so you know what ? I think Kaapo would do it against a nasty division rival. As soon as he feels the blade of the stick hit his face, he'd fall down the ice. Depending on where the stick hit him, he'd either punch his nose on the way down to try and draw some blood for the double minor penalty. If it hits him on the mouth, you bet he'd bite that lip so hard while he covers his face that the physical trainer will have trouble patching it up. Kaapo is a team player first and foremost, so it makes sense that he wants to do everything he can to help his team win and perhaps get his hands on the cup.

164 words

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Player Prompt

As anyone who has watched the Mandalorian knows, Grogu has a bit of a jerk side to him, such as eating the fish babies or stealing the ball from the gear shift of the Razorcrest. The same holds true when he plays hockey. In a situation such as the one described, Grogu would definitely play it up and act injured to draw a penalty. He would count on the fact he is so cute to draw extra anger from the fans to boo the opposing player and demand vengeance. He would also not be shy to use the Force to mind trick the referees and make them give an extra penalty or a major penalty call to give his team that extra edge. After he scored to win the game, he would make sure to give the opposing player coming out of the penalty box a cheeky wink just to rub it in!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

Hodor normally isn't one to lie and cheat, but say the wrong thing or threaten the wrong person(s) and he'll do what he can to correct the threat. Some example actions are:

- smack talk in games that target his family or team
- threats of hurting cuddly animals
- mentioning anything about wights, whether just a comment or a hint that one is around
- tickling his wrist underneath his glove
- hooting like a snowy owl's territorial screech
- chortling like a happy dire wolf only for Hodor to find out there isn't one and to be overcome with immense disappointment
- saying "hodor," but not in a way like you're saying his name but more like mocking his method of speech
- taking over Hodor's mind from the future and giving him a seizure
- saying, "what are you gonna do, punch me?" (results in punching)
- taking the last glass of mead from his hand and not doing the decent thing of chugging it but instead pouring it on the ground. What a waste

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

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Shoyo Hinata only care about one thing and that thing is called winning. So he would embellish all the high stick that he can, he will dive when necessary and all that. He do not care about his reputation. He want to win and drawing a power play is a good way to do that. He do not care if we are in the third period and in the playoff race, shoyo will embalish in the first period of the first game of the training camp against his own teammate.  Shoyo is a highly skilled pest and he will take every opportunity to get under  the other player skin.  Maybe the opposite team fans will hate him for it but who care ? Atlanta fans love shoyo. Hinaa is ready to hit his own lips to draw blood if it mean that the other team will have a penalty. He will do anything for another challenge cup.

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credit to Qwest

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This is a baited topic here as there is an absolute art to drawing penalties which has a huge impact on the game if done correctly.  It isn't cheating, it's more gamesmanship and if a player isn't in control of their stick and it gets up close to your face, you absolutely take the penalty and try to make it obvious for the refs who are largely blind and not paying attention.  From there, you rush to the bench so the trainer can pass you a small blade to get a cut in and draw some blood so you get the four minute penalty not the two minute variety.  It is all fair game once that stick touches your face.  We aren't soccer players out here acting like we're dying on the field when touched but you absolutely try to draw that penalty and get the extended power play since it could change the game for your team.


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S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
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Hai Nam Hoang isn't the kind of player to look for calls where there aren't any. He prides himself on humility, and taking the high road. Often if he does take a penalty, he'll stop to calmly ask the referee what he saw, and what he should try to avoid. In the given situation, Hoang would likely wince, as he has been cut in that same place before, but that's likely to be all that happens. If the referee sees that and calls the penalty, Hoang won't make any noise, but he will later go to the ref AFTER the penalty expires to let him know he was just wincing. Humility goes as far as you push it, so Hoang can move his boundaries if it means helping his team, but only by so much before he reverts to being the polite understanding player to the refs.

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Player Prompt
Collin Gibbles would never sink so low as to embellish a high stick penalty. In all of his years playing for the Minnesota Monarchs, Gibbles has made it a point to play as clean of a game on the ice as he can. This may not have always resulted in the win but Gibbles would rather be remembered as a better player even if he never gets to joist the Challenge Cup. That being said, Gibbles is not against throwing down on the ice if the high stick was truly a deliberate act from the other team. It takes a lot to make Gibbles drop the gloves but when he does, the veteran makes sure to show his strength. Making the playoffs would be nice, but if any player in the history of the SHL is capable of dealing with not making it to the post-season, it would be him. As he still has gas in the tank, there will always be another season.

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Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

Player Prompt Written

If I Pablo Salvatici of the ice hockey team referred to by their given name the Inferno that is based out of the city of Atlanta in the great state of Georgia which is located in the United States of America (god bless) that plays in the Simulation Hockey League I would definitely go down easily in the corner in an attempt to draw a call to help us on our quest for the playoffs. Sticks up high in the face can be dangerous so I would probably fall to my knees and drop my glove in order to check my face and see if they hurt my perfect teeth that I spent a fortune on and also to see if there is any blood on my face so that we can get a four minute powerplay instead of a two minute power play. I might leave a nail a bit longer so I can scratch my chin and make it bleed even to get that crucial pp that would win us the game because i'm a team player and would do anything to win.

185 high quality words

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Player prompt

I think there is a natural reaction that all of us have when anything unexpected hits / touches / or even barely grazes our faces.   We snap our hear back and go to clutch our face.  At the same time, we all have the option about how we react after that initial bit.  Do we drag it on on hopes of getting a call? Or do we go right back into the play because nothing has happened.

For Mikko it is the latter.  He is not one to embellish the call because he knows what it is like to be on the other end of it.  He has watched too many times in his life where a call that was made that simply shouldn’t be.

Do points matter? Yes, of course they do, but if you earn then the right way, your due will come to you.At the end of the day you’ve gotta love yourself in the mirror and be happy with how you played.  And if Mikko is going to win, he’s going to do it the right way.


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