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S24 Written PT#1 - 'Rookie Hazing'

You can do either the Written PT or the Graphics PT - you cannot do both.

[The Setup]

A great hockey tradition is the rookie hazing and that rings true in the SMJHL. It can range from the rookie having to buy dinner for veteran players to having to carry sweaty hockey gear for the season.

[Your Task]
Share how you were hazed or how you hazed a newbie to your squad. You can be as creative as you want with it, but try to not get too offensive.


1 Capped TPE for each 100 words, up to a max of 5 Capped TPE.

Remember, the PT cap for the season is 30.
*Only S25 SHL Draftees are able to do these*


June 28th, 11:59 PM EST


[Claim List]
TML99 - 5 capped
deknegt - 5 capped
Nereus - 5 capped
Rich701 - 5 capped
spidey - 5 capped
GrapeJuice72 - 5 capped
Cynthia - 5 capped
GreatOneHimself - 5 capped
Ghostspeed - 5 capped
martyrpayens - 5 capped
carousel182 - 5 capped
JumpierPegasus - 5 capped
gseefeldt89 - 5 capped
Eggy216 - 5 capped
Baelor Swift - 5 capped
Voyagaming - 5 capped
Emveegtg - 5 capped
Alucard - 5 capped
phillthethrill81 - 5 capped
karlssens - 5 capped
SCUDMAKT - 5 capped
Jesster - 5 capped
Winter is Coming - 5 capped
drodger91 - 5 capped
JLysohirka - 5 capped

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Am I able to do the written PT if I'm not a rookie in the SMJHL? Can I do the SHL one as well?

Where do we post theses stories?

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Canada Update Thread | Player Page Canada

The stories are posted in here, and the claim list will be updated in the OP for you to get your TPE, simply copy the link and paste it in your update thread, instead of posting how much TPE you earned

This PT is meant for SMJHL rookies, not for send downs Smile

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Ryan King Season 24 St. Louis Scarecrows Hazing

The tradition of hazing is present in almost any sport and the higher the level the more creative and intense the hazing gets, I remember my rookie year for the Toronto Junior Canadians, all the vets made me go out in a bikini in the middle of winter and walk down to the local supermarket to do some grocery shopping. I had to come back with all these weird items and as I checked out I was getting some pretty weird stares. Needless to say Hazing is expected and is part of becoming A experienced vet. The hazing isn’t malicious nor is it "bullying" as some consider it. I look at is team building and bonding, making a name for yourself and proving that you deserve to be here just as much as the others.

So anyways that takes me to my S24 draft year I was selected 36th overall by the St. Louis Scarecrows and as such I immediately expected the hazing to begin the day I walked into the LR, but that was not the case. (Well at least not yet) I felt like the new guy right away but not in a bad way, now that I look back I think it was part of their hazing tactic (don't make the new guys feel too comfortable keep them on their toes) I was greeted with warm welcomes and friendly faces but I still felt like the new guy it was very obvious. I remember Mitchell Dambach came up to me on the second day and said "Hey I'm throwing the rookie party be there" he gave me his address and insisted that I bring as much beer and hard liquor I could carry and walked away. His demeanor made me suspicious and I knew something was coming, being in hockey your whole life gives you an idea of how LR's are run and what goes on when you’re not looking.

I got to the Liquor store and loaded up, I wasn't going to be "That" rookie who showed up empty handed I wanted to bring the party! I got a little bit of everything and needed several bags to carry it all. I got to the address he gave me just around 9:00 pm there were a bunch of cars outside but I didn't recognize any of them, I just thought to myself I really don't know any of these guys well enough to know what cars they would show up in so I brushed off my suspicions. I figured I would be witty and storm in the door yelling "BEER IS HERE!!" and as I did so I looked up in horror and embarrassment. There was a big circle of people sitting in the living room a depressing bunch at that. I looked around and my eyes met a sign on the wall "AA Meeting" my heart sank I had just stormed into an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting yelling "Beer is here" with a handful of alcohol and mixed drinks... Let’s just say I felt like a fool and was super embarrassed. I ran out without looking back. "What just happened" I heard laughing ad looked up to see Mitchell and the other vets speed off in their car. I had just been hazed. "WELCOME TO THE CROWS!" I heard them yell as they tore off into the night

[570 Words]

LETS GO Scarecrows Goal

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Canada Update Thread | Player Page Canada

My first days in Kelowna where funny, the team really had me going on a few things.

First one of the players came to me, and they said everyone had pitched in on buying a room for me to stay in whilst I was in Kelowna. Sounded all nice, then they showed me the room, it wasn't a room but it was three cardboard boxes stacked on top with windows painted on the side. Of course, since they all pitched in they expected me to sleep in it too... I have slept in worse things, so my first night of sleep in Kelowna was interesting. The box was broken after that one day, I kinda move around a lot...

The second night, we all went out to dinner to meet the players and all the other staff. Everyone had a huge meal, and we all had a great time. But of course they only tell it at the end that the guys that have to pay are the rookies, so we had to like pay like a few hundred bucks each just to get the bills straight... It wasn't very nice for my wallet, but at least the food was absolutely awesome. I love Kelowna food, it's no Icelandic food but it's still great.

Another thing they wanted to find out is if I was able to keep cool under pressure, and not get bothered by the cold of the ice-rink. So they stuffed me in a freezer with only boxershorts on and kept me in there for I think it was half a day, I kinda liked the chilly atmosphere, it reminded me of home a lot. When they came back they looked weird at me, I rearranged a few boxes of ice to make a couch, and I ate like twenty popsicles out of boredom. I like the cold, I used to train a lot in trying to not be bothered by cold, so I used to swim through in the ocean when it was winter, a freezer is like a summer-holiday for me.

The funniest thing they did was force all the rookies to dress up in Hello Kitty Pyjamas, and they told us that we had to wear it all weak everywhere we went, from interviews to practices we had to wear the hello kitty pyjama and show us that we weren't afraid of anything. We wore the kitty with pride, and you know what, I kinda liked the fit, I think I will wear it more often too.

After all that hazing, I wasn't finished myself yet. And I wanted to make it fun for the entire team, I wouldn't be a true Icelandic Viking if I wasn't going to get my revenge on my awesome teammates. So I hired like twenty fat guys, and during the private training I got them all onto the ice and the fat guys were tasked of bowling themselves into every player they could find. They were throwing themselves onto their big fat bellies and acting like human sleds to take along every single guy standing on the ice. It was like a huge pile of fat guys and Kelowna players, nobody knew what was happening and I was standing on the sidelines laughing along with the rest of the rookies. I think the players didn't see it coming, hazing is fun but I also like to get some revenge on the others in a fun way. And I think coach didn't mind it one bit when I ruined a training session with some of my own ideas...

Words: 599

Becoming the captain of the Prince George Firebirds has its fun aspects, but there's nothing like trying to command respect from the vets you've just barely met.

When I first arrived in the Firebirds locker room, I was greeted by Patrick Brumm and Shea Robinson, arguably the two people who could either make or break me as a rookie team captain. They were all smiles and handshakes, asking me how tall I was even though they already knew. It seemed as if they were being too nice but I thought nothing of it and smiled back at them not knowing what was to come.

Patrick Brumm waited until our first practice session as a new team ended. When I was finished showering and dressing into my street clothes, he inched his way over to my locker. "Hey bud, you want to hit up this steak house down the street with me and Shea? My treat." I was none the wiser. My stomach rumbled, and I looked across the room to see some of my fellow rookies exiting the room as quick as possible. That seemed weird, but I just figured everyone was in a hurry to get home and rest.

"Uhh, sure. Let's do it," I said. Something about the whole thing didn't seem right, but I figured they were just trying to be friendly. "On second thought, let me use the bathroom first."

While I was sitting on the toilet contemplating my future as the leader of this team, I received a text from Leon Webb that read, "Don't do it." Smirking to myself, I finished up and brushed off the message as a simple fit of jealousy. They hadn't asked him out to dinner, did they? He must have figured that because his brother was SHL royalty that he was going to be wine and dined first. In minutes we were in the car, and on the road.

"Holy f***ing hell. I'm stuffed. Won't keep me from eating a few more bites though," Brumm stated in a semi-drunk manner. They had both had their fair share of drinks, but he was clearly the more wasted of the two. Empty beers and shot glasses littered the table, along with a few empty plates and unfinished appetizers for good measure. Shea continued to stuff his face with various delicious looking cooked meats. I wondered how the hell they were still drinking and eating, despite the fact that we had just devoured half the menu. I placed my hand on my stomach, wondering when the hell this meet and greet was going to be over.

"Hey cap, you know what makes a good hockey club?" asked Brumm.



Brumm and Shea leaped up out of their seats, one of them tossing a half empty beer in my face as they ran. I never knew which one it was. All I knew is that I had a bill priced at over four hundred dollars to pay and some very passionate teammates. Welcome to Prince Regina, rook.

(502 words)

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sigs by ToeDragon84
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How did I get hazed? This is going to take a little bit of set up, so humor me.

As you know, I was added to the roster a little late. I was picked up as a free agent after the draft. So, I get to Kelowna, set myself up in an apartment, get myself familiar with the facility. I meet the other rookies, veterans, staff, coaches, all that stuff. I start going to work outs and practices. No one is really messing with me or saying anything. Everything seems pretty normal.

The preseason ends, I pretty much just got here, so I didn’t get into the rotation. I’m thinking to myself, ok, so I guess they’re not going to mess with me since I was a free agent and not drafted like the rest. Cool. I think I’m good, like I went under the radar enough that they’re going to leave me alone.

I’m sitting in the locker room one day, picking Randleman’s brain. He and I had a similar start, with him coming in after the draft like me. So I’m trying to find out what he has been doing, so I can follow in those footsteps. He says to me, “Hey, why don’t you buy me dinner tonight with that new contract money, and I’ll tell you all about how I handled it.” Awesome, this is exactly what I wanted.

That night, I meet him at this pretty nice steak place. We go in and we get seated. I’m so eager to start asking him questions, I’m not even paying attention. I should have seen it coming, since the table we were sitting at was way too big for just two people. We sit down, I start trying to grill him. He’s dodging questions a little bit, but I’m just thinking he’s hungry and wants to eat first, no problem.

The waitress comes by the table, takes my order then his. She asks how we’re going to pay, and Randy tells her that I’m going to be picking it up. I’m still all gung ho, and I say, "Yeah, I got this, everything is on me." I look across at him, and he’s got this big smile on his face. I’m thinking, what just happened, why is he looking at me like that. I realize, he isn’t smiling at me, he’s looking past me, to the front door. The team bus just pulled up, and everyone is piling into the restaurant.

So the guys are all coming in, Howard, Abo, Kristjan, Ivan, Maria, everyone. I’m like, you guys had to bring the other rookies too? Come on. When they come in they all take a walk by my chair to smack me on the back, or mess with my hair or something like that. Saying stuff like “Welcome to the Knights,” or “Thanks for food rookie,” nothing too bad. Randy got me good. I should have seen it coming, but I thought I slipped through they were going to leave me alone.

Afterwards, I ended up getting the one on one time with Randleman that I wanted. I told him how I had no clue what was happening, that I didn’t see it coming. He told me, the secret is to let your opponent get comfortable, so they think they know what you’re going to do. They let their guard down, and you make your move. I’m still not sure if he was talking about hockey or about how they fooled me.

[Word count: 585]

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Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
Adam Prpich Portal Link

Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

Quote:Originally posted by HippyHappy@Jun 19 2015, 05:51 AM
Am I able to do the written PT if I'm not a rookie in the SMJHL? Can I do the SHL one as well?
If you've been drafted but you're being sent down, you still do the SHL PTs. Smile

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As is typical after a draftee is selected by a team the moment he walks into the doors he is put through the rookie hazing, the same was said of Leon Webb, the newest addition to the Prince George Firebirds. He was greeted the moment he hit the locker room by the team's starting goalie Kyle Prince. Prince smiled, with his sharp eyes piercing the soul of the rookie and put his arms around his shoulders.

"Hey your the dynasty right? Kain Webb's little brother...oh man he made goalie's lives a living hell in the big leauge. We are going to be the best of friends rookie."

The truth is they are quite close, but at the time Leon braced himself for whatever would be coming next. As other rookies started to make their way into the locker room, other veterans and alumni started picking them off one by one. Each started to have a great time with the young blood. Stuffing them into the showers and taking full control of the water coming through back valves switching between intense heat and icy death. Oddly Leon wasn't subjected to any of it.

They all went out and practiced hard, the veterans followed up by doing a marathon of skating. At first the rookies figured it was to show the kind of shape they would need to be in, but then the jock straps came out and were warn as a Bane like mask on each of their faces. Poor Luke Flemming got the worst of it with a shit stain running right down the middle of the strap and what can only be described as the worst golden colour on his mouth. None of the rookies dared to take a shower again as one of the veterans held a key labeled broiler room. All suffered a walk home that day wearing the jockstraps until they could shower at their own house. All except Webb, perhaps Prince was staying true to form and becoming his best friend.

The next day the rookies were all told to meet up at Roosters for a drink with the vets a way to patch up the relationship and make good on welcoming them to the team. They all entered the bar to discover that it was a Sugar Daddies Bar (Gay Cougar Bar), the good news they all got numbers and Bob Hunter even got a date. The Veteran's were waiting outside when the rookies finally emerged after a number of forced slow dances and bruised asses...from pinching you perverts. All but Webb was thrown to the old horny men well and Cynthia managed to escape that one too, a few of them were wondering if she was looking for a new shopping buddy.

All of the Vets looked to the rookies and smiled, finally Dean Colt said out loud..."Strange Leon hasn't had any abuse...well rookies now it is your turn." Prince pushed Webb to the rookies who had been ridiculed, picked on, burnt and frozen and like a pack of hungry wolves they pounced on the fresh meat. For the next 24 hours Webb was hanging from the team facility's flag pole by duct tape and given a steady diet of ex-lax and beans...I don't think I need to elaborate from this point but it was not the most pleasent of days for Webb.

Since the days of the hazing the team has become closer and everyone has each other's back, but they do duck and cover if Webb ever farts because of the vile mess that was left over from that dark, dark day.

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Sig by Lazyeye
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Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

<div align="middle"> :impact: :impact: :impact: </div>

Hazing can be something that can be done in good jest by a group of awesome teammates trying to have some fun, or done in bad taste by horrible teammates, and thankfully for me I found myself in Montreal with a great group of teammates.

Now it was unusual, usually you think the hazing would happen when you first arrive to your team or before your first game, but my first hazing started half-way through the pre-season. After winning one of our games, all the guys came back into the locker room with big smiles and cheering all around. We all wanted to celebrate the big win, so Buzz spoke up and said "Hey fellas, why don't want we go to the classiest Italian restaurant in town to show how much we kicked some ass today?" With nods all around the room and a few guys cracking up for some reason, we got out of our gear and cleaned up and went home to relax for a bit before dinner.

Still in the back of my mind I knew something might be up, I couldn't put my finger on it though. But whatever I thought, time to get some good 'ol Italian food in me. So I put on my nicest suit and even wore some of my nicer cologne just in case any ladies were around. I should of known something was coming after this, but the team bus pulled up outside my apartment with all the guys in it. It was pretty odd I thought but the team does what the team does. I hop in and I see all the guys, but they are all in thrown on, somewhat dirty sweat shirts and sweat pants besides all the rookies who had the same idea as me by dressing up. As soon as I took those few fateful steps and the guys seen me, I seen them one by one looking at me, then at each other, then at me again. Then laughter, and more laughter. So contagious that even I started laughing myself before asking what's going on.

"Sorry bud, I got wrapped into this as well. Looks like we are going out for some baby back ribs." said by my fearless captain Jesster.

And just like the fat bastards they are, they sung THIS the whole way there knowing the rookies would get there brand new clothes ruined.

But not only did that happen, but after dinner when it being decided who was going to pay we decided to play the team ritual game of credit card roulette. But Buzz, the great assistant captain he is, decided he'd leave out all the veterans cards from the bag when starting up the game and only put in the rookie's credit cards. And one by one, each credit card was pulled out. Falk went first, then Jesster, then Morenov, and it dwindled down and down until one card was remaining, the fateful person who had to pay the entire meal of baby back ribs each and every person got.

And you can guess who's card was the last one left in the bag. Good going guys, couldn't of asked for better teammates, definitely for something like this. =D>

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(539 words as tested in a word counter, thanks!Wink

Me getting hazed? Impossible, me hazing our captain with Patrick Brumm and Shea Robinson? That sounds likely.

When I first arrived in the locker room I expected I was gonna be hazed or something like that so I kept my guard up most of the time. Over a long while, some of the veterans gave up on hazing me since I was too smart, although I do admit they were some serious shit as I had to escape a gay cougar bar once, after that they invited me to start hazing some new rookies as they just could not find a way to prank me

After the first practice session, the team had packed up and were all going out to lunch. I showered in my own private shower as Lunaro was able to order and build a quick wall for my own privacy and I got into some street clothes. Just ripped jeans, a cardigan, nothing special. As I was about to leave to arena, Patrick Brumm had texted me with a certain "prank" in mind on a certain player of the team. Naturally I complied. Patrick and Shea Robinson had invited Luke Flemming to a grand steakhouse. Flemming had looked worried at first but I was able to help trick him into coming along. Although he had to go to the washroom first. Maybe it was indigestion I don't really know. As I was waiting to drive the group to the steakhouse, I had a text from Leon Webb

"You seriously going to go with this"

"It would be a crime not to Leon Wink "

I heard Luke flushing the toilet and tried to hide the text away from Luke in case he saw the text and knew it was a prank. But I didn't have any pockets so what do I do? Well Patrick just pointed at my bra and I knew to just shove my phone in my bra.

Anyways we drove to the steakhouse and we given a VIP table. I knew exactly what the plan was, I ordered just about every steak possible and drink I could. This was practically a buffet as half way through the lunch, we were filled with appetizers, and clattered shot glasses and beer bottles all over the table with a never ending amount of food coming in. By the time we finished all the food Luke looked a little concerned as Patrick and Shea had both eaten nearly half the menu while I had gotten full a while ago. Patrick sent me a quick text and said "Do the thing now"

I walked out the door and said I had some errands to run. I grabbed my car and drove around to the front as I waited for the 2 to advance their plan. I heard a muffled scream as I heard

"Hey cap, you know what makes a good hockey club?" asked Brumm.



I then heard a beer bottle smash as I saw the two running out and got in the car as we all drove off.

"How much did he pay?"

"Just about 400$"

"I would say that's pretty good welcoming party to the captain wouldn't you say?

536 words

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Thanks to Enigmatic and Crutch for the beautiful signatures
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Well, this is a story so buckle up.....

So I've just arrived in Montreal and it never really hit home until I went down town to pick up some food before an "optional" practice. I get in line and eventually I get to the front of the line and then I realize...THEY ALL SPEAK FRENCH!! I tried to communicate but it was hard luckily my teammate had just walked in and helped me, I thought he'd let me sit there and not get my sandwich but he helped me and I paid for his because of the help and so on.

I get to the dressing room and I go stretch and I have the best first practice ever and that's it.
Everyone was sticking around so I thought I could start to know people since i'm the "new kid" and I had missed the draft. So I started to talk to some teammates and I talked to the General Managers and so on. I remember that I forgot my wallet in the dressing room as I'm about to leave......

I go in and it's pitch black...I get shoved but something catches me as i'm about to fall.....I soon am being strangled by like 8 hands and into a chair and immediately taped on to it...
The thoughts through my head were crazy...."Robbery?" "Prank?" I didn't understand...
Then....oh dear....I heard french talking and I understood a little big and then before I knew it I heard a razor.....Then I felt it touching my head and in the dark I was getting shaved!!! My beautiful flow was getting cut from someone....It had took me all summer and last winter to grow it....Then I heard more french and I couldn't understand at all....So I wait just "begging" to stop until something cold runs down my newly cut head and it smelled and felt thick....It was milk!! I knew by then....I was getting pranked....

I laughed and said "Okay guys, you got me" So they start laughing and they turn on the lights but....There is egg cartons in some hands.....Then they were getting ready to throw.....I was scared out of my nut!! :lol: They cracked against me as if I was a brick wall, it was not a good feeling. Before I knew it, I was released and the one who was behind it was none other then Chris Welch....The guy who helped me at the sandwich shop....I had a good laugh after and so did the guys. It was quite the welcome to Montreal. I still miss my hair though!

All in all, in the end I did get free dinner from Chris :lol:

Note: Chris Welch was the first name on my team that popped up and that this was not real at all but I wouldn't mind if it did! Haha :ssst:

This story was inspired by The Gordie Howe: Documentary movie as the Howe brothers had the same thing happen to them except the milk and egg part in the film.

Words: 510

Claim 5

The end of training camp brings with it the need to create cohesive team bonding and by doing so a better sense of unity and pride in the common thread of a group of individuals wether it be a sports team, a branch of the military or a campus fraternity.
This is sometimes referred to as "hazing" .. A word given a negative connotation by the recounted exploits of infamous fraternity pranks and military units that took it to a dangerous extreme...
The Saint Louis Scarecrows have over the years done some hazing stunts that management has had a hard time dealing with from a publicity stand point.
There was the infamous rocket powered dumpster stripper party of season Fourteen that resulted in three arrests and the assistant equipment managers divorce when he found out what his wife did..And then there was the exploding golf course portapotty of season sixteen. It resulted in ownership spending 290k on returfing the sixteenth green at a Saint Louis country club ...To this day no Scarecrow can apply to be a member of.

[Image: port-a-potty_explode.jpg]

This year it was a little less extravagant it was simply that all rookies were in charge of the cleaning and packing of player gear prior to the first road trip of the preseason.

[Image: Stuffinh-hockey-bags-300x210.jpg]

Maclaren Nasher, Ryan King, Will Hendrickson and our captain Robb Wind and the rest of us S24 Scarecrow rookies stood in the doorway of the locker room. It was abundantly apparent that our veterans had gone outta their way to collect the most vile and disgusting used hockey equipment ever unearthed from some toxic waste dump in the Yukon Territory.
The stench was far beyond any notion of odor ,it literally was a thick blanket that immediately watered the eyes and took the breath from your lungs..It was a truly toxic mix. Far beyond even anything imaginable...a kind of skunk stench mixed with old rotten roadkill ,and sewage and pepper spray so that it made simply standing in the doorway impossible.

Nikita Nevzorov began to dry heave ...and he's a goalie...goalie gear is almost always the most offensive shit in a lockerroom. His reaction created a domino effect and the rest of the rookie class began to backpedal.

Nasher looked at Ryan King and then at our Captain and flatly stated ..."GAME OVER!! NO F**KIN' WAY MAN!"
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From the safe distance of twenty feet down the hall the catcalls from Dambach and Wert were drowned out by the louder bellowing voice of the Carl Mountain and Pal Vikingstod..

I whispered to 'Wind-y' and the rest that I had a plan and stepped away to make a phone call.

In ten minutes the HazMat unit of Saint Louis Fire Department was rolling up to the players entrance and after negotiating a suitable compensation for their time and use of equipment
( I volunteered a Robb Wind autograph session at the HazMat Fire Station for their upcoming Fire Safety Week) ..Wind was OK with it but added I had to pay for the firemen's lunch today...(ohh shi**)

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With suits on the rookies of Season 24 got to work ..the gear was taken outside to a dumpster and then washed ...with a firehouse. It really never got packed as the vets denied ownership to any of the gear.

Some of the veterans claimed foul in the way it was 'handled' .
But, a trip to a certain nightclub that evening smoothed over any hurt feelings.

Saint Louis Scarecrows PR department used it as a public service message to call attention to
Toxins in the home or office...spin control ain't it awesome.Smile

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