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S79 All Star Week Due: Sunday, December 8th @ 11:59 PM PST

GM pass



13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. I Have Your Back
Which player on your team has the best chance of receiving an award? Which award and why do you think it is them? How likely do you think it is
for them to get the nomination for it?
It would definitely have to be slicer so Alexandros Mograine did pretty well last season and expect him to do even better this season since this is our redemption season and I think we'll do way better than last season with our recent addictions to our team. I think there's a couple he could win, Aidan Richan for most improved player idk I just feel like slicer is gonna have an awesome season here atleasts thats what I hope, another one that would be great to get is the Turd Ferguson for most PIMS........ I think this would just be an awesome award to get and could be possible for slicer to get. But I do think he has a better shot at getting the Aiden Richan, ig we'll see to find out if thats true.

14. Graphic, 3 TPE, Memorabilia
Tickets to All-star game can be more than just a ticket, it can be something you remember the event years down to road. Create unique looking
ticket for S79 All-Star game that could serve as memorabilia.

[Image: blank-ticket-template-png.png]
15. Graphic, 3 TPE, Hidden In Plain Sight
Create an ad for All-Star game that be placed between social media posts, preferably something that looks like regular post to get more clicks
from people who notice it being ad too late.

[Image: New-Project-2.png]
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2024, 04:28 AM by Dextaria. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

1. S79 Milestones Claim

+3 TPE

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag
2. East has interesting mix of top scoring players who finished on top 15 on points. How would you mix these players up to create best 2 forward lines?
3. On West you could build D pairs out of teammates or rivals as both Los Angels and San Fransisco sends 2 defencemen. Which one you’d choose and for why?
4. Which of the goalies you would have starting for each team?
5. This time the games are hosted in Minnesota. How would players spend their time in Twin Cities?
6. Your player starts practicing a skill that has nothing to do with hockey, what do they do and how it goes?
7. What would be your starting lineup, 3 forwards, 2 defencemen and a goalie for one of the SMJHL conferences?

2. To create the best 2 forward lines for the East, I would have the first line being Tony Soprano centering his fellow teammate Gnabe Dabson on the right wing to get that chemistry going alongside Antoine Beauregard, the leading point scorer of the East. The second forward line would have Max Carnage centering Jiggle E Puff and Billy Herrington. This frees up Trevor Lahey to center the third line. (69 words) +1 TPE
3. On the West, if we are aiming to win the game we shall put the two Los Angeles and two San Francisco defense pairs together to get the same chemistry as in their regular season. However, as the All Star week is also an opportunity to do something different, contrary to how I put the East forward lines together, I think the fans would love to see the two defense pairs split having Toasty with Willow Soderberg-Snooks and Elena Maximova with Sydney Shaw. (83 words) +1 TPE
4. For the East between Denebor Milasch and Rebecca Montagne, I would have to go with Denebor Milasch who had the higher save percentage and more wins in the season. For the West between Justin Time and Grzegorz Brzeczyszczykiewicz, I would have to go with Justin Time because he not only had the higher save percentage and more wins, but the league leading 7 shutouts for the season. (67 words) +1 TPE
6. Ville Sato-Maki is practicing a skill off ice in a form of welding. As mentioned, it has absolutely nothing to do with hockey but maybe if he gets good enough he'll start making random frames and such for the All Star Game and even get to display them on the ice and receive a standing ovation from the crowd. Although, as for now he is quite a novice and it will take some time for him to get good. (79 words) +1 TPE
7. From the Western Conference of the SMJHL, we have to have the center be Ville Sato-Maki (this is totally not a biased pick) centering the likes of Cristoforo Roccamontepiano, the league leading scorer, and Randolph Thompson-Smythe, the next point leader in the West. On defense, we will have Peter, who leads the West defenseman in points, as well as Argenti Gorilla, who can hold it down defensively. (67 words) +1 TPE

8/8 TPE

[Image: Dextaria.gif]

[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

0. One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE,  WSBL, SSL, or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! - 3 TPE

Affiliate PBE PT

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag
2. East has interesting mix of top scoring players who finished on top 15 on points. How would you mix these players up to create best 2 forward lines? - 100+ Words - 2 TPE
3. On West you could build D pairs out of teammates or rivals as both Los Angels and San Fransisco sends 2 defencemen. Which one you’d choose and for why?  - 100+ Words - 2 TPE
5. This time the games are hosted in Minnesota. How would players spend their time in Twin Cities?  - 100+ Words - 2 TPE

2. Well I think that the easiest way to truly mix them up and create the best possible lines is to do so in such a way where even the opponent cannot possibly predict what I am about to do with them. Therefore for this exercise I am going to have them play musical chairs with each other in a way that their rankings will become numbers assigned to them, and then using a truly well designed random number generator I will assign them to one of the lines at random. Could I have skipped a step by just assigning them numbers alphabetically? Yes. Would this method actually work to optimize the line better? Almost certainly not. Does the idea of it amuse me all the same? Absolutely!

Word Count: 127

3. This one is far easier by comparison with no need for musical chairs or a random number generator. I am going to go with using the rivalry for productivity by having the teammates form the defensive pair. The reasons being is they are already familiar with each other and I know as well as anyone else here just how important chemistry is when it comes to working together as teammates, but also I am going to play into the rivalry by motivating them as not just competing against the opponent but against each other in regards to which pair gives up more points. Similar to how the Generation of Miracles in Kuroko no Basuke found more interest competing with each other rather than viewing their opponents as an actual challenge.

Word Count: 130

5. I do not actually know how the players would spend their time there as I am not conscious enough as I write this to figure out who all is involved and what they would most want to do in the city. So I can only answer what I think they should do as someone who would quite like to do it themself. The answer therefore is to walk the entirety of the Minneapolis Skyway System just to enjoy one of the best designed systems to allow people to stay in the actually great indoors. If I were to add anything extra to it per my experience with a friend from another league I would suggest they participate in a rousing regional round of duck, duck, gray duck. Also try to find a hotdish while they are there as I hear good things about that.

Word Count: 144

3+2+2+2=9 TPE changed to 8 due to limitations. Thank you!




[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]

0: SSL Affiliate +3 TPE
1: Milestones +3 TPE
8: Jarrod Lakemore, and Rebecca Montagne both made the all-stars line-up this season, and this was very much deserved, despite a pretty middling season for the Buffalo Stampede, and a season very heavily dominated by the San Francisco Pride, Jarrod Lakemore still managed to belong among the best forwards of the league, showing 35 goals, and 49 assists for a total of 84 points, and being one of the Buffalo Stampede players with a positive +/=. Meanwhile Rebecca Montagne made sure we did not concede too many goals, with a nice 90.8% save percentage, only conceding 188 goals from 2034 shots that were taken on the Buffalo goalie. - 107 words / 2 TPE
Total: 8 TPE

[Image: FuriousChicken.gif]

1.) +1


The SHL Star game would be an amazing test to see if a market could support a junior league or big league franchise. This is true for many reasons. 

For starters,  all star games tend to be more relaxed,  with less hitting , almost no fighting,  and a real lack of defense all around.  With that being said, if fans are willing to watch the game at half speed and enjoy it,  it proves they are die hard fans who will love it at full speed.  They could also attempt to influence big stars into falling in love with the city itself. I.e. showing off why this city is great to live in.

Furthermore, if a franchise folded in a city,  it gives that city a chance to prove they deserve a second chance.  Think about how awesome it would be to see the beloved piss ice of Regina.  My player would love it personally.  They're are so many historic stadiums that would benefit from the cash influx that comes with the SHL. The possibility of expending,  the reconnecting with old fans,  and lastly the home town advantage that 1-2 players get would go away,  which makes it more fair for everyone else who is playing in the tournament.  [212] +4

12. Many factors go into who makes the hall of fame.  Obviously the better you play,  the better chance you have of making it.  Winners of the cup tend to be more likely to make the cut.  There are plenty of successful players who will never make the cut because they lack the IT factor.  At the end of the day,  I think the committee does a great job.  My former player,  Troy McClure III, had an awesome career full of cups and picking up some hardware along the way.  However,  since I went IA, I never stood a chance.  Had  I stuck with him,  he would have had a much better chance. Alas to answer the prompt,  I don't think any player has really been skipped. The HOF is a special honor and should only get those players / users who are truly the best of the best of the best![ 151] +3

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Claim 3

3. On West you could build D pairs out of teammates or rivals as both Los Angels and San Fransisco sends 2 defencemen. Which one you’d choose and for why?
I think that for the all star game you always want to give the fans something that they can not see normally. Fans or otherwise get to see teammates skate together at least 66 times a year. Make it exciting and put sworn enemies on a pairing together. Maybe you will get lucky and see some from friction coming from the d pairing of interstate rivals. Maybe you will see the beautiful what could be moment when they actually work well together. Either way, it is better than the same old same old that you would get by sticking to normal pairings.
(102 words / 2 TPE)

5. This time the games are hosted in Minnesota. How would players spend their time in Twin Cities?
How players spend their time in the Twin Cities is definitely going to depend on the time of year. Although these are hockey players we are talking about, very few would want to spend too much time outside in the frigid Minnesota winter. Regardless, I think everyone can get behind Prince being an interesting dude, even if most of the young players only know about him from the Chapelle skit. Maybe the all star game committee can schedule a Prince tour throughout the Twin Cities and have all the players show up to the game in Prince inspired outfits. Something like that would make this all star game one to remember.
(111 words / 2 TPE)

6. Your player starts practicing a skill that has nothing to do with hockey, what do they do and how it goes?
San-sam Emerson is getting up there in age, so if he started anything, it would have to be age appropriate. Something low impact and easy on the joints. I would say wine tasting could be a skill that Emerson could get involved in. It would allow him to just sit around and lounge. It would probably go pretty poorly. He would most likely forget that you are supposed to spit out the wine rather than swallow it and get drunk as hell.
(82 words / 1 TPE)

[Image: EmersonSHL.gif]
[Image: uDjThoa.png]

Milestones +1 (

6. Olivija has been practicing a new skill recently, one that has absolutely nothing to do with hockey, at least on the surface.
She’s been sick and tired of how bloated, distracting, and tedious her few electronics are. And, so, she’s making efforts to implement some minimalism into her daily consumption of electronics. First on her list, is moving to Linux. With essentially nothing pre-loaded, it’s up to her to decide consciously what she wants to be able to do, how she wants to do it, and exactly what features she wants it to be able to do. Everything is at her fingertips, but nothing is exactly within reach. It takes conscious thought to do something, and she’s spending far less time on autopilot.
On her phone, she is moving away from social media almost entirely. Anything that remains has a very short timer, so any usage she has must be thought through and methodical. She also never really has her phone on her when she’s at home anymore. It will sit on the floor, in a drawer, or on a table in another room, because she doesn’t need to call or text anyone, so why would she need her phone?
This practice obviously helps keep her mind clear for her actual pursuits in life, but it is also a reminder that if she wants to grow and get better, she needs to continue to make strides towards singular focus, and direct, efficient and intentional action. She hopes to make many strides in various aspects of her life, including hockey, with this newfound focus.

ISFL PT: [url=][/url] +


claim 3 tpe


The two best forward line that I can create using the east players will be as follows. The first line will have grit and offense. This line should focus on grinding the opposition's top line while still being able to score. Thus, my first line for the east will be Jiggle E Puff-Tony Soprano-Antoine Beauregard if we were looking at LW-C-RW. This line is so stacked and they might actually be the line with the best two-way forwards in the league. These guys can hit, block shots and score. They are all 100+ pts scorers while still being able to play the defensive end of the ice. This line will tire out the opposition's high scoring first line. Second line in the east will be Lahey-Carnage-Herrington. This line is not as impressive as these guys are in their regression stages of the game, but they have the necessary experience to continue doing well. The only odd ball here is that they are all centers so will need to get used to playing on their off roles.

176 words

Claim 3 tpe


Choosing a goalie that I want to start in the east will be one of the toughest tasks. Milasch is the up in coming goalie, who is starting to become in their prime and then we have Rebecca Montagne who is well into their regression. If we look at their stats in the regular season, then based on that alone, I will choose Denebor Milasch to start as they post a 0.911 save percentage in the regular season along with 4 shut outs. Rebecca did play for a worse performing team in Buffalo but as she is gearing towards regression, we will let her rest and be the back up. For the west, once again its a tough choice, but the way Justin Time has played in the regular season and then in the playoffs and then go on to win the challenge cup, we must start them even if they are lower in tpe. They had a phenomenal run and Justin Time should carry the momentum going into the all star games.

173 words

Claim 2 tpe

max claim 8 tpe

[Image: pnI7R5r.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+2 TPE

11. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Thinking Out Of The Box
All-Star games are usually hosted by SHL or SMJHL team but what if it wasn’t so? If you would like to grow the game on new market having an exhibition game with all the best players in the leagues could be good kickstart, or maybe it could revitalize an old market that might have had their team moved in the past? If you were to hold games outside of current teams, where you would take the games and why?

These games are the perfect opportunity to spread the league outside of the regular market, and I do not mean where it already exists. Even though the US has many many locations without teams the real expansion possibility exists in Europe! These countries are filled with hockey interested fanatics. From Sweden and Finland to Switzerland and Czechia, the interest is extensive. Especially with how the SHL has basically monopolized hockey. Every player in the IIHF comes from the SHL and as such the big heroes for every young (and old) fan is from the SHL. To see the absolute elite duke it out in a game against each other is certainly a huge possibility. While I have mentioned Europe, the rest of the world has quite a market for expansion as well. In Asia, Japan is the clear candidate as they have a good IIHF team as well with the same logic as Europe, all their players come from the SHL. Recently, even more activity has been found from Africa. And let us not forget that we have had actual alien(s?) playing in the league. How about a game on the Moon or even on Mars?? Now that would truly be spectacular and an event to bring all the eyes on the SHL.

[213 words] +4 TPE

6. Your player starts practicing a skill that has nothing to do with hockey, what do they do and how it goes?

Niclas Sundqvist has turned out to be quite a thinker and with the chess boom some time ago he found himself interested in the game again. I say again because as he grew up he was actually quite interested in chess but when he found hockey the interest fell off. Now, he has once again found the interest and is reconnecting with his childhood. After quickly remembering how the pieces worked he fought a lot to get his prior knowledge back. The openings and basics that once were clear to him as a young child now slowly have started to come back. It's slow, but he has really been enjoying himself!

[111 words] +2 TPE



Total TPE: 8

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ASW Pass

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[Image: yXL2mHE.png][Image: 9xZZrYI.png][Image: vshUpkM.png][Image: B7juH4M.png]

SMJHL Milestones +3 TPE

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