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S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts Due: Sunday, June 9th @ 11:59 PM PST

Option 2

Mikko doesn't like to be asked this question, he really just wishes that he could exist in the offseason without having to put in the effort to prepare himself for the next season.  At his age, he knows that each and every season is just another chance for him to potentially have a career ending injury that might just end his career.  He knows that he SHOULD be putting in the work to prepare his body but realistically, he is still attempting to recover from yet another deep playoff run that saw him playing hockey well into the third round of playoffs again.  In a season where the team was supposed to take a large step back, they battled well and kept their dreams alive.

So, typically you will see Mikko getting some good stretching in, attempting to ensure that his injury risk is limited without putting additional strain on his body heading into the new season


Option 1
The rest is great and all, but with such a long offseason Mia Lavoie just starts to get restless. Her one true passion in life is hockey and even a good mojito or the allure of other sports can't really distract her from that. So when her general manager calls her up to do hockey-related things, she's all about it. Sure, some marketing stunt might not include strapping on some skates and playing a game.. but it means the next season is around the corner and she can start mentally preparing to go again. Besides, it's nice to reconnect with the team and the fans before things really heat up again and she takes another run at pursuing a cup. She can't speak for other players who apparently have some convenient kangaroo related excuses for missing practice or random events brought down by their general manager, but that's just not how she rolls. She's always there, enthusiastic and ready to help the team on or off the ice.

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thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3


Aumy Junior II had a long off-season. He didn't have much time to rest, since quickly after the season ended, IIHF started. As usual, he went to help team Finland. Team did well until the first round of ''play-offs'' where Finland unexpectedly lost (again). However, Aumy Junior II was working constantly. He went to the gym, did a lot of cardio and tried to improve his accuracy. Seasons goes by fast and he wants to compete for that MVP trophy in the next couple of seasons. So, he didn't have a time to rest. Team training camp isn't easy as well, so he had to prepare for it. He did a lot of individual training, so he can get better. Toronto ''North Stars'' didn't make ''play-offs'' last season after a great start of the season. So it's obvious that he wants to compete for that championship too. Front office gave everyone a pass, allowing to rest in the off-season, but it's obvious that these guys are hungry and wants to win. Best thing to make it happen? Training.

178 words

Stars Stars Stars

Written Option 2

Taking lessons from his father, Roderic Banes, and lining up with his own personal habits and practices, the final stretch before coming in to training camp is always the same for Rodrigo Banes. With training camp, and the start of pre-season, of course getting one's cardio up to an acceptable standard is extremely important, but getting your game legs under you is such a large part of, again, both training camp and the flurry of pre-season games, that Rodrigo Banes devotes this time to strength training. Adding some extra meat and power to keep his body resilient and his joints and ligaments strong and supported is the key to injury prevention. Plus, with making the jump up to the big league this season, Rodrigo is excited to make an impact for the Montreal Patriotes, and has spent much of the summer 'on.' Time and tide wait for no hockey player, and opening puck drop is always sooner than you think!

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Weather was nice in Madeira. Derek was chilling in the villa with his family, wife and two daughters, whilst protégé Demir Bellona (@Kalakar) was still snoozing hard, oh to be young again and have no responsibilities. Its to be said that Derek took Demir under his wing when young blood was coming up through the junior hockey ranks, and the family has really taken a liking to this young, slightly abrasive, talent. Lo and behold, Derek's phone rings, its @FuzzSHL.

- Hey listen, sorry to do this to you but um... we're in a bit of a pickle. Our sponsors are a bit unhappy with us as we didn't sell enough hot-dogs and nacho's last season, something about our healthy foods policy. Anyways, there's this hot-dog eating competition we're hosting to make up for it and we'd need you to come back to promote it.

- Fox... are you serious now? Hot-Dogs? You know that's not something I go for, not something I enjoy in life. Plus, i'm in Madeira with the family, can this wait?

- I'm afraid not. I wouldn't ask if this wasn't important, i'm a bit in the hot seat here, help me out and i'll owe you one.

- Fine, i'll be there as soon as I can.

It isn't easy being a captain, but its a job that Derek takes seriously. Off to support hot-dogs he was, but @FuzzSHL owed him big time now.

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@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
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Panthers Ireland Highlanders
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Written Option 2: Let's be real with ourselves, Jay is getting old and both training and conditioning is getting difficult. In the old days he used to train hard up until the season starts but his old bones can't do that anymore. I remember back in S70 Jay ran a half marathon 2 days before preseason started, young people can just do more with their bodies. Now in S70, Jay is doing some moderate conditioning two weeks before the start of the season but one week before he is stopping everything, doing a juice cleanse and going to his cabin in Vermont to live in total darkness for four days (don't worry he believes in vaccines unlike the other guy). The darkness helps him get into a deep version of mediation where his mind is completely focused and it is a great way to reset everything from the past and focus on the new season. After emerging from the darkness like some kind of hibernating bear, he feels 5 years younger and is ready for another long season.

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Option 2: when it comes to being a professional hockey player there is no rest. Long gone are the days of ripping cigs between periods, getting drunk after games and offseasons at a 2nd job. If you want to be a hockey player, a truly great one, you get to work right after the season is over. The bulk of the season is spent on individual skills. Improving his shot, puck handling, learning new techniques and dekes. That and putting on muscle. Cal Juice has been eating chicken and rice at every meal since the offseason started. Now with the offseason soon over he has been focusing more on getting his foot speed back. Tons of stop and start drills, lots of breakouts and passing in motion. He's been practicing with some players from other teams to get back up to speed together. The rivalries between players aren't as crazy as most would think, there are very few players who Juice wouldn't want to skate with in the offseason.

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[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
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Written option 2: Marian has been taking a really good vacation but now that hockey season is around the corner he has gotten back to working on his game. Marian is going back to the gym, staying after practice for some routine skating, and getting his body in shape for the season. He is trying to work on his puck handling and his shooting skills so when the season comes he is going to be ready for the on ice opportunities. He has also been working with his teammates to get there chemistry up because there might be some situations to where he needs that chemistry. He has been doing a lot of conditioning, passing drills, stop and start drills, and shooting drills. So Marian Hanak will be ready for this season and hopes he can fill in the roles his Great Falls teammates of the past have done and hopes to get Great Falls past the second round this year.

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Ty to Eni's Sig Shop
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ty to ragnar

I think a lot of players understand that without the fans we wouldn’t be where we are today. When I receive phone calls that certain team members are being asked to attend fan meet and greets or some sort of fan based event, I will almost always say yes. They pay money to watch us play and the least I can do is give back and spend some time meeting the fans and talking to them.

That being said, sometimes when it comes to brand deals or whatnot, you just don’t feel like going. I’m out on the golf course playing with some friends or family and I get a call asking if I would like to take part in the local car company commercial. These low budget commercials and having me stand there telling them to come down and buy a used ford or something? No thanks. I just tell my GMs or the car company that I actually have a flight booked in a couple of hours to fly back home and that usually works. If it’s the car company they don’t usually make a fuss, but my GMs know when I’m BSing them. Oh well, I still shot a great round on the course.

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Pt Pass

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Fileworker PT pass

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Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
Adam Prpich Portal Link

Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

Gina Pinard is always happy to meet fans, but it is true that right now she does not feel like it is time for summer to be over yet, so she is hoping that she can negociate with the General Manager of the San Diego Tidal to keep the vacation spirit while participating in this activity to meet the great fans of San Diego. She suggests that the team organizes the Tidal Party on a beach in San Diego, where all the player will make an appearance WITH a signature cocktail designed by the team's marketing team. That way, everyone is going to be happy: the players get to keep enjoying the sun with a cool beverage in hand, the team gets the PR appearances they wanted, and the fans get to meet their favorite players in a different circumstance than what meet and greet events usually allow. A lot of booze, always critical armchair GMs and players with a bit of an ego, what could go wrong?

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written #2

Celly switches over eating habits and gym routines a few weeks before the season to start building muscle back up, since they spend most of their summer on cardio and maintenance. This summer, they've spent a lot of time reworking their daily routines and finding new workout locations and patterns as part of their move to Manhattan. It's been an earlier start to their work season this year as well, with their move completely omitting their usual six weeks back home in Lewiston; moving from Quebec City to New York City took a lot of time and effort and just didn't leave any time for that usual trip home. Running through Central Park every morning has become a personal favorite thing to do for them, and they're also able to use the pool in their new apartment building and the workout facilities provided by the team for everything else. City that never sleeps and all that.

[156 words]

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Graphic Option: Lily went on vacation to Disneyland and got lost in the Alice in Wonderland ride! Can you spot her?    

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