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Earths flat 2x draft media DONE AND STARFACE CALLOUT
(This post was last modified: 06-16-2021, 06:17 PM by Fitted2106.)

Well I just found out the earths flat and the moons a hologram so in honor of that heres trella with a vape pen bois roll that beautiful trelski footage

[Image: Screenshot_20210517-190724_Chrome.jpg]

Strface or should I say surf face come see

Shout out to pingy my g for makin this happen today

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Alright pussys let's get this shit poppin daddys been gettin real needy for paper lately so here the fuck we go with the Michael fitted draft extra take 2 part 7 of the odyssey first up at number one

Before number one let's take a moment of silence for picked juice and the round earth it sucks that its flat but hey boys we all gotta grow up sometimes

To be continued....    and we are continued first up and not first in your hearts is this guy who will defiantly be a guy for the Montreal team that just came into the league a 5 foot 11 chezh who looks to be a heavily influenced offensive player. hes care 0 about d but i guess that's fine for an expansion team looking to build with goals first as the team with the most goals tends to win the game. Hes got great board play in the offensive zone and uses his teammates well. as with any number one pick he will be under a microscope going foreword and the successes of this player will be followed heavily as he is the first pick in franchise history. while i believe he will score plenty of goals its hard to say if that will bring team success here as with most players who are generational leaders you tend to want a great two way player that can handle all situations and remain an elite scorer.

at number 2 and to the new orleans specters we have

2. Specters New Orleans Specters - Duncan The Walrus 337 tpe D
this one here is a bit of a reach as Duncan just is not that good yet and may never be but hey that's what ya get when you sniff paint ehh N.O. sometimes i wish teams were smarter but hey not every gm can be great this isn't a jab just stating clear facts for everybody in the room. i did hear this guy also knows the earth is flat though so maybe there's some hope in New Orleans only time will tell however as i for one am no expert on anything at all. I'm a jagoff fuck me but i hope Duncan can maybe get better and shove it down my throat hole. {ily}

3. Rage Manhattan Rage - Maxwell Carrigan 354 tpe D

LMAO he has 13 shooting accuracy fix that ho DAMN fix yoselves  hes a good defender i guess for someone whos not 425 but the rage and every team cant go wrong going deep on defense in my opinion its the most important position in the game and teams need to go deep manhatten knows this. this guy here does make an ok first pass but is still a ways away from the shl.

4. Aurora Winnipeg Aurora ( Wolfpack -> Barracuda -> Aurora ) - Gonzo Gobbledygook 346 tpe F
this dude is a serious offensive monster and teams need to ask themselves why didn't we trade up for this dude. he can pass shoot handle the biscuit and mix it up a bit. great pick for whoever it was that made this pick because I cant really tell based on how many times this was traded. he should be great for years to come and destroy opposing goalies.

All right ya animals were moving along enough of the docking around and livestream comments this is a serious organization not thelat hack crap you guys get from HTT or SHN this is real indepent journalism. Ok

Philadelphia Forge -  Evil Allbran 322 F

Here we have the first pick in philly's history and a current member of Newfoundland not to be confused with new Finland. This pick is neither here nor there as with expansion philly will have alot of work to do going foreward this team needs alot but has set itself in goood position. Notice the extra os in good that's because there doing so good hell ya but also I hate philly it's a Pittsburgh thang and ya wouldent understand.

Next up and once again going through the motions is the sixth pick in this years draft.

Next up at number 6 it's another pick and its

6. Aurora Winnipeg Aurora - Marcel Beck 359 tpe d

This pick here is a monster steal at 6 getting this kind of defender at 6 is massive a true shutdown who skate and play the game and not just be a pylon out there. I love all D picks as you can never have enough in the fhm era they just are to valuable and keep the goalies they protect so much better. I also hear this guy likes key lime pie and sometimes making biscuits with his cat true franchise legend.

Ok enough of me groveling at that stud it's time for luckey number 7 the best maybe only pick that matters in this draft at the luckey digit we have.

7. Monarchs Minnesota Monarchs - Satoru Gojō 334 tpe center

This guys just a pretty run kf the mill player who enjoys taking his time and playing at his own pace. Coaches love this kind of player but ehh I'm not sold probably a 3rd liner in the bigs just not sure if his game translates at the next level but hey maybe I'm wrong even though I never am. Ily matty.

Next on the big board we find ourselves at number 8 and let's go take a peak now at this one.

8. Stampede Buffalo Stampede ( Stars -> Rage -> Stampede  ) - Greyson Cooper 330 tpe left winger

Here we have another player who seems to be running the I'll put tpe into everything road and not stand out atany thing but we will be decent at everything. While I acknowledge people build this way it's super lame and pretty boring to be honest.

Ok now we move onto 9 big time 9

9. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda - J.J. James Jamerson Angler 334 toe right wing

100 percent best pick in the draft because its tampas this dude already won 4 cornhole titles and coached his pet rocks roller derby team to a national title how the fuck cant you love this hrs legit the greatest of all time no one even compares for sure the best to ever do it let's fucking go.

Now here at ten we have another monumental pick because its number 1 with a zero behind it.

10. Renegades Texas Renegades ( Platoon -> Monarchs -> Renegades ) - High Haschdi 396 tpe this monster is fucking crushing the tpe but has not applied it yet wtf bruh maybe you need an alarm idk but fuck me buddy damn. This dude sometimes denys the earth being flat but we all know it is.

Ok now on to number 11 that's two ones cuz I won twice is u done?

11. patriotes Montreal Patriotes ( pride -> patriotes ) - Zak Wilson 389 tpe
This dudes a fucking monster rock on the backend this pick should of been made earlier but gms r dumb [outside of fuzz trella n dwight] as fuck and dont know how to brain like damn someone call the pierogis already cuz dinners ready pretty sure this dude does a 15 years stint as a fucking big time fucking bad ass motherfucker in the shl Montreal is fucking killin it right now.

Ok now to 12 only 8 to go we are getting there

12. Renegades Texas Renegades ( Panthers - > Specters -> Renegades ) - Bjorn Bjorn 319 tpe

Big time pig time baby the dastardly two first named man let's go outtta big time Carolina the fucking city of Angel's and champions love this pick anyone taken out of Carolina should always goes first period no matter what were the greatest ever and so it remains that way.

Now to 13 which is unlucky

13. Inferno Atlanta Inferno - Philip Demitra 322 defensce
This guy has 15 d read and by the looks of it should shape into a fine shl player in my scouting report the dude checks every box hes almost shl ready. You can never go wrong by picking up blue line assets as teams are always in need of these guys always.

14 edmonton Blizzard - Maverick Seabrook 326 tpe foreward
This one has 164 banked tpe what are you doing do you just love the fourth line like please help me understand I'm just curious as to what the heck is going on here I'm so confused by so many if these.

15.15. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks ( Argonauts -> Steelhawks ) - Ty Murphy 306 tpe

This here is a playmaker straight out of a coaches dream Hamilton must be thrilled getting someone like this at number 15. If you can use this guy as your number 2 center your team is gonna be amazing this dude if he gets the chance to one day play that role he will shine beyond any stars we see.

16.16. Aurora Winnipeg Aurora ( Dragons -> Barracuda -> Aurora ) - Daniel Merica Jr 328 tpe wing
Here we have a super offensive standout who falls all the way to 16 and boy oh boy he may turn out to be a real Bobby lane one day only time will tell. In the meantime I asked him what his favorite tacos were and he said when u ain't tacoin yea well ok frig off then buddy.

17. pride San Francisco Pride (syndicate -. patriotes -> pride ) - Senji Seteki 336 tpe goalie

First goalie taken today and possibly the last but hey it is what it is it's a new era in shl and goalies just are not that big of a thing anymore maybe with expansion this too shall pass again no judgement hope ya do well kid.

18. Inferno Atlanta Inferno ( Steelhawks -> Inferno ) - Alfred Yankovic 325tpe d

Another blueline and again you cant have too many this one will help the inferno continue to improve down the line as long as activity continues. Hopefully now that we wrapped up round one we can finnaly talk about starfaces fear of my battle request I know u see me phone boy come get some I got trella picking the beats now and bet you get laughed all the way back to Latvia see Me boiiiiii dont want nooooo smoke sawwwwffffftttt.

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

Let's do this!

[Image: 5df4nw.jpg]

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]


[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50
(This post was last modified: 06-16-2021, 06:20 PM by Ruggsy.)

holy fuck do you actually leave your notifications like that

are you a 5000 tabs open at once person?

[Image: AKkkxoP.png] [Image: U0nD2Rt.png]

06-15-2021, 07:57 PMFitted2106 Wrote: Ily matty.

ily2, fitted goat

[Image: 1PU6YuX.png]
         [Image: JiycRrd.png]


S2, S5, S18, S22 Challenge Cup Champion
Hall Of Famers: (S7) Alex Reay | (S28) Daniel Merica

[Image: mckeiltbb.png]
[Image: Merica5.gif]
Thanks to Ragnar, Wasty and myself for the sigs.

06-16-2021, 06:20 PMRuggsy Wrote: holy fuck do you actually leave your notifications like that

are you a 5000 tabs open at once person?

Nah if you look he's only got one google chrome tab

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

Who took my juul

[Image: pppoopoo.gif]
[Image: 7925.png]
Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

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