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S77 PT #1: Guilty On All Counts Due: Sunday, June 16th @ 11:59 PM PST

Graphic Option 2:

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Written Option 1

Being a goon is a lost art. In fact, fighting in hockey is a lost art. The number of fights in hockey has plummeted over the years and we don’t often see this spectacle anymore. Hockey is still full of assholes that like to talk trash and fight everyone though. You still see players try to instigate fights by either roughing up another player or simply asking them if they want to drop the gloves. It still doesn’t happen often. That’s why I think, in an effort to increase the number of penalties, every time a player tries to instigate a fight either by simply asking or by roughing up another player for seemingly no reason and it doesn’t result in an actual fight, there should be a two minute penalty for failing. This could effectively end fighting except for the most extreme circumstances and potentially even reduce the amount of pointless roughing.

[153 words]

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My player would get pissed and pace back and forth in the penalty box like a maniac. He would do this for a bit and then sit down for a second and then come back in a fit or rage. By doing this I could get myself hyped and ready for when i come back in the game being able to make up for what I did. I think by doing this I would also scare the other team and motivate my team to make their way back into the game. I would hate being the reason why our team is losing and making sure I can try to prevent that as much as possible and still going. Wanting to prove myself everytime I come back into the game and giving the fans a reason to be happy and giving my teammates a chance to try and have a little extra push that they end up needing and wanting from me at the end of the day.

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Pt pass

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PBE Affiliate:

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Option 2

Agate has not spent much time in the box, as a relatively well behaved player on the ice. However, whenever she gets given the boot, she takes it as an opportunity to re-center herself, figure out what isn’t going right, and planning her attack. She has a tight 2 minute routine that gets her from peak emotion back down to perfect calm. She relies heavily on her PK to give her the whole 2 minutes, as things really start to fall apart if it gets cut too short. If she comes out of the box at the wrong point she could be in tears, ready to tear someone’s head off, giving a lead paint stare, or way, way too energetic.

Rumour has it Carolina has been spending lots of extra time on their PK just to secure a calm and composed Agate. Seattle has been rumoured to be beginning their program as well in anticipation.

Derek has always been proud to call himself an ''outside the box thinker'', and in many ways, this has propelled him, his game, to the next level; training regimen, interpersonal relationships, leadership roles, name it. When approached by the league for the lack of powerplay, Derek sat calmly in front of league brass, the couple dozens of them around the conference room table, and asked a simple question : what is the real issue here? Is it that there really aren't enough powerplays, or is it that there are too many men on the ice at all times? In light of such a brilliant observation, the executives were shaken to their cores, of course they would be. The solution was in front of their eyes : no new silly rules and/or penalties, no need to think too far, just make regulation lineups a four on four match, and when penalties occur, then an extra skater comes on! Instead of removing a player, you add one! The game's pace would be faster, so generally more action, and powerplays retain their special touch, everyone wins!

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@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
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Panthers Ireland Highlanders
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Prompt 2

Emeric Gagner's reaction to getting a penalty has been the same throughout his career so far. As he gets into the penalty box, he gives a death glare to the ref that called the penalty. And by death glare, I mean that he doesn't blink the entire time, and stares at the ref without breaking eye contact. He does this in hopes of intimidating the ref into thinking twice the next time he intends to give a penalty to Emeric. The reasoning to this, of course, is that none of the penalties against his are justified and it is always the referee who should be to blame. It is important to maintain composure but there's no reason you can't strike fear into them.

As to whether or not it has worked for him so far? Well, I think him only having a single penalty called against him this season speaks for itself. He knows the refs fear him and his death glare now.

163 words



Graphic Option 1

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Written option one:

My new rule i will create to generate more powerplays is simple; im gonna say im gonna win the cup and if you dont nodders or thumbs up emoji you get a 2 minutes. If another player says im gonna win the cup and they arent part of micools team then thats a 5 minute in the box. I think @gwejohnson gabe the gwoddy joson could have an exemption and maybe also @Eggcracker because they a pretty cool egg and pay me big monies. I think the rule would generate many peepee because when i say im gonna win the cup many people dont nodders or thimbs up and they just mock me or think its never gonna happen while i already won many cups. Hi @Bongo @Jepox and @Renomitsu im gonna win the cup. I also think @hotdog ate too much duck @Z-Whiz and its a bit insensible coming from the gm of our team

Character Page RD- Quarterback
[Image: micool132.gif]

Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

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Shout out Ragnarr for these two amazing sigs

For some ungodly reason, the SHL wants to create a new penalty to call in order to put teams on the power play more often. Why they would want this is completely beyond me as scoring in this league is already way too high and out of control. I remember when 40 points in 50 games was a respectable season, but now you suck if you arent 1.25 points per game. Rant on the sim scoring aside (seriously HO please fix it), the new penalty that I would have introduced is failure to pay respects to the Thunderdome after its passing. If a player has not paid respects to the thunderdome either as a part of his pregame routine, or during warm ups on the ice, that player will be assessed a major penalty and a game misconduct. This will ensure that proper respects are being paid to the thunderdome, one of the biggest drivers of activity in the shl of old

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Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

Fileworker PT Pass

[Image: RichSHL.gif]
Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
Adam Prpich Portal Link

Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

2: Honestly, most of the time Jefferson ends up in the penalty box, he knows he deserves what he's getting. He make look like a sweet, hunky angel on the outside, but inside Jefferson is two wolves, and both wolves love beating the shit out of someone if they get in the way of his playmaking. So any time spent in the box is not spent in anger, reflection, or anything of the sort -- it is simply a zone of tranquility, where Jefferson can look back fondly on the utter devastation he has unleashed on the ice. A brutal show of force that strikes fear into the hearts of opposing skaters and makes them think twice before cross checking him again -- Especially that asshole, Baron Samedi. Even if the call is ambiguous or circumstantial at best, Jefferson simply rolls with the punches and doesn't let a negative emotion show on his face, because in the end, it's about establishing the legend of a man with nothing to lose.

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written prompt the first one about new rules

so the new rule that binko of the koivu family (at this point quite a distinguished family given his brothers include the likes of paul and ricky and widepeepohappy3 and may haps a few others that he has forgotten damn that seems pretty bad to forget the names of his brothers especially when they all play the same sport in the same hockey league) would implement would be a rule against licking both your opponents and your team mates now this is currently not a large problem in the league but all it takes is ONE lickitung to emerge as a hockey player and everything and everyone will end up licked with their big wet sloppy dripping slick tongue! no one wants that to happen come on guys! the player who is given the penalty must sit in the penalty box while wearing a tongue guard which is like a thick plastic sheath that goes around your tongue i remember i saw one on a japanese tv show when i was a kid and it was an invention made so you could eat food that was too hot for your tongue and it seemed like the dumbest invention because surely you would just end up burning your throat and the top of your mouth anyway. do you agree @hotdog @micool132 @Jepox

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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