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S77 PT #5: Trust Your Gut, Trust Your Game Due: Sunday, July 14th @ 11:59 PM PST

pt pass

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

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This might be a move that carries with it some repercussions down the road but Will Tomlander will appease his hunger and try whatever the strange man is selling. In this case, it is non descript sushi, but with rainbow coloured fish. This certainly seems suspicious, but at least the rice is normal coloured. Once he takes a bite, the fish seemed to explode with tastes heretofore unknown to him in his mouth. There was delightful notes of orange, berries, hydrangea, and cinnamon. This was definitely not something that he was expecting.

Once he finished the platter of sushi Will Tomlander realized that he could see rainbow streaks on the ice, and that where players had skated, there were different trails of light. This let him figure out where they would go next, and then evade them as needed. This let him have a great game. He tried to find the man with the rainbow sushi next game but he was not there, and this made Will sad.

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Graphic Option 1: Draw your player getting their favourite pre-game meal, (with or without the interesting shady man from the written option)

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Credit to Amidships & sulovilen

PT Pass

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Thank you hewasajazzman, Slothfacekilla, Sulo, Frenchie, and Raymond for the sigs Smile
(This post was last modified: 07-10-2024, 08:00 PM by _Blitz_.)

Written Option 2:

As a hockey player at a high level, one of the things that gets talked about a lot is trusting your instincts and skills, especially in critical moments. It doesn't get much more critical than this, does it? Game 7, down a goal with 2 minutes flat on the clock in the 3rd period. It's the hockey version of the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs. Only problem here is that the bases aren't loaded. The other team has had LAP's number all night, especially the big scorers like Adam Prpich and Reed Kobo. For Oliver Castillon, though, the night has been relatively easy. Sure, he's pretty sure somebody tried to break his wrist earlier, and that boarding call had him sitting in concussion protocol through the 1st intermission, but he hasn't taken nearly as many lumps as some of the others.

They're on a TV timeout. The coaches are discussing what to do. Looking down the bench, it occurs to Oliver that he might have the most gas left in the tank.
"Coach", he calls. His voice warbles a little, under the nerves and exhaustion (because, make no mistake, he's still going to fall asleep in front of his locker after this while waiting for the team bus). He feels more than sees their coach lean over his shoulder, listening to him. It's a trust that all of them are bolstered by at different times.
"I can do it. Second line, we can do it."
"We can get tied. Put me in the middle and I can get us tied."
"Okay," Coach says, thumping a hand on Oliver's shoulder and rising to call out. Oliver heaves himself over the boards with his linemates and lines up for the face-off. The puck drops in slow motion and Oliver knocks it over to his right in a fluid motion. Then it's off to the races. Pass Forfeit and Jonas Salat are their defenders for this shift, and Jonas is carrying the puck. After crossing the blue line, he drops it to Derek Martin, who takes it to the left circle before passing back to Axel Kirby. Oliver slides in carefully in front of the net, immediately being jostled by the defenders. He lets it happen, sliding back just a touch, getting just a little bit of room. Derek has the puck again and rifles a shot in toward the net. Deflected! But maybe that had been part of the plan, Oliver thinks as he steps in and finds the puck before the goalie can trap it. With hardly a spare thought, he follows the puck all the way into the right corner of the goal, one of the defenders taking him out at the knees along the way. The buzzer sounds, and with 1:24 on the clock, the game is tied 4-4.
"Good show, Casty!" Pass says picking him up and dusting the ice off his shoulders.

The real show is just beginning.

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!


Written Option 2: For skaters:

In a parallel universe, Nevada Battleborn are facing Saint Louis Scarecrows for round 1 of the playoffs. The series are tied 3-3 and they are playing game 7. Yuri Boyka III has been playing like pretty mediocre and has not contributed at all in the game. We are now down to the last 2 minutes of the game and the score is 4-3 in favor of the Scarecrows. The coach is looking to sub Boyka III off from the lineup but Boyka III is still determined and more desperate than ever. He tells the coach to believe in him and to let him shine the last 2 minutes. The coach tells Boyka that the sub is necessary since he hasn't done much game. The coach was direct and forward but Boyka III admired the criticism. He told the coach, "I know i have played terrible in this game 7, but all i ask is for 1 last chance. Something is telling me that I can do it and prove to everyone that I am better than my father Boyka. I don't know what it is coach, but let me play this last 2 minutes and I will make sure you don't regret it. I will play like it is the last 2 minutes of my life on the line". Coach admired his perseverance and let him play the last 2 minutes to his will. Boyka had no plan or weakness. He played the game with love and admiration and without surprise he scored 2 back to back goales to help Nevada advance to round 2. The coach started crying tears of joy and Boyka III said out loud, "I told you COach, you won't regret it!".

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Jacob knows his performance hasn’t been spectacular as his plays has been a little poor. However he watch the clock getting a tingly in his gut. He says to himself that he can do this. The coach calls for a timeout, feeling a mix of hope and determination. Jacob speaks up to the coach and gives a powerful speech that spark a fire in the team. “Two minutes is all we need as this is our moment to change course!” The whistle blew as Jacob is back on the ice feeling an Adeline rush through his blood. Jacob dash off to steal the puck and make his way to the net. He moves as he raise his stick to hit the scoreboard lit up. Then score the goal as the team is triumphant.

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Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


Boots is on the bench and looks up at the clock. Just Two minutes left to play and if they can't even the game the series is done and hockey is over until next season. Boots has been crunching minutes but with this realization he gets inspired and has the determination to get out there and help his team get that goal. 
"Coach you got to get me out there. I can't let us lose like this. I know what to do! Just get me out there I'm going to stop them from getting in our zone and get that puck deep. Pull Dionne or do whatever you need to do but get me out there! That puck will not cross that blue line so help me god!"
The Renegades Coach knows Boots wouldn't let him down. He's been one of his most reliable players. He gets him out on the ice. Boots does exactly what he told his coach. He pinches the blue line and keeps the puck in. He cycles in deep when possession looks like it might be lost and nails a player to the boards in order to make the centering pass or get his goal scorers the puck. It's a full two minutes of offensive ice time for the Renegades.
Do they pull it off?

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PT Pass

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!


Written Prompt 2: Skater

The game clock counts down, minute by minute. As regulation time winds down, the Dragons bench becomes more and more tense. Losing by one goal, time is running out for them. They managed to force a game 7 (in this hypothetical world), but it looks like their playoff hopes may be over.

That's when Jaden Tanner starts getting an itch in the back of his mind. He can't explain why, but he feels like the team will score if he just gets out on the ice. He's been stapled to the bench for the last couple of minutes as his play tonight hasn't exactly been stellar, but if he could just get out there, he feels like something good will happen.

He tries to explain this to coach Naomi, but he isn't really able to articulate why he feels the way he does. Ultimately, he remains on the bench and the Dragons lose. But who knows what could have happened.

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Brayden has a plan of attack to get on the ice. As a 3rd year all star center the coaches know that Brayden means business. Brayden would be able to look over at the coach and head nod to get his attention. With the coaches full attention Brayden Point would then say the following: "Coach you have to trust me here I know that the game is not going well but I need to get on that ice. If you give me two minutes I am confident we can score a goal and get us into overtime. You have to trust me here I know its a long shot but I ain't losing this match!" The coach would likely listen to Brayden Point - he does not ask for much and much like the rest of the team we want to win the match not bust. Brayden Point does not wear a C or an A on his jersey but he is still a respected Falcon in the locker that leadership and follow players look up to!

Falcons Hockey fan for life. I pack the heat and score the goals!   Barracuda

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Ty to Eni's Sig Shop
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ty to ragnar

Everything always goes wrong for Viktor, one way or another. It doesn't often stop him from playing at his best, but there is also so much room for it to be infinitely less stressful for Vik and everyone else around him. I can't see him taking too kindly to some random dude that is best described as interesting and shady coming into the locker room/showers/bedroom(???) bearing mysterious food of unknown origin. Viktor will have no idea how long the meal has been out and about with Mr. Shady, calling into question its food safety. Nothing ruins your hockey game like racing against time, gravity, and loads and loads of tape and laces to the washroom for an impromptu date with the porcelain throne. Moreover, the texture of this miracle dish: we're getting absolutely nowhere if there is crunchy in the soft. Viktor would rather starve and have an off game, thank you very much.

156 words

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