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S80 Player Poll Responses

First of all, sorry for the delay. Holidays and Christmas took up more time than I thought. Plus new cards site updates as well if you want to check it out.

Second of all, there was a total of 59 responses, so thank you to everyone who responded!

Anyway these are the results of the players poll

Who is the best SHL player currently

A total of 51 responses , here are the results

[Image: DnyJ0Kc.png]

13 votes for Chris Valentine leads the poll. Then 9 For Legan Webb. 7 for Tony Soprano, 4 for Hargreeves. Then 3 votes apiece for Adam Prpich and Justin Time. With Justin Time being the only goalie on the board.

Interestingly enough, no defenseman got voted on that had more than 1 vote. And Justin Time was the only goalie voted on. The others consisted of players like Ace LIghtning, Antoine Beauregard, Derek martin, Toasty, and others.

Some of the responses as asa follows
“I think there’s a very tight group at the top mostly between Webb and Valentine, can’t go wrong with either one”

For Chris Valentine: “He carried Texas team to the 3rd position. Derek Martin and Tony Soprano were really good the last 2 seasons. Webb and Winters will probably surpass all of them next season.”

For Tony Soprano: “has put up top 5 numbers for a few seasons while being on a much worse team than those around him.”

For Adam Prpich: “6 straight seasons over 90 points with 5 of those over 100”

Who is your favorite SHL User

A total of 55 people answered seriously for this. Though I did love the Me(practicing self affirmation) response.

These are the following responses

[Image: d6MNVm9.png]

I think it goes to show that the SHL has so many great users. Its hard to choose just one.

6 votes for Luke, 4 to both James and Jess. 3 to Kahri. Then 2 for Hotdog, JoeK, and Seany.

There is a lot of wholesome quotes so I wanna go about giving them the time to post them here for everyone to see

For Frenchie: “favorite shl user is such a toughie and i had to fight between several names but i wouldnt be here without frenchie”

For James: “The man is everywhere and he is so positive for the league”

For JoeK: “Great all around dude who I've known on the site for a long time. Always treats myself and the other players in our LR fairly and with respect.”

For Rashford: “Literally an impossible question. But if you add likeability and skill, Rashford is a 10/10 on both scales. If the league was made up of 300 Rashfords, we could create world peace. “

For Noami “ Literally one of the nicest people you can talk to”

For JFK: “I like what he stands for, he isn’t afraid to fight the right fight and does it in a way that doesn’t hurt anybody. His mind is always in the right place “

For Jess: “she's just so incredibly friendly and someone I've been able to call a friend for a while now and I'm beyond glad to have her as one “

Who is most dedicated

This one is pretty lopsided, and towards me which I didnt expect. But I greatly appreciated everyone who put me down. There are a ton of people who put in a lot of hours into the site to make it work and to make it fun. And the poll also shows that. We had 25.9% of people who put down different people. All doing their own amazing work

[Image: gZaZdCQ.png]

20 votes for Luke, 5 for Jess and Kahri. 4 for NaomiMannequeen, 3 for Sve7en, 2 for Finn, Frenchie, and JoeK. Then 15 for others.

For Luke: “Dev work, history work, GMing, media. You do everything. The bank account speaks for itself.”
“There's no doubt. And he should know it. The amount of work Luke puts into this league and community is astounding. From helping manage new developments like the portal, managing team budgets, providing templates to make it easier for teams to manage budgets, redesigning the SHL card site, maintaining and keeping the history of the league and now making the STHS data available. It's incredible. “

For Jess:
“I don't know if anyone is as passionate about the league, she cares so much and works so hard to keep it fair and fun for all of us.”

“Jess pulls double duty on both HOs and the charity events, Frenchie just has this insane passion for anything he does, and Seven is just an absolute beauty of a person “

For NaomiMannequeen: “She does so much behind the scenes and also in front of the scenes. When I think of dedication, I think of Naomi. “
“Did you know she's spending irl money to try and open new recruiting angles for the league? Girl loves this place.”
“Recruiting head, co PT head, Calgary coach, she does so much for the good of the league”

For Finn: “Commish always goes underappreciated. Finn does a lot in the background.”

For Frenchie “Frenchie does so much for HO, he has basically been acting co-commissioner for like half a year now and he is consistently the person who makes sure shit gets done. I cannot say enough about the amount of work and effort he puts in, and even when other people are getting credit for it he still keeps putting the work in. He is incredibly humble and doesn't go around tooting his own horn or telling people how important and valuable he is, he just gets shit done. “

For Ace: “Did commentary for sims, took extra sims in the playoffs, great dude all around”

For the league in general with the answer ‘Impossible to quantify’
“From the graphics team, to Tech teams to HO people, there is to many people who put in to many hours that go unnoticed to the average person”

Which is true! The SHL is in my eyes one of the old timey water wheel that everyone has to push to keep on having the water flowing. There are so many people who put their time into the SHL, for the SHL. The best fake hockey league ever. One where you can make genuine friendships, with little dots moving in the background.
Which user would you most like to drink a beer with

55 people voted for this.

[Image: eeDolLs.png]

I think this one is pretty fair. Especially since its just so many people in the league. But there was a coupe people who came up the most. 3 for Acsolap, Jess, Luke, and Ruggsy. Then 2 votes for Faelax, Flue, Seany, and Slappy/Bonk. Which makes sense. Then 33 for others.

For Faelax “We could talk about hockey and Warhammer figures”

For Troy: “Seems very friendly and approachable.”

For Eric Belmont “We have very similar tastes in things and itd be fun to run around cause chaos with him”

For Hannah: “Hannah's just a fun person to hang out with and easy to talk to.”
For Rashford: “At this point Rashford feels like an old friend. Both members of the S62 class (still both not retired) and have had some similar paths in the league. Rashford is a level headed guy who will praise you, love you, tell you like it is and pick you up when you're down. “

For Fluw” “drunk fluw is the funniest person on this website. “

Which team in the SHL is best managed (not your own team please)

[Image: 0k31rN3.png]

A lot of variety with teams, but also makes sense with the teams listed.

Philadelphia hasn't had a bad season since like S67. Winning a cup in S69 and making the finals 2 other times.

New England winning 3 cups and 2 other cup finals.

Then San Francisco’s recent surge winning 2 cups as well. And is a powerhouse of the league.

Texas right behind them, with Coop and Anthique making a great team out of a rebuild, going to a cup final. Constructed a great team around them

Panthers right with Texas in the west. Winning a cup in the 70’s, and just a great team after the rebuild with Fuzz. And now Whitecap and Rashford doing a great job at keeping LAP a cup contender.

Then there were 3 users that voted for SMJHL teams as well. SMH I SAID SHL TEAMS. But those 2 teams were QCC and Ottawa

Now onto the quotes.

For LAP: “I'm going to give this to LAP right now. They have been a top team for a bit now and they have rotated old players out for new top end players. They are also a destination where players want to go making things like free agency easier. They are successful and management knows what they are doing. “

For ATL: “hotdog and micool have created this incredibly close and tight knit locker room that bands together and is super warm and friendly and for the most part still fields competitive teams”
“They seem to always stay competitive and attract players. My answer would've been Buffalo if this question was asked any time in the FHM era up until Tomen stepped down.”

For SFP: “They've managed to maintain a great, active roster that competes at the highest level and won a cup for the second time through essentially the entire 70s, right now they're the best. It might change with the recent change in GM tho.”

For PHI: “They have consistently stayed a top tier team for many years.  Home grown talent fill their roster.  Easily among the best.”

For NEW: “I would’ve said EDM before HFFO stepped down, but NEW does a great job drafting and retaining talent, and there’s a reason they’re competitive every season. Honorable mention to PHI”
“i havent been here long but NEW seems to have had such a strong and consistent momentum that its hard not to look at them and think there is something to admire there. my other vote would be BUF before tomen stepped down.”

Which SHL user is the funniest?

[Image: kkPsYKm.png]

I appreciated everyone that said “Me” or “Nobody”, but there are some funny people on this site. Almost half are people who only got 1 vote. But lots with 2 ore more as well. JamesT leads that charge with 4 votes.

Then Aleks & Troy with 3. Then the rest with 2 votes.

For JamesT: “Always fun to talk to, hang out with, and joke with. He's great at talking shit without taking it too seriously, keeps it very light hearted which I appreciate.”

For Gabe: ”Dude is a walking meme “

For Aleks: “I think he doesn’t try to be funny but just is “
“Doing a podcast with Aleks. He is the one who made me laugh the most, while on the podcast and listening to it. He just finds the pockets where he can just be funny without making it seem like he is trying to be”

For Seany: “He's a rat,  but he's a funny rat. I enjoy his shenanigans”

For Fantobens: “Fanto and I must share similar humour. They chime in at just the right moment. Proper comedic timing and just being a great person as well. “

For Reno: “They genuinely kill me with how funny they are basically always”

For Troy: “Random Ramblings my beloved”

For YetiTaz: “Boomer jokes are real”

Which user produces the best written media?

41 responses on this one.

[Image: 5N93c6l.png]

I think some bias with me, just as I did the top 75 earlier in the year. I would also like to shout out Kez for helping me with that one. Lots of writing on his end as well. You can find that Here

Boom also received votes. I think she has the most consistent narrative driven media in the SHL for the past 2-3 years which is great to see for those who love that. Her most viewed media piece this year was Accolades
Though the best place to start reading her work is probably here where it has an index of all of Ana’s stories. Which has about 17 articles / chapters. And she still keeps it up to date

By-Tor and Spidey for 3 votes as well. Spidey always makes quality media every month it seems. Most recently helping the awards teams with mid season write ups.His most viewed article this year was MVP Race

By-Tor also makes really good media as well. He was doing the x2 Team Spotlight earlier in the year. And then same data driven stuff which I always like. Good writer as well. This most viewed media this year was Franchise Loyal

Lime also had 2 votes, with only 2article written which I think gets him the most votes per article written. You can find his most popularHere

Puppy received 2 votes as well. For very good reason. I think he wrote the most J centric media out of anyone with his Quebec City Curlers chapters. And then some WJC Predictions and overview. His most popular I think is chapter 1 of the Quebec City Curlers which you can read Here

Tate received 2 votes as well. He is someone who wrote a ton during the first half of the year as well. With his UpTated media series. Though I think his most viewed piece of media is Investigation Report: The SMJHL Head Office

The last one to receive more than 1 vote was MuNk22. Who wrote 12 pieces of media this yar. But his most viewed media piece was Making the case for teammates hooking up
I also think
Back Home For The Holidays: Wood Reflects on Hockey and Life
is an excellent media piece to read as well.

For others you have Ara, Cake, Eggcracker, Lemonoppy, Fitted, Matteo, Icewindoo, NJBadApple, Popol, Tip Toasty, Toast, Troy, wizard-literal, and Valor.

For Boom: “Great character driven media doesn't get enough love.”

For By-Tor: “Has had some very creative ideas over the years. Their articles always seem to stand out.”

For Puppy: “Though rarer than I would like their media is always instant read”
“I don't read a ton of SHL media, but Puppy media is severely underrated. Amazing storytelling, keeps you reading, and always leaves you on a cliffhanger.”

For Lemonoppy: “Honestly all the new users with draft. Realdowns and everything are great. “

For Icewindoo: “"This is tough. There are a lot of great media writers in the league right now. Some with some short bangers and others with some very detailed work. Just because of the most recent article they made I'll give this to icewindoo. Very informative based on players not nominated.”

What is the best SHL podcast?

A total of 41 responses on this one

[Image: 1R0xXW5.png]

The most consistent of the year(though not for the last 4 months) is the Rich & Luke podcast dominating the airwaves. Then the also dead Hockey Talk Tonights and the Big Slappy hour.

But for a lot of these, they are not longer on the regular or on Hiatus right now. So there is a big hole to fill on the podcast space. If anyone wants to start a podcast. Now is the right time to do it.

But for the quotes

HTT: “7's podcast was a bit before my time but i like the depth of it and the content it talks about. i wish he would make more of them.”
“Maybe it'll return one day…”
“Bring it back, 7”

Rich & Luke: “Not too much rambling about random things, and we had to see the GM ranking from Luke lol”

“"I need to listen to more podcasts. I'm looking forward to the new SHL podcast but Rich and Luke are like the 32 Thoughts of the SHL. Always need to listen. Always broad thoughts across the league and not just about their own teams/players.
I want more Oats podcast though."

Which SHL user is the best at graphics?

[Image: kmoQlFA.png]

For Sulo: “im not the best at graphics so my vote comes with little weight behind it. ive always loved the sigs ive seen out of sulo though. puts a lot of effort into them”
“So many good options here, but sulo has been top tier for so long. Carpy, enigmatic and the card makers deserve a shoutout for the sheer quanity of work they produce though.”

Jove: “Man doesn't just do BAMF graphics and amazing sigs, he makes funny emotes too!”

Enigmatic: “man, she's just so fucking talented. everything she touches turns into gold.”

There isnt a ton of quotes. But there is a ton of great sig makes on the site. With Sulo and Carpy standing out to the SHL users minds. Then Jove has done a great work with the draft streams sigs. Enigmatic spends most of her energy now on the cards. Wasty & Karey were legends of their own right when they did their sigs. Then the rest

Who has the best logo in the league

[Image: FMqgjNn.png]

For EDM: “my favorite used to be the elk. but something about the blizzard logo i jsut really love”

For PHI: “So simple, so clean, yet so effective at establishing the brand.”

For COL: “I like Dinos”

Not a ton of quotes on this one, but you can see which ones they like the most. That being said for ATL there was a couple that mentioned ATL’s 2nd or even 3rd logo. So everyone loves ATL logo’s.

What Nation would you like to see added to the IIHF

For this, anyone that put Oceania I put as Australia. Anyone that put an african nation I put as Africa. Also there is a very funny one for Saskatchewan since we are now doing canadian providences

[Image: s2bqlvu.png]

There was also a good amount of None and remove some’s. But that isnt added. But I do want to share some of their quotes
“Id rather remove 1 of the 3 canadain teams made for the French fucks”
“We good for rn”
“Idk but I'd hope it's a REAL ONE and not one that ISN'T EVEN A COUNTRY. “

Ok now for the real ones. Team Moon is surging a lot with the recent Moon hype video.
“That moon hype video was amazing.  It would add the potential of Aliens to SHL, that would allow others to flex their creative side.”

For Australia:
“They should've been the rebrand instead of Quebec.”
“Since we don't have to worry about physical travel or hockey culture it would be cool to include them.”
For Italy:
“My player is Italian, would have been fun to represent his own nation but I'm very excited to represent Sweden nonetheless.”

What City would you like to see represented in the SHL

[Image: YgiDctH.png]

A lot of other cities being thrown about. A lot of 1 off Canadian cities as well. But the most consistent cities being mentioned was Pittsburgh, Denver, Mexico City, Ohio, Phoenix, Vancouver, Detroit, Houston, Portland, and Regina.

For Pittsburgh: “Pittsburgh is an awesome city and everyone keeps forgetting about it :( “

For Ohio: “Please someone I’m begging you put a team in Ohio please”

For Mexico City: “"Largest city in North America with an average elevation higher than Denver. Strong expat community including many Americans, Canadians and Germans, certainly enough to support one of the already-extant 16-18k seat stadiums.

But in SHL terms, I just think it would be cool and I already have logo designs."

“The team branding opportunities are endless, it's a big city in the same part of the world as everyone else so it wouldn't break immersion, and a third country could be represented in the league other than Canada and the US. It won't happen in real life but it'd be cool to see here.”

What Other leagues are you in

[Image: mC0Gb8t.png]

A lot of none, and then our affiliate leagues. However a handful of the nones used to have players in the PBE, or ISFL.

Not much to say here as there wasnt a ton of comments.

From a scale from 1-10. How Healthy is the league in terms of parity

[Image: 3YQOaeg.png]

The league in general thinks parity has been pretty good right now. Which makes sense, and especially this season as well haha. But for the past IRL year or so, there has been rises of great teams, with about 10 teams that are in the hunt of the cup and then 6 or so teams in other various stages of starting to be competitive, or declining after being competitive. Then 4-5 teams actually tanking.

Now the comments which get pretty interesting

Gave a 8: “i havent experienced the league long but i feel like it is in a good spot with teams rising and falling pretty regularly and not jsut 1 team winning over and over”

Gave a 8: “The league is doing well, growing, and there is a general rhythm to it.  It can feel a little stale at times until something out of sequence happens than it is inconsistent on how to recover.”

Gave a 8: “A pot of different champions over the years. Bad teams are bad because of bad management.”

Gave a 8: “Like I mentioned in the best run team question, I don't think there's any one team that's head and shoulders above the rest right now, and whenever we see a team go all-in they usually regress within a few seasons. We haven't seen a dynasty in awhile which I think is good, there's always some good competition at the top. Where the issue lies for me is at the bottom of the league, there are some teams that have been there for a long time, and are either perpetually rebuilding or just kind of stagnating. With 20 teams in the SHL, 16 in the SMJHL, and two GMs per team, the league has lots of talented users and great GMs but with so many roles to fill there's bound to be a huge discrepancy between the best and worst of them, especially when GMing is such an involved job.”

Gave a 8: “Most matchups tend to seem winnable every season, the only parity issue I've really seen is that the top 3 or 4 teams tend to absolutely dominate and then hold their domination for 3-5 seasons before being replaced”

Gave a 7: “I think parity in the league overall is okay, but I also think that teams and player builds feel too homogenous, to the detriment of player agency/player experience.”

Gave a 7: “There are definite 'best teams' and definite 'worst teams'; but plenty of teams in the middle as well who may move up or down as players age or come in or leave.”

Gave a 6: “It feels okay for what we can realistically hope to achieve, but the predictable cycle of teams focusing heavily on one or two draft classes to have an insane two-five season window seems a bit repetitive. It takes a long time for the standings to shift in any meaningful way.”

Gave a 6: “sticking it in the middle right now - I feel like teams can reliably get their cup windows open but until more different teams start winning I'm not sure I can really go higher than a 6”

Gave a 4: “Bad teams stay bad. Some good teams stay good but figure it out if they do slip. “

Only person to write an explanation below a 5 was that one lone 4. But I think the general sentiment between all these are the same. Which I agree with. There is a cycle in the SHL now. Where you have 3-4 teams who are peaking and are dominant. Then another 4-5 teams that are in various stages of being competitive but not peaking.

How often do you check the site after the portal was launched

[Image: T8EjD9B.png]

I think this is pretty interesting to see. You still have people that go on daily, or multiple times a day. With some comments saying

“It is still an important part of the league.  Media, PTs, and other communication are important within the forum.  I would love to see other ways to use it to keep it active.”
“i still use it because i enjoy reading media and listening to pod casts and can also still be useful for scouting if you are a team scout but i do use it less than before”
“While the portal may have reduced my time on the forum a bit, I'd say its more that life in general has gotten more in the way and because of that I am quite thankful that we have the portal”
“I still look at unread topics every day but I'm definitely not posting all the time besides chirpers.”

I will be interesting to come back in like 2-3 years if we keep on moving stuff on the portal. Like if most of the Pt’s or stuff like that gets moved to the portal. How that would effect how users will interact with the forum in general. So this is a good timestamp that we can look back on

End of the response and answer portions. Now there are some extra questions that wouldnt really have a high count of same answers

Whats the biggest issue in the league

TIme to get into the meat and potato’s of it all

There are some themes that are the same, but a lot of comments to get through.


There are a couple of comments about Jobs. In respect to people holding too many jobs

“I think there’s a lot of users (myself included as well) that probably have too many jobs. Obviously if there aren’t enough apps that’s one thing but I think jobs should be prioritized for those that don’t have other site jobs so everyone can contribute”

“Multiple big jobs held by the same semi-active users”

“I think sometimes the SHL has a problem with recycling the same users for jobs and positions over and over again. Just like the actual NHL “

“lack of money from jobs”

The SHL does have an issue about having the same users having the same jobs. Especially with money being a scarce resource, and people need money for training, coaching, etc.
I do think we do need a better job at getting newer users “entry” level jobs. However, I also see that users having multiple jobs because for certain jobs you need the reliability and experience for some jobs for sure. But for easier jobs, or less experienced jobs, I think we should put a bigger emphasis on hiring newer people

FHM8 / Sim

“FHM 8 live sim engine experience”

“FHM8 being a bit too predictable and high scoring. It's not a huge issue, but I wish point totals and player performance felt more realistic. The FHM6 era seemed to get this right, although it had its own issues.”

“Sim engine is trash”

“Simmer Retention”

“Not a lot of person look at live sim and having some pre show about the game that will happen (rivalry, milestones, position in the standing battles, etc) and a after show to do a little recap (high scoring game, milestones that actually happened, fight(s), etc) would help people follow the league a bit more and not just their player or their team.”

“The sim team: It hasn't improved the way I think everyone hoped under HO's direct control. Hopefully they have a plan in place and it gets better, sims are the heart of the league.”

“I know we have way more games than the ISFL but I love the way games are done in the ISFL, I know exactly when a game is going to happen and I don’t have to wait 15 mins for the stream to actually start.”

So lots of comments about either the engine or the sim team. I think the general sentiment for the engine atleast is that we need a better live sim experience. Unfortunately its mostly out of our hands. I think once OOTP gives us a better live sim experience we will switch to a newer FHM. I know the latest didnt really upgrade it at all.

Then the high scoring of the league. Everyone loves to score of course. But I agree that scoring got too high."

Then for the sim team as well. People want it to succeed, but there are some frustration with consistency in it.


“People get siloed. Cliques form and people don’t exist in the league anymore, just their own teams”

“political opinions being prominent and certain users who put their political obsession gloom and doom on the rest of us.”

“People actively stay in their echo chambers for fear of backlash for speaking out against things that are seen as controversial or get dog  piled on over their opinions. “

“There are several glaring issues, but I’d like to think that personal beefs having such an impact on the league and J as a whole has to be the top. “
“A complete lack of empathy”


“roster space for lower earning actives: in the current state of the league active low earners in the 500 - 600 range leaving the J tend to struggle to find teams or end up dropped with nothing the team can do to really keep them”
“Lack of Roster Spots ... arguably should expand and look to reduce talent of top level players”

“Diversity of player builds.”, “Goon isn't really a viable build”,

“High expectation of getting SHL cash on your own, rather than a big contract with a team”

“i miss the discord stat bot”

“Tpe and monetary inflation “

What is something you wish the SHL added from another league

There isnt a ton of comments on it, so just gathered the couple that had duplicates/ same theme”

“More things to spend money on”
“Pre-made starting builds, build-specific stat caps, etc from the ISFL player creation.”
“Veteran Contracts”
“I like how ISFL does the wiki pages. It would be nice to write down all this history somewhere before it is lost. Beyond the stats.”
“Getting rid of chirper and add discord payouts in place of chirper”

If you could change one SHL rule, what would you change?

“Just for the chaos remove the HTD: I understand the benefit but removing what’s essentially 4M in free cap would facilitate more player movement and make GM decisions harder.”

“SHL draft is after your 2nd season in the J:as someone who joined late via waivers i feel like it hurt my early experience because i did not get to be apart of the j draft and many teams didn't consider me at all for joining so late. 2 seasons gives more time to weed out the inactives while also allowing users more time to show off their draft value”

“Restructure the TPE scale so that we don't have half the league playing like McDavid”

“I would incourage tampering.  Loyalty is pretty easy in this league as most players stick within their locker room, if you could tamper you would have a better chance to see more movement in the league during free agency.”

“Bring back Tactical Units on FHM” x6 people who asked
“Would add depth to coaching and help players who play off meta build to be catered to their needs.”
“I think that paradoxically not having unit tactics enabled actually increases the barrier to effective coaching and GMing. It's *much* harder to find global tactics that will work okay for 3 or 4 potentially diverse lines than it is to find tactics that work for three players.”

“I’d bring back thunder dome. I don’t know if it’s why, but the forums are dead”

“Turn injuries on: Make skater TPE as irrelevant as goalie TPE by turning injuries on”

“You can't call what team you go to: Idc if you don't like someone,  demand a trade.  It seems silly that it's frowned upon to draft someone who doesn't want to be on a team vs. Drafting them and getting traded / walking in free agency. “

“Playoff format to be 1-8 “

“I don't really know. I think Free Agency still needs work. There are decent changes but I think the work isn't over. I don't really know if it's necessarily rules that need to change or not but it's still in a rough spot currently. We'll see how things go next season. “

“Inactive players - remove that rule that a player cannot become inactive during the playoffs”

And with that, it is the end of the player poll. Would like to hear peoples thoughts on certain topics. Whether thats responding to some of the users who took the time to write some really good comments on biggest issues facing the SHL. Or saying that 'Actually BUF is the best logo in the league'. Thank you to everyone who took the time and responded! Hope they enjoy the read

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


It kills me that I make up crap like a can can drive at a strip club, and that gets any votes compared to the detailed and depth that other people put into media. But awesome information as always Luke!

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!


Will continue to keep trying to put a team in Ohio :(

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52

i’m glad my payments to my minions to vote for me paid off

[Image: 1161116581909246052.gif?%60] [Image: kahri.gif][Image: 1161116581909246052.gif?%60]
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2025, 01:50 PM by Frenchie.)

Quote:“The sim team: It hasn't improved the way I think everyone hoped under HO's direct control. Hopefully they have a plan in place and it gets better, sims are the heart of the league.”

This isn't meant as a rebuttal, i'm mostly curious about two things :

1- what were the hopes and expectations;
2- what exactly hasn't improved.

It at least helps to understand why someone would feel that way and I find it to be vital feedback when it comes to steering the team. What I will say is that a lot of the work that was done isn't front-end related, so for anyone not on the team or involved in it, I can understand why you'd come to this conclusion, but I can assure you that there has been a lot of work done to stabilize the team, and from a back-end perspective, its miles ahead where it was!

On a more general note, thanks @luke for this, a lot of really interesting things I have already brought forward in HO to discuss! If anyone at any point in time has ideas or feedback, i'd love to discuss them, DM's open!

[Image: image.png]  [Image: lap-teamsig.png]
@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
Panthers Ireland Highlanders
[Image: YBIH.png]

1. Thanks for the media love. I like to give the people what they want.

2. Does it count as visiting the site one time if I'm just here all day long without leaving?

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png][Image: augr5GV.jpeg]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


I love that “too much politics” always inevitably comes up when the truth of it is people like me wouldn’t even talk about politics if sports weren’t an environment that constantly politicizes our entire identities :frogsip:

People say “politics” in sports when what they really mean is “I wish I didn’t have to listen to women and queer people fighting for their own space in this environment”

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: U66t7Jy.png] : .

[Image: 665acfd0-86e0-4b6e-831b-e81c8bc88e90_text.gif]

[Image: hw6Eojc.png]

[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

01-03-2025, 01:53 PMBy-Tor Wrote: 1. Thanks for the media love. I like to give the people what they want.

2. Does it count as visiting the site one time if I'm just here all day long without leaving?

2. im the same way so you just put multiple times after each refresh haha

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


Great read, really enjoyed seeing thoughts on the league and how to improve it.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

Awesome read, thanks Luke!
Does this replace the end of season survey?? (Legit asking cause I haven’t seen it in awhile)

[Image: badwolf221B42.gif]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]

01-03-2025, 02:28 PMBadWolf Wrote: Awesome read, thanks Luke!
Does this replace the end of season survey?? (Legit asking cause I haven’t seen it in awhile)

It doesn’t, we are working on one of those too!

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: U66t7Jy.png] : .

The people crave HTT

[Image: sve7en.gif]

[Image: 1tWWEzv.png][Image: 8zFnf2t.png][Image: 6Lj3x8E.png][Image: xkAdpbO.png][Image: xnZrhKU.png][Image: 9YigPG2.png][Image: bpYxJ69.png]

01-03-2025, 02:28 PMBadWolf Wrote: Awesome read, thanks Luke!
Does this replace the end of season survey?? (Legit asking cause I haven’t seen it in awhile)

I hope not, 59 responses vs the 300 they get. They get more valuable info

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


Great read. thank you all who voted and participated

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