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New Orleans crossover event

Now to be honest, this is an idea I had several weeks ago but never had the time to actually make a story out of, so this will seem slightly out of touch or come as a late format, but I just really love this idea so I wanted to write it down anyway.

A few weeks ago, we were talking in the New Orleans Specters discord about the different New Orleans sim league teams. Obviously there are the New Orleans Second Line in the NSFL, of which I am a GM of, as well as now a team in the PBE also in New Orleans in this upcoming expansion draft.

There is obviously a lot of crossover with these two existing teams already, even besides myself. We have Tom Hanks (Second Line co-GM), slothfacekilla (Second Line LB and war room member) and The Danga Zone (Specters GM and Second Line cornerback) all on both teams. We also have majesiu who was on both teams as well. There are also quite a lot of other NSFL crossover things as well, with Joe obviously being GM here and GM in the NSFL as well.

As part of this conversation I imagined this scenario, where essentially I imagined these leagues as real life leagues and we often see crossover in real life sports. I remember for example there was a lot of that with the DC teams, where the Nationals visited the Capitals in the finals and such. That in itself was a fun idea, and I will describe this further down, but the idea sort of spiralled further from there and we actually made this something that actually happened in the discords as well. The New Orleans Second Line played in the playoffs last season and we had a few Specters join our discord to root us on. I want to thank the Specters that actually joined, there were a few which was awesome to see and I am sure the Second Line will also return the favor at some point when the Specters are playing in the finals for example.

But now towards the actual story that I had thought of, written like a newspaper article:


New Orleans Second Line can count on the Specters

As the New Orleans Second Line prepared for their second playoff appearance in a row after having to wait 8 seasons, they received support from an unlikely source. The local professional hockey team, our Specters, are joining the city in their excitement over the current run from the Second Line. The city has been alive with fans all over and many were trying to get tickets for their home game in the first round against the Orange City Otters. Many tried unsuccessfully, but if you were there, you may have spotted some familiar faces in the crowd at the game.

Invited by the general managers JuOSu and Tom Hanks, the entire Specters team was rooting from the stands and some from the sidelines, as the Second Line dominated their long time foe. The three Specters captains, Winger DeMaricus Smyth, Defender Lyle Odelein III and Winger Nicholas Williams, had a special role before the game started. All three were celebrated by the overwhelming home crowd as the captains of the Specters and were part of the coin flip ceremony, where they picked Tails and successfully won the coin toss. The Second Line chose to defer, leading to a quick three and out for the Otters, which set up the first Second Line touchdown from Forrest Gump, which immediately put the game in the correct direction for our city.

The three captains stayed on the side line throughout the game, feeling the energy of the crowd. Nicholas had this to say: "I could not believe the size of the place. I’m used to crowded arenas but this was different. The open air and sun shining, fans screaming, it was an experience I would never forget. The Crowd was going nuts, I was surprised you could still hear the person next to you. The three of us decided on that day we would attend at least one game a year together for as long as we played in New Orleans."

Other Specters players preferred sitting in the crowd, to get the best fan experience and enjoyed being right among the other fans. Lil Manius and Aleister Cain were cheering on from the crowd and almost lost their voices throughout the game. They spent half time giving autographs in the stands, where many of the Second Line fans also have season tickets for the Specters and immediately recognized the star duo.

A few Specters players instead chose a more relaxed approach. They enjoyed relaxing in the Owner's box, with some quality food and drinks and a more secluded way of watching the game. Jakob Hamr is a close friend of the owner of the team and was cheering on along with his teammates Jimmy Slothface, whose brother was on the field for the Second Line as a star linebacker, and Joe Kurczewski, who was a torn observer, knowing that his own brother was going to be the next opponent of the Second Line, as a star quarterback on the Austin Copperheads.

Jimmy had this to say after the game: "It was great to see my brother play in a playoff game, I know the city of New Orleans was going crazy over the huge win.  I don't know why he is so disgruntled all the time!  Hopefully he cheers up a bit and can enjoy the success."

Jakob added: “This sport of American football reminds Jakob of his days in the fighting world. Not allowed to throw punch like in hockey but each play gives the defense the opportunity to punish the opposition. Perhaps Hamr will move to this football when he has become greatest hockey player in the world. As in the SHL, I’m sure New Orleans will be dominant for seasons to come in this NSFL.”

When it became clear in the fourth quarter that the Second Line would be the winners of the game, all of the Specters made their way down to the field and were seen celebrating in unison on the field. That's not where the celebration stopped, as the Specters came back to the locker room with the team and were seen drinking champagne and partying for a few hours. The Second Line were not able to celebrate too long since they needed to prepare for the next game the next day, but there were still many hours of partying.

For the Specters, this proved to be a great bonding experience and brought the team closer and gave a welcome break to the practice and hard work the team usually has to focus on. It allowed for a bit of a change and they managed to enjoy a nice day out. It also brought the city closer together and we have heard from several sources, that the Second Line will be joining the Specters in the ice rink at some point in the off-season, as well as in the crowd for a future playoff or finals appearance. We look forward to hearing about it one day.


Hope this was enjoyable Smile

[Image: AwDqhTW.png]

Awesome work. I love the LRs coming together for these things and can't wait to see it keep growing.

[Image: thedangazone.gif]

Nice article! Love that we ended up with a good amount of crossover from NOLA in both leagues.

[Image: hw6Eojc.png]

[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

The addition of PBE NOLA is going to be awesome too @KC15 Smile

[Image: JKortesi81.gif]

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Great idea and great read!

Let's go NOLA!

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 


I'm lucky enough to play for the best team in two leagues, and they're both from New Orleans. Go figure.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2020-07-07_at_12.29.58_PM.png]

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