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Pre- Draft Interview Jack Keigan
(This post was last modified: 11-25-2023, 08:39 PM by Spritestuff. Edited 1 time in total.)

X2 draft media

This is Jack Keigans first ever interview, and it comes not from the standard crew from the SJHML, or SHL. Instead it comes from a blog run in Melbourne, and likely will not acheive more than 20 clicks.
Very few Australians make it to the professional level so the man asking the questions, Tomas Melton is a little excited. Bare with him as he tries his best.   

Melton: “Jack, with your background in high school basketball and the nickname "Jumpshot," how did your success on the basketball court influence your skills and approach to ice hockey, particularly in screening goaltenders and securing rebound goals?” 

Jack: “uuuuh, honestly mate, I think just like, general fitness youknow? But the nickname kinda happened when I was doing my thing, like, screening the tendy, and my mate Dicko hit this wicked hard slapper that like, was coming for my knees and I’m like, getting shoved around by these two other dudes so I can’t really dodge it. So instead I jumped over it. 

Melton: “That’s quite a big jump right there” Jack: “Well I didn’t quite clear it, but yeah, pretty big hop on the ice, hahaha. the puck clipped off the bottom of my skate and actually managed to go in the net. So Dicko starts calling me Jumpshot as a joke, but it kind of stuck. Melton: “Can you share the factors that led you to prioritize hockey over basketball?” 

Jack: “ I think there’s just like, this bushido warrior style honour between teammates thing that hockey has like no other sport. This big ugly looking fella took this really nasty high hit on me, of course, the refs didn’t see it, so my mate Brucie, absolute beauty by the way, he comes over, rips his gloves off, and starts wailing on the guy. Brucie is not a big guy by the way, and he gets his ass kicked. But on the way to the penalty box, he gives me this big bloody smile, blood pouring outta his mouth, and gives me the thumbs up. I thought, right, well no one has ever done for that for me on the court. And it was just all, hockey hockey hockey from then on in. 

Melton: “Being projected to go between the 18th to 24th pick in the junior ice hockey draft, how do you handle the expectations and pressure leading up to this significant moment in your career?” 

Jack: “I dunno. Haven’t really thought about it. I’m just happy to be considered. Not many aussies get the opportunity so that’s already a win right there. I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing 

Melton: “Choosing to focus on ice hockey overseas is a pretty significant decision. How do you feel about leaving people behind?” 

Jack: “Yeah, I’m going to miss my family a lot. My dad told me I had to get myself a big bloody contract so that I can afford to fly them all over for Christmas and stuff

Melton: “are there any specific teams you hope to be drafted by?” 

Jack: “I’m probably going late enough that I can be drafted by any team, so it’d be cool to see a really successful team like the Timber want me. Like, in a validating kind of way. But then the Knights have awesome jerseys. The Kraken is another team that have a really strong head office. But in the end, you have to be loyal to the people that believe in you, so no matter where I go, I’m going to be diehard for them. 

Melton: “Reflecting on your high school sports journey, is there a particular game or achievement that stands out to you, either in basketball or ice hockey, that has shaped your mindset?” 

Jack: “It wasn’t a specific moment really. Just at some point I realised I was the best player on my team and I wasn’t going to get any better. And that wasn’t good enough. So I started trying different things, untraditional ways that I could excel, and it was good enough to get me where I am now.

Melton: “Going into the draft, are there specific areas of your game that you've been refining to showcase your strengths, especially in screening goaltenders and converting rebounds, to potential teams?” 

Jack: “yeah of course. Like I have a sneaky good shot that I think a lot of clubs can put to good use. I’ll help the guys score goals, but I’m gonna have a few of my own. That’s just my game youknow? But I’ve also started working on my two way game. You gotta block shots you know? 

Melton: “As you transition to the junior level, are there SHL players whose playing style you admire or hope to emulate, and how do you see yourself evolving as a player in the coming years?” 

Jack: “ I mean, it’s gotta be M'Baku Olubori right? Absolutely dominant. I want to be as half as strong as that guy” 

Melton: “Lastly, what advice would you give to young athletes aspiring to follow in your footsteps?”

Jack: “uuuuh... eat your veggies? And uh... find a way. Not everyone can be the best. I know I’m not. But I found a way. Its not just about not giving up, its about changing strategies when you need to. When you hit the wall, find a way to go around it."

Melton: “Thanks Jack” 

Jack: “welcome mate” 

Melton: “Its Melton”

Jack: “oh”

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