Hi! Im Reinis Aumeisters - Halifax Raiders and Calgary Dragons left winger. You can make some questions from me, i`ll be happy if you make some. Thanks!
Winter is Coming [Robb Wind] asks:
How does it feel to be drafted by the Dragons?
actually, im happy. new teammates are good and friendly, they help me and very much kidding. there is Labsvards too, and that`s good, cause i need some latvian at team where i play, cause then is easyer to play. i like here - new GM is best!
What are your plans for next season?
I will play at junior league again - SMJHL. i have only 231 TPE, and that`s to small. i want be good at big league. i think, at next season i will be Halifax left winger, cause i have deal with vbottas17 and my new GM Esa - i`ll be SMJHL player next season.
How do you hope to help the Dragons in the future?
I want to be team leader. yes, it will not be soon, cause i am rookie at SHL, but maybe 3 seasons or 4 seasons later it will be. i think i will regress too, with this player [off-topic].
Are you just as excited to play with Calgary as you were hoping to play with Portland?
i`m glad to play at Calgary team. yes, i like too Portland, but Calgary draft me, they pick me so fast. i was thinking, i`ll be 4th round begin, but not, very fast they draft me. i`m happy to be here, and i will be team player!
What are your initial thoughts on your newest teammates?
my new teammates are very friendly, they are team players. team locked room are active and very funny. new GM - Esa, are very good GM, he`s wrote me message about three minutes later then he pick me, and he`s good. he`s want to know are i`m happy to be here, how much money i want and he promise to help me.
Will you play for Latvia in IIHF?
i`m new player - SHL rookie. i don`t think so. Latvia GM don`t take me to IIHF, cause i have no experience and too much TPE from championship. i hope to i will be, minimum, 3 seasons later at IIHF, but i don`t know. i`m `noob` at this league, cause i`m new player. that`s all what i want to say.
Explain the greatest moment of your first SMJHL season.
that was then, when we pick up the SMJHL trophy. we win that f*cking trophy and we are the champions. big thanks for Halifax Raiders players, team, teammates, my friends and all trainers, and big thanks too, them who just help us. will see us next SMJHL season.
Did you expect to be picked earlier, later or about where you went in the draft?
i`m just don`t believe that. i was thinking, i will be at 4th round begin taken, but no. Calgary is great team and i will hope i will get in team fast. i like here, and i will play there big time, if team wanted or don`t happend something like that. i was picked very early and i glad.
If you were to be sent down to the SMJHL, what statistical expectations would you have? (goals, assists, points, hits, ...)
I hope, i will get some goals and assists, if you talking about next season. at first season i have only 6 goals and 3 assists at regular season, that`s 9 points. i think it`s very bad for me, i want more points, at least 10 goals and 8 assists, but yes - i`m happy to score any point at that season. at play-offs i got 3 goals and 3 assists, but i want 5 goals and 5 assists. probably, i want to much, but i very want to be Calgary and Halifax leader. we will see, maybe next season, maybe not...
Have you talked to your GM steelhead77?
yes, i have. he`s very nicely GM, he`s make some questions from me and talk about all. he`s good GM.
Will you return to Halifax Raiders for next season?
yes. i have no experience at big league, and at SMJHL i will have it. one season or two seasons at SMJHL be good, and then i go to Dragons and i be loyal Raiders and Dragons, if something not wenting down.
Who is your favorite SHL player? (Not Bottas, he's a scrub)
Bottas. :lol: if no Bottas, then Hulkonen or Prikulis. great players, one are my GM and another, Prikulis, are latvian, and i know him.
Do you think you will score more goals next season?
i hope so. i don`t know, i very want at least 15 goals and 15 assists, but that`s very hard. i`m not goodest player at Halifax, new players will show the game, but i have only 231 TPE and only one season experience. i hope to score more goals and assists, then S26, where i have only 6 goals and 3 assists at regular season [9 points] and 3 goals and 3 assists at Play-Offs [6 points]. at all season i have 9 goals and 6 assits - 15 points. at my sig is all information about my player, if somebody want to know.
What are your thoughts about the Calgary Dragons franchise?
Calgary is great team. i will see how big activitate is in locked room and how active is team, but now, i very like here. i will be here long time, if we with Esa be good friends, and will not fighting. #dragons
Who is your favourite player on the Calgary Dragons?
Esa Hulkonen and Michael Boychuk. Esa is only who i know from team, but Boychuk is great player with +800 TPE. Yes, i know Labsvards too, but Boychuk and Esa are greatest.
Which players are you exciting to potentially play with the most on the Dragons?
i`m new player, and i will play at big league, only at S28 or S29, then i will say... i don`t know. teammats sometimes goes changeing, u know trades and all of that. i hope, i will play in one line with Esa Anrikainen and Michael Boychuk. I`ll be happy, to play with this two superstars.
What is your goal for your player as an individual and for the Dragons team overall?
i don`t know again. i am very big `noob` from this time. later, at S28 or S29, we will look. i think it will be scoring or passing, that`s my talents. i hope i will be good at first season at Dragons, when i play.
Welcome to the Dragons!
Hi! glad to play there, my new GM!
Calgary has a great history with successful Latvian superstars, what do you have to do to become the next great Latvian star?
i will training very right. i hope, i will be great player and i`ll be Dragons motor to win. That`s not be easy, Dragons is very great team with great history, and i want to be new history maker, and i hope, we get that trophy!
Is it true that you are rooming with Kriss Labsvards during training camp this season? How is he as a roomate?
yes, it`s true. Labsvards is very nicely player. he`s always kidding, we are teammates and good friends. i thinking, we can be good teammates. i know him, he know me, and all is okely-dokely.
What do your think your strengths are as a player on the ice?
now my strengths are very badely. i have only 231 TPE, and that`s not much. i hope, i will be great player, i will build scoring, passing and all strenghts to be good player. #dragons
Do you think your experiences in LSHL have helped prepare you for the SHL? How so?
i think yes. LSHL was great time, i was like there, but times changeing and know i`m here. i think, i have easyer to trainings, cause at first time - at LSHL, was very bad training. i don`t know what to do, but now - here, i know all. yes, sometimes i want help, cause i understand something, but that`s only normal!
Are you a fan of Shashlik?
yes, i can eat them. :lol:
Are you saying something about this, cause press conference have end?
yes. thanks for all this questions, that was nice to sit there, and make some answers to your questions know. i like my new team, and i glad to play here. Calgary was great and i`ll be here lot of time. big thanks for all questions, and then we see on the ice!
#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer - First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - - First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History - - Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History - - First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups - Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34 Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45
Quote:Originally posted by aumicc83@Dec 29 2015, 07:31 PM
[b]DollarAndADream [Michael Boychuk] asks:
Who is your favourite player on the Calgary Dragons?
Esa Hulkonen and Michael Boychuk. Esa is only who i know from team, but Boychuk is great player with +800 TPE. Yes, i know Labsvards too, but Boychuk and Esa are greatest.
Which players are you exciting to potentially play with the most on the Dragons?
i`m new player, and i will play at big league, only at S28 or S29, then i will say... i don`t know. teammats sometimes goes changeing, u know trades and all of that. i hope, i will play in one line with Esa Anrikainen and Michael Boychuk. I`ll be happy, to play with this two superstars.