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Nevada Battleborn S70 Captains & Promotional Schedule
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2023, 01:20 PM by sköldpaddor. Edited 1 time in total.)

[Image: ApEETNJ.png]
The Nevada Battleborn are pleased to announce our captaincy group for the season, as well as our schedule of promotional nights!

( C ) - John Brown - @ACapitalChicago
( A ) - Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk - @MCP_
( A ) - Ace Lightning - @hockeyfan
We'd like to thank all three of these players for their continued commitment to making our locker room a fun and engaging place, and their outstanding efforts in the local community as they have proven themselves leaders both on and off the ice. 

[Image: fanappreciation.png?width=1600&height=416]
10/4 vs Whalers - The home opener! We kick off the season vs the Vancouver Whalers. All ticket holders will receive an S70 commemorative rally towel upon entry, as well as a voucher for one free beverage.

[Image: pride1.png?width=1600&height=416]
10/9 vs Citadelles - Our first of as many Pride nights as it takes this season to really make the homophobes angry. Players will be wearing game jerseys designed by local LGBTQ+ artists, and those jerseys will be autographed and auctioned off after the game with all proceeds going towards LGBTQ+ youth charity causes.

[Image: alumninight.png?width=1600&height=416]
10/10 vs Timber - Join us as we host the Maine Timber and celebrate some of Nevada’s living legends. All ticket holders will receive one of special edition alumni bobbleheads upon entry, including Melvin Majestik-Moose, Adelie de Pingu, Willie Miller, Dave Heinrich, Conner Snooks, Alexi Piastri, Wing Wang, Paul Peterson, Dominik Froste, and several others. Select alumni will be in attendance but don’t ask us which ones, they will have to tell you themselves.

[Image: rookiesnight.png?width=1600&height=416]
10/16 vs Raptors - Come out and celebrate our rookie class with us! All ticket holders will receive a commemorative bobblehead of one of our rookies, including Thomas Sawschuk, Max Carnage, shnopple lopple, Alex Crosswell, or Joebammmm Farf.

[Image: educators.png?width=1600&height=416]
10/18 vs Elk & 10/19 vs Timber  - Join us as we honor the dedicated professionals who put their time and love into educating the next generation of hockey fans. We will have a ceremonial puck drop from local teachers (selected by student nomination and vote) and all attendees will receive a commemorative hockey textbook. For every attendee, the Nevada Battleborn will donate one textbook to a student in need.

[Image: captainsnight.png?width=1600&height=416]
10/21 vs Berserkers - Join us as we celebrate our captaincy group for the season, and pick up a bobblehead of our captain, John Brown, or one of our alternate captains, Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk and Ace Lightning.

[Image: hfcnight.png?width=1600&height=416]
10/24 vs Whalers - Come out to the Dodge Ram 1500 Hellcat Memorial Arena to honor those who are fighting or have fought cancer, and bid on our beautiful purple HFC warmup jerseys to raise money for the fight against childhood cancer. All proceeds will be donated to the pediatric cancer program at the Children’s Medical Center at Summerlin Hospital.

[Image: neonnight.png?width=1600&height=416]
10/31 vs Armada - Bring every glow stick you can get your hands on and come celebrate Sin City Neon Night! We will have a smallish rave during intermissions and the entire arena will be lit with blacklight the entire game. Even the puck will be glow in the dark, and fans can bid on autographed glow in the dark versions of our already-neon third jerseys.

[Image: dadjokenight.png?width=1600&height=416]
11/7 vs Grizzlies - I’m going to the game! Hi going to the game, I’m dad. Bring your best dad jokes (or submit them on social media) for a chance to appear in the dad joke fan competition, happening during pregame and both intermissions.

[Image: moosenight.png?width=1600&height=416]
11/12 vs Armada - Come and learn about the majestic creatures known as Moose. Learn the history of the moose, its natural habitat, and all kinds of moose-related facts you may or may not have ever wanted to know, and take home a special Melvin Majestik-Moose Shirley. Battleborn alumnus Melvin Majestik-Moose may or may not be in attendance, we will have to see if we can find him.

[Image: pride2.png?width=1600&height=416]
11/14 vs Knights  - Our second LGBTQ+ pride night of the season! Featuring warmup jerseys from yet another local LGBTQ+ artist, this evening will focus primarily on transgender rights and current issues, and promises to be an educational and welcoming night for all members of the LGBTQ+ community.

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11/19 vs Falcons - Come to the arena to watch us take on the Falcons, and learn everything you could possibly ever want to know about penguins! Participate in penguin races during intermission (no live penguins will be harmed, these are races between humans who are walking on the ice like penguins, if you don’t waddle you will be disqualified), take home a comfy Adelie de Pengu winter hat which you will surely need for another frigid desert winter.

[Image: petnight.png?width=1600&height=416]
11/23 vs Falcons - Sorry, you can’t actually bring your pet to the game. We wish you could, but they just wouldn’t like it, you know? Hockey games are really loud. But we will be handing out special edition pet shirseys and other pet-related items, including an NBB branded flying disc, Ram-themed treats, and a few lucky raffle winners will take home a gift card to your local pet supplies store!

[Image: turtlesnight.png?width=1600&height=416]
12/5 vs Malamutes - Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles. Turtles.

[Image: pride3.png?width=1600&height=416]
12/8 vs Elk - Our third LGBTQ+ pride night will also feature warmup jerseys from a local artist in the community, and will focus on boosting visibility for LGBTQ+ resources in the Las Vegas region as well as educational opportunities for allies who have a desire to learn more about active allyship.

[Image: holidaynight.png?width=1600&height=416]
12/18 vs Kraken - Celebrate with us on Holiday Night, as we learn more about the origins and traditions surrounding the major winter holidays of the world. If you have a specific winter holiday that you’d like to see represented, please contact our promotional coordinator, Barndon Flewor.

[Image: french.png?width=1600&height=416]
12/29 vs Elk - Join us to celebrate The French. They told us it’s okay to say that, we promise. This night will feature a lot of poutine and everyone who attends will be given a voucher for one free baguette at a local bakery. Did our GM make up this promotional night just to troll his husband? Maybe.

[Image: willienight.png?width=1600&height=416]
1/6 vs Whalers - Come out and join us for WILLIE NIGHT, celebrating the legend of Willie Miller. He will be in attendance to show off his Challenge Cup rings and will be doing a little youth goalie skills clinic in the afternoon prior to the game. No, he doesn’t know that yet. No, he doesn’t have a choice, we know where he lives.

[Image: coffeeappreciation.png?width=1600&height=416]
1/16 vs Kraken - COFFEE! Join us for Coffee Appreciation Night! All attendees will receive a bag of locally roasted BattleBeans, and we will have several special popup bars with exciting themed coffee drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. During intermission, participate in the espresso shot contest (please make sure to sign the legal waiver regarding health conditions before attempting to participate in the espresso shot contest).

[Image: parentsweek.png?width=1600&height=416]
1/19 vs Knights, 1/20 vs Citadelles, 1/22 vs Berserkers - Parents week is an exciting opportunity for both players and fans! We will be providing a daycare center for children under five, where any ticket holding parent is free to drop their child off to take part in skating lessons, face paint, and assorted other age-appropriate activities while the parents get to go watch a hockey game in peace. During this week-long homestead, players will also be encouraged to invite their own parents to come to the games, and the team will be providing food and accommodations for any who attend.

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1/26 vs Malamutes - Come and learn a little about Sweden with the team as GM Gunnar Söderberg and Nevada’s only current Swedish player Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk sign jerseys and get really excited about the catering, all courtesy of IKEA of Las Vegas. Take home a really tiny replica of the Dodge Ram 1500 Hellcat Memorial Arena, which you will have to assemble yourself at home with some instructions that may not be incredibly helpful.

[Image: earthnight.png?width=1600&height=416]
1/30 vs Malamutes - Learn about the ongoing climate crisis and ways you can help in the battle to save our planet from corporate greed! Take home a commemorative reusable thermos and a set of reusable straws (the bamboo kind not those metal ones that freeze your lips).

[Image: pride4.png?width=1600&height=416]
2/6 vs Knights - Our final (for now) LGBTQ+ night of the season, featuring more auctions for warmup jerseys designed by local LGBTQ+ artists, and a very exciting pride parade around the Dodge Ram 1500 Hellcat Memorial Arena. Attendees are encouraged to dress in their most vivid rainbow clothing, and we will be celebrating the history of LGBTQ+ athletes and their accomplishments. This is the final scheduled pride night of the season, but we reserve the right to add more on remaining home nights if any more players in that other hockey league make asshats out of themselves.

[Image: bhweek.png?width=1600&height=416]
2/15 vs Scarecrows, 2/17 vs Scarecrows, 2/18 vs Armada - Join us for this week-long homestand as we celebrate Black History Month! Bid on game-worn special edition jerseys designed by local Black artists; all proceeds will go to Black Girl Hockey Club, and attendees can visit our informational booths to join the Get Uncomfortable Campaign!

[Image: womenshistory.png?width=1600&height=416]
2/27 vs Grizzlies - Join us to celebrate women who know their role (any role they damn well want to take on, they don’t need your permission). Learn about women’s history, and the unique challenges faced by ALL women in sports and the world beyond, and help us work towards a world where misogynists and TERFs are a thing of the past. 

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

Y'know when you said you had some events planned out, I didn't think it was going to be 25 of them

[Image: 59269_s.png]

S66 Damian Littleton

[Image: CsnVET2.png] || [Image: wu5MVvy.png]|| [Image: c8B2LE3.png]
Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

This is HUGE! And I’m not just talking about the head on my bobblehead.

How turtley does one need to be for the turtles night?

And is there an age requirement for the youth goalie skills clinic? Asking for a friend.

RIP Mac & 701


03-25-2023, 01:33 PMTheNextGreatOne Wrote: How turtley does one need to be for the turtles night?

And is there an age requirement for the youth goalie skills clinic? Asking for a friend.

I have to check with @Sebster who doesn’t know he’s doing the clinic yet.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

I'm not wearing a practice jersey for Sweden night. Smh

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Thank you @High Stick King @OrbitingDeath @Ragnar @Tesla @MattyIce for the player signatures! 

03-25-2023, 02:08 PMsköldpaddor Wrote: I have to check with @Sebster who doesn’t know he’s doing the clinic yet.
strictly 18+

[Image: 8pRoFZH.png]

@sköldpaddor Where is Reno Updater Statue Reveal night?

[Image: S38oOt3.png][Image: of1yZSs.png]
[Image: JzmdDrE.png]

(This post was last modified: 03-27-2023, 12:12 AM by Evok. Edited 1 time in total.)

Cheers  Citadelles  Battleborn  Citadelles Happy to see QCC selected as the first team for pride night  Citadelles  Battleborn  Citadelles  Cheers

[Image: lUeg4KM.png] [Image: DG0jZcS.png] [Image: wTlXhus.png][Image: umZ0HLG.png] [Image: VGl3CB4.png] [Image: DpCJiuF.png]

[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

"Players who spoke against wearing the pride jerseys have been instructed to know their role"

[Image: lespoils.gif]

30 promotional nights from 33 home games is amazing

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52

This is absolutely amazing! Well done

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

03-27-2023, 09:29 AM39alaska39 Wrote: 30 promotional nights from 33 home games is amazing

we are saving the other three games in case some more NHL players act up and we have to do more pride nights

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

03-26-2023, 11:11 PMReno Wrote: @sköldpaddor Where is Reno Updater Statue Reveal night?

okay so, the guy we commissioned to do the statue thought we were just doing a Nevada thing and made us a weird 3D diorama of Reno, Nevada instead. Which was pretty cool looking, but not what we asked for. So we paid him for that and put the city diorama thing in the entryway for decoration, so no harm done there, but then we had to commission a new artist to make the Reno statue. So anyway, the new artist just got started but it's going to be a while because apparently she can't get the exact slab of marble she wants and is having to talk to multiple suppliers, but it'll definitely be worth the wait.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

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