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Jeffie Presser
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2020, 09:10 PM by jeffie43.)

All the cool kids were doing it so I wanted to join in the fun myself. For those of you that don't know me, I'm Jack Kanoff, a Toronto North Stars prospect and currently a Detroit Falcons defenseman. Feel free to ask me anything!


What is your favorite memory on the SHL so far?

Man, that's a tough one. In all honesty, I don't know if I have a defacto favorite memory. So far, at least. For starters, joining the Team Canada LR and playing Rocket League with Simon and Kal on my first night is a memory that's stuck with me for a while now. Playing games with my Canada and Steelhawk bros have been nothing short of fun and they've brought a fair share of fun memories. I also enjoyed the SHL Draft because it was something I had worked hard for and had no idea who I was going to go to. In addition to the previous memories, winning the WJC with an underrated Team Canada and the 4-Star Cup with a stacked Detroit Falcons team has been awesome as they were my first sim league championships.

All in all there's just too much to choose from, lol.

What are your thoughts on being an important piece on a rebuilding team?

Try to be as valuable as I can be. I've constantly been around trying to help out wherever possible. I want to make this transition as smooth as possible for Ursin and ml so I've been trying to give them a hand here and there because it seems like a difficult task in this league for a rebuilding team to completely turn it around into a contender and I want them to know that they aren't alone in this.

You are stuck on a large deserted island with @Gwdjohnson, @briedaqueduc, @nokazoa, @kalakar and @ferda in the middle of the ocean. You all wake up naked with no form of food or equipment with you. What is everyone's job? how long do you think you guys will survive? who do you think will die first? will you guys eventually make it off the island and do you even want to leave at that point? try to think of other shit to add onto this to spice it up

So I'm imagining this as us waking up on a random island and not on a raft or something. First things first I'm getting Simon to put clothes on to hide his micropenis and then maybe try and create SOS signs and get attention from someone as he's someone who's proven to be super hardworking time and time again. I'd probably get Gabe to get us coconuts or some food that's easily accessible as he's incredibly trustworthy and I doubt he'd try to steal them for himself. As for Noka and you, you guys would probably be the hunters. I imagine you guys as the two big burly guys who can hunt in pairs and get us some good food on the island. For Kal, he'd have to be the island's chef, after going back and forth with him on food pics, I feel like he actually has a good taste in food and can probably cook a mean dish, besides it doesn't seem as stressful as the other jobs and that's always nice for our beloved simmer boy. As for me? You can probably find me on the beach, jack kanoff.

How long do I think we'll survive? Not long, but hey, we're here for a good time, not a long time.

As for who I think will die first? Probably one of Gabe, Simon or I knowing how clumsy we are.

I have no idea if we'll ever make it off the island, I mean maybe? Depends on how lucky we get in all honesty. Would I want to leave at that point? Absolutely, as much as I love you guys there's only so much I can handle living on an island with 4 dudes. There's beef bound to happen or eventually we'll just run out of stuff to do and at that point I'd probably want out.

Love you guys tho <3

What are your thoughts on banana splits?

I've uh, never actually had one haha. Maybe we can go out for banana splits and call it a date, haha, just kidding...unless..?

Do you have a pet that you are withholding from the Toronto pet pics channel? If so, why?

I have a monkey I call my brother if that counts.

If you had to eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? What's your favorite dish that falls within that type?

Maaaaaaaaan I'm gonna go outside the box here and go with these shawarma fries that gave me life during college.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

They're REALLY good and still so good every time I have them and I don't think I could ever get sick of them. They taste amazing and the fries sauce and chicken always mix well and taste amazing.

obviously, this season is most likely your last in the J. how excited are you to come up?

I'm super excited to get called up, I honestly feel like I've accomplished everything I've wanted to in the SMJHL and I'd love to get called up soon in Toronto to help everyone there out. So stoked for next season.

which team have you enjoyed the most, halifax or detroit?

I really don't think this is a fair question given how much time I've spent on both teams. With that being said I'd have to go with Detroit, nothing against Halifax, I still love the people there and my former GMs, it's just unfortunate how my selfishness played out in the end.

would it be nice to go out with an award?

Absolutely. I feel like Jack Kanoff has been underappreciated throughout his career and it would be nice for him to get some recognition in the J in his final season.

Jeffie, would you rather tamper or be tampered?

Be tampered, I get to feel wanted and don't get in trouble.

Jeffie, what is your typical day?

I get up at 4 in the afternoon, work out a bit, make breakfast, try to do some coding stuff to get ready for work in June for a couple of hours. Then I have lunch and then usually play games with my buds or whatever and when we finish up I have dinner at like 2 or 3 in the morning and do some more coding stuff until 8/9 in the morning, work out and go to bed. Please note this is due to quarantine and is a lot more different when I have stuff to actually be doing.

Jeffie, name a user you look up to (so not dmills)?

I don't know if either of them will see this or read this but @Paq and @"VRTX L4S3R" are super awesome people and I respect them a lot. Both of them are amazing people that I look upto and want to be like when I grow up (Maturity-wise). They're super smart and super hardworking and I wish to pick these habits up from them eventually.

Fuck you <3

When and where?

How excited for S54 are you?

I'm really excited to see what the future of Toronto has in store, especially given that we're definitely not going to be the worst team in the league anymore. Meanwhile I'm excited for Kanoff to be on the top pairing now in DET while trying to win another 4-star in the J.

What kind of player do you envision Jack Kanoff to be?

I envision Jack to be a super offensive/utility guy as a defenseman at the moment. We might potentially have a position change in store, but that's way up in the air as of right now.

If you drink, what is your favorite drink?

I love my Ciroc, can't lie.

How excited are you for the coaching job?

Super excited and nervous at the same time in all honesty. I know I don't have a ton of experience working with FHM like people on other teams but I hope that as the team improves, so can I with sim knowledge

From 1-10 how big of a weeb are you and why is it 10?

This is a personal attack @ml002 help

Who is you favorit gm?

Toronto only has one GM, so you're my favorite GM



Who's your favorite teammate in Detroit? What about in Canada?

I have to go with Dankoa for this, he was one of the people who invited me here and helped me create a build. We were also teammates in NSFL so knowing him from elsewhere has helped our friendship a lot and getting paired with him in the graphics contest was pretty dope too. I wanna say we're good friends and it's been fun spending time in the LR with him and I hope we can eventually share an LR once again down the road.

In Canada my favorite teammate would have to be Rotticus "Broke Boi" Scott because I haven't had the opportunity to share a team with the majority of the LR (Partly due to @Briedaqueduc ) . Rumor has it that when Team Canada was celebrating their WJC Gold Medal, he was seen outside the arena pan handling for money.

Who are you looking forward to play with the most in Toronto? Who are you looking forward to play against in the SHL?

I'd have to say the first part is a toss up between ml and Carpy, Carpy is a legend in my books and I'm looking forward to playing with an elite goalie of his stature. Along with him I'm excited to play with the various exciting prospects and young talented players that we have coming up through the pipelines moving forward.

What is your favorite team branding from the SHL? What about from the SMJHL?

The Blizzard have a pretty cool logo in my opinion, and alongside that I'd have to go with Vancouver or Detroit for the SMJHL.

What is your favorite sport(s)? What teams do you support from said sport(s)?

Football and Basketball, I'm a big Chargers and Raptors fan, feel free to hit me up if you ever feel like talking about either.

What is your favorite movie?

This movie brings back good memories so probably US Marshals with Wesley Snipes, Tommy Lee Jones and a young Robert Downey Jr.

What do you think is the best team branding in NHL?

Washington Capitals, duh.

Dogs or cats?

Depends, I love them both.

If you could rebrand one team in the SHL, which one would it be? What would the new branding be?

Winnipeg. I get that the SHL team is older than the NHL team (After it came back) but it's just kinda lame now to be honest.

Do you know about what your next recreate will be? (name, country, position, ...)

Probably something along the Jack Kanoff line, maybe Jack Goff or something name-wise. This time with my country I'd probably go with one that has needs at my position. As for position I was thinking goalie mostly.

What is your favorite type of alcohol?

Probably Vodka, purely because of Ciroc, although I do like some beers. Check out Creative Arts Brewery if you haven't already, they make some great IPAs.

What is your favorite beer?

Well, this is awkward. Well aside from that if you're into foamy stuff check out Cosmic Cream Ale from Cameron's Brewing Company, it's pretty good stuff.

Who is your favorite GM between Nour and Tig?

One actually wanted me during the draft so...

Is Gabe Johnson a good fedhead?

No. Did you even have to ask this question?

Why did you choose Drake as your render?


Who's the worst driver in GTA? Why is it Geck?

Cuz he can't stay in his lane. Fuck you @GeckoeyGecko

Who do you look up to in the SHL?

Probably Augustus Wang because our career paths have been eerily similar and although we ended up in different situations I want to be like him and stay cool calm and collected no matter the situation (Unless its racing in GTA).

What is the best and the worst part of being in the Toronto LR?

Best Part: Meeting so many cool people that I otherwise would have been unable to meet, like yourself and many others and being able to share so many positive experiences with them.

Worst Part: ML is among those people and no he's not classified as "cool people"

why are you such a dirty gta driver

Because fuck you that's why [Image: 664656624677552129.png?v=1]

[Image: jackkanoff.gif]

[Image: jeffiesigs.gif]
Nour is pretty hot ngl

What is your favorite memory on the SHL so far?

What are your thoughts on being an important piece on a rebuilding team?

You are stuck on a large deserted island with @Gwdjohnson, @Briedaqueduc, @Nokazoa, @Kalakar and @Ferda in the middle of the ocean. You all wake up naked with no form of food or equipment with you. What is everyone's job? how long do you think you guys will survive? who do you think will die first? will you guys eventually make it off the island and do you even want to leave at that point? try to think of other shit to add onto this to spice it up

[Image: image.png]
[Image: dankestmemes69420.gif]

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

What are your thoughts on banana splits?

Do you have a pet that you are withholding from the Toronto pet pics channel? If so, why?

If you had to eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? What's your favorite dish that falls within that type?

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!


obviously, this season is most likely your last in the J. how excited are you to come up?
which team have you enjoyed the most, halifax or detroit?
would it be nice to go out with an award?

[Image: bluesfan55.gif]
Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Jeffie, would you rather tamper or be tampered?

Jeffie, what is your typical day?

Jeffie, name a user you look up to (so not dmills)?

Fuck you <3

[Image: nokazoa.gif]


[Image: sN8N4xa.png]         [Image: xd5tvj8.png]


[Image: ktJ2jTl.png]

05-24-2020, 10:43 AMbluesfan55 Wrote: which team have you enjoyed the most, halifax or detroit?

No offense to Hali but he probably likes DET more

[Image: nokazoa.gif]


[Image: sN8N4xa.png]         [Image: xd5tvj8.png]


[Image: ktJ2jTl.png]

How excited for S54 are you?

What kind of player do you envision Jack Kanoff to be?

If you drink, what is your favorite drink?

[Image: CptSquall.gif]


How excited are you for the coaching job?
From 1-10 how big of a weeb are you and why is it 10?
Who is you favorit gm?

[Image: Bananabread.gif] 

Thank you @Carpy48, @honkerrs

Who's your favorite teammate in Detroit? What about in Canada?

Who are you looking forward to play with the most in Toronto? Who are you looking forward to play against in the SHL?

What is your favorite team branding from the SHL? What about from the SMJHL?

What is your favorite sport(s)? What teams do you support from said sport(s)?

What is your favorite movie?

What do you think is the best team branding in NHL?

Dogs or cats?

If you could rebrand one team in the SHL, which one would it be? What would the new branding be?

Do you know about what your next recreate will be? (name, country, position, ...)

What is your favorite type of alcohol?

What is your favorite beer?

Who is your favorite GM between Nour and Tig?

Is Gabe Johnson a good fedhead?

Why did you choose Drake as your render?

Who's the worst driver in GTA? Why is it Geck?

Who do you look up to in the SHL?

[Image: BriePK.gif]
|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

[Image: unknown.png]



What is the best and the worst part of being in the Toronto LR?

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

why are you such a dirty gta driver

[Image: sig-e-e-geck-atl.png]


Favorite gun in tarkov?



Why are you a simp?

What ways are you trying be more of a Chad like Bork Lazer?

[Image: lazer2.png]

Do you have any advice for a rookie like me?

[Image: cooldudeam1234.gif]
(Sig Credit: toedragon84)


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