SMJHL Travels to Mordor: Day 16
![]() Registered PEANUT!
A Rivendell Christmas
It has been six days since we last checked in on the fellowship of SMJHL GM's who set off near the beginning of the month to destroy a strange glowing puck as instructed by the elders known as "H.O". When we last checked in on them, our gallant crew had just been victorious against a surprise attack by wargs near fabled Weathertop. Wounds were healing, food quality was still decent thanks to Ruggsy and additional cuisine help from Wulf who finally decided to do something on the trip besides relax in the back of the wagon. Aleris, Kalesalad and Ragnar opted to scout ahead while Sve7en looked over the bits of Warg meat that was now turning a bit rancid hanging off the side of the cart. "Dude. That stuff smells absolutely awful." jeered Thunder. "It does." replied Sve7en. "However, it is known that some species are revolted by the smell of their own kind...especially when decaying. If you haven't noticed, it has been several days now and not another warg has been seen." "They probably just don't like the stench period, whatever it is." remarked Toast as he elbowed the still aching ribs of Geekusoid. Four days had indeed passed since the warg attack. The team intermittently rotated from riding in the wagon, to walking, to riding on horseback to try and share the load responsibly between all of them. Much to the stomach churning dismay of the others, the future doctor was correct. By now they were over three-hundred miles into their expedition. A marvel in itself that they have traveled this far, each step being the furthest and furthest still that they have ever been from home. Soon, they found themselves near the mythical troll cave where members of Thorin's company recovered various artifacts of elven quality, including Sting...Glamdring and Orcrist. Not only was there a historical marker designating this found on the side of the road, but also too a marker pointing the direction of the Stone Trolls. "Oh! Stone Trolls!" gasped Yosh excitedly. "We should have a look yeah?" "The stone trolls?" questioned Evok. "Yes. Tom, Bert, and Bill Huggins. We should see them!" Yosh continued. Realizing that they were once again making decent time, the party made the small detour from the road. When they came to the spot where the trolls remained turned for eternity, they were surprised to see that they were still very well defined...not weathered as everything else should have been by this point. "There's no way that's the originals. Probably replacement statues of some sort at this point" said Nhamlet as the group dismounted and looked about. There were wooden fences blocking off certain areas and various informational markers set up as apparently this was another tourist stop in Middle Earth. Not seeing much else, the party rotated to their next positions of riding, mounting and walking and headed back to the road. As they turned to head east again, Jess spoke up from the wagon. "Why is it that Ragnar's horse seems faster than the rest of ours?" "At least he still has a horse..." scoffed Geekusoid begrudgingly. "He does seem to get everywhere quickly on it. Almost like it has wings!" joked Thunder. "Yeah. It's all jacked up on protein shakes, red bull and mountain dew" continued Sve7en which caused the crew to share a collective giggle. It was all in good fun though as Ragnar, Kalesalad and Aleris had not only shown masterful horsemanship, but again, were integral in the horses that the team had to begin with. "We're on day what...16 now?" questioned Evok "Yeah, roughly." replied Geekusoid "We're making fairly good time compared to what the hobbits did when they came this way." "Yes we are. I think...Yosh help me out here..." Geek said curiously. "It took Frodo and them about what a whole month to get to Rivendell? With counting stops, the Nazgul attacks and stuff?" "Yeah, sounds about right." replied Yosh approvingly. "In fact. Did you all know that an average human has a gait about 1.7 times longer than a hobbits?" Jess giggled from the wagon. "You mean like the tiny steps I take?" The team chuckled again and looked in wonder as they crossed the bridge over the River Bruinen. "Not much farther now!" Geekusoid shouted happily. "To what?" replied Wulf. "To Rivendell!" shouted Ragnar as he, Kale and Aleris came riding toward them. "And oh is it magnificent!" he continued. "Yes. There's a hotel there now. Not a cheapy looking one either. Hot food, and a Starbucks!" added in Aleris. "Pretty sure we can get a group discount there too." continued Kale. Everyone's spirits were now lifted. Rivendell was 458 miles from Hobbiton, a large initial chunk of the journey was now closing behind them. They had a chance to stop and rest. A chance to clean up, continue their mending and let their horses rest as well. Ragnar took the lead and the party followed. They turned off the main road and wound into the mountain no more than a couple miles it seemed. In the distance, they started to hear the sounds of rushing water, a roar of a waterfall and soon they found themselves staring into the valley of Rivendell. To say it was magical, was an understatement. As the fellowship of GM's crossed over the stone bridge, a gentle snowfall began to come down. All of the buildings were strewn with colorful lights and representations of all denominations were found within the square. All the while, smoke rose out of chimneys signaling warmth and shelter from the dropping temperatures. Rivendell had withstood the test of time. It seemed a millennia since the age of Elves had ended and left Middle Earth to the troubles of men, but their legacies lived on in places such as this. All of the GM's dismounted and smiled. They could finally relax for a while. Then, the moment of awe was shattered by a profound announcement by Jess. "Its Christmas time. You know what that means?" "Presents?" replied Geek. "Food?" questioned Ruggsy. "No." replied Jess, pointing to the pub. "Time to get holiday drunk with the elves!" Everyone cheered, and so it was decided that the fellowship would remain here for the holidays. Feasting and drinking as any good traveler should do. Perhaps they might even get into a drinking contest with a dwarf. Only the days and nights would know. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SMJHL GM just how deep do you believe? will you bite the hand that feeds? ![]() Commissioner Turtle Lord |
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