SMJHLmania 22
For my man Byrdeman
![]() Registered S36 Challenge Cup Champion
(Disclaimer: In no way is this intended to make fun or belittle any of the people mentioned. I thought I'd have some fun with the S23 SHL draftee list and people were chosen for their roles by the amount of TPE they have earned. I apologize if this upsets anyone) Nature Boy: We are live at Ford Field in beautiful downtown Detroit Michigan for SMJHLMania 22. Welcome everybody I'm your host the Nature Boy Vladimir Lidstrom along with my colleague Captain Lou Steelhead. Are you pumped up for tonight's huge extravaganza Captain? Captain Lou: That's right there Naitch, its Captain Lou and I'm talking to you and I am so excited I can barely contain myself. The SMJHL is often imitated but never duplicated! Now I'll send it back to my twin brother from another mother the Nature Boy Vlad Lidstrom. Wooooo! Nature Boy: Thanks alot Captain, we have a great evening of wrestling ahead for you tonight. We have the Andre the Giant memorial battle royal 22 SMJHL superstars vying for that beautiful trophy. We have a divas tag team match with Santi Piniero and Cole Rogers-Tanaka taking on the Bertuzzi twins, Brad and his sister Goat Curry. In a grudge match between former authority members, David Benson goes one on one with money in the bank holder Lukas Johnson. We have the Intercontinental title ladder match with 8 superstars vying for the coveted title, Slappy McDoodle, Butch Buckley, Erik Lundquist, Ausy Wilson, Steven Espisito, Hans Ponsen, Liam Neeson and Oferyn Martel. We have the match no one ever thought we'd see in the SMJHL, the Icon Bjorn Knutsen facing the CEO Schnitinfritz Jagr. The US title is also on the line tonight as Bryce Collins takes on the undefeated Martins Ziepins. The Phenom tries to bounce back from his streak ending last year as Fernando Pergher comes back to face the crazy and unpredictable Michael Boychuk. Finally for the SMJHL World heavyweight Championship we have the Beast Incarnate Asbjorn Alexanderson taking on Royal Rumble winner Viktor Svensson. So there you have it folks, a great evening in store. Lets send it up to the ring as tonight singing the national anthem we have two of Detroit's favorite sons. Howard Finkel: Ladies and gentleman kindly stand and welcome here to sing the national anthem, Detroit's own Kid Rock and Bob Seger! (Remove hats here and place hand over heart) Nature Boy: OK the first match to get us started tonight is for the United States Championship. Out first comes the Champion Ziepins with Lana. And the crowd goes crazy with the USA USA chants as they taunt Ziepins. Captain Lou: I tell ya Naitch if that skirt on Lana was any shorter she'd have 2 more cheeks to powder and more hair to curl! Nature Boy: Will you stop! And here come the challenger 12 time world champion Bryce Collins. Very vocal crowd here tonight Captain as we go from the USA chants to dueling lets go Collins! Collins sucks! chants. Should be a very physical match up. Collins strikes first after taking a kick and nailing Ziepins. Ziepins ends up turning it around and taking Collins to the corner. Ziepins works Collins over and barely connects on a spin kick for a 2 count. Lana looks on and smiles as Ziepins kicks Collins in the ribs a few times. Ziepins charges with a splash in the corner and covers for another 2 count. We get dueling chants for Collins as Ziepins knocks him off the apron and into the barrier. Ziepins rolls Collins back in and covers for a 2 count. Collins comes back with a dropkick for a 2 count. Ziepins nails a dropkick of his own for a pin attempt. Ziepins shoves Collins to the mat as fans chant USA. Collins tackles Ziepins and beats on him. Ziepins pushes him off but misses a clothesline. Collins with a shoulder tackle. Ziepins catches Collins in mid-air and hits a big fall away slam for a 2 count. Ziepins drops an elbow and another. Ziepins with a third elbow and a 2 count. Collins starts to fight back but runs into an elbow in the corner. Ziepins keeps Collins grounded with a submission now. Collins gets to his feet and tries to power out but Ziepins kicks him in the gut. Collins blocks a suplex and hits one of his own. Collins drops Ziepins again for a 2 count. Collins goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Ziepins hits a DDT for 2. Ziepins with a big splash in the corner now, and another. Ziepins with another 2 count. Collins blocks a right hand and fights back. Collins ducks a big shot and comes back with shoulder tackles. Collins with the big side slam. He goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and taunts Lana before hitting it. Ziepins slides out of the AA and nails a big kick to the face for a 2 count. Ziepins misses a stomp and Collins goes for the STF. Ziepins kicks him off. Collins charges and Ziepins catches him with a big tilt-a-whirl slam for a 2 count. Ziepins runs into a boot. Collins with a tornado DDT out of the corner for a close 2 count. They trade strikes now. Collins goes for the AA but Ziepins grabs the top rope and slides out. Ziepins scoops Collins but Collins takes him down into the STF. Ziepins tries to break it but Collins has him in the middle of the ring. Ziepins screams in agony and finally has to tap out with Lana looking on in disbelief. Winner and new United States Champion is Bryce Collins! Captain Lou: Hell of a match there Naitch and Ziepins gets his first loss here in the SMJHL. Nature Boy: Next up we have the divas tag team match with Piniero and Rogers-Tanaka taking on the Bertuzzi twins. Let's get right to it! Brad Bertuzzi and SMJHL Divas Champion Goat Curry make their way to the ring first. Goat's leg is no longer bandaged up. Santi Piniero skips out next followed by Cole Rogers-Tanaka. They get separate entrances but walk to the ring together. Piniero starts off with Goat and they go at it. Brad tags in for a double team move. Brad picks up and goes back to work on the arm. Piniero fights back and tags in Tanaka. They hit a double suplex and hold it for a minute before dropping Brad. Tanaka crawls on top of Brad and covers her for a 2 count. Tanaka with head butts now. Tanaka works Brad over and tags in Piniero. Piniero kicks Brad back and locks her up but gets dropped. Brad covers for a 2 count but the referee informs them that Tanaka still hasn't come in after being tagged. Tanaka finally comes in as an "ole" chant breaks out in the crowd. More tags. Piniero comes in and gets dropped on her head by Brad. Brad tags in Goat. Goat keeps up the attack on Piniero and goes for another pin attempt. Piniero fights back but Goat cuts her off and stops a tag. Tanaka rallies the crowd as Goat keeps Piniero grounded. Piniero breaks free but Goat runs over her with a shoulder. Goat shows off before covering for a 2 count. Brad tags back in for some double teaming and another 2 count. Brad keeps control of Piniero and hits the running knee to the face for another 2 count. Goat tags back in for more double teaming and a 2 count by Goat. Piniero powers up with Goat on her shoulders and slams her back. Goat stops a tag and goes for a submission but Piniero turns it around. Goat kicks her off and hits her with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Piniero decks Brad off the apron but Goat clotheslines her. Goat mocks Piniero and misses when she charges in the corner. Piniero gets close to tagging Tanaka but has to kick Goat back again. Brad runs over and knocks Tanaka off the apron. Piniero gets to her feet but Goat drops her with a big forearm to the face for the win. There you have it the Bertuzzi twins doing a little stylin and profilin after that big win Captain. Captain Lou: ummmm (drools) Nature Boy: Seems the Captain is a little preoccupied at the moment woooo! Let's get right into our next match, the Andre the Giant memorial battle royal. 22 SMJHL superstars will be vying for the 5 foot trophy here tonight. We go to the ring and everyone is already out. Connor O'Reilly and The Carl Mountain get their own entrances. Christopher Stellan is the first one out and he wasn't announced ahead of time. Mitch Matcho is the next man out. Eric Cartman eliminates Jason Ginter next. Cartman gets eliminated next. Roman Costa, OJ Simpson Jr and Johnny O'Leary team up to eliminate James Beatley. Tom Berkis is out next. Pal Vikingstod tosses Maxim Golubev but he hangs on. Timewarner Hooves also hangs on. Vikingstod eliminates Costa and O'Leary. Vikingstod tosses Simpson next. The Carl Mountain eliminates Vikingstod. Carl Mountain eliminates William Kvarnval next. Michael Warnick pulls out his Cobra but Walt Disney tries to block it. Nick D'Amico is in the match and wasn't announced before. He goes at it with O'Reilly. Shane O'Ferghall eliminates Warnick. Johnny Bravo is out next. Mike Hawk eliminates Dave Lister with a big power bomb over the top. Golubev and Disney go at it. Hawk and Carl Mountain go at it on the apron. Hawk is eliminated. Stellan dances on the apron and fans start to do the Stellan. O'Reilly grabs Stellan for the forearm shots to the chest on the apron. O'Reilly hits about 30 shots to the chest and Stellan is eliminated. Carl Mountain eliminates Matcho. Golubev with a 619 on O'Ferghall. D'Amico blocks 619 and eliminates Golubev with a huge uppercut. Carl Mountain grabs D'Amico but D'Amico punches him in the face. D'Amico with a big uppercut on Hooves. Carl Mountain choke slams D'Amico and the fans boo big time. O'Reilly with a Brogue Kick on Carl Mountain. Hooves with a big DDT on O'Reilly. Hooves gets the crowd hyped and hangs on. O'Ferghall eliminates Hooves with a big kick to the face. Fans boo. O'Reilly and O'Ferghall brawl now. O'Ferghall with the cross arm breaker. O'Reilly stands up with O'Ferghall still holding him. They both tumble over the top and are eliminated. It's down to D'Amico and Carl Mountain. Carl Mountain goes for a choke slam but D'Amico slides out and hits uppercuts. D'Amico with a clothesline but Carl Mountain won't go over the top. D'Amico tries clotheslines and uppercuts but Carl Mountain grabs him by the throat. Carl Mountain tosses him but D'Amico hangs on. D'Amico goes to the top and Carl Mountain chops him out of mid-air with a huge shot. Carl Mountain throws D'Amico all the way over the rope and through the Spanish announce table for the win. Captain Lou: In all my years of wrestling I have never seen a throw like The Carl Mountain just made to win this battle royal. That will never be imitated or duplicated Naitch. Nature Boy: Right on there Captain, Next up a tale of betrayal as The Viper David Benson looks to further humiliate the Authority as he tries to continue his beat down of Money in the Bank holder Lukas Johnson. This could be an ugly one Captain and ugly is one thing you know about woooo! Captain Lou: Did you just insult my rubber bands there Lidstrom? Nature Boy: To be the man Captain ya gotta outwit the man! Let's get to the action. Benson takes his time walking out to the ring and after a few verses and choruses of his entrance music, he's finally ready to get busy with Johnson. Johnson comes out swinging and backs Benson into a corner, landing a tempest of jabs before Benson steps out to gather his wits. Back in the ring, Benson again falls victim to Johnson who works over The Viper on the mat. Johnson gets a two-count and then gets Benson into what inside types refer to as a "rest hold". Benson flips Johnson and regains momentum, smashing Lukas into a corner as the ref counts to four. Johnson gets back into the fight quickly, though, dumping Benson out of the ring and then diving on to him. Benson gets the upper hand and works over Johnson with that time-tested combo of "stomp-grapple-stomp." Johnson's resistance seems lacking until he stops Benson cold with a face-first DDT. Once both guys reach a vertical base again, Johnson pummels Benson with strikes all around the ring. He gets Benson out on the floor again but this time Benson anticipates the dive and plasters Johnson. Johnson falls outside and Benson bounces him all over the ringside area before hoisting him on to the apron for a DDT. Johnson counters, tosses Benson on to the floor and connects with a suicide dive. They make it back into the ring and Johnson hits "Curb Stomp" but Benson somehow kicks out. Johnson can't believe it and throws Benson into the ropes going for a huge clothesline. Somehow Benson leaps over the clothesline and snaps off a devastating flying RKO. Benson covers for the 1,2,3. Captain Lou: I think Cyndi Lauper wrote that entrance music for the viper Naitch. Nature Boy: Ummm yeah OK whatever you say Captain Lou. The Intercontinental belt is being hung 20 feet over the ring and there's gotta be 15 ladders out there Captain. What do you make of that? Captain Lou: That's a lot of bad luck out there for 7 guys is what I think Naitch. Nature Boy: OK here we go with the ladder match for the Intercontinental title. We got to the ring and out first comes Liam Neeson as we see the belt hanging high above the ring. Butch Buckley is out next to a pop. Slappy McDoodle is out next with. Erik Lundquist is out next after Ausy Wilson. Finally, out comes Hans Ponsen. Oferyn Martel and Steven Espisito were supposed to be in this match but their hatred for each other is too strong and they brawled back in the dressing room area before the match. Security was unable to break up the fight and the bloodied Martel and Espisito were taken off in ambulances to the Henry Ford Medical Center here in Detroit. Ponsen hits the ring and goes right at it with Neeson, brawling out of the ring and into the timekeeper's area. It's chaos already. Lundquist goes at it with Buckley. He brings a ladder in and takes him out. Lundquist dropkicks McDoodle and positions him on top of a flat ladder. Lundquist nails a Truck Stop with McDoodle on the ladder. Lundquist sends McDoodle out of the ring with a ladder shot. Lundquist is the only one in the ring. He sets up a ladder, which has a spotlight shining on it, and climbs up. Ponsen tips the ladder over but Lundquist uses that to springboard off the ropes and land on Buckley, McDoodle and Wilson on the floor. Ponsen climbs up but Neeson pulls him down. Neeson goes up but Ponsen stops him and works him over. Ponsen leans a ladder in the corner. He goes for a suplex on it but Neeson blocks it. They try to suplex each other onto the ladder but Ponsen finally nails it and Neeson lands hard. Ponsen and McDoodle take turns going up the ladder and pulling each other down. Wilson and Lundquist run in for the ladder now but they keep pulling each other off. Lundquist and Wilson meet at the top, trading shots. Ponsen sends McDoodle to the floor. Lundquist and Wilson send Ponsen to the floor. Lundquist and Wilson run back up the ladder and trade shots in front of the belt. They fall to the mat and continue fighting. Neeson takes them both down with a ladder shot. Buckley kicks Neeson into a ladder. Fans chant for Buckley as he unloads on Neeson. Buckley catapults Neeson out of the corner. Buckley stands a ladder up in the corner and whips Neeson's back into it. Buckley follows up with a big kick and the ladder falls on Neeson. Buckley lays a ladder across the bottom rope now. Buckley slams Neeson on it and goes to the other side of the ring, nailing a Lil' Jimmy onto the ladder that was on the bottom rope. Ponsen comes in but Buckley sends him to the apron and kicks him to the floor. Wilson comes in but Buckley kicks him down. McDoodle also runs in but gets taken out by Buckley. Buckley climbs up alone but Lundquist meets him before he can grab it. McDoodle tips them both over. They take out McDoodle and Lundquist goes to work on Buckley. Buckley fights back. Buckley goes to the top but Lundquist cuts him off. Buckley blocks a superplex and McDoodle runs up with a ladder to Lundquist's back. McDoodle knocks Lundquist to the floor with a ladder. McDoodle stands a ladder up in front of the turnbuckles, which Buckley is still sitting on hurt. McDoodle climbs the ladder and pulls Buckley on to it by his hair. McDoodle goes for a massive superplex from a tall ladder but Buckley head butts him, sending McDoodle to the mat by himself. Buckley goes to leap out for the belt or nail a high Five Star but Neeson stops him. Neeson climbs up and they trade shots. They struggle with a suplex attempt. McDoodle comes and power bombs Buckley from high up on the ladder, all the way down to the mat. Ponsen climbs up now. Ponsen nails a massive superplex from the top of the tall ladder. Buckley is out. Neeson beats on Wilson with a chair. Fans chant for Ponsen. Neeson climbs the ladder but Ponsen runs in to it to a big pop. Ponsen unloads on Neeson with the chair and beats him around the ring with it. Ponsen tosses Neeson to the floor and climbs up the ladder. Ponsen is in pain as he tries to reach for the belt with his injured shoulder. Neeson climbs to the top rope and leaps half way across the ring and on to the ladder. Before a stunned Ponsen realizes what's happening Neeson scampers up the ladder and grabs the belt for the title. Now that match was insane don't ya think there Captain? Captain? Hmm he must have gone to get half a dozen hot dogs. Nature Boy: Continuing on then here we go with the next match, The Icon vs. The CEO. Fans have been waiting years to see Bjorn Knutsen wrestle in the SMJHL and how fitting his first match should be against one of the major players in the monday night wars The King of Kings, the Game, Schnitinfritz Jagr. Space Mountain here we come! Your thoughts Captain? Captain Lou: Well you know daddyo the Captain has been waiting years just like the SMJHL universe to see the Icon right here in a SMJHL ring. I think I need more hot dogs! Nature Boy: You've had enough; you have mustard on your rubber bands for pete's sakes. Let's get this history in the making underway shall we. The two men are face to face. They lock up. They go for a clean break; Jagr pushes Knutsen; Knutsen slaps Jagr. Jagr escapes to the outside. The crowd chants 'you still got it.' Knutsen hits a nice hip-toss and goes for the Knutsen Splash; Jagr moves. Knutsen hits a nice drop-kick. Jagr escapes to the outside. Knutsen chases him up the ramp. Knutsen rams Jagr's head into the rails. Knutsen rams his head into the steps twice. Knutsen rams Jagr into a fan's shoe at ringside. Jagr grabs a chair and hits the pole because Knutsen moves. Knutsen rams Jagr's face into the rail again; Knutsen hits the Splash to Jagr's back; Jagr falls into the fans. Jagr is begging off in the ring. Jagr slams Knutsen's knee into the steel post. He does it again. Jagr is working the knee, dropping elbows on it. Jagr hits a chop-block Knutsen does a backslide; Jagr kicks out. Jagr goes back to the knee; he applies a figure-four. Jagr spits in his face. Knutsen keeps falling back and raising his shoulder before the 3 count. Knutsen reverses it; Jagr grabs the ropes. Knutsen is down favoring his knee. Jagr clips his knee again. Jagr hits some Flair chops; Knutsen no-sells. Knutsen hits some offense. Knutsen hits a back-body drop. Now Knutsen works Jagr's knee. Knutsen hits a Splash. Jagr moves before he can do another one. Knutsen superplexes Jagr from the top. He applies the Scorpion Death Lock. Jagr grabs the ropes. Jagr hits a spine buster; Knutsen kicks out. Jagr grabs a sledgehammer from under the ring. He sets it up in the ring. Jagr tries to nail Knutsen in the head with it. Knutsen catches the sledgehammer inches from his head and powers it back and sends Jagr to the apron. Knutsen tries a Scorpion Death Drop but his own head hits the sledgehammer that was laying in the ring. The crowd chants 'holy shit.' Both men are down. Jagr gets up, nails Knutsen with the pedigree and gets the victory. That may be the strangest ending to a match I've ever seen captain. How do you knock your own self out with a sledgehammer? My main man Jagr though did pay homage to the man, the best of all time, the Nature Boy Vladimir Lidstrom with those vicious chops during the match. Did you see that captain Lou? Wooooo!! Captain Lou: Did you say chops? Be right back, going to the concession stand. Nature Boy: Sigh, that man is an eating machine. The crowd is still buzzing over that last match. Two matches to go, can they top what we've just seen? Here we go next with the Phenom trying to end his career on a winning note at SMJHLmania Fernando Pergher taking on the insane psychopath Michael Boychuk. The bell rings and here we go. They start the match and Boychuk strikes early on. Boychuk drops Pergher with a back elbow. Boychuk keeps control and taunts Pergher as the referee counts. Pergher turns it around. Pergher goes for Old School but Boychuk counters and slams Pergher hard. The referee counts again. Boychuk turns upside down in the corner as Pergher works to his feet. Boychuk goes for Sister Abigail but Pergher blocks it. Pergher ducks a clothesline but Boychuk nails him in mid-air. Another count by the referee. Boychuk decks Pergher on the apron. The referee counts Pergher as Boychuk taunts Nature Boy Vlad Lidstrom. Boychuk brings it back in and takes Pergher up for a superplex. Pergher fights back and head butts Boychuk to the mat. Pergher hits Old School. Boychuk blocks a Tombstone Piledriver and nails Sister Abigail. The referee starts counting again. Pergher sits up and manages to hit a Last Ride. The ref counts again. Boychuk gets up but stands upside down. Pergher turns around in the ring to a chair to the gut from Boychuk. Boychuk with a chair to the back now. The referee counts. Boychuk with another chair shot to the back. Pergher ends up on the floor and the referee counts again. Pergher ducks a big chair shot and Boychuk hits the ring post. Pergher grabs the chair and turns it around. Pergher with a big chair shot to the back. Boychuk rolls back in the ring and the referee counts. Pergher follows with another big chair shot to the back. Pergher tosses the chair out of the ring and tells the referee to start counting. Pergher goes under the ring and brings a table in. He sets it up and Boychuk decks him. Pergher goes for the Last Ride through the table but Boychuk counters and sends Pergher crashing through the table with his own move. Pergher makes it back up. Boychuk brings part of the steel steps in the ring and runs over Pergher with them. Boychuk steps up on the steps and plays maestro as the crowd sings "whole world in his hands." Pergher gets back to his feet but Boychuk kicks him in the head. Boychuk swings a chair but Pergher moves and it hits the steps. Pergher fights back and decks Boychuk in the head with the steps. Boychuk rolls to the floor. Pergher grabs the steps, run across the ring and launches the steps into Pergher on the floor. Boychuk goes down hard and the crowd pops. The referee starts counting again. Boychuk makes it back to his feet. Pergher leaps over the top rope but Boychuk catches him and nails a Sister Abigail on the floor out of nowhere. Boychuk with a running knee to the gut. Boychuk goes down on the floor now as the referee counts. Pergher goes to choke slam Boychuk on the steps but Boychuk backdrops him onto them. Boychuk runs and leaps off the steps, nailing a big splash on Pergher on the floor. Pergher barely makes it to his feet. Boychuk follows and beats Pergher around the ring. Pergher blocks a chair shot and drops Boychuk with a Tombstone on the floor. The referee starts counting. A big "holy shit" chant breaks out. Pergher looks on and turns his attention back to Boychuk. Pergher goes for another Tombstone on the floor but Boychuk counters. Boychuk runs and sends them both crashing through the timekeeper's area. They both get up at the 7 count. Boychuk and Pergher fight out into the crowd now and towards the stage and production area. Boychuk tosses Pergher over some production boxes and pyro on the stage goes off. Apparently he threw Pergher into the pyro controls. Pergher fights Boychuk back on top of a production case. Pergher nails a Last Ride from the top of one of the cases, sending Boychuk crashing through another case. Pergher tips a bigger production box on top of the one Boychuk crashed through. The referee counts and Boychuk apparently has no way to get up because the large production box is on top of him. Realizing he doesn't want to end his career on a count out Pergher lifts the boxes off Boychuk and drags him by the arm back to the ring. He tosses Boychuk in, picks him up and nails a Tombstone piledriver for perhaps the last time. He covers Boychuk, tilts his head back with the whites of his eyes showing, sticks out that tongue and gets the win as the bell tolls for perhaps the last time here in the SMJHL. Captain I have no words after what we've just seen. The Nature Boy for the first time has no words. Captain over to you. Captain Lou: Hell of a match, hell of a match, no pun intended. The main event is next and the Captain's been waiting a long time for this one. Take it away Naitch. Nature Boy: The moment the SMJHL universe has been waiting weeks for is now here. The Beast Incarnate Asbjorn Alexanderson defends his SMJHL heavyweight title against Royal Rumble winner Viktor Svensson. To the ring for the final match of SMJHLmania 22. We go to the ring and out comes Viktor Svensson through the crowd to a mixed reaction. Svensson runs the ropes while we wait for the music to hit and finally SMJHL World Heavyweight Champion Asbjorn Alexanderson makes his way out with Paul Heyman, also the manager of yours truly the Nature Boy woooo! Howard Finkel does formal ring introductions. The bell rings and they charge. Alexanderson takes Svensson to the corner and unloads on him. Alexanderson goes for a German suplex but Svensson hangs on to the ropes. Svensson spears Alexanderson and nails a Superman punch for a 1 count. Alexanderson applies the kimura lock on Svensson but he makes it to the bottom rope. Alexanderson keeps it locked but breaks before the 5 count. Alexanderson with a big knee. Alexanderson works Svensson over now. Alexanderson nails German suplex #1. Svensson fights back but Alexanderson knocks him to the mat. Alexanderson gets the kimura applied again but Svensson makes it to the bottom rope. Svensson fights back with right hands. Alexanderson ducks a clothesline and nails German suplex #2. Alexanderson with a 2 count on Svensson. Alexanderson hits a trio of vertical suplexes and goes for a pin but Svensson's shoulders aren't down. Alexanderson beats Svensson back down. Alexanderson with shoulder thrusts in the corner now. Svensson fights back with right hands again. Svensson runs the ropes and Alexanderson runs over him with a big clothesline. Alexanderson keeps up the attack and goes back to the arm but Svensson makes it to the rope. Alexanderson with a big belly to belly throw for another 2 count. Svensson comes out of the corner fighting but Alexanderson turns it around with shoulder thrusts in the corner and Svensson is back on the mat. Svensson fights back and nails a big right hand and elbow to the face. Svensson goes for a spear but Alexanderson catches him and flips him in mid air and nails another German suplex, #3. Alexanderson is busted open from the strikes to the face. Alexanderson with more thrusts in the corner now. Alexanderson rams Svensson back into the opposite corner with more thrusts. Alexanderson is bare knuckled now. Svensson nails a Superman punch out of nowhere for a 2 count. Alexanderson goes for the F5 but Svensson blocks it. Alexanderson applies the kimura lock. Svensson manages to get to his feet with Alexanderson and the hold still locked. Svensson rams him into the corner but the hold is still applied. Svensson rams them in the corner again and breaks the hold. Svensson with another spear. Alexanderson kicks out at 2. He gets to his feet and they exchange big right hands, Alexanderson throws Svensson into the ropes and out of nowhere catches him with a devastating F5. The referee counts and the winner and still SMJHL champions is Asbjorn Alexanderson. We want to thank you all for joining Captain Lou Steelhead and the nature Boy Vladimir Lidstrom from Ford Field here in Detroit for SMJHLmania 22. We're out of time so for Captain Lou this is the Nature Boy saying good night and Woooooooooo!!!!!! (word count 5092) ![]() ![]() ![]() Registered S27, S29, S32, S40, S42 Challenge Cup Champion & Parm King
:lol: This was amazing! Great work man! Very creative and some hilarious commentary in there, lol.
![]() ![]() ---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() #1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer - First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - - First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History - - Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History - - First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups - Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34 Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ACP Access S13, S15, S16, S25 Challenge Cup Champion
This was freaking awesome. Do more of these, I enjoyed this 110%
THE CHAMP IS HERE ![]() ![]() Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3 ![]() Registered S17, S37 Challenge Cup Champion ![]() Still mine and I'm not letting go of it until I say so. This was an awesome read. Code: Credit to Wasty and Steelhead for the sigs - thanks dudes! ![]() Buffalo Stampede Arch btw ![]() Registered S36 Challenge Cup Champion |
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