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Nucks off season rant.

Please ask me some questions, curve balls always welcome.


Interview With the departure of Dujardin, Caboose, and Stropko as well as the regression of Perron and the declining role of Mars - how will Hamilton defend their Challenge Cup in s25?

Losing 4 defensive defense men is going to be rough on our club. These were not 5,6,7 defenders on our squad, but 2,3,4 blue line men.Yes they may not be on most teams but they were in Hamilton. The departures and regression is going to be something our entire team needs to suck up. We have gained a new number 2 defender in Žanis Zariņš but he is new to the team and unproven within our system as of this time. Brumm will also be there to carry some of the weight and he proved in the playoffs, he has the right stuff, but he is still far back on the ideal TPE level. We also have Girard making the jump this season, although he knows the system he is lacking on the TPE to make a huge impact right off of the bat. The entire team will either have to score goals like crazy, or do a lot more back checking this season.

Interview The blue line has been gutted and the ability of Nuck to carry an entire defensive unit remains unproven. How will Hamilton overcome this new problem?

Ummm, give Nuck a raise?

Seriously though it is more then just one player can do. The entire team as a whole is going to have to tighten up and pitch in. With our blue line having a almost complete face lift, it is going to be a interesting season for our entire team. We have some great personality's being added and have lost a few as well. My job is going to be more of creativity then complimenting. What I mean by that is, just because I am the highest TPE player dose not mean my style is set. I will be playing with a completely new defensive partner no matter who is on my line and I will need to use my experience to build off of there strengths. We have 2 offensive minded defenders joining the core in Brumm and Girard. Something I yet have had to play with, chances are these 2 will be taking some chances. It will be my job to creatively play both defensive positions while the rooks scramble to get back in to position.


Interview Why are you so awesome?

I wouldn't say I am awesome at all, incredible, yeah may be but not awesome. Truthfully though I think its my dedication and level headiness ( most days ). I work hard and try not to put my nose where it dose not belong. That is not to say I wont speak up if I see something I feel is unjust or plain old bull shit. I stick up for those who I feel are being wronged and smite those who are just ignorant. I also know when its time to walk away from a conversation or situation.

I try not to feed the trolls after midnight!

Interview Why are you a player who makes me want to play for another team despite it not going to happen but tempting me none the same?

I guess it would be partly because of my team first attitude. I am in it for the team and could care less about personal gain as long as what i am doing is benefiting those around me. Yes I love personal accomplishment as much as the next person, but I do not see the need to flaunt them when they do occur. I do what I can in order to get better, me being better makes those around me shine even more. I believe I also bring a sene of humor to any LR and a compassion for those around me. I have a huge heart for those I care about and I wont put up with shit from those I don't. My player has been built for the team need, not for my own glory.

I am a meat and potato!

Interview How's that Cup? Feel good? Ill fight you this season, you know where to find me.

It has made for a great coffee cup while on my road trip to share it with under privileged kids. I nestle it snugly between my legs, as I love the way the steel feels against my deal.

It is honestly an unbelievable feeling to have won it. Heading in to game 7 I was far from confident we would even have a close game. After losing 3 games in the series by blow out and only winning our 3 by tough fought close games. It was pretty evident that LAP was hungry and were coming into the game jacked right up in the home building. Seeing we won still didn't kick in for a while, a day or 2 even but dam if it dose not feel good seeing that cup under my name. I have been to the finals twice with DET and we couldn't finish. We took a devastating game 7 loss to Manhattan in my rookie year for an early exit and now this. Dam its nice to say you won something that I know lots of veteran players in the SHL are still chasing.

I am always up for a good Donnie Brook, a lill Brew haha. I am sure Tanner wont be to upset seeing me accompany one of Minnesota top players of the ice for 5 minutes Wink


Interview How did you celebrate the cup win ? Did anything controversial to celebrate ?

Well after the party with the boys was over I spent time with the family. You miss so much of your children's life's when your a hockey player. You need to reconnect with them during the off season as you end up being just some stranger in there home during the season. No amount of contract money or championships will ever make up for that lost time in there life's.

I guess the only controversial thing I have done was introduce the cup in to my sex life. It has become a staple in my wife and my sex games. The one time instead of using wigs, I just duct taped the cup to her head as I plowed her. Another we did the hot Carl with the cup in place of the can. You would be amazed at the number of different activity's a cup can compliment in the bed room Wink

Interview If you lose a fight , do you challenge the same guy again as soon as possible?

No I am a honorable man and do not see a point in fighting again just for revenge. If the twit dose something to justify a a fist in the nose, then yeah lets go again but I wouldn't fight just to even the score. There is a code in hockey amongst the boys who throw, some cross it but most abide by it. I am not a goon and I dont get paid to live in the sin bin. I play a tough game and will drop them if the time is right but I am not a boxer on skates.


Interview good rant

Well at the time I started this I was heated about a few things I wanted to get off my chest. My PC also was heated and decided it didnt feel like letting me type around the same time. I have sense lost my will to vent about things that have passed, or forgotten what they were.

I will how ever voice my opnion on the Portland Admirals.

I love the idea of Portland getting a team and am pumped for the city. The branding of that there team is horrible in my mind. All I see when i think of them is the Pittsburgh Steelers for some reason. Dont ask me why, it just dose not scream hockey to me. It yells poorly chosen name! The logo dose not help out at all. I agree its way better then the bland anchor circle shit but its just unappealing. It is a minor league team branding at best and a poorly picked one for that matter. ARRRGGGG I am a see going seaman who should be scrubbing the deck net playing the great game of Ockey!

Give us some flair, some fear, something that makes me want to buy a jersey and put it on. Take Calgary for example, now that's a team I can hate. Based not only that they are in Calgary ewwww but there dragon needs to be slayed. The Rage!! Now that's a team name with some ummph, Wolf Pack will tear you apart. The mother fucking Riot, well enough said right there.

But the Admirals??????????? It just yells BLAH to me, I could care less to play them or play for them. Its mediocrity at its absolute finest.

Yes I get the reference and all but when i think Admiral i think of a hoty taughty, stuck up well dressed prick. Sitting in his classy cabin sweet, drinking cherry and watching the young deck hands ass as he mops the floor on his hands and knees.

Give me a break.


Interview Can Hamilton repeat? (Keep in mind everybody said our defense wasn't good enough last season, either!Wink

I think Hamilton has a great chance at taking it all again this season. We have all of our forwards returning as well as the addition of Chara Brojled to give us that added fire power. Our rear guard change does give some thought for worry though. Yes every one wrote us off last season due to our weaker defense but last season we were stronger back there then I believe we are this season. But we are only weaker this season by our fourth defender. We have basically swapped Stropko for Zariņš which in actuality was a small TPE boost. We lost Boose for no equivalent TPE defender but we do have Brumm increasing his TPE and should easily be steeping in to Bosse's slot in no time.

Our biggest advantage though is the ever improving star net minder Tanner. All he has done is bolster our team with his hard work and dedication. With his progress as well as mine our back end should be able to pick up the slack until Girard and Brumm blossom into marque SHL defense men. Our forwards are all still super stars and with the exception of Grosberg and Muerto they are all still at the top of there games. Dont get me wrong Grosberg and Muerto are both talented and outstanding players, they are just both in regression years rather then progression years. We have a solid team for not only this year but for years to come. It is just to bad Muerto decided to call it quits so early in his career as I feel he had 3 maybe even 4 more seasons of unbelievable hockey ahead of him. Time for a new star to emerge!

Interview What was your best personal memory of the playoffs?

The easy answer is full filling my and every other hockey players dreams sense the time we were babes. Hoisting the cup that would be of course, not to mention winning it all in overtime was just icing on the cake if you will. It took me days to fully grasp the accomplishment we had just done. Not only being under dogs in the finals but we fought our asses off to do it. We were blown out of the building in three of the seven games but we never let up. We played an unbelievable LA squad who never once let up or allowed us to take anything with ease. They fought us tooth and nail every step of the way, from the first game of the series that we won in over time to that winning goal in game seven in over time. It was something unreal that couldn't have been scripted better for us.

Now that the given answer is out of the way, there were two more memories that will live with me for eternity. First being us beating the defending champs Manhattan, wow was that ever big. With them beating us the prior year in game seven after we had a strangle hold on them. It was just desert, I like so many of there players but I love to hate them that much more. Our rivalry with those boys has only deepened with that series win and I for one am glad to have seen it and been a part of it. They were heavy favorites most of the season and I think most people probably had them beating us in there predictions for the first round. It was just great to take it to them as the first steps to our cup hopes.

The second one was just as great but carried more weight in the quest for the cup. Seeing Riko go out and spark the team early in the Minnesota series by turning his face into hamburger, why he picked that first fight i do not know. He selflessly went out and sparked not only the team but himself with a stellar performance that night. Bloody knuckles, a black eye, FOUR goals and I believe a few assists was just legendary. It seem to spark every last one of us and helped fuel our road to the final buzzer. I know it was a wake up call for me, seeing one of our top scores go out and pick a fight was something else. I am sure the city of Hamilton and all of our fans will never forget it either As he had a performance that i do not believe the league has ever seen.

Interview Do you regret turning into a defenseman and would you ever consider becoming a forward again?

Regret? No I cant say that I do. I am a natural center and it is my favorite position but I think I have been doing great things playing on the back end. It was a new opportunity for me and i took it, I have become very fond of it as well. Every one wants to score goals and make the flashy play, well I am more of the " get the things that need to be done " type of a guy. I am also a team first guy who likes to see my teammates do well and by making the move to D I think I have in a way done that.

As far as making the move back to forward. Maybe in another life, I have retooled myself so far in to the defender mind and skill set that I do not think the transition would be an easy one at all. I have all but neglected my scoring ability in order to thrive in my new position and it would just be to much work, time and effort to get back on track. I cant lie and say the thought has not crossed my mind, but at this far into my career it would be an almost impossible task to regain those skills while following my long term plan. Which nobody but me is truly aware of.

Interview Who would you have drafted at #14 if you were the GM of Hamilton and that pick hadn't been forfeited?

I think I would have gone with Austin Lemieux. I know we have a Hall Of Fame goalie in Tanner but we do need a backup and a future tender in the system. Lemieux has shown some great potential and also is coming out of a super star hockey factory in Detroit. Kids got the makings of something special and I think the Jets were lucky to get him 24, as he could have easily been a top 5 pick if it was not for the depth at goalie already in the league. He is defiantly going to be a guy I keep my eye on and watch how he develops over the years.

2532 words - questions

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Quote:Originally posted by NUCK@Aug 3 2015, 02:25 AM
Please ask me some questions, curve balls always welcome.
Interview With the departure of Dujardin, Caboose, and Stropko as well as the regression of Perron and the declining role of Mars - how will Hamilton defend their Challenge Cup in s25? The blue line has been gutted and the ability of Nuck to carry an entire defensive unit remains unproven. How will Hamilton overcome this new problem?

[Image: 0QGickG.png]

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Why are you so awesome?

Why are you a player who makes me want to play for another team despite it not going to happen but tempting me none the same?

How's that Cup? Feel good? Ill fight you this season, you know where to find me. Wink

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

How did you celebrate the cup win ? Did anything controversial to celebrate ?

If you lose a fight , do you challenge the same guy again as soon as possible?

good rant

Updated, please ask me some more questions :D

If its TLDR at least check out my answer to Carl's question.

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Can Hamilton repeat? (Keep in mind everybody said our defense wasn't good enough last season, either!Wink

What was your best personal memory of the playoffs?

Do you regret turning into a defenseman and would you ever consider becoming a forward again?

Who would you have drafted at #14 if you were the GM of Hamilton and that pick hadn't been forfeited?

[Image: draft-aa.png?ex=6623d02e&is=66115b2e&hm=...6f7f7fe7e&]

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Updated, please grade.

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