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S77 PT #1: Guilty On All Counts Due: Sunday, June 16th @ 11:59 PM PST

Written Option 2

IF Mikko Rashford were to ever take a penalty for playing with the stick of another player on the opposing team, he'd probably appeal to the refs to have his penalty either taken away or reduced.  Even though he'd let the refs know that it was in fact a penalty and the stick was not in fact his own.  All jokes aside, Mikko just takes it as it is and moves on.  As a player who has been around the sport a long time, there is just no way to guarantee that you will even be a perfect player or person.  We all fall short at times and taking a penalty is really no different.  Though, if he took a dumb penalty I am sure the entire team would just give him heck and roast him about it publicly.  As that seems to be the culture of the team that has risen up around Rashford over the years he has been there.  Its a good crew


#2: Kristian Seppanen, the young Finnish right defenceman for the Atlanta Inferno hockey team of the Simulation Hockey League, otherwise known as the SHL, does not like being placed in the penalty box. He gets irrationally and rationally angry, particularly because it means there are less opportunities to block shots. It is frustrating for Kristian Seppanen, the young Finnish right defenceman for the Atlanta Inferno hockey team of the Simulation Hockey League, otherwise known as the SHL, because he likes blocking shots and wants to make a career out of being known as a shot blocker, or a second goalie on the ice. Therefore, Kristian Seppanen tries to avoid going to the penalty box as often as he can. It doesn't matter if the call is obvious or not, it is frustrating. The entire time, Kristian Seppanen, the young Finnish right defenceman for the Atlanta Inferno hockey team, sits and stares at the puck, like a lion waiting to pounce on its prey - knowing that the moment he gets out of the penalty box, otherwise known as the "sin bin" he will chase the puck, block the shot, and be named a hero in Atlanta Inferno and Simulation Hockey League history.

My players new rule would be surrounding chrips after the whistle. If you are assessed a penalty and you can chrip the player who has taken the penalty, you will be able to reduce your penalty time but a minute or get them assessed a penalty. The penalty will be called full embarrassment and can only be issued by your team hearing it and the ref hearing and then your team has to report it to the ref. It needs to be while you are on your way to the box and be clever. Cleverness will be assessed by the home fans, as your chirp will go on the big board. Therefore, it needs to be clean and fair. If it contains any thing considered to vulgar or derergagorty it will be disqualified. This would have a bit of a time delay sure, but the voting would all be electronic and penalties could be assessed at a later time. This would make for a little fun fan interaction and some excitement.

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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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Option 1

You can tell the SHL is the smartest league in the world when they approach young goaltender Henri Losanov for new ways to get more power plays. They say their best friend is the post, well a 2 minute break is also a good one. It's not like this league is known for multiple shorthanded breakaways. But anyways there's something that has always annoy Henri watching his favorite sport growing up: the multiple icings that can occur in a row that just kill the flow of the game. He suggests that a team who ice the pucks twice in the same minute gets a delay of game penalty. Make it a 1 minute PP and it ends when a goal is allowed. You think you have the best PK in the league and don't care about that rule? Alright fine I got you. The GM gets to lose his CW pass if his team gets over a 100 icing penalties.

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Option 2 - 

The penalty box is Kevin's number 1 enemy, Kevin Kim does not have any anger issues when it comes to hockey or anything else. But there is some point when his bubble bursts. However, he does get quite frustrated on himself whenever he gets a penalty. A fair penalty is one thing, a bad call is when Kevin loses it. Whenever Kevin Kim gets a bad call, he first tries to talk it out with the referee, but after a while of arguing and of course the ref not listening, he starts to get pretty angry. Of course he never has any physical contact with the ref. But there is a point of holding it in that makes him so angry that he just screams "ARE YOU BLIND?". Once he calms down, and in the box, he focuses on the game rather than his hate towards the refs. However if the other team scores on the penalty, well that's another story. 

165 words

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                               Canada Knights Monarchs Thank you Enigmatic and Jaypc8237 for the sigs!  Monarchs Knights Canada
                                                                      [Image: qGhUIfY.png]  Monarchs Knights [Image: YADp0uU.png] 
(This post was last modified: 06-16-2024, 02:25 PM by Katth. Edited 1 time in total.)

Option 2

Whenever I get called for a penalty and have to go to the penalty box I first argue with all the refs on the ice and call them names because obviously it was a bad call. I never make any mistakes so it can not be a penalty. Refs will threaten with another penalty but I do not care about that. It is just hot air most of the time. So when I finally do decide to head towards the box I take my sweet time (and taunt fans if we play an away game) to get there. When I enter the box I will slam the door and also argue with the official there. I wil grab a towel and rinse my face, pick up a bottle and drink some and perhaps splash some on the fans behind me. I will start taunting away fans and make them angry so they start hitting the glass behind me. That gives me energy for the rest of the game.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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option 1

Lily has brought a new penalty into the SHL - the RNGesus. At the beginning of each period, the refs will pick two skaters per team to send to the penalty box. Instead of a time period they have to wait in order to leave the box - the players must play the ultimate game of chance - Yahtzee, but amped up to MAX.

In order to escape the box, the players must roll a Yahtzee with five dice, which is five of a kind. The thing that makes this difficult however, is that they must roll a Yahtzee in ONLY ONE ROLL.

This results in players needing to roll as fast as possible, in order to get out of the box quickly. Will a player get lucky and be back on the ice after their first roll? Will a player be stuck in the penalty box the entire game, stuck in an endless loop of rolling and re-rolling? This will add great variety into the game (and an easy Hasbro sponsorship, just saying)

172 words

[Image: lily-sig-3.jpg]

Option 2:

Well for sure Sonja's reaction differs a lot depending on how obvious the call was. If it was an obvious one, she doesn't really protest or anything, she just goes to the penalty box and waits her penalty out. During which time she would obviously try to go through the fault in her head a few times to try and avoid it from happening again. Now if it's a questionable call, she will very likely protest it. And for sure she will be a lot more angry when going to the penalty box. She may even hit the plexiglass on the way in depending on how angry she is. And the next few minutes will for sure be spent with her trying to calm herself to avoid taking revenge on the player and getting sent to the penalty box once more. After all Sonja is well aware that she cannot be penalised too many times otherwise her team will be at a huge disadvantage.

(164 words)

" Maybe someones er... they don't like me but... because i'm too good, i don't know why. "

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Option 2

I hate getting penalties, sometimes I feel like the refs are out to get me and throw me in the box for fun. I like to spend most of my time in the penalty box in fits of rage destroying every water bottle in sight. Not only is it a good way to get the anger out instead of bottling it up, it gets me hyped for when the penalty is over and I can try for a scoring opportunity. If they score and I have to do they walk of shame back to the bench, that's one of the worst feelings in the world, all the fans looking at you as you live with the fact that the goal was your fault and you just had to sit in a box and let it happen. I'm not one to go for revenge though (because I don't want to go in the box again), my revenge is turning the game around and winning.

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(Option 2)

Crystal is very rarely upset about being put in the box, she knows that her job very often involves ending up there. If the Dragons are playing at home, she usually likes to take the opportunity to Amp up the crowd from the box. She will do a "pump up the noise" motion and scream or she'll cheer and chant the whole time she's in there. Heck, she's even been known to do a little performative yelling at the other box where it might be warranted, especially when she wants to turn a mutual roughing charge into a mutual fighting charge. When the Dragons play away from Calgary, she usually does her best to not get things thrown into the box at her, although she's not above a shit-eating grin and a wink if they point a camera at her. To put it simply: Crystal will always exhibit the most useful rat behavior whenever possible. Because she may be a rat, but rats are surprisingly intelligent

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Option #2

TheGreatOne never gets sent to the sin bin! At the time of this writing TheGreatOne is the only member of the Newfoundland Berserkers to not receive a Penalty minute, not surprising with his lack of toughness and bravery, he can lay the wood when needed though. (3rd on the team in Hits) When he does finally does get called for a penalty I'll gladly accept the rest in the box without much fuss or complaining as it doesn't happen very often. I would never seek revenge against a player that caused me to commit a penalty or any dirty play that would jeopardize my teams chances of winning/losing the game, TheGreatOne plays the game fairly and if a penalty is called it's for a good reason. But if the call is egregious than you better believe the referees are gonna hear it. I want the game called just as i play the game and that's FAIRLY.

WC 157

Written one.

For our newest Simulation Hockey League on-ice penalty, we are going to plagiarize a completely different sport a little. Well, naybe not a completely different sport, since we'll be sticking to the wintery types of sports for the penalty assessment.

For the infraction, we're looking a bit further from home, as we'll borrow from the Darts federation. With my new rule, goals can only be scored it the pucks is shot from at least 298.4 centimeters distance (for the Americans: thats about the standard length of a Boujad rug).

Any goal scored from a shorter distance will not only be dissalowed, but the goal scorer will have to go to their player bench, and run a full lap, around the ice before they can return to the game. They can not be replaced until they've ran the full lap and returned to the ice for at least as long as the duration of their previous shift.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

PT Pass

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

Written Option #2:


Watching Baron Samedi in the penalty box is quite the experience, much like watching him do anything else. Usually when he's penalized for an obvious infraction, he takes it with a surprising amount of grace. You’ll see him sitting there, almost zen-like, muttering to himself in what I can only assume are some kind of chants. It’s like he’s recharging his energy or something, I don't know. It’s fascinating to watch, honestly. You'd think he was happy for the break the way he's grinning after the timer runs out.

That being said, when a call is more questionable - that’s when Baron becomes a real spectacle. He slams the penalty box door shut with a force that makes you think it's going to break off the hinges, and glares at the refs like they have personally wronged him. He does the weird muttering thing again this time but I can only assume he's trying to put a curse on the refs as opposed to center himself. Whatever he is doing, it is mostly working so far, so I guess it's fine - I didn't tell the coach or the team therapist about it. I hope I don't regret this.

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Elena isn't the kind of player to get too many penalties and when she does she feels like crap. It's one thing to not be as useful as she'd like on the ice but it's something else to force her team to play short handed for two minutes. She doesn't really argue when a penalty gets called against her because it doesn't change anything anyway. Whether the call was good or not, you go in the box and that's that. She does get amused when her teammates argue on her behalf or when they try to get a player on the other team in the box at the same time, though. When she's in the box, she'll watch the replay to see what she did wrong but will try to get it out of her head as soon as possible to get back in the game fresh and free of distractions.

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