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S75 PT0: Gebeneezer Boogie Due: Monday, February 12th @ 11:59 PST

Quote:Written Task: What kind of lifestyle should a hockey player live in the offseason? How can you best strike a balance between recreation and relaxation, and training for the next season? Should you simply spent the first half in the Caribbean and the second half in the gym, or is there some other training regimen you follow? Feel free to tell me what your player happens to do, or to showcase your own expertise in real-world athletic training!

Success is not just something that happens. You don't wake up one day lucky enough to have the body of a sports god. You have to put your time and effort into it, sacrificing every day to ensure that you have that tiny edge against the guy on the other side of the ice.

For that reason, it's important to commit to training and proper nutrition even when the sport is in its offseason. Hobbies, friends, family... these are things that can wait for the end of your career. Vacations are opportunities to work out and eat well in strange places.

Life events are ways to work out in strange places. Just met the love of your life? Take her to the gym for your first date. Got married? At the ceremony, lift every single guest (both sides of the family) while they’re still sitting in the chair. Just had a baby? Guess who got their very own organic dumbbell. Kid’s first recital? Secretly watch game videos to work on your game deficiencies.

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I see it in two ways: either you divide their free time with holidays and actual training or start with progressive training of sorts. Let me explain the latter, since I think that one is a bit more difficult to utilize. Basically, you start with the first day after the season ends by seeing what exactly the player will be up to. Assuming said player is free, you just suggest to them to go to the gym for a little bit, lift some light weights, just minor stuff. You do not want them to cool down but you cannot afford a possible injury so you will start with that.

Then you progress accordingly throughout the break so that they get some rest but are kept from getting a heavy break since that switch might mess them up on the way back. That said, if people insist on the first option of taking a break and then coming back to work extra hard, I would suggest to still have progressive training just skipping the lighter stuff.

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Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
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Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

Option 1:

Written Task: One cold and lonely Christmas-break night, your player is visited by the ghost of their mite-hockey coach(who passed away last year in an unfortunate molasses sandwich accident at the age of 96).
He warns your player that they have forgotten the right way to play, and lost their faith in the heart of the puck.
You will be visited by three spirits over the course of the coming season, who will endeavor to help you get your head back on straight.
What is your player's reaction to this apparition? Or was it just a dream?

Niclas Sundqvist is a not a superstitious man, but an experience like this is something else. Who or what can one believe in when you come face to face with a dead dear one? Confounded and a bit lost, what can one do except ponder this quandary. So Sundqvist put time in his mental self, the self image, who he is on the ice, as well as who he is outside of the ice. The heart of the puck? What does this mean and why does this thing happening to him seem like some mashup of some kind of already written stories? Anyways, three spirits means three times with feedback and that is never wrong to have. Niclas Sundqvist stands up from the bed, reinvigorated and ready to take on a new day and a new season. Was it a dream or not? It matters not, because the motivation that came after the sleep is real. Even if there seems to be someone not quite human watching him from the crowd now...

[172 words]

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One cold and lonely Christmas-break night, your player is visited by the ghost of their mite-hockey coach (who passed away last year in an unfortunate molasses sandwich accident at the age of 96). He warns your player that they have forgotten the right way to play, and lost their faith in the heart of the puck. You will be visited by three spirits over the course of the coming season, who will endeavor to help you get your head back on straight. What is your player's reaction to this apparition? Or was it just a dream?

Oh no Yugi! You've lost your faith in the heart of the cards! Wait, that's not right, this is Muon Collider. Could it be? Has he really lost faith in the heart of the puck? All Muon has spent his career leading up to this point is believing in the puck, and being the best passing teammate any team could ask for, letting the puck find the open guy who finds the open guy who finds the pack of the net. Is it possible that Muon has lost his way? And yet... when I look at the stats, I see Muon racking up goals, but not nearly getting the kinds of assists I would've liked to see from him. Maybe Muon has lost his way. If Anchorage is going to get the passing expert they thought they drafted, he will have to return to his roots and find the heart of the puck once again. It all starts with the perfect pass...

162 words

Well, I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penised, debutante. You want to start a street fight with me bring it on but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets, you don't even know my real name- 

[Image: Muon-Collider-Sig.gif?ex=6581fbe3&is=656...5534def5e&]

A hockey player should do whatever the heck he wants in the off-season. With all the training, film watching, games and all the toll that's takes both mentally and physically, you need to be able to get back to who you really are sometimes. There's family you don't see often, especially if you have kids. That means there's fishing to do, their sports to attend and just plain spending time with them. There's also all your favorite foods to eat again since you really can't do that during the season. Dusty Rhodes loves to eat and during the off season he likes to travel around and hit all the little mom and pops restaurants he can find. Of course the portions are huge and the calories are high. Probably a couple weeks before camp Dusty starts to behave and begins to try and get in shape so management doesn't realize what a bad boy he's been.

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Option 2:

There is a very large difference between what a hockey player probably should do during the offseason and what Adelie does during the offseason. Mostly because Adelie is a penguin and isn't quite like the other hockey players. You might even say he is built different. Because he is a penguin, there are no days off for him. He returns home to the arctic in the offseason to be with his people and spend time with his family, but nature is brutal and there is no rest and peace for those who are persecuted as penguins are. He always spends his offseason tricking seals and outrunning orcas and fighting off skuas and really combatting all sorts of evil and hungry predators. This leaves Pengu in professional hockey shape at all times and as such he doesn't need any offseason routines to keep him at the top. Life is hard out there for a penguin and he just has to try harder than everyone else to survive! Fully action packed offseasons.


Option 1: Graphic

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I think that Dominik would be the kind of player to strike a balance in the way he treats his offseason. There would definitely be some relaxing, maybe a trip to Cancun or somewhere like that, but he couldn’t spend his whole summer that way. I think the biggest thing that you would see Dominik do in the offseason that he doesn’t normally would be to eat all of his favorite foods that aren’t ideal during the season. Of course if he’s spending time in Mexico, he would indulge in some tacos, mole, tequilas and things of similar ilk with his friends that know the area. Other foods he doesn’t really eat in season include curries (Japanese, Indian, and Thai), ice cream and Little Debbie snack cakes. After all, who doesn't love a great oatmeal creme pie or nutty bar? After that though, it is lots of time in the gym and on the ice to get to the level of fitness he wants, well before the season.

WC: 168

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52

Option 2:

Gordon-William Gibbles spends a large chunk of his offseason at home with his parents. His father, former SHL player Collin Gibbles, still maintains an indoor rink for practice and scrimmages. GW Gibbles tends to spend a lot of time practicing with his dad. While his father was a defensive specialist, Gordon-William has a more offensive talent and the pair serve as perfect practice partners in the offseason. He also gets to occasionally practice with some Minnesota Monarch and Anaheim Outlaw legends when they come to visit his family. He has started inviting his Great Falls teammates for a visit and conditioning stint as well. After finally finding his place on the team, he figured helping them develop was the least he could do. Gibbles has also recently been spending time wandering on their property and chopping down trees in an effort to make his own hockey sticks for when he makes his SHL debut. His strength training is also helped out by dragging the massive logs back to the house.

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Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

On a chilly Christmas-break night, Philip Fry, found himself staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. Suddenly, a shimmering figure appeared at the foot of his bed – his late mite-hockey coach, Coach Gerry, donning his signature whistle and clipboard. Philip Fry's heart raced as he tried to comprehend the surreal sight.

Coach Gerry's specter spoke solemnly, "You've lost your way, young Fry. Forgotten the essence of the game. The heart of the puck eludes you."

Fry's mind raced with disbelief. Was this a dream? Or was this a haunting reality?

The ghostly coach continued, "Three spirits will guide you back to the rink's heart."

As quickly as he appeared, Coach Gerry vanished, leaving Philip bewildered yet determined. Whether dream or apparition, Fry knew one thing: he needed to rediscover his passion for the game. With renewed resolve, he vowed to heed the spectral warning and embrace the upcoming season with fervor.

151 Words

The offseason is definitely the time of a player's season that requires the most thought behind balance. Could a player only focus on rest and relaxation? Or maybe the opposite and only focus on training? As the saying goes, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and that's the case here too. Too much rest and relaxation and you're out of hockey shape, unable to get your feet going when the season starts and the league will skate right by you. Too much training, and you've burnt yourself out while losing out on valuable time with your friends and family, enjoying your time away from the team and the ice. So a balance is certainly needed, where in between all the training and preparation, you find time to rest, relax, and enjoy your offseason. Cheeks for example spent plenty of time watching the NFL and NHL, throwing back drinks in between training sessions. It worked out fairly well for him as the Dragons continue their rebuild this season.

During the offseason, Melvin has one singular focus. Trying to keep his body from wanting to quit on him. Honestly at this rate, Melvin is about a million years old in human years, and he really should think about settling down and retiring soon. That is, before the brain eating diseases from slugs turn him into a zombie. So during the offseason, he really tries to stay in cold areas, and make sure that he isn't anywhere near where that bacteria is that has really done a number on his fellow moosekind. He also spends a lot of time just wondering about what life will be like after he finally retires from hockey. He's been doing it for as long as he can remember, and so he isn't quite sure what not being around humans for extended periods of time might be like. He missed his chance to settle down, start a family, but maybe he'll just find a nice group of beavers to live near instead.

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I couldn’t believe what I saw. Old molasses Michael penice, my old pee wee coach came to me in a dream. Michael said that I forgot the true way to sling the biscuit and that I now play for all the hot babes and dudes worldwide and especially in Atlanta metro area. Michael told me that there would be 3 crazy ghosts coming my way. The first ghost was the ghost of hockey lettuce. He absolutely torched me for shaving my head bald. He said what’s a man like you with a great hairline totally untouched by the Norwood reaper doing around here? Please respect the puck. The next ghost was the ghost of greasy dangles. He said I had bum ass cement hands and that I couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with a beach ball. He totally made me sad. The next ghost was the ghost of hockey celly. He showed me how after I score I simply lay on the ice ston faced. Now I don’t think coach molasses Michael was correct in stating that I play the game improperly but I think I got a few things to sort out obviously. I awoke with piss in my pants.

I was visited by the ghost of my dad who also wasn't my dad but also there was hot water here somewhere and I don't know where the woods were but they were somewhere there too but also can travel. Please come back to the room. Cause I don't know who's here with me right now. And why am I with the locker room? Or the spotlight, or whatever the hell you call it just to make something up. And let's go there instead when that happens. Like what do you do when no one is there? Who do you talk to? Where is the silence of the landwhere are the lions to even be heard in the neat like you know, I'm hungry. Need that protein capital cause were else would o find such delicious meat on a sunday during passovwr when dixie is whislitng like where else could a baby find his toy that he thought he lost

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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

John Brown believes this apparition to be nothing more than an absolute heresy, as the only true apparitions are those sent by the Lord himself. It is the Lord that John Brown firmly believes in as it is the Lord who shall free people from the abomination of man known as slavery. However, should these apparitions be sent by the Lord Himself then John Brown has no choice but to listen. While such superstitions might drive the man insane, he was already rather crazy to begin with, so there might be little noticeable change. So, John Brown shall steel himself to await the incoming apparitions of people he technically has never met, as John Brown is unfamiliar with the idea of a coach beyond the ones he has had while a member of Nevada or Tampa Bay. So, this is an extra exciting experience for him! One he will try to keep normal and not overly religious or zealous

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S66 Damian Littleton

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