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Official Rap/R&B discussion thread

Quote:Originally posted by Snappy@Feb 21 2014, 11:50 PM
wHat A gReaT AlbUm rEvieW SpaNgS


I capitalized just the H's randomly because of the Hoover Crips. If you look at ScHoolboy Q's twitter, all of His tweets Have the same thing going on.

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Feb 22 2014, 12:13 AM

I capitalized just the H's randomly because of the Hoover Crips. If you look at ScHoolboy Q's twitter, all of His tweets Have the same thing going on.

Oh, okay. I see :lol:

[Image: w2d9MYW.png]


<div align="center">[Image: kid_cudi___satellite_flight_by_renofswag...6yen6r.png]

Kid Cudi: Satellite Flight

1|Destination: Mother Moon|5
2|Going to the Ceremony|5
3|Sattellite Flight|3
4|Copernicus Landing|1.5
5|Balmain Jeans|3.25
6|Too Bad I Have To Destroy You Now|3
7|Internal Bleeding|2
8|In My Dreams 2015|1.5
9|Return of the Moon Man (Original Score)|2
10|Troubled Boy|1.5
Total: 26.75/50 = 2.67/5</div>

Kid CuDi dropped this out of no where. He seems to be going for the Beyonce type marketing of an album and we will get to that at the end.

This is the 5th album from multi disciplinary artist Kid CuDi. I was a huge fan of his mixtape a Kid Named CuDi. He transitioned swimmingly from rap songs to RnB songs back to rap songs and it made for an enjoyable album. MotM 1 was also a decent album but since then he has produced trash, pure trash.

This album starts out fantastically with an instrumental track that builds and builds in an effort to make this into a movie score of sorts. Going to the Ceremony gave me the flashbacks of a Kid Named CuDi tape where he is rapping and singing pretty well. After that though, it gets ugly. He was 2 more instrumental tracks that are down right terrible. Copernicus Landing is quite possibly the worst song he has ever produced whil Return of the Moon Man does a little to get better. CuDi is not a good producer and he needs to leave it to Plain Pat to man the boards.

His rapping gets progressively less and his singing progressively more which is flat out bad. He mumbles says dumb things and just makes boring and unenjoyable songs.

This is the worst thing I have heard in 2014 and makes a strong, strong case for worst in a while. If Kid CuDi wants to take the Beyonce marketing route, he should first know how to make good music.

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

<div align="center">[Image: 220px-Satellite_Flight-_The_Journey_to_M...cover.jpeg]

Kid Cudi - Satellite Flight: The Journey to Mother Moon</div>

Destination: Mother Moon: 4.5/5
-Love this instrumental. Kid Cudi is still trying to fully develop his sound as a producer, but this is pretty damn good. This album is clearly intended to be a film score of sorts and this works brilliantly as an intro. The way it builds up, builds up, and prepares you for the rest of the album is great. Cudi's self-produced are not always great, but this is an exception. This is a great instrumental as this album starts off with tons of promise.

Going to the Ceremony: 4.5/5
-This feels more like classic Cudi from, I would say, maybe even from as far back as 2008 with A Kid Named Cudi. The production is perfect for Cudi and it serves as a perfect vehicle for him to flex his muscles as a singer. Even as a stan, I cannot pretend that Cudi is a great singer, but on this track, he knocks it out of the park. The beat is very atmospheric and really, much like the first track, fits the theme of the album and certainly continues to reenforce the film score idea that he certainly seems to be trying to go for. Now, this one is not without its faults as the line, "You straighten up, you're such an adult," coupled with the way he says it, just do not work for me. It

Satellite Flight: 3.25/5
-And this track jumps five years into the future as we feel as though we are presented an Indicud leftover here. Now, I do like that album, but it certainly was not perfect and not classic Cudi. This feels like it missed the cut on that one. The beat starts off tad weird and when Cudi kicks off his verse, I cringed hard until the hook comes in. The hook is some of Cudi's best work in years. It is just sad that it is squandered with poor verses on either side of it and then a bump of hmmms and haahsss whatever the hell else other noises he thought would work here (spoiler alert: they do not). This is the track where we start to see things go wrong. As mentioned before, the hook prevents this from being a total trainwreck, but the verses are a depressing sign of what is set to come.

Copernicus Landing: 3/5
-Oh gosh, I can feel the disappointment begin to boil inside of me when listening to this track. Many concerns here, but the main one being that this one is upwards of 4 minutes. If any Cudi instrumenal deserved to be longer, it's the intro track, not this one. Like, come on. The beat is very slow and just like "Return of the Moon Man" (which we will hear later), for the first two minutes here, it essentially just the same sounds being replayed over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over. There is some mixing it up going on in the background, but the prevailing and dominant sounds are essentially the same. Cudi eventually starts saying "uh, uh, uh", which gives this one a smooth, melodic feel and as his voices starts growing in strength, I can begin to feel myself liking this track. It builds up beautifully and very lyrically. Yet, I cannot help but not enjoy the fact I listened to four minutes of Cudi "uhhing" and the same noises playing over-and-over. This one feels more like an interlude than an actual track and as mentioned before, does not need to be four minutes. Two minutes of this, cutting out a bit of the long ass intro, would be more than appropriate.

Balmain Jeans (ft. Raphael Saadiq): 4/5
-Cudi always has a sexed up track on his albums, whether it be "Pillow Talk", "Make Her Say", or "Girls", but I have to say, this one has to be the most overtly sexual and blunt tracks that Cudi has made. I am not sure if he thinks his lyrics are subtle, but they sure as hell are not. However, much like "Going to the Ceremony", this track is a great example of how effective Cudi's singing can truly be. Despite evidence to the contrary, I do not view Cudi as a guy who makes sexed up songs, so this one takes some adjusting to, but overall, it is very well done. Just like the prior tracks, the beat is pretty simplistic, as it plays pretty much the same melody over-and-over and yet it is still quite smooth and appropriate for this track. Raphael Saadiq, who I am unfamilar with, does the final verse on this one and I honestly like his contribution to the track. Honestly, thus far, this album is not that bad and is has a great laid back, atmospheric feel to it.

Too Bad I Have to Destroy You Now: 2.75/5
-My least favorite track so far. Honestly, Cudi is just not saying anything. He said more on "Copernicus Landing" than he does here. I adore the hell out of Cudi but this feels like one of those corny/shitty white boy party rapper "fuck my haters" type tracks, except it has Cudi on it. I do think he is on point here, however, and if you ignore the lyrics, this one can be enjoyable, but if you listen to the lyrics, they are just really really bad. Like, this should be scrapped and forgotten about. On top of the "fuck my haters" feel I am getting from this one, it also feels like a "getting in the zone" type track where the artist just says random shit as he tries to warm up and get ready to record actual music. I have got to hope that this is what this is supposed to be and for some reason Cudi thought it was good enough to include.

Internal Bleeding: 2.5/5
-I have a lot of disparaging things to say about my favorite artist so far and it is not about to turn around, as we have my four least favorite tracks coming up now. I am sorry Cudi, but I have to. I cannot let this disappointment slide. This track is probably the worst (aside from the next track) of these final four tracks and yet I feel as though I am suffering from internal bleeding when I hear this track. I do not hate the production. Again, it does not sound very...complex, but it has a nice dramatic build up going for it and, going back to what I have already said, it has a nice film score-type feel to it. However, again, just like the prior track, the lyrics blow. Cudi still sounds like he has it, his voice is on point and I really do enjoy his singing here, but I need someway to hear his singing and block out the lyrics. We get it Cudi, you had your heart broken, but you do not need to say the same thing over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over. In addition, the outro to this one where he sort of moans just...ugh. Scott, I love you, but please.

In My Dreams 2015: 1.5/5
-Thank you for making this one not so long. I loved "In My Dreams" off of Man on the Moon: The End of the Day, but I am not sure what this is supposed to be. Overall, the production fits the goal of the album, but it just feels like he created a shitty beat and then overlaid the "your in my dreams" bit off of the original track and added a voice distortion to it. I know Cudi can be more creative than that and making this as a solo track is just an embarrassment. Either scrap these two minutes or make them more useful. Tracks like these show me why this should have stayed as an EP.

Return of the Moon Man: 3/5
-The improvement on this track over the previous is that it is not the same sound just playing for two minutes and instead feels far more in tune with the sound of the album as a whole. It has a really nice dramatic feel to it as if we are reaching the climax of the film and the portion that ends right before minute 4 is very beautiful and tender, so I cannot fully hate on this one. It also truly feels likes a score, just as Cudi intended. However, it is much too long. At least Cudi mixes up the sounds here, but this one leaves me feeling as if he made three different sounding beats and just mashed them together and said "I will make this a track".

Troubled Boy: 3.25/5
-Maybe this idea just is not for me or I just do not get it, but if you are going to make a track, it cannot just be you saying the hook hmmming and then saying the verse again. Once more, I feel like the production fits the theme he is going for and Cudi's hook is beautiful and is almost a callback to Man on the Moon: The Legend of Mr. Rager (specifically the end of that album), yet it leaves me feeling empty. It makes me sit here and listen to the lost potential. Imagine if he slapped classic introspective, sad Cudi here like in "GHOST!" or "All Along". I love both of those tracks and I think that this is cut from the mold of those entirely. Yet, the fact that is not really a song and sounds more like the opposite of Eminem's "On Fire" off of Recovery, in that Eminem's song is a "bullshit hook in between two long ass verses" and this one is no verses with a long ass hook. Much like that Eminem song, the lack of quality in the other element kills this track and as much as the hook is good here, I cannot excuse the lack of substance otherwise. At the end of the day (*wink*), this one is just Cudi singing the same words over-and-over and while they are very beautiful and classic Cudi, they just do not work without mixing it up a little bit.

32.25/50 -> 3.23/5

"Son, what did you learn in school today?"

"I learned to never buy another Kid Cudi album without giving it a listen beforehand, Mom."

Yes, fam, I bought this one without listening. Even with Indicud in the books, I trusted Cudi enough to make a 10 track album with quality tracks that made me say "Dat New Cudi doe", but this did not do that. Instead, I was taken aback by the fact that one of my favorite artists was able to craft a 10 track album with considerable filler. Tracks like "Internal Bleeding" and "In My Dreams 2015" are shockingly included and serve as clear evidence that this was once an EP. The decision to extend this one into an album was extremely poor indeed and serve to show how Cudi's decision making when it comes to his recent work has suffered. However, there is still hope for Man on the Moon III next year. Tracks like "Going to the Ceremony" show Cudi's considerable talent and I can see myself adding that to my list of favorite Kid Cudi songs without question. In addition, a track such as "Troubled Boy" continues to prove to me that Cudi is a cocktease in recent years. He licks the tip but does not give you the full blowjob anymore (no homo). The singing on this track is impeccable, but it never reaches its full potential due to Cudi just not adding anything other than what I can only assume is the hook. Finally, his production is solid, I do like it, but please, ditch it for MOTM3 and hand over the keys to Emile, Plain Pat, and Dot da Genius.

<div align="center">[Image: 220px-Rick_Ross_Mastermind.jpg]

Rick Ross - Mastermind</div>

Rich Is Gangsta: 3.75/5
"For me moving forward from here on I need 50 / I ain't talking 50 cent neither, haha" SHOTS FIRED. This one starts off with a track that feels misplaced. Now, it is a good track. I like Ross' verses and the beat from Black Metaphor is good as well. However, on that note, the beat sounds...celebratory. Like a victory lap or a celebration of some sorts. It certainly does not feel like the first actual track on the album, yet it is. But, that does not really matter. At the end of the day, this one is a solid start to the album and gives the upcoming tracks something to live up to.

Drug Dealers Dream: 4.25/5
-The beat works really well here, but it plays second fiddle to Rick Ross here. I am not typically a fan of Rick Ross, but damn, dude went IN on this track. He flows really nicely on this beat and paints a very vivid picture of what it is like to be a drug dealer (I am SURE he is speaking from experience here). Now, on the negative, I could do without the "ahhh" at the end of the hook, but otherwise, the hook works really well and while not completely catchy, it blends in really well with the verses and helps to add that icing to the cake that every song needs.

Nobody (ft. French Montana & Diddy): 4.75/5
-Diddy gets his Birdman handrub on here as he provides inspirational words for the intro and outro of this one and well...even that is effective. Like, I was pumped up for this one when I heard Diddy's voice in my headphones. Yet, I was still skeptical. I mean, French Montana is on the hook. How good can this one be? French has handled hook duties in the past on Pusha T's "Doesn't Matter" off of the mixtape Wrath of Caine to surprisingly positive results and he continues that here. Now, French is a terrible singer, but is version of "singing" is actually pleasant to here. He is not trying to be Justin Timberlake or something, but on tracks like these, it sounds quite good. Moving onto Rozay, he is at the top of his game here. I heard this track last week for the first time and my eyebrows noticeably raised when I first heard this track. I knew Rick Ross could spit (thanks "Devil In A New Dress" and "Hold On"), but I never thought he was this good. Much like the prior track, Ross gets his storyteller on here to great results. When he wants to, Ricky Ross can really paint a great picture of what is on his mind. If only he did more often.

The Devil Is a Lie (ft. Jay Z): 3.5/5
-The lead single of this one and it has held up to repeated listens. This one has all the makings of a dud, especially with Jay Z in his recent poor form (seriously fuck Magna Carta Holy Grail). However, while not great, this one turns out pretty ok. I like the beat from Major Seven & KE on the Track and both Ross and Hova flow well on it. None of the verses are outright phenomenal and there is a noticeable difference in quality between this and the prior two tracks, but there is nothing horrible about this track. Now, I will likely not be bumping this many many times, but I do not see myself skipping this one if it pops up.

Mafia Music III (ft. Sizzla & Mavado): 3.5/5
"Wale a genius, Meek Mill a superstar". Say what you want about Ross' past life and how he is not a gangster and whatever else, but he has never told a lie this big in his life. Wale is not a genius and Meek is not a superstar. Stop lieing to us Rozay. Anyways, the song. The beat is pretty smooth and feels generally quite laid back to me. There are some weird, I do not know what to call them, but like bubbling pops or something of the sort. If you have heard the track, you may know what I mean, that I do not enjoy that much at all and take away from the track. This one turns into a Sizzla and Mavado track at the end and even though I am not a reggae guy, I have no problems with that. I think the reggae portion at the end is relatively effective, but I just wish Ross either limited their role or gave himself a couple words at the end. Their portion is so long, I forgot it was a Rick Ross song.

War Ready (ft. Jeezy): 4.25/5
-Love the intro, it really sets the tone for the track and then when the beat creeps in every so slowly...oooooooo. This is what I call a banger. The beat is heavily trap-influenced and Ross easily transitions from the storytelling of tracks such as "Drug Dealers Dream" and "Nobody" to the ignant area of his game. I am not a fan of the hook from Tracy T, however. I do not like the flow he uses on it and while it obviously used for emphasis and to make it feel more intense, I think it could either be skipped or sped up a bit. But, once Jeezy comes in and spits the quickest verse I think I have heard him spit, this shit picks up once more. I mean, much like Ross, Jeezy ain't saying much, but I cannot help but love it. He will soon be upstaged as the best feature on this album, but up to now, Jeezy's turn was a great one. That is not to say that Ross does not do well on this, as he absolutely does. Really solid track overall from two unexpected sources. This track may be seven minutes, but a great long track does not show its length and this one does not show its length at all.

What a Shame (ft. French Montana): 3/5
-As good as his hook on "Nobody" was, that is how bad French Montana's hook is on this track. Now, it does not ruin the track as I do like Ross' verses, but he harkens back a bit to "FuckWithMeYouKnowIGotIt" as he rhymes ***** with ***** on two occasions and that is always a turn off for me. ***** does not rhyme with ***** because they are the same word. Stop trying it.

Supreme: 2.75/5
-When I saw Scott Storch produced this one, I got really excited. It has been a cool minute since I heard a track produced by Scott Storch and this is not what I expected. Honestly, I am not a huge fan of the beat on this one and was admittedly hoping for a mid-2000s Storch beat a la the ones he blessed The Game with on Doctor's Advocate. Ross' verses are not bad, but they do not strike a cord in me like some of his verses on this album. Overall, I am left feeling no type of way other than "meh". Very skippable.

BLK & WHT: 2.5/5
-If it smells like, sounds like, and tastes like filler, it may just be filler. This one fits all three of those criteria. It is not outright horrible or anything, but I just do not really care for this one, especially his flow and the hook. His flow is noticeably poor at the end of verse 2 when he says, "Trayvon Martin, I'm never missing my target / Bitch niggas hating, tell me it's what I'm parking / Wingstop owner, lemon pepper aroma / Young, black *****, barely got a diploma". Now, these lines are not terrible, but the one he says them, just made me cringe. Same with the hook. I get what he is going for, but saying "A ***** black, but he selling black", just does not work. A hook is supposed to either be catchy or help amplify the verses in some way and attract attention to the song. This hook does not do that. I think Ross himself does well on the hook, but the lyrics to this fall short.

In Vein (ft. The Weeknd): 5/5
-As this one starts off, I am not a fan of the vocal distortion at the very beginning, but that is where my problems with this track end. Once The Weeknd starts getting his sexed up croon on. The Weeknd picks his features very well and this track is no exception. Typically, he hooks up with lesser rappers, whether it be on "Remember You" (Wiz Khalifa), "One of Those Nights" (Juicy J), and "Gifted" (French Montana), but here he manages to hook up with Rick Ross and boy does he bring his A-game. Typically sexed up and dripping with sexual tension, The Weeknd dominates this song. While Ross is the best rapper he has worked with, Abel continues his streak of killing dudes on their own song. However, Rick Ross puts up the best fight of the bunch as he completely shocks me. I mean, this track is produced by The Weeknd, but the way the beat switches (I would not call it a complete switch, as the feel is very much the same) after Abel's part ends is perfect and really accomodates Rick Ross well. His flow on this one is great and he does not say that much, but regardless, it comes off as very appropriate for this track. It is hard to imagine a track on this album topping this one.

Sanctified (ft. Kanye West & Big Sean): 4.75/5
-Lord Yeezus Christ turns water to wine on this track as he blesses us with his daily bread. Thank our lord and savior, Yeezus Christ. First off, the sample is very effective on this one and feels like a beat from My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (though less dark). You can also hear the contributions of DJ Mustard as you get that trap-influenced "hit" (not sure on the term, but I think that describes it sort of well). Now, onto the verses, Kanye blesses us with yet another classic verse. Make this the second track in a row where Ross gets renegaded against his will, but it is hard to think of him turning in a hotter verse than Yeezus. While I think he gets upstaged here, I do still enjoy his verse. Honestly, it may be one of the best verses from Ross on the entire album. Finally, and here is the real shocker, Medium Sean did not blow this. I know, shocking.

Walkin’ on Air (ft. Meek Mill): 2.25/5
-"Meek, I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it, please just stop yelling and calm down! Oh no, not you too Rozay, you don't need to yell at me too! I'm liking your album, please don't be so mad at me!"

That about sums this one up as Meek Milly gets his scream on and Rick Ross' flow stealing becomes obvious as hell on this one as he gets his scream on, though significantly toned down in comparsion to Meek. Like, Meek sounds PISSED OFF, as if he just walked in on his main bitch fucking another dude. Any potential this track had = ruined.

Thug Cry (ft. Lil Wayne): 4.25/5
-An album full of surprises and this one will chalk up as the biggest surprise of them all. A 2014 track with Rick Ross and Lil Wayne? Shit gonna be certified trash. But wait, it is not and in fact, is a great closing track. I like the beat from J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League a good bit and the sampled hook is really beautiful and works well on this track. Now, here comes the biggest surprise; Wayne went in. Yes, 2014 Lil Wayne restores hope nationwide in The Carter V on this track. Now, he needs to continue this, but this made me at least take notice. Another plus, he never mentions eating pussy in his verse. I think the last time that happened was about 2007 or so. Seven year drought ended in a minute. Damn. Overall, a shockingly good closing track that makes me want to check out Rick Ross' prior discography again (though I will not, because I do not like diappointment.

48.5/65 -> 3.73/5

Honestly, the biggest surprise of the year thus far. Definitely my favorite Rick Ross album up to this point, next probably being Teflon Don. The guest features are solid throughout, aside from Meek Mill and French Montana's second feature. But, most importantly, Rick Ross continuously killed it. He had a few weak tracks and those are what dragged this album down, but he also had some verses where he killed it, on tracks such as "Drug Dealers Dream", "Nobody", and "Sanctified". Add in the clear standout track "In Vein" and the solid closing track "Thug Cry" and you have a pretty damn good effort from Ricky Ross. While he feels more lyrical than usual here, he does not fully abandon the hype trap tracks and actually turns in solid songs on those with both "The Devil Is A Lie" and "War Ready" serving as shining examples of Ross' flexibility. Now, not everything was great here and the filler from 9-11 and the useless skit "Dope Bitch" serve as true negatives, but the good definitely outweigh the bad here. Mastermind proves that Ross can rap to any doubters, now let us see if he can continue this.

<div align="center">[Image: mastermind_Coverart.jpg]

Rick Ross - Mastermind

2|Rich Gangsta|5
3|Drug Dealer’s Dream|4
4|Shots Fired|N/a
5|Nobody ft. French Montana|4.5
6|The Devil is a Lie ft. Jay-Z| 3
7|Mafia Music III|2
8|War Ready ft. Jeezy| 4
9|What a Shame|3
11|Blk & Wht|3
12|Dope Bitch Skit|N/A
13|In Vein ft. The Weeknd|5
14|Sanctified ft. Kanye West and Big Sean|5
15|Walkin on Air ft. Meek Mill|2.5
16|Thug Cry ft. Lil Wayne|3
17|Blessing in Disguise ft. Z-Ro and ScarFace|4
18|Paradise Lost|3.5
19|You Know I Got it (reprise)|4
Total: 59.5/80 = 3.72/5</div>

This is Rick Ross' 6 studio album. It is also his best album to date. Ross has always had the ability to deliver good verses, but never really good songs. Here he has seemed to figure it all out. Now granted Kanye's verse on "Sanctified" bodies anything Rick did on this, but nonetheless, his flow and verses are on point. He gets introspective while also retaining that gangster swag he is known for. Rich Gangster starts this shit off well and it is all good till it gets to Mafia Music III, that song is atrocious. Other than that, everything else is good to great and even Lil Wayne had a good verse for his standards. Reall good and surprising album.

<div align="center">[Image: pharrell%20girl%20album%20600.jpg]

Pharrell - Girl

1|Marilyn Monroe|5
2|Brand New ft. Justin Timberlake|4
5|Happy|2 - hate this fucking song
6|Come Get it Bae ft. Miley Cyrus|4
7|Gust of Wind ft. Daft Punk|3
8|Lost Queen|3.25
9|Know Who You Are ft. Alicia Keys|3.5
10|It Girl|5
Total: 36.25/50 = 3.6/5</div>

Pharell put out a decent album. I am not a fan of him usually but this is on some B-Grade Justin Timberlake type steez. He doesn't have the best voice but he does a decent job. The production is the standout. They are smooth and groovy. Not much to say here, it was a good solid album.

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Is this just another album where Rick Ross raps about Maserati's and food? :lol:

Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!
[Image: wrexks.png]
[Image: WREXKS.png]

Do yourself a favour and review this:

<object width="460" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="460" height="315"></embed></object>

Quote:Originally posted by Maxy@Feb 26 2014, 11:44 PM
Is this just another album where Rick Ross raps about Maserati's and food? :lol:

Nope, not even close.

Girl tho :wub:

[Image: w2d9MYW.png]


<div align="center">[Image: pharrell-williams-girl-650-430.jpg]

G I R L - Pharrell

1|Marilyn Monroe|5
2|Brand New ft. Justin Timberlake|3.5
6|Come Get it Bae ft. Miley Cyrus|4.5
7|Gust of Wind ft. Daft Punk|4
8|Lost Queen|4.5
9|Know Who You Are ft. Alicia Keys|4
10|It Girl|5
Total: 41.5/50 = 4.2/5


[Image: w2d9MYW.png]


King Kendrick set to present us peasants with another classic in September:

<div align="center">[Image: 220px-YG_MYKRAZYLIFE.jpg]

YG - My Krazy Life</div>

BPT: 5/5
I Just Wanna Party (ft. Schoolboy Q & Jay Rock): 5/5
Left, Right: 4.75/5
Bicken Back Being Bool: 4.5/5
Meet the Flockers (ft. Tee Cee): 4/5
My ***** (ft. Jeezy & Rich Homie Quan): 5/5
Do It To Ya (ft. TeeFLii): 4.25/5
Me & My Bitch (ft. Tory Lanez): 4.5/5
Who Do You Love? (ft. Drake): 5/5
Really Be (Smokin N Drinkin) (ft. Kendrick Lamar): 5/5
1am: 5/5
Sorry Momma (ft. Ty Dolla Sign): 5/5

57/60 -> 4.75/5

YG has crafted a classic. Our merciful God has surprised us by dropping this work right out of the heavens and blessing our ears with its goodness. YG manages to turn water into wine here as great production after great production accompanies his on point and socially aware lyricism as he calls attention to numerous issues. Whether it be focusing on robbery, crimes in the inner city, or the pain caused by relationships, YG's poignant analysis of problems facing our society today is outstanding. This makes so many albums before it looks mediocre. I mean, damn. This is easily the best gangsta rap album I have heard since 50 Cent's Get Rich or Die Tryin' from more than a decade ago. I encourage everyone to listen to this musical masterpiece. If YG gets snubbed at the Grammys next year, I will riot, I swear to Yeezus.

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Mar 16 2014, 12:01 PM
<div align="center">[Image: 220px-YG_MYKRAZYLIFE.jpg]

YG - My Krazy Life</div>

BPT: 5/5
I Just Wanna Party (ft. Schoolboy Q & Jay Rock): 5/5
Left, Right: 4.75/5
Bicken Back Being Bool: 4.5/5
Meet the Flockers (ft. Tee Cee): 4/5
My ***** (ft. Jeezy & Rich Homie Quan): 5/5
Do It To Ya (ft. TeeFLii): 4.25/5
Me & My Bitch (ft. Tory Lanez): 4.5/5
Who Do You Love? (ft. Drake): 5/5
Really Be (Smokin N Drinkin) (ft. Kendrick Lamar): 5/5
1am: 5/5
Sorry Momma (ft. Ty Dolla Sign): 5/5

57/60 -> 4.75/5

YG has crafted a classic. Our merciful God has surprised us by dropping this work right out of the heavens and blessing our ears with its goodness. YG manages to turn water into wine here as great production after great production accompanies his on point and socially aware lyricism as he calls attention to numerous issues. Whether it be focusing on robbery, crimes in the inner city, or the pain caused by relationships, YG's poignant analysis of problems facing our society today is outstanding. This makes so many albums before it looks mediocre. I mean, damn. This is easily the best gangsta rap album I have heard since 50 Cent's Get Rich or Die Tryin' from more than a decade ago. I encourage everyone to listen to this musical masterpiece. If YG gets snubbed at the Grammys next year, I will riot, I swear to Yeezus.

Is this a legit review lmao

Of course. YG dropped a certified classic.

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