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S75 All Star Week Due: Sunday, March 31st @ 11:59 PM PST

Milestones +3 TPE

4. Written, 2 TPE, Participation Trophy (100 words min.)

Currently every team gets to send at least one player to the All-Star game. Are this seasons selections good in terms of team variety? Would you prefer more even selection from all of the teams or more focus to be put on individual performances despite the teams they represent? Do you think it is important for each team to get representation?

When looking at the rosters for this season, I did not realize that every team is required to have one user on the all stars team which I feel like is a good thing and for this I am mainly going to focus on J. While I do value performance a lot some teams are in less fortunate scenarios and have stars of their own that do deserve some recognition as the sim will sim in some cases especially. I think my case for change in the all stars list would be the addition of an alternates all star list as so many users still fail to even sniff the list despite the one user per team at least rule. I feel like with so many active users if more people get awarded they could feel more motivated to continue to earn especially at the minors level. (147 Words)

[Image: IsJIh5s.png?format=webp&width=872&height=1066]
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2024, 11:44 PM by Atox. Edited 1 time in total.)

SHL Milestones 1 TPE

ISFL Affiliate (Username Nathan)

[Image: 1wgIGr9.png]
[Image: MEAGHER.png]
Credit Maxy and Merica for sigs

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Milestones +3 TPE


3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)
Honestly was pretty surprised to see Aksel as an all-star, not that I'm not happy about it, I love that he's an all-star again and this is his 6th season in a row, but I feel like I'm hogging it from some of the young stars on Manhattan. Just looking at points, Morley out performed Aksel by a bit. They both had 46 assists, but Morley had 4 more goals at 36. Some other stats, Morley performed a smidge better as well. Of course, if not Aksel and not Morley, Lind would be the next pick. Lind is the iron man of the team and still performs incredibly well for how old and tired he is. There's certainly a few other rising stars on the team too, who were quite a few points behind Aksel and Morley, but I think we'll be seeing their names on the all-star roster in a few seasons.
153 words


4. Written, 2 TPE, Participation Trophy (100 words min.)
Currently every team gets to send at least one player to the All-Star game. Are this seasons selections good in terms of team variety? Would you prefer more even selection from all of the teams or more focus to be put on individual performances despite the teams they represent? Do you think it is important for each team to get representation?
I like the current way of picking one player from each team, I think it's important that even if your team doesn't do well during the season, you have something to look forward to during the off-season, and all-star is one of those things. It gives each team a chance to campaign and fight for another player to get in as well. I think the only failing is that it's very difficult to find the "best" player from each team and I bet the team gets a lot of flack for bad picks haha. Keep it one for each team and watch for those second player campaigns!
107 words


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gay heghog

J GM pass

[Image: FG1uDPY.png][Image: QAcQptc.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones - 3 TPE

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE,  WSBL, SSL, or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! *if you’re claiming this and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.*

PBE Affiliate Link - 3 TPE

4. Written, 2 TPE, Participation Trophy (100 words min.)
Currently every team gets to send at least one player to the All-Star game. Are this seasons selections good in terms of team variety? Would you prefer more even selection from all of the teams or more focus to be put on individual performances despite the teams they represent? Do you think it is important for each team to get representation?

No, I think the current way of selecting players for the All Star game is the way it should stay. I can see people arguing that maybe choosing based on performance alone would make for a more exciting game, and there is some truth to that. However, I feel that the All-Star game should stay as a way to highlight the talent from all the teams in the league, and the only way to ensure that all teams are represented is by keeping the one player minimum from each team. Sure, it may mean that some players that also deserve the spot get left out, but I would rather that than some teams getting no representation at all.

Word count: 118 words


Grand Total = 3 + 3 + 2 = 8 TPE

[Image: RaidTheArcade.gif]
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2024, 09:53 PM by Repgnar. Edited 3 times in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

SMJHL S75 Milestones +3 TPE

4. Written, 2 TPE, Participation Trophy (100 words min.)
Currently every team gets to send at least one player to the All-Star game. Are this seasons selections good in terms of team variety? Would you prefer more even selection from all of the teams or more focus to be put on individual performances despite the teams they represent? Do you think it is important for each team to get representation?

This is a very valid question and to be honest I’m glad I don’t have to decide on which format is better. From a community building perspective I’m very much a fan of highlighting a player from each team that way users have something to look forward to despite a rebuilding phase or an organization that puts more focus on the locker room in place of sim testing/sim performance. On the other hand, when a team has a magical season that puts them far ahead in the standings I fully understand why a player may be jaded that a player with a fraction of what they’ve accomplished gets an All-Star nod over them just because the other player was on a bad team. If the community and Hall of Fame is going to put weight on how many times a player has been elected as an All-Star then I personally would like to see the best players selected regardless of team representation or not. I know for sure MLB gets representation from each team but with more selections overall I really don’t like the idea of a great player getting overlooked for their accomplishments when possible. (200+ Words) +2 TPE

PBE Affiliate +3 TPE

8 Total TPE

1. Milestones

3. I don’t think that you can ever go wrong with putting Viktor Hargreeves and Willow Soderberg-Snooks in the All-Star game for San Francisco. They are two of our best players, best leaders in the organization and genuinely beloved teammates for us, and they are great representatives of our team and our organization at the All-Star Game. I think that we are going to get to the point in the next few seasons where it is genuinely hard to decide who goes to the game for San Francisco, but I would be extremely surprised if this is the last time that either of these players is our representative. Until our young stars really get to the point that they’re ones carrying the team, and of course, both Hargreeves and Soderberg-Snooks are very young, they should be mainstays in this showcase game for the team and the league. Anything can happen, but they are great representatives and I’m proud to be teammates with them.
WC: 162

4. I do think that it is the right move to ensure that each team has at least one representative at the All-Star game each year. Unlike the NHL where players can opt out because of “injury” (let’s be real, who wouldn’t want to go to Cabo or Cancun rather than spending the week in the GTA this season, both for SHL and NHL), it is nice for a team to be able to have a player to get behind and support, even if it is in a mostly meaningless, but ultimately fun, game. Plus it’s good to have the appearance for HOF voting eventually.
WC: 104

Total TPE: 8

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2024, 11:06 PM by vbottas17. Edited 3 times in total.)

1) Milestones (+3 TPE):

4. Written, 2 TPE, Participation Trophy (100 words min.)
team gets to send at least one player to the All-Star game. Are this seasons selections good in terms of team variety? Would you prefer more even selection from all of the teams or more focus to be put on individual performances despite the teams they represent? Do you think it is important for each team to get representation?

As nice as it can be for every team to have a representative  at the all star game, I feel that the game should be an opportunity to showcase the very best players that the SHL has to offer. If this means that a rebuilding team doesn't send a player to the game, then so be it. The fans are tuning into this game to see how the very best players in each conference match up against each other. I feel that we easily could have seen even more players from the Edmonton Blizzard or the Los Angeles Panthers represented at this year's game without the one player er team rule being in place.

6. Written, 3 TPE, Chosen Ones (150 words min.)

The Last Players In are now decided and the rosters are finalized. Who was a good pick? Who got snubbed?

Easy answer, Alexi Piastri was snubbed for the all-star game. Nevermind his postseason performance where Piastri led the SHL with 16 goals and led the Panthers with 28 points, Alexi put up a regular season performance worthy of being named to this seasons team. In his first season in Los Angeles after leaving the Minnesota Monarchs, Piastri finished with 32 goals, 62 assists, a +48 plus minus rating, 116 hits, and 7 game winning goals. Piastri led the team in a number of categories. Alexis 94 points were the second highest scoring output of his career, and the second straight season that he amassed over 90 points. Still, the numbers were not enough to convince the committee that he should be a part of the Western Conference team. Piastri seemed to adapt to his new role with the Panthers in the second half of the season. Maybe a more consistent output would have been enough to make the squad. Maybe apiastri was in the shadows a bit with superstars such as Adam Prpich and Derek Martin on the Panthers.

+8 TPE

[Image: Piastri2.png?ex=65ba64d4&is=65a7efd4&hm=...462889f09&]
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12. (4)

2a. (5) I think in this case the answer is obvious, and you should obviously let the players play on the same line. One last time. All stars is a really cool opportunity to let individual players shine in unique ways, and a lot of it is about the storylines. Playing the storyline out as teammates coming together. One last time would be a great heartstring tugger and a fantastic way to send the players onto their new teams were hopefully they can come back again next season And play on the same line again, but truly on their new teams this time.

9. (8) The user that I think most deserves a specific reward right now, would definitely have to be Chevy and I think that they deserve most the Damien Littleton. The Damien Littleton is truly. I think one of the sites most pinnacle awards, and it can give out, because it’s so unquantifiable. It represents so many different efforts being put in across the league, and it’s so cool to look back on the history of the award, and seeing all the different people awarded it, and the reasons they were given it for I think that Chevy deserves it because when you think about the SHL and what keeps you here for me, the answer to that is the people and Chevy most exemplifies just what is good about the people here he is inclusive he is kind he is considerate and welcoming and all aspects. He’s always willing to be honest with people. He’s always willing to be there in Lier and he’s not afraid to talk about things and make sure that everyone is acting the way they should be. I truly think he’s a fantastic influence on the league and I think his efforts and making sure the place is welcoming and the place that people want to come back to deserve recognition. I think Chevy would be a fantastic Damien Middleton nomination. I think he deserves it by and large for so many seasons of consistent effort in so many different roles I mean for chrissake the guys been out three head offices at the same time even if you don’t think he’s a nice guy, you can’t deny that he is such a fantastic effort For development and administration of the league.

[Image: 59269_s.png]

S66 Damian Littleton

[Image: CsnVET2.png] || [Image: wu5MVvy.png]|| [Image: c8B2LE3.png]
Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2024, 10:44 PM by Runningman434. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Sean Davies Milestones +3 TPE

2. Affiliate Task


8. Written, 3 TPE, 75 seasons worth of stars (150 words min.)

It is 75th season and we had excellent media series produced by Luke that showcased the best players the league has ever had. Your task is to make an All-Star line (3 forwards, 2 defensemen and 1 goalie) out of those 75 players. To make it bit harder, you can only pick one player from each of the following ranges: 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-55 and 56-75. Who you pick and why?

G- #75 Olof Karsikko
In goal I'm taking my boy Olof. Olof has been an elite goalie for New England during his stay here, and playoff Olof is a whole different beast. There is no one I'd rather have minding the net on my Top 75 roster.

RW- #44 Ivan Lacksamus
Similar story to Olof here with Ivan. Lacksamus has been the leader for the Wolfpack during our cup runs by virtue of being an elite scorer. Put him on the squad and you will get points, no questions asked.

C- #33 Konstantin Selich
Another elite scorer, I never had the pleasure of playing with Selich, but like LAcksamus He puts up points in a hurry. The two should pop off together.

LW- #18 Andreas Kvalheim
Kvalheim's peak was before my time in the league, but he sounds like the exact kind of bruising forward to pair with the two goal scorers I already have. Not to say Andreas can't score as he most certainly can, especially with the pair around him feeding him, but I'm really interested in that hitting. Gotta keep the opposing team honest.

D- #29 Jason Due
Another player who's career was before my time. I took Due because of his offensive prowess. HE can put up numbers from D, and with his one Turd Ferguson I know he can play with an edge as well. 

D-#7 Chris Partlow
Last but not least another player I'm not super familiar with, Partlow is another high scoring D. Paired with Due and the offensive talent this team has I bet he wiill put up numbers

(This post was last modified: 03-31-2024, 11:16 PM by Jumbobone19. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Milestones - +2 TPE

I would definitely pair the two defenseman together. It is a way to give them one last chance to play together and honor them as teammates on Edmonton. Both players deserving to be there with their play so put them together and let them do what they have been one last time. -52 words

I would definitely pair the forwards together. They build chemistry together and know alot of each others tendencies. So especially in an All-star game, you want to show those skills. Also being teammates, they can have a little more fun with each other and maybe try some ridiculous passes or shots. -51 words

For goalies, I would say that if their is a player that is appearing in their first all-star game then that goalie should start the game. It would be amazing for a goalie to be the starter verses a sub. Just a way to honor that player and showcase them a little more. -53 words

e. Lord Raiden should have made the All-star game because he has the most heart out of any player in the SHL. He works his butt off day in and day out. He strives to be better each game. Raiden has been snubbed soo many times in the past so its only fair to give it back to him. -58 words

4. Participation Trophy

I think that the rule that every team sends one player is nice and that the last players in are voted in. But I think a better setup is that the All-Star teams are made up of the 10 best forwards, 5 best defenders, and 2 best goalies based on performance on the ice. Then the last players voted in are a collection of the players from teams who do not have a player selected for the All-Star team. That way the voting is still taking place for last players but its only to get 3 players to respresent their team. I know that some teams may not be represented but I feel like teams in a full rebuild or tank mode should not have a player selected over someone more deserving. -132 words

2+4+2 = 8 TPE

[Image: jumbobone19.gif]

[Image: cEbgUph.png] [Image: 1DL5JDX.png] [Image: vjZu62e.png] [Image: EnHtzQl.png] [Image: NwdnVLP.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2024, 11:32 PM by caltroit_red_flames. Edited 5 times in total.)

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE,  WSBL, SSL, or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! *if you’re claiming this and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.*
PBE Affiliate (+3 TPE)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Link (+3 TPE)

4. Written, 2 TPE, Participation Trophy (100 words min.)
Currently every team gets to send at least one player to the All-Star game. Are this seasons selections good in terms of team variety? Would you prefer more even selection from all of the teams or more focus to be put on individual performances despite the teams they represent? Do you think it is important for each team to get representation?
(+2 TPE) I think this season's set of SMJHL all stars is a good and diverse group. It seems like Quebec City has a ton of all stars but considering their place in the standings I would say that it was earned. I don't think we want a totally even selection of players, though personally it would be nice to have a friend for Cal Juice this season at the all star game and event. It's definitely important to have at least one player from each team at the all star game. You have to give every fan base someone to cheer for otherwise viewership is gonna dip hard. It has to be based on individual performance for sure.

[Image: 5PYmCAe.png]
[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2024, 11:23 PM by Bonk. Edited 1 time in total.)

3. I am wondering if Peter Tingle’s spider sense is tingling as I am writing about teammates who went to the all-star game and since I play from the New Orleans Specters my choices on who to write about are a bit limited. So let me tell you about the amazing season Peter Tingle had this season. Let us look at the numbers. Mr. Tingle had 79 points in 66 games played for an average of 1.19 points per games, not to scabby. Those 79 points consisted of 30 goals and 49 assists and Peter was minus 8 for the season, well he was the one player of the New Orleans Specters to make the all-star game. 30 of the points were power play points and he had no short-handed points for the season. For his defense game for season 75 Peter has 53 shots blocked and he had 59 hits. Well, looking at the number Peter seems like the right choice.
Words ~161

2.d. Do we care if the sim gods care if a player plays on their home ice and does it matter? I do not it does. I am considered if somewhat is putting and validity into a question like this. I guess it might be something if the sim considers that in its simming, but can anyone tell whether that is true or not?

12. Podcast


[Image: bonk.gif]
Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius

(This post was last modified: 04-01-2024, 12:15 AM by Nhamlet. Edited 1 time in total.)

1) 1 Milestone

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Before last players are picked Edmonton is the only team that has 4 players selected for the game. Among those only defensive pairing from a single team Isaac Forty-One and Emil Egli. They both were traded to new teams this offseason. Would you let them play one more time with each other or would you highlight them with their new teammates Dirty Boots and Brandan Laroux who also made it to the game?
Would definitely go with a pairing that had some history as it's always fun to highlight the past in a league where change is constant. Not to mention the last season they played together, they had combined for just under 100 points in S74. There's something about reuniting an old couple that I think goes well as a narrative in any format.

b. Inferno and Panthers got to send two forwards each, Shōyō Hinata and Binko Koivu from Atlanta and Adam Prpich and Derek Martin from Los Angeles. Would you let them show of their chemistry and potentially dominate the game by letting them play on the same line or is All-Star game prime opportunity for them to show their creativity and skill even when playing with other top players?
No I wouldn't because that would be against the spirit of sportsmanship. It would simply be a matter of ensuring that at least there would be some semblance of competition even if the overall competition is meant to be fun. It's clear from how much talent these players have that they are already incredibly and have demonstrated incredible things. To let them to anything more is just bully the rest of the event.

c. Should the starting goaltender be the one who arguably had better season? Or as the stakes aren't as high as usually would you think it is better to offer the experience for the goalie who has had less appearances? Or maybe honor the one who has had more? Who should start and why?
Rather than having anything about a single goaltender playing the entire game, or swapping between periods, I think they should also be like skaters and change on the fly. In order to allow for the most chaos, they too can skate up and play the puck as if they were a third defenseman and allow them to be more involved in the game. This way their stamina might be tired a bit and the swaps themselves will be encouraged and more fluid.

d. Aleksandr Iskandrov and Wide Peepo Happy 3 Koivu get to play on their home arena as Hamilton is hosting the event this season. Does it matter more for the fans or the players that they get to play in front of home crowd?
It always does. Looking at something like the NHL that overtly favorites their hometown players, it makes sense you would want to market to the home crowd even at the detriment of the overall package. The event also does include the city, allowing a little bit of that unique representation that otherwise might be lost in the shuffle of the regular season.

e. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, tell us why they were picked.)
For no other reason than being a statesman at this point, being one of the oldest at this point has to mean for something. A name that basically spans multiple generations. Currently Minamino is tied for the third oldest player in the league and it wouldn't be surprising to see him as the oldest soon enough. The likes of Slip McScruff and Andreas Kvalheim are in that tier of legendary status.

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