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Mac/Dean Colts End of Season

Have at it, I will respond to questions on most anything.

Word Count -2,375

Quote:Originally posted by Chris-McZehrl+Mar 20 2015, 07:22 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='QUOTE-WRAP'><tr><td>QUOTE (Chris-McZehrl @ Mar 20 2015, 07:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->McZ is an asshole, right?

and he is dumb as fuck, right?[/b]

At first I thought people were joking when they said you are bit of an asshole. I mean, you come off as friendly and cheerful but Christ, get you in an LR and you quickly change. The way you act in public and the way you act in private is like Jekyll and Hyde. Jesus, no wonder GoB was so keen on trading you.

I've met cats and dogs smarter then you, so yeah, dumb as fuck is true.

Quote:Originally posted by mpc@Mar 20 2015, 02:28 PM<br />Predictions for the IIHF games coming up?

As always, everyone wants to be on Canada, So they are obviously the favorite. I am uncertain if my player will even play however, I was asked to play as a defensemen for Canada so that may pan out for me. The US is always going to be in the mix there with a strong young lineup. Latvia always has a strong presence, Ireland will Cally and Creller together.

Quote:Satisfied with your season?

Nope, I was suspended half of it in an incident where as a coGM I sent a message with context I had thought about after the fact and with a very similar incident going on, I got super stressed that the league would find out about my message and the same would happen to me and my team. Our team is one of the strongest in the league at the moment (not in the playoffs so far though :() and that would have crippled us completely from contention. The entire locker room would have fucking despised me and that actually sadly enough did keep me up at night. I'll challenge anyways word that they can say having that over your head wouldn't keep you up knowing someone JUST got caught doing it and you aren't quite certain how.

I knew if I came clean, I'd likely get a reduced punishment because I came clean and didn't try to hide it. I had that going for me, which was nice. So I messaged the one person in this league who I have known the longest with then ability to help me out, Park. He and I have been around for a very very long time, since the leagues early days and I hate to say it but may be a special grouping for the time being as we don't have the stats for a good chunk of it. That was a "hey I was there man" sort of thing, based only on a select fews memories. I wasn't there much then but I did drop in. Actually that reminds me, I have something to post after this that may get those stats back. Holy shit, I just broke the fourth wall. So meta. Anywho, back on topic. I messaged him and he was very understanding, he said I'd likely get a reduced punishment if I appeal. I discussed this with him privately and I will only say I suggested that I get the reduced punishment as my punishment. Let the league maybe set a sort of standard from it, that coming clean will get you X result from Y rules standard punishment.

When I saw my punishment posted it was a bit disappointing, since I had hoped I would not have to appeal. I really think the league should have a system based on severity and not on appealing, which everyone will do. I do not think there was a punishment yet that wasn't. I hope that changes as I think it will cut down a huge amount on the petty arguing that gones on here.

But I digress, I am on the 3rd line doing PK work as a pretty damn good player so our PK and defensive play is some of the best in the league. I unfortunately do not produced much and definitely dont score much. In 25 games, I got 4 goals and 8 assists, maybe six I I will have to check. Barely hit which makes no sense as I upped checking to 88 and lowered discipline to 62. Gotta figure out how to tweak my build to start throwing some hits. The best I have to offer is a great faceoff percentage, regularly hitting 53% or more, due to being 6'4 240, with 93 on faceoffs and 91 on strength. Hitting the end game of my build so I may be inconsistent until I get it just right.

Quote:Thoughts on IIHF changes?

And the IIHF changes will hopefully spark some interest in it, as it got kinda dead at times.

Quote:Originally posted by Storm@Mar 20 2015, 11:30 PM<br />How do you feel about the Wolfpacks chaces in the next season?

I like them, we did extremely well this past season with many setting career bests however, we added MzZehrl late in the season and were unable to find a proper fit and floundered pretty quickly in the playoffs.WIth us getting better and our teams as one of the most active in the league (only two inactives out of 18 players) I think we will continue to gain a small edge over the other teams until they can fill out the rosters with the same amount of actives. For example, in the next season or so, Russell, Colt, Reid, Wikstrom should be climbing up next to 900 TPE, Sherrill will be well past 1000 by then. Our top nine is one of the deepest in the league and we have an active on the fourth who is over four hundred. On defensive side, Weber and Cant. Said enough? Tsizling and Reid? Need more? Hadrada and Winchester whose builds are great and growing, respectively. Tennyson was great this season but could not bail us out in the playoffs. I think next season is our peak, for now at least because as you say...


The seasons following those (loss of vets and such)?

That's going to suck and it's going to suck hard, however, we acquired McZehrl late, didn't make it far with him and did fine without so I am taking that loss a little better. Losing him in the locker room however and as a teammate with that sort of work ethic? That is a bit harder to replace and I quite enjoy his postings. Kovalenko is a great guy, if not a bit quiet at times and is going to be missed as well. It's unfortunate that we got him at the tail end of his career and it also is frustrating he is choosing to retire on a team this strong but he wants a fresh start and I understand that completely.

Are you happy in NEW right now?

Yep, everyone in there is amazing to have. I know it's been said by everyone, but the locker rooms do have their unique natures and the more mature, slightly older feel, lack of drama (sure we argue but as I said, mature talk it out) I will be sad when any of them leave as I have spent the better part of a year now talking to these people. I am probably going to be a lifer.

What is the value of a S24 draft pick?

That is a good question, this pick will take place in June, right as the playoffs happen. People will be looking for something to do during or after and its a time you CAN get casual fans. That is how we managed such a massive Season 20 draft. That will improve the stock, but with that you have people like Dion, McZ retiring and becoming available to draft. That takes up two of the top spots in the first round. That'll be expensive, I say probably a 700 point player, maybe picks to make up the difference or as extra to acquire a premium pick. Costly.

Are you happy with Colt thus far?

Yes and no, I am happy I have stuck with and worked hard on him. I am not happy however with the prodcution. I am not certain if this is due to his placing on the third line and PK units or if he isn't going to work out. With a career high thirteen points in his rookie season, scoring four goals. He has seen his points, hits and shots decline as well as his faceoff percentage. It is frustrating however I am excited at the prospect of Season 24 where Dion and McZ will have retired and there will be openings higher up and on the PP, so I may see some production from him. We'll see I guess.

Quote:Originally posted by Trill@Mar 20 2015, 11:34 PM<br />How much do u luv me

Enough that I skipped PB's to get to yours, which means I think you are a dick for making me do that. I <3 you anyway and I don't think we will ever get on a team together.

Quote:Originally posted by Trill@Mar 20 2015, 11:38 PM<br />Are u the BISH wit the Bruins tat

And hopefully never will now that you've said that.

Quote:Do u luv me or ace more

You know, up until you literally crashed and burned with that last comment. I definitely love Ace more and he is a loudmouthed Boston fan who I am sure we would get in heated arguments about who was better, Bobby Orr or Maurice Richard. Now while I'd argue until I was blue (and red and white) in the face, inside I know Orr was a better player but Richard simply had a better career.

It is another of the what ifs of the league, hell, I had one today with a fellow Habs fan in regards to Prices unreal play this season. We discussed Dryden and how the league might have been a bit different into the 80's had he kept playing. Would the Oilers and Islanders have dominated as much as they did? He was an unreal goalie. I also love the hell out of Cheevers and I feel like it would be treason to admit I wore a cheevers inspired mask during elementary school lunchtime hockey which as you surely know is some serious shit. I retired it after taking a frozen orange hockey ball to the forehead and it knocking me out. I wore a cage mask from there on in.

With Montreal, Robinson would probably be Orrs rival? I think so. On Boston there wasn't a forward quite like Richard I don't think. Expositor had flair but if you were to reference Winters recent rankings Expositor would likely be a 9, while Maurice a 10.

Quote:When u coming to minny

I believe the rule is in public, it isn't tampering. I don't think that is possible given current management. It's unfortunate, as I feel I owe it to them at some point to provide a top end player for cheap for a few seasons at least just to sort of apologize for the state it was left in. I do say, as much as Jaytee and I butt heads I must commend him on the job he has done so far.

<!--QuoteBegin-prettyburn@Mar 20 2015, 11:36 PM
What brought you to the SHL?[/quote]

Wrestling. Wait, what? How in the hell would wrestling bring me to a hockey website? Well someone on here way back in the early days and long since retired and long since inactive, the one the only, the person my player attempted to stab with a broken goalie stick, the one guy who possibly was more of a dink then Danny Murica, "Hollywood" Greg Dufour. Anyways, got a PM from him on the wrestling site, decided to try things out. Was active from like S4 to S8/9 and then again bits here and there S10 to S16, Then from S17 onwards it was mostly active. Season 18 saw me in Minny, my first team change since I was originally drafted by the Vancouver Icewolves back in Season 5. I believe that's a technicality as we became the Vancouver Nightmare shortly after when the season officially started. My player was backup to Urijah Winnfield, 701's previous player and we lost in Game 7 of the Finals against my former team. Fucking sucked, ended up in West Kendall after HFFO traded Sawyer without telling me, retired end of season Cup less. Then recreated and here we are, journey so far.

Carry on my wayward son.

100,000 to first to get that reference and PM me.

Quote:Describe one of your favorite moments in your SHL history.

Wow, this is really tough as I have been here a long time. I would have to say getting drafted to New England. I knew I would be happy here as as you and Wik were top notch teammates in Regina so I knew I would at least have you two peeps to chat with but I did not expect the locker room to come together like it has and its been an absolute blast and easily the sole reaosn that I have stayed active since I returned back in Season 17.

Quote:Describe one of your most frustrating moments in SHL history.

If you couldn't already tell, it was the one that finally prompted my retirement. Having waited so long and gotten that close to finally raising the Cup? God, I can't tell you how embarrasing it was to be that down about a fantasy hockey loss. But I never wanted to have that happen again, I didnt even know if I would ever get the chance but looking back if I had not retired right then, I likely would not be here speaking to you all right now. Weird way things have lasting effects, eh?

Quote:Why are you actually a Bruins fan?

Ha, ironically the Bruins are one of the teams I respect the most around the league. In the same realm as St. Louis, Detroit, New Jersey, Chicago and to an extend LA. Strong teams build top to bottom by smart management and a good lockeroom as well as some good drafting. Each has had its stumbles but overall they would not miss one player the way some weaker teams would miss their star. But seriously, Fuck Marchand and Lucic.

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

McZ is an asshole, right?

and he is dumb as fuck, right?

[Image: McZehrl.png]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!


[Image: CamNosreh.png]


[Image: McZehrl.png]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

Predictions for the IIHF games coming up?

Satisfied with your season?

Thoughts on IIHF changes?


[Image: CamNosreh.png]

How do you feel about the Wolfpacks chaces in the next season?

The seasons following those (loss of vets and such)?

Are you happy in NEW right now?

What is the value of a S24 draft pick?

Are you happy with Colt thus far?

[Image: SigStorm.png]
[Image: QHLWtic.png?1]
san francisco group of cats - mikael koskinen
quebec city citadelz  - mikael koskinen

How much do u luv me

What brought you to the SHL?

Describe one of your favorite moments in your SHL history.

Describe one of your most frustrating moments in SHL history.

Why are you actually a Bruins fan?

[Image: pb_olli.gif]

Profile | Updates

[Image: vtXGfpR.png]


[Image: N2ANQtw.png]


Are u the BISH wit the Bruins tat

Do u luv me or ace more

When u coming to minny

Updated, more questions?

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

Unless anyone has any more questions, please have this graded.

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

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