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S76 PT #0: For Chirps and Wiggles Due: Sunday, April 7th @ 11:59 PM PST


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The best for activity check to do is honestly take some time to relax. Its quite a long season, generally playing over 60 games in a season, not including playoffs. I think sometimes its just best to sit in the hot tub, and just simply relax. Your muscles need to time to relax and recuperate which is most important for the new season. In terms of attention, i dont mind signing autographs and doing the stuff with the fans, the game is all for them after all. I dont see why anyone would honestly tint their windows for the fans, i dont see how there is any benefit in that. I think all athletes should be super personable with fans, family and teammates, so i guess I take an open-door policy for almost everything, especially for autographs (HA HA). Anyways, its just key to find that balance in the offseason, and taking that time to recharge the batteries socially, and signing dat paper

“I thought I was a goalie, but STA told me forget being a goalie they make nothing, and no one cares about them.  Guess what I was a center all along and I had no idea. Now I am the toast of the town, and I am getting offers from all the GMs and Scouts.”

– Spidey Talent Agency, on Activity Check

I pulled up to Atlanta wal mart as I usually do to but my frozen tv dinners and Mountain Dew code red and what do you know? I see a pack of rabid inferno fans sporting various jerseys. I see a shoyo hinata jersey, and I see a phillipe eko eel jersey, however I do not see anyone sporting a number forty eight BONGO jersey. I think I am in the clear until one of them taps me on the shoulder. I think oh boy here we go again. The fresh hot young rookie is finally getting some recognition in this one horse town. I turn around and say yeah yeah it’s me. So, what do you want a picture or an autograph? Want me to call your sister? The man says to me uhhh no im wondering f where I can find the Lysol wipes. I look down and realize what im wearing. I knew I should not have worn my blue vest today.

Aksel is a huge fan of public transport, and will take it whenever possible. Off the ice and when he's not doubled in size with the gear, he looks remarkably unremarkable, so he doesn't usually get approached by people. NYC is an incredibly busy city, full of other celebrities going about their days, so he's rarely stopped, and more than happy to snap a pic or sign something when he is approached. On holidays, it depends. In Norway, there's only a few athletes who got into the SHL, but there's not many hockey fans. He's much more likely to be asked to take pictures for people with the Norwegian cross country athletes he befriended at the olympics. If he's traveling in Canada, he's much more likely to be spotted. Most of the time, people have criticism for him which is kind of fun. He'll keep going it by himself for the rest of his career, and rewarding the occasional fan with some face time.

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gay heghog

First prompt: Lias takes over the Winnipeg Aurora’s Instagram account and starts posting nothing but Pride stuff non stop. All of the angry bigots start off leaving angry comments but finally they give up because it’s like nine posts a day and all of it is incredibly gay. Then the bigots go off and decide to find other hockey teams and Winnipeg is left with a very healthy fan base of people who have the belief that LGBTQ people are people and deserve equal rights and respect and visibility, and Winnipeg becomes the one fan base in all of hockey where nobody has any dumb stuff to say about Pride night and everyone is very happy and welcome. Then Lias starts posting regular hockey content again, including a lot of behind the scenes stuff to reward the loyal fans who have stuck with him all of this time. Everything is very happy and perfect, the end.

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

Written Option 2

James was surprised by how recognizable he was in public after his first full season in the SMJHL, and that’s only gotten to be a bigger problem since being drafted by Calgary. Danger of the profession when your hangouts largely consist of sports bars and the gym. Normally a stern glare and a slight snarl will send a fan away, but when a man can’t even get a beer without being interrupted by someone pointing out his face on the bar tv screen something’s gotta change. He tried all of the tricks that movies taught him, like baseball caps and sunglasses, but nothing seemed to stick. Finally, he relented to Rose’s idea and let her shave his sideburns a bit. To his surprise, suddenly he was able to go anywhere without even a second glance his way. Sadly, though, his victory was short lived as his sideburns grew back within a month. By that time though, the season was back on and he could use the team’s gym more often.

"I'm the best there is at what I do... and what I do isn't very nice."

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In what will surely go down in history as one of the most questionable public relations/social media decisions in recent SMJHL memory, the Regina Elk decided that they would allow Mary Hollywood to lead an Instagram takeover of the team's account. The Elk were looking to get the fans all excited for the upcoming season, and who better to lead the charge than their newly appointed alternate captain, Mary Hockey? There was some discussion as to what would be the best way to create such content. Do an AMA on the club's Instagram story? Perhaps solicit questions from the fans and then film a video of Mary answering them? None of these would do for Mary.

Instead, Mary decided that they would do it live. After all, she had the password now. Not like anyone could really stop her from going live. The PR team desperately would have preferred that they were further consulted on this issue before she did it, though. The hope had been that she would interact with the Regina fans and provide them with some relatable anecdotes. Instead, they were treated to a livestream of Mary in her kitchen making popcorn and vaping, with the occasional answering of a question sprinkled in.

Chat, is this real?

Elk  Rage
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Sig by sulovilen!
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Option 2:

The fame part is an unfortunate side effect of being a pro athlete and Evan Winter isn't exactly excited about this aspect of his life. Don't get me wrong, he absolutely appreciated the fans and their support and he doesn't look down on them or takes them for granted - but as someone with a more introverted personality, he simply prefers to be left alone unless he is actively looking to socialize. Which... is kind of the opposite of how things work for a person in public life, so it can be sort of a struggle at times for Evan. If a group of fans recognize him ask for a picture or an autograph or just have a small chat, he will oblige and engage with the fans - he just hopes that it doesn't happen too often. But then again there are these moments where you can see what a difference you or the team you play for makes for some people, and those can be quite touching and special even for someone like Evan.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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Option 2 - 160 words

During the regular season Trevor is all about the fans, after all, without the fans, the Steelhawks wouldn't exist. So, Trevor is very thankful for his fans. but during the off season, Trevor likes to become a shut in. He doesn't go anywhere, after all he's got everything he could ever want or need at home. He has a private rink at his trailer that he can get his reps in so that he doesn't become rusty during this off season, after all he is looking to win it all this season.  This time is very important to Trevor, it's the only way he is able to compete at this high level that the SHL requires.  It's not that he doesn't like his fans or interacting with them, This is the only down time he really gets . After all its only for a short time, the season is about to start back up, then its all about the fans again.

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So yeah social media isn't my thing at all. I wouldn't have the slightest clue on how to "take over" a social media platform. Is that like going Elon musk style and buying it and turning it into a dumpster fore? Or does that mean you do some sort of campaign that puts out a lot of media or something? I’ve got no clue what I’m doing here.

So I’d enlist some of the young folk here in SHL to do that for me and just take the credit. I feel like Luke would be a good first contact there. Hey Luke - wanna take over chirper? Hope he doesn’t ask questions though because I don’t know what that would entail. Let’s see if he will just do it for me and I can keep getting tpe from these pts that I don’t really understand and do late on a Sunday night.

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Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King

Prompt 1: Anna has never been one to shy away from interacting with fans and media, something that has definitely been noticed in her time in Quebec City. But something that has a tendency to get people talking is how blunt and to the point she is, especially when dealing with criticism from the media. A local media member got into a short argument with Anna on twitter regarding the team’s performance in the previous four star cup playoffs. She went to bat for her teammates in both perfect English and in broken French. She specifically called out one reporter who she was particularly angry with: “You’ve never even played hockey beyond a u12 level so who do you think you are trying to pick apart the team? Go back to covering the local politics”. Members of Quebec City management have tried to get her to take it easy but I doubt that will be happening anytime soon

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Like in all other seasons, Sunrise van de Schubbekutteveen chose to take the time off to visit his hometown, Schubbekutteveen in Zeeland. The village might have grown quite a bit in the past couple of years but it happens to be small enough to the point where he can enjoy his time around without any major regrets. Being the son of the village's count, he is more or less used to being with everyone and playing professionally would not change that in the slightest.

He would probably even make the most of it by playing ice hockey with the refugee kids that were brought along in his father's efforts to increase the size of the village with able hands in dire need of good living conditions. Being in his home village tends to improve his mood as he gears up for another season so he would probably return late to enjoy it a bit more.

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Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
Player Page - Update Page
Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

Option 2

When Pork Tenderloin is out and about he is always happy to interact with and sign things for fans. It brings him joy to be able to meet so many new people and get to interact with them on a day to day basis. It's a delight to go out to grab something at the grocery store and get to talk to 4-5 people before he gets home. It is a reminder that we are all human and that interaction is the core of our society. We strive to create a strong community that knows and cares deeply for one another and Pork Tenderloin is no exception to that, even if he isn't human. He thrives off of the attention. He loves knowing that so many people cheer him on during the regular season only compels him to train harder and harder so he can live up to the expectations of everyone that watches him.

155 words

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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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Option 2

Rashford spends the majority of his summer's away from the rink.  Sometimes going weeks without putting on skates because, as he says, "I just need time away to recharge and refocus.  going to five cup finals over a six season span takes a lot out of you". Rashford uses that time to focus on his family, who ultimately mean far more to him than anything on the ice could ever mean.

This irks some fans, and its not really surprising.  During the summer, fans will see posts on social media of their favourite players getting workouts and skates in, but not Rashford.  The last post a fan sees before the start of the next season is a picture of a cleaned out locker, with skates hanging up on the top shelf saying "until next season".  Its been sort of a ritualistic photo for Rashford to take before he begins his time away


Written Option 2: While offseason is prime time for training it is also the time for rest for the players so they are ready for long season ahead of them. Should you stay at home or go to vacation, going to any public spaces has a chance to run into a fan or group of them. How does your player interact on these encounter? Do they like the attention? Do they need to reserve 3 hours and 2 pens to go to local store? Selfie with first and run from the rest? Maybe they are doing their best to be as unrecognizable? Or just do they take a car with tinted windows from door to door with few security guards making sure nobody gets to talk to them (while Chirping away at fans on their phone)?

I am a very homey person, so while I am sure there would be at least one vacation mixed in there, it would be a lot of home time and training during the off-season for me. Time to spend with the wife and kids and time to get better, that is always the priority. It is so hard to be a dad and a husband during the season between travel, practice and playing that it is important to be able to balance that during the down months.

The vacation we would go on would be somewhere warm and beachy for sure, maybe something like a Beaches resort in the Caribbean. The all-inclusive clubs are really fantastic and always have some great stuff for the kids and the adults. It is also nice to have everything paid for in advance so you don’t have to worry about how much each drink costs or how much dinner was that the kids didn’t even eat.


162 words

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S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4

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