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S76 mPT #1: Lessons from pre(diction)-season Due: Sunday, April 14th @ 11:59 PM PST

Everyone knows the importance of preseason as it is good indication of what to expect from regular season.

Pick one of the claims. Begin your task with the word 'For' or 'Against' and then make an argument why you for whichever side you chose! You may respond to the original prompt or to someone else's response but keep it civil.

New England will win the Presidents’ Trophy

Buffalo will miss the playoffs for first time since S45

Conference finals will be same 4 that they were last season (LAP, TEX, PHI and NEW)

Either Chrish Valentine or Ivan Lacksamus will win the Ron Mexico Trophy

Ben Waters Jr. will win the Scott Stevens Trophy

Either Olof Karsikko or Sir Devoir will win the John McBride Trophy

Nobody cares about the SMJHL

Maine is going to win the Four Star Cup

Either Niclas Wastlund or Edouard Lavoie will win the Ideen Fallah Trophy
25 words minimum, prompt not included!
You will receive 1 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.
This PT will close Sunday, April 14th at 11:59pm PST. Posts submitted/edited after the deadline will receive 0 tpe.
If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded.
Graders reserve the right to determine what is malicious. You will not be warned.
This PT is for SHL players and send downs only; it is not for SMJHL Rookies. If your player is S77, go do the J task instead.

[Image: puolivalmiste2.gif]
Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me


Either Chrish Valentine or Ivan Lacksamus will win the Ron Mexico Trophy


Have you even see how weak the Pacific Division is? They got three teams below 900 TPE average and Los Angeles. The whole Los Angeles team is gonna have a field day in their divisional games and run away with all major awards in terms of scoring and MVP.

[Image: Katth.gif]

  [Image: CsnVET2.png]
Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

[Image: cgv4vCv.png] [Image: 95lCCDx.png] [Image: GATPRRX.png]
S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
[Image: gNFVjT6.png]

Nobody cares about the SMJHL

Against, and for the simple reason that kahri exists to care about it more then anyone else for everyone else. her deep seated desire to remain in the J got Frenchie kicked off CAR as co gm so she could take his spot as CO GM of Carolina. she cannot be stopped.

Either Chrish Valentine or Ivan Lacksamus will win the Ron Mexico Trophy

Graj Virrok has been knocking at the door of the Mexico race for the past two seasons and this is his last true shot at the award before regression moves him back to 2C or even 3C. This last season as 1C he is focused on nothing less than an MVP to add to the Dar in his trophy case.

[Image: laser.png]

[Image: Virrok.png]
Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

Quote:Buffalo will miss the playoffs for first time since S45
AGAINST: With only two teams missing the playoffs in each conference, Buffalo (a team known for getting a ton of performance out of their roster regardless of TPE situation) would need to perform worse than Montreal, Manhattan, Atlanta, and Toronto to miss the playoffs this season. Those four teams are closest to them in Team TPE in the East.

[Image: lap-teamsig.png]
Aleksi Kettu
[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]


New England will win the Presidents’ Trophy

Against: New England is regressed enough from their heights of the early 70s that I don't see them as a serious threat for the Presidents' this season. The East has decent odds of bringing home the Presidents', since the top three teams in terms of TPE are all in the West and will have to play each other much more often, but I don't think New England is the best team in the East anymore.

[Image: zN6tB52.png]

Either Chrish Valentine or Ivan Lacksamus will win the Ron Mexico Trophy

Nah man. Even though they are carrying their teams by a long shot I dare to say that the Mexico winner this season comes from a Pacific division team, either Los Angeles or San Francisco.

[Image: jE4ioeC.png][Image: meOh9pz.png]

With @Tomen at the helm, Buffalo won’t ever miss the playoffs.  Next time that team misses the playoffs will be sometime after Tomen steps down, if that ever happens


Nobody cares about the SMJHL

For. Nobody really cares about SMJHL after their junior season is over. It is a good platform to develop future stars but in the picture SHL and international games are much more important and I agree with it.

[Image: salming.png]

For: Buffalo will miss the playoffs for first time since S45 - Buffalo will miss the playoffs for the first time since S45 because karma is real and it is coming for the Stampede because of how dirty they did their former first round pick Joseph Reed. 

[Image: Morleyhockey.gif]

Buffalo will miss the playoffs for first time since S45

Against. There is no way Tomen is gonna let the Stampede fall outside the playoffs. He's got some magic tricks under his sleeves and will surprise everyone. That man knows how to win.

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]


Nobody cares about the SMJHL

Against: There are players who only ever care to play in the J, building whole J careers and then at least considering retiring when their time is up. In addition, there's an entire HO for just the J, plus a bunch of GM's, and last but not least, I care about the J, and I'm a someone!

[Image: Oon045t.gif]
[Image: yRQ5DtN.png][Image: ZSWcyJU.png][Image: jrRwwma.png]

New England will win the Presidents’ Trophy

Against. While New England still has a great team and has been one of the more succesful teams in the league for a little while now, winning 2 cups and having a few more final appearances on top of that, a good number of callups and a trade for Omega will likely make the team take a step back. They will still be competitive and make the playoffs, but they wont be presidents trophy level.

New England will win the Presidents’ Trophy

Against: The New England Wolfpack cannot win the presidents trophy because they do not play out west. The defending champion Los Angeles Panthers have a strong roster and a very easy path to points accumulation and i think it would be hard for the pack to overcome that.

[Image: v09bRKvt_o.jpg]

Either Olof Karsikko or Sir Devoir will win the John McBride Trophy
Are you kidding me? That's blatant disrespect to the GOAT puck eater, LAP's finest, McBride winning polandball beauty of a man, Grzegorz [INSERT LAST NAME HERE] (@Zerg). I think in true LAP fashion and in true Grzegorz fashion he'll have a monster season and silence the haters.

[Image: image.png]  [Image: lap-teamsig.png]
@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
[Image: 7MO9RpC.png] [Image: G1cbXSf.png] [Image: gdppv5N.png]
Panthers Ireland Highlanders

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