SHL Draft Rumble Pay Per View (double)
![]() Registered S36 Challenge Cup Champion ![]() Lidstrom: Wooooooo! Greetings out there SHL fans, the Nature Boy Vlad Lidstrom is back with my sidekick Captain Lou Steelhead at the special request of Co Commissioner SDCore who brought the Nature Boy out of retirement for one last commentary job, this year’s SHL Rumble. Core was getting tired of all the drama and questions in this very volatile time in the SHL so he reached out to yours truly, the GOAT, to put together a wrestling show to distract everyone from all the offseason doom and gloom. And you know there’s never doom and gloom when the Captain is involved right Lou? Captain: Hey daddy, Captain Lou Steelhead comin at cha from the Frozen Tundra at Lambeau Field in Green Bay WI! That’s right, this is the SHL winter classic wrestling show where Naitch is doing something never done before. The Captain has a tailgate to hit right quick, tell em about what you got going Naitch. Lidstrom: That’s right Lou, we’re here in beautiful Green Bay with a temperature of 9 degrees F which feels like -15 with this blistering wind. No one has ever done an outdoor wrestling show in these conditions before but these athletes are well used to dealing with icy conditions so we decided to see what these new draftees are made of as well as settling some grudge matches in here as well. And quite frankly I was running out of places where Lou hasn’t eaten before woooooooo!!!! Anyway, on tonight’s card we feature the draftee rumble match where 30 potential SHL draftees will be trying to throw each other over the top rope so people can use the results for their mock drafts. Also, tonight we will be featuring Dragon Bullet Club leader Prince Devitt against Zivan Zidek in an I quit match, Mike Izzy versus Aaron Wilson in a last man standing match, a special GM lumberjack match with Tony Pepperoni and Conor Tanner taking on Jagger Fouquette and Hugh Jazz with all the other SHL GMs outside the ring! And finally, a cage match featuring Joe Kurczewski and Robert Phelps. I see the Captain is back with what looks like a dozen or so bratwursts covered in sauerkraut, man I hope this show ends before those bombs start to affect the Captain’s gastrointestinal tract (shout out to the late great Gorilla Monsoon there!) And for the National Anthem we’ve invited the West Point Glee Club and the US Naval Academy Glee Club who come together in a show of unity to sing for us today. Captain: Naitch you want a brat? There’s one left. And look at the size of the beers here, found a guy in the parking lot who sold me these 2 64oz beers for 5 bucks each! Can you believe these fans here, they sure know how to show the Captain a good time! Lidstrom: I’ll take a beer Captain but you go ahead on the brats, wouldn’t want you to lose that stunning body you’ve got goin on woooooo! And now let’s get to the first match of the night, the I Quit match between Prince Devitt and Zivan Zidek. Zidek is out first, a bit hesitantly it appears, I think he knows he could be in for a brutal beat down at the hands of Devitt. And here comes the flashy Devitt to the ring and it looks like he’s talking trash already Captain. ![]() Captain: Buuuurrrppppppp Lidstrom: I see it’s going to be another of these shows sigh. Can’t you ever keep your mind on the action… the ring Lou, not the girls in the stands.. well hell let’s get this going. Devitt charges into Zidek and knocks him to the mat and is raining blows down upon his head. The crowd is counting along as Devitt looks all fired up to lay a beat down on the cocky Zidek. He picks Zidek up and launches him into the ropes as he comes off with a flying forearm smash. Zidek is down and the referee brings the mic over and is about to ask him if he wants to quit but Devitt quickly grabs him away before he can say anything. He slaps the Pluma Blanca on Zidek who’s desperately trying to make it to the ropes. Zidek manages to grab the ropes and Devitt hangs on to the count of 4 before releasing the hold. Zidek is trying to shake off the early effects as Devitt keeps taunting him to come on and fight. Devitt rushes in again but Zidek gets his knee up and nails Devitt in the mid-section. Spit flys from Devitt’s mouth as he loses all his wind. Zidek is now on the attack. He nails Devitt with a golden triangle moonsault and Devitt is really hurting folks. Captain: It’s a good thing he didn’t have any bratwursts before the match Naitch, the front row would be covered in them by now after that shot daddy! Lidstrom: I don’t even want to imagine that, that’s disgusting! The ref goes over and puts the mic in Devitt’s face and asks if he wants to quit but Devitt screams no! Zidek picks him up and nails him with a standing drop kick and then pulls him to the corner trying to set him up for the Corkscrew 630. He climbs to the top and he nails Devitt. Once again Devitt screams no as the referee brings the mic over. The referee turns to the timekeeper to tell him he said no and while his back is turned Devitt nails Zidek with a low blow. Zidek is writhing on the mat and the referee looks very confused. Devitt staggers to his feet and shrugs his shoulders as he nails Zidek with a German Suplex. He picks Zidek up and tosses him over the top rope into the snow pile surrounding the ring. He rolls out of the ring after him and suddenly Devitt looks underneath the ring for something. He comes out with a roll of duct tape. What the hell is he gonna do with that? He comes up behind a wobbly Zidek and starts wrapping his mouth with duct tape. Zidek’s eyes grow frantic, realizing he’ll not be able to say I quit! Devitt tosses Zidek back into the ring and a smile spreads across his face. Zidek is in the corner begging him off trying to rip the tape away and Devitt starts stomping away. Captain: Looks like he’s stompin a mudhole in him Naitch! Lidstrom: Aye captain it sure does. Devitt with several shots to the head and then he slaps the Pluma Blanca on Zidek again. Zidek is desperately trying to get out but Devitt is holding on tight. Zidek starts frantically tapping on Devitt’s arm thinking that will end the match but the referee shakes his head, realizing he can’t say I quit with the duct tape on Zidek lands a low blow of his own. Devitt staggers and falls to the mat holding his family jewels as Zidek gets up and rips the tape from his mouth. He goes toward Devitt but out of nowhere Devitt nails him with Destino. The ref comes over, Devitt picks up Zidek by the hair and screams say it! Zidek says the magic words I quit! And the winner of your match is prince Devitt! Captain: That match made me hungry, time to go see what else the Green Bay natives have to offer Naitch. Damn good thing the Packers gave us the use of this sideline heater otherwise all the good chow would get cold and that would make the Captain very angry, very angry. And you wouldn’t like the Captain when he’s angry! Lidstrom: Whatever you say Incredible Bulk wooooo! It’s time for the last man standing match and Mike Izzy is making his way to the ring with his advocate Otis B Driftwood whose sweaty bald head may just develop icicles in this weather. Let’s hear what he has to say. ![]() Driftwood: Ladies and Gentlemen my name is Otis B Driftwood and I am the advocate for the reigning, defending undisputed SHL Hitmaster himself, the Augment, Miiikkeeee Izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy! Now let me inform you ladies and gentleman of my client’s mental state at the moment. Everyone knows the Mike Izzy has dedicated his whole career to the betterment of the SHL and then this little pissant Aaron Wilson comes along and craps on everything my client deems holy. I hope the Packers have ambulances standing by because it is quite likely Mr. Wilson will be needing one at… ![]() Wilson: (on the jumbotron) Otis Otis Otis, here you are running your mouth again about what Mike Izzy is going to do. That’s typical Izzy, always hiding behind someone else. Well I got news for you Otis, there ain’t gonna be a match tonight. If you think for one minute I’m gonna freeze my ass off in this podunk town you got another think coming (boos from the Lambeau faithful). Driftwood: Well that’s unfortunate for you Mr. Wilson because I’m quite sure the tunnels of Lambeau field will prove much more dangerous than the ring. Go get him Mike! Lidstrom: Captain has just come back with a huge carton of what appears to be some type of deep-fried cheese. As he’s trying to get back to the announce table Mike Izzy goes flying past him up the ramp and knocks the Captain into the snowbank spilling his gooey treats. Looks like Lou’s trying to dig himself out of the snowbank, in the meantime the referee and cameraman have followed Izzy to the locker room area of Lambeau field. Izzy is screaming Wilson! Wilson where are you, come out and fight like a man! He goes past the catering tables screaming like a madman where is he? He sees Hamilton goalie Kryst loading up a plate and grabs him. Where is that miserable piece of crap? Kryst stutters that he doesn’t know. With a cry of rage Izzy F5s Kryst through the catering tables and Kryst is now covered in remnants of everyone’s post-match refreshments. Captain: Oh Naitch, what a waste of all that beautiful grub. Otis Driftwood owes me big time, Izzy destroyed my beautiful deep-fried cheese curds, they’re in the snow and now they taste like erasers! Lidstrom: Why the hell would you eat cold deep-fried cheese? Captain: Can’t let food go to waste daddy, think I’ll go see if I can salvage anything from the catering table! Lidstrom: Just once I’d like to get through a pay per view with Lou doing the whole show. The action now sees Izzy in the parking area. He’s lost his damn mind screaming Wilson! Come out you little bitch! Where is he? He sees Co commish SDCore standing outside his stretch limo talking on his phone to someone. Where is he Core? Core trembling with fear glances toward the limo. Izzy shoves Core aside and opens the door to find a cowering Aaron Wilson hiding in the back of the limo. Izzy grabs him by the hair and drags him out. Time to go to suplex city bitch he screams and he suplexes Wilson into the door of Core’s limo, crushing it in. Wilson is a battered mess but he staggers to his feet. Izzy grabs him again, moves down the stretch limo a bit and suplexes Wilson into the side again. Now there’s 2 dents in the limo and Core’s freaking out, who’s gonna pay for that! He backs off after a murderous glare from Izzy who picks up Wilson again and moves a bit further down the limo. He suplexes him for the 3rd time into the side of the limo and Wilson is now bleeding profusely, his face a crimson mask. Izzy isn’t done though and drags Wilson onto the hood of the limo. What the hell, he’s climbing on top of the thing! He picks Wilson up and F5s him on top of the limo, crunching the top right in. He jumps off, and screams at the stunned referee to start counting. No way Wilson was getting up after that brutal beatdowm. Here is your winner, Mike Izzy! Captain: (cake and frosting all over his Hawaiian shirt) That was crazy eh Naitch? Never seen Izzy so angry, maybe I won’t ask Driftwood for some new cheese curds. Lidstrom: Probably a smart idea Lou. Looks like it’s time for you to go to work now as the other SHL GMs are coming down the ramp to surround the ring. The GM lumberjack match is up next. The Captain waddles over to take his place with the other GMs. The first team comes out of the tunnel, that of Jagger Fouquette and Hugh Jazz. Buffalo GM WannabeFinn meets them at the end of the ramp and stands in their way. It looks like the fireworks could start early but Finn just grins and steps aside motioning to the ring. Fouquette gabs a mic and starts berating all the other GMs. ![]() Fouquette: we don’t give a shit what y’all think. We are gonna hand these chumps another easy loss, welcome to the Hamilton penitentiary. Tanner: (interrupting Fouquette’s ramblings) Awwwwwww Green Bay Wisconsin don’t you dare be sour!!! Clap for your world famous rightful SHL champions and feeeeel the powaaaaaaaa!!!! ![]() Lidstrom: The Blizzard team of Tony Pepperoni and Conor Tanner should have an edge in this match Captain being quite used to the weather being from the Blizzard. Captain: Damn now I want a Dairy Queen! Guess these will have to do (as Pepperoni hands Lou a platter of pancakes saying they froze and are too dangerous to throw so you may as well eat em) Lidstrom: Well that should keep him busy awhile as he’s holding the pancakes in front of the bench heater to try and unthaw them. Into the ring we go as Jazz and Tanner lock up. Tanner throws Jazz halfway across the ring into the turnbuckle and swings his lower torso in Jazz’s direction. Jazz charges Tanner to try and shoulder block him to the mat but Tanner steps aside and pulls the top rope down and Jazz goes flying into the GMs stationed around the ring. All the GMs in the area start beating on Jazz, it’s hard to see who’s doing what as there’s so many of them. Finally, Wasty grabs Jazz and chucks him back into the ring to Tanner. Tanner nails Jazz with a big powerslam and tags in Pepperoni who climbs to the top rope and hits a huge Boom Drop on Jazz. Pepperoni goes for the cover but Jazz kicks out at 2. Pepperoni picks Jazz up off the ring and starts throwing big right hands at Jazz. He tags Tanner back in but Jazz somehow eluded his grasp and manages a diving tag to Fouquette. Fouqette nails Tanner with a huge clothesline and starts stomping on him. He picks Tanner back up, throws him into the ropes and lands a missile drop kick and quickly goes for the cover. Tanner kicks out and tosses Fouquette halfway across the ring in the process. Fouquette rushes back over, grabs Tanner by the hair and drags him into his corner where he tags Jazz back in. They double team Tanner in the corner. Fouquette drags Tanner to the middle of the ring while Jazz climbs to the top. Fouquette climbs the opposite corner and they land the Double Superfly splash on Tanner. Jazz goes for the cover but somehow Tanner manages to kick out. Jazz hits Tanner in the back of the head with an Enziguri kick but he made a big mistake as Tanner falls forward towards his corner and manages to tag in a fired-up Pepperoni. He nails Jazz with a big clothesline. He goes over to the corner and nails Fouquette with a huge forearm sending him into the crowd of GMs again. Fouquette desperately tries to cover up as several GMs start to hammer away at him. I see even Lou has managed to waddle over there and lay in a couple shots. Finn picks up Foquette and Tombstones him into the snowbank. I can’t even see his head! TDZ comes flying over and lands a huge elbow on Foquette burying him even deeper into the snow. Back in the ring Pepperoni is whaling away on Jazz. He nails Jazz with Trouble in Paradise. He tags in Tanner and they hit Midnight Hour on Jazz. Fouquette desperately tries to get back to the ring to help his partner but the other GMs keep ping ponging him between them with shots to the head. Tanner goes for the cover and the Edmonton Blizzard win the match! Captain: That was fun Naitch, did you see I got a couple shots in! Speakin of shots these really cool fans handed me this flask of something called Snowshoe. They said it would keep me warm and it must be a Wisconsin thing cause they were all not wearing shirts and they had SHL painted on their bellies! Lidstrom: I’ll pass Lou, one of us has to at least attempt to do our jobs here. Well now it’s time to see what our new draftees are made of, it’s the Royal Rumble match. I know several SHLers use the results of this match to fill in their mock drafts so let’s get it going. The first contestant is coming to the ring now, it’s C.T. Carragher! ![]() Carragher stands in the ring motioning for the next one to come out, looks like he’s pretty anxious to show his stuff. Here comes entrant number 2 and it’s… SLATT Potts. Potts climbs into the ring and is immediately jumped on by Carragher. Carragher stomping away but Potts manages to get to his feet and lands a huge uppercut. He slaps the Accolade onto Carragher and faces him toward the ramp. Carragher is fading quickly as the clock counts down for the next entrant who is…. Shelby Schmackers. Potts waits until Schmackers gets close to the ring and nonchalantly tosses Carragher into the snowbanks that have been pushed all around the ring. He hits Schmackers with the Machka Kick and Schmackers is down. Huge stomps from Potts and he summarily tosses Schmackers out into the snow and sits in the middle of the ring awaiting the next entrant…. It looks like it’s Simon Moreau. Moreau gets into the ring and ducks a clothesline attempt from Potts. He swings his guitar and nails Potts in the head with it. Potts staggers but doesn’t go down. Couple right hands and Moreau tries to get Potts over the ropes but Potts hangs on and he can’t get the big man over. The clock keeps ticking away with Potts hanging on and out comes our next competitor, Danny Marston. Marston kicks Moreau and he lets go of Potts. Potts slides into the corner and watches while Marston and Moreau go at it. Marston is kicking the snot out of Moreau with huge kicks to the legs and lower abdomen. Moreau goes down and Marston goes over and starts the big kicks on Potts sitting in the corner. The crowd counts down the time and the next entrant is Ulrik Bergstrom. The Monster comes down and enters the rings to kicks from Marston but he just glares at him, the kicks having no effect. He picks up Marston and chokeslams him over the top into the snowbank eliminating Marston. He turns his attention to Moreau who tries to dropkick the big man in the knee. Bergstrom goes down to one knee but as Moreau charges in he gets quickly back up and nails him with a boot to the face. He picks up the prone carcass of Moreau and summarily tosses him out into the snow. Potts has been biding his time in the corner and he hits Bergstrom from behind. Bergstrom almost goes over the rope but he hangs on and turns around. The two men glare at each other as the next entrant comes running down, Sabo Tage. Now there’s 3 very large men in the ring and Tage and Potts nod at each other and team up on Bergstrom. Clubbing blows bring the big man to his knees. Potts goes for the Machka Kick again but Bergstrom slides out of the way and Potts gets nailed instead. Now Potts and Tage are face to face jawing at each other as the next entrant runs down to the ring…Cillian Kavanagh. Kavanagh goes after Bergstrom as Potts and Tage continue to hammer on each other. Who’s yer pick to win this Lou? Captain: You know Naitch it’s pretty obvious the Captain is rooting for Jmac NCheese daddy! Lidstrom: Why doesn’t that surprise me. Cyril Vyskoc is next in and he nails Potts with a super kick. He nails Tage next quickly followed by Kavanagh. He tries to superkick Bergstrom who instead grabs his leg and throws him over the top like a discus. Next out is one of the favorites in everyone’s mind, Velveteen Dream. Dream ducks a clothesline from Bergstrom and starts in on Tage, landing huge knees to the midsection in the corner. He tries to dump Tage over and Potts sneaks up from behind and throws them both over. Somehow Dream manages to hang on with one hand and quickly slides back into the ring and Tage is gone. Sven Yxskaft is the next entry. He goes after Potts as Dream and Kavanagh double team Bergstrom in the other corner. Morgan Forestier is in next and there’s just wrestlers hammering on each other as time quickly passes and two more entrants have come to the ring, Simothy Drunkenbird and Stirling McTavish. Bergstrom seems to have gotten a second wind and he begins to clean house. Kavanagh lands in the snow next followed by Potts who Bergstrom threw right on top of him. Potts and Kavanagh continue brawling in the snowbank but they’re both gone. That leaves Bergstrom, Yxskaft, Dream, Forestier, Drunkenbird and McTavish in the ring. 8 men have been eliminated as we’re approaching the half way point. Olli Saannen is in next followed by Strom Chamberlin. Saannen dances around the ring shouting What’s Up as he avoids all the other wrestlers trying to grab him. The ring is filling up and Chamberlin starts to dominate. Out goes Ysxkaft and MacTavish who is livid and pointing at Chamberlin thinking they were going to be allies. Forestier is next on Chamberlin’s list as he too is tossed over the top into the snow. Saannen continues to elude the other wrestlers and stays out of trouble. He slips out under the bottom rope and proceeds to hide under the ring. Bergstrom, Dream, Drunkenbird and Chamberlin still in the ring. The Big Dog Noah Nystrom is in next. ![]() He immediately goes after Velveteen Dream. I think there’s still some bad blood between the former Shield members. Chamberlin and Bergstrom are tied up in the ropes and Drunkenbird grabs them both by the legs and flips them out over the top. Nystrom quickly comes up behind and tosses out Drunkenbird leaving only Nystrom and Dream in the ring. Next out is Adam Scianna. He runs down to the ring, jumps up top and nails Nystrom with the flying forearm. While he’s on the mat he catches a curbstomp from Dream. Dream turns around into a spear from Nystrom. Nystrom gets up and a wobbly Scianna hits the Styles Clash on him. Scianna may have taken a bit of a hit on that move as all three men are laying prone in the ring. Luke McMaster is out next and he looks confused as everyone is laying down and there’s no one to fight. Instead of trying to eliminate someone he lays down in the ring too and awaits the next entrant Rhys Pritchard. ![]() Pritchard has no such compulsion to lay down and he starts stomping on all those around him. McMaster gets up and tries to fight back but he’s quickly tossed out. The Lambeau crowd all starts chanting Yes! Yes! Yes! As Mega Tron comes racing into the ring. He hits Dream with a knee in one corner. A running knee for Nystrom in another corner. Still another in a third corner for Scianna. And a final one on Pritchard in the other corner. Mega Tron stands in the center of the ring raising his arms to the crowd as they all chant Yes! Yes! Yes!. Captain: I guess this means it’s time for another snack, I asked the people in the crowd behind us and all of a sudden the whole place is screamin Yes. Guess it’s time to show them more of the Captain’s eating prowess, be right back Naitch. Lidstrom: Wait you idiot they’re chanting for Mega Tron. Oh, never mind. Wait a second folks I’m hearing there’s a commotion in the back. Apparently, the wrestlers are getting tired out waiting in the frigid tunnels and the rest of the field is heading to the ring en masse instead of waiting for their turns. Here comes Oscar Cordero, Cal Labovitch, Lucifer Morningstar, Samat Beibitzhanov, Theo Golury, Guy O’Shea, Trey Nets, Borys Franciszek and lastly Jmac NCheese! Absolute bedlam in the ring know. Morningstar chokeslams Nets over the top to eliminate him. Cordero tires to hammer on Morningstar and gets a chokeslam to the snow for his troubles. Franciszek and Mega Tron going at it in the middle of the ring. Francizek nails Tron with Sister Abigail and Beibitzhanov tosses Tron over the top. Golury nails Labovitch with an RKO and he’s tossed out by the opportunistic Beibitzhanov. Beibitzhanov gets an RKO for his troubles and Golury tells him to fight his own battles as he tosses him out. Nystrom sees O’Shea by himself over by the ropes and hits him with a massive Superman punch to knock him over the top. Pritchard has Morningstar over by the ropes and is trying to get the big man over. He’s joined by Scianna, Golury and Franciszek as they try to team up to get the big man out. Nystrom grabs them by the legs and somehow manages to tip five men over the top at the same time! NCheese, Nystrom and Dream still left in the ring. Nystrom and Dream seem to want the ring to themselves to settle something so they both start hammering on Ncheese. Spear from Nystrom and a Curbstomp from Dream and they both pitch NCheese over the top. The two former friends stare each other down. They come together in the middle of the ring and start wildly swinging at each other. They’re hammering away. Dream with a boot to the guts and nails Nystrom with the pedigree. Curbstomp on Nystrom for good measure and he drags the near comatose Nystrom to the edge and tosses him over. Dream raises his hands in the air and leans over the rope and taunts Nystrom. The referees however have not entered the ring, something is going on. Captain: What’s up Naitch, got me some more of them fried cheese curds and they are damn good. Lidstrom: Oh, that’s it Lou you glutinous genius! Olli Saannen comes out from under the ring and sneaks up behind Velveteen Dream as he’s taunting Nystrom. You’ll remember Saanen never was eliminated and was hiding under the ring. He grabs the legs of a startled Dream and tosses him onto Nystrom outside. And the winner of the SHL draft Rumble is Olli Saannen JR! What’s Up! What’s Up! And now we come to the final match Lou which could possibly be the most brutal one of them all, a steel cage match between Joe Kurczewski and Robert Phelps. Two of the more respected members of the site but there’s seemingly some issue between the two of them that they decided to settle in the cage. The problem is Lou that here outside in Lambeau there’s no roof for the cage to hang from so it’s been sitting outside in one corner of the field attached to a big crane they’re going to use to lower it around the ring. With temps that have been hovering at 15 below windchill I imagine that steel is going to be super dangerous Lou. Captain: Not as dangerous as my guts right now Naitch, I don’t feel so good, I think that sauerkraut is getting to me. (rips a massive wet sounding fart) Um Naitch I think you’re going to have to finish the show by yourself, I think I felt a chunk or two there. I gotta go! Lidstrom: Well that’s a pretty shitty thing to do to your broadcast partner Lou sigh. Kurczewski is out first and he’s staring at the cage. He gingerly reaches out a finger to touch it and winces in pain as he quickly pulls his finger away missing a good chunk of skin. He carefully climbs inside and Phelps begins to make his way down. They meet in the middle of the ring and start jawing at each other as the referee locks the cage door. Phelps with the first blow as he slaps Kurczewski in the face. Joe goes berserk and spine busts Phelps to the mat and starts raining blows down on him. Joe goes to the top and lands a leg drop onto Phelps. Phelps gets up and Joe starts throwing some boxing style punches at Phelps, jabbing away at him. Phelps grabs Joe throws him to the ropes and hits a Pop-Up Powerbomb and quickly goes for the cover. Joe kicks out at 2. Phelps with the Somersault Splash and goes for another cover but again Joe kicks out. Phelps rolls out of the ring and in looking for something underneath. He finds a kendo Stick and he immediately lands a series of shots to Joe’s back. Phelps is yelling something at Joe every time he hits him. Kurczewski staggers to his feet and gets a Stunner from Phelps. Again, Joe kicks out at 2. Phelps looks at Joe with disgust and starts making his way to the cage door where he yells at the referee to open it. Joe makes a diving grab of Phelps foot and drags him back into the center of the ring as the referee closes the door one more time. Joe throws Phelps into the ropes and nails him with a vicious clothesline. He drags him toward a corner and starts to climb to the top of the turnbuckles. He looks up at the top of the cage and starts to climb up but as his hands stick to the frigid steel he quickly changes his mind. He stays on the top turnbuckle and nails Phelps with a Shooting Star Press. Wanting to pin Phelps instead of simply escaping he goes for the cover but Phelps somehow kicks out. He drags Phelps into the corner and rolls out of the ring and comes back in with a garbage can from underneath. Looks like we’re going to see vintage Kurczewski here as he plants the garbage can between the ropes in front of Phelps. He goes across to the opposite corner and flies with a double kick to the can right into Phelps face. He glances at Phelps in disgust, waves bye to him and starts making his way over to the entrance, now deciding he’s had enough and is going to leave. He’s about to exit the cage when Phelps comes flying over the top rope into Joe and they both go crashing through the door at the same time. They both raise their hands, each thinking he’s won. The referees quickly get together and they’ve come over to tell me they are declaring the match a draw. The wrestlers, now sweating profusely are incensed and they continue their brawl outside the cage. Joe grabs Phelps up and picks him up in a bear hug and drives Phelps back first into the cage. Phelps screams as his wet skin attaches itself to the frozen steel and he’s helpless to get away. Kurczewski starts toward him but then he suddenly smiles and laughing walks away back up the ramp knowing he’s probably just inflicted the worst pain he possibly could. The referees have confiscated our sideline heater here and have taken it into the ring to try and thaw the steel and unstick Phelps. Lidstrom: And that ends this pay per view, it’s too damn cold to be sitting here without a heater. I hope everyone enjoyed the show and can use the rumble for their mock drafts. For th3 now boxer less Captain Lou Steelhead, this is the Nature Boy Vlad Lidstrom wishing you a great draft from here at the Frozen Tundra of Lambeau Field. Wooooooo! 5476 words ![]() ![]() ![]() Registered processed. ![]() Registered PEANUT! ![]() Registered Posting Freak
Bless up with that double media bonus lol, I did not read the whole thing I mostly skimmed but I love that you managed to get pretty much every draftee in there none jumping to the top of my head that you missed. My favorite part was when they were chanting yes for me lmao.
Need a sig :-/
![]() Registered S27, S29, S32, S40, S42 Challenge Cup Champion & Parm King
ahaha this was fantastic! I think it's the best one yet!
The amount of food Captain Lou ate was ridiculous! Now I want cheese curds... AWESOME job!!! ![]() ---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() #1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer - First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - - First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History - - Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History - - First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups - Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34 Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Registered S36 Challenge Cup Champion ![]() Registered Posting Freak ![]() Registered S42 Challenge Cup Champion
Very proud to be associated with Paul Heyman, a great man.
Always wanted to be a wrestling manager ![]() ![]() |
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