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The Captain`s Log #2 Portland Admirals newspaper

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Here we go again and i release next The Captain's Log. I tried my best, but im suck in analyzing builds and statistic. I better like to write some true facts mixed with fictions. Also thanks to my teammates for encouragement, also thanks to readers who gives positive feedback.

HUSH! GCool is talking

Few days after draft we caught Admirals co-GM after training to little interview and he didnt refused to devote time for us.

Interview What was your reaction when JP asked to be his co-GM?
I was ecstatic. Most of my experience when it comes to these games lies within management, so I was excited at the opportunity he presented to me. Part of me was just waiting for the call because I was in the LR for the expansion draft and everything else while we were fighting for actives. I definitely saw the possibility of JP just picking up another veteran, though. I'm glad he saw the potential in me and gave me the chance to manage the team with him. Now I can learn the part of the game that I've been waiting to play since I started! The first full season has been very rewarding. We had a quiet LR last season, and just watching the sim in a bleak mood - all those losses - with no one to discuss changes with was awful at first. But after a while, mostly toward the end of the season, and winning the lottery (FINALLY) and drafting some great guys this season - we've come full circle. And I know the rookies and vets alike are looking to me and JP for some results this season.

Interview Have you thought about your own team?
Oh yeah, definitely. I've been considering going into a team on PHL with my buddy Pizzarony to try out the management side of this simulator. It won't take away from my activity here or anything, but I know it'll probably be a while until I have the chance to make full decisions on my own. But yeah, in a separate league I'll be able to make all of the changes with my own team and see what sticks, then come back here with some stuff to report to my boss. I'm sure he's been around and seen it all, since he's a seasoned veteran of this league, but I've always felt that going to someone with a problem and solving it together is much easier than asking abstract questions and hoping for an answer.

Interview How often your and JP opinion don't match about teams line up?
We're mostly on the same page. I can think of one occasion where I wanted to try something different with our defensive lineups and we hadn't quite changed it the way I thought, so I had to ask him again to change it to what I was thinking. It made me feel so awkward because I'm not necessarily the guy who's gonna go over my boss' head and grab what I want :lol: - but when we got it right, we saw more offensive results from our defensive corps, so I guess it worked out okay! Our advantage as an expansion team with very few usable personnel is that we couldn't change the lineups that much. JP was doing most of the tinkering and I was just observing what changes the tinkering made. It was a much better way for me to learn the first steps - rather than just requesting changes and wasting both of our time. I think I'll be much more involved with the lineups this season though, especially since the guys I was scouting are going to make their debuts.
Interview How you think what will be Admirals performance in new season and which team is the main rivals?
I have faith that we'll be able to climb a little bit in the standings this season. I'm not going to be brash and guarantee a playoff spot, but we're filling up our lineup. I'm the highest TPE earner as it stands right now, at about 750 or something like that, so obviously we can't compete with the top half of the West on a consistent basis. But can we sneak into 4th or 5th with some fluke results in the sim? Fuck yeah we can. As far as rivals go, it's been hard to pick one. Although we've recently gained steam as far as league-wide recognition, people have been completely writing us off. I have a few ideas, but we'll see what the other teams have to say about it:
1. Wolfpack - with my history with them and everything, they effectively gave JP his second player EVER in the franchise. Might count for something, who knows.
2. Panthers - Portland beat LAP in the last game of S25 to take them out of playoff contention. They've made a lot of moves since then, and we always play them really close. Morley was also one of the first players I noticed when doing my research in S23. They're probably my favorite choice for rivals to be honest.
3. Renegades - It seems a little played out, but it'd be fun to be rivals with Texas. I know a good number of their players past the site (like from the GroupMe and stuff), Vladimir Lidstrom was one of my favorite teammates in Montreal, and some of the veteran players have slung their fair share of shit at me, so that all adds up to rivalry.
First trainings has been, also initiantion and new drafties have got acquainted with team. And now lets look little bit who they are?

1OA - Krysztof Kowalski
Little Krysztof was born in Polands capital Warsaw. Although hockey isnt most popular sport in Poland, Krysztof and his brother liked to play hockey on local pond.
In school years Little Krysztof was best between his classmates. He always had homeworks, always was ready for tests. He also played hockey in local sport school. For party's he had no time. Mabey it was good and Krysztof wasnt become bad.
When Krysztof graduated school and was drafted by SMJHL team St. Louise Scarecrows, he had his first party. After moving to St. Louise Krysztof feel strange, he could do what ever he wanted. Was only one condition, dont miss trainings. So Krysztof started to play video games which he havent play in his chilhood. Most popular platforms was Nintendo 64 and Playstation.
After recent draft and joining Portland, Krysztof feels great. He likes Admirals cause they are relative new team and all guys are frendly.

15OA - Maximillian Wächter
He has born in little village called Feldkirch in Austria, near Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Playing hockey he started as soon he made his first steps. He was so obsessed with hockey, that in summer played it on street. He even could play hockey in mud, but rollerskates simply wasnt designed for mud.
Real problems started when he started go to local school, in the breaks between lessons little Maximillian practiced to shot in goal. Parents wasnt able to pay for broken windows, jo in summers Maximillian had to work for school so he could repay windows.
When he started to learn in high school, Maximillian found new hobies, but hockey still was his passion. He fell in love with alpine skiing. Of course for austrians its normal, they born with skiis. Maybe you ask why so late? Its simply, when he was little, Maximillian skiis used as stick and trained shoting with snowballs. In nowdays to relax from hockey Maximillian likes to play soccer and swimming.
After high school he joined to Vancouver Whalers and last draft was drafted by Portland Admirals. This season we wont see him playing in Admirals, Maximillian probably will be sent downt so he could gather experience. But he still is a Admiral. Maximillian feels great in team, cause Admirals are friendly team.

[Image: 120lbvl.jpg]
Riley and Maximillian losed in bets

19OA - Riley Mason
Riley was born in Vancouver, his parents was fanatic Canucks fans. Canucks was almost religion and little Riley from his born was infected with hockey. He started to train in Canucks hockey school. He was so good at hockey, tha he needed to play against older boys. The biggest progress he had at age 10 when he played with 15 years old boys. But then was the break down, when Riley started to think about girls. A half season he couldnt focus on hockey, but then the coch let Riley to choose - hockey or girls. Both cant get. He choosed hockey, probably cause he has big love to the game. So he was drafted to SMJHL team Vancouver Whalers, here he met Maximillian Wächter and they become friends.
Just like Maximillian, also Riley loves alpine skiing. In fact, they both often went skii. And then made compotition who first get down from mountin. Riley also like fishing in the free time. His biggest cach so far is salmon with 22kg (48,5lbs).

[Image: HartwellFishing.jpg]
Little Riley fishing

Riley feels great in team. He likes that Admirals are relativly new team, where he could progres. He believes in this team, cause team building long process. But soon Admirals will show their power.

Well such are our new drafties. Great new teammates with promising future. We want to see them as soon as possible.
School, break between lessons. Jake and Lizie talk, bouth around 13 years. Jake says to Lizie: "Lizie, can i use you like women?"
Lizie answers little bit nasty: "Oh you naugty boy, you are so dirty."
Jake in little shock: "No Lizie you are naughty, my basketball ball bounced into girls toilet."
Recently was announced Admirals captain and his assistants. There was more rumors about these posts. In press conference Portland Admirls GM said that Portland Admirals veteran and captain retired, so the team needs new face. The veteran had helped the young teammates build themselves up and showed example. So the team had free vacancy in the captaincy position and it needed to be filled by a strong member of the core. Admirals GM such qualities founded in Nikolaus Scholz as captains and Patrick Brumm, Sven Karlsson as assistants. So lets see who they are and why they deserved such honor.
All three guys last season made big effort in teams performance - Nikolaus Scholz 35 (14+21), Patrick Brumm 30 (13+17) and Sven Karlsson 25 (9+16). Brumm is very balanced, cause he had snatched victory in three games, also Scholz is balanced, but not so much as Brumm. Scholz and Karlsson are very smart cause illegal moves makes when referee dont wach and last season havent any PIM. They also are great teammates, never say no if someone asks help.
And here little express interview with captain and his assistants.

C - Nikolaus Scholz
Interview What was your reaction after calling you as captain?
In short, absolute joy. I was named alternate captain when I first joined the Admirals and knew my name was in the running for captain with the retirement of Yousef, but it still came as quite a shock to hear my name get called at the press conference last week.

Interview What can you say about your partners in the A positions?
Nothing but good things for Patrick and Sven. Both joined us in the S25 off-season prior to the start of the S26 and both have already made such a huge impact on the ice and in the locker room. It's likely a big reason why management felt they deserved the recognition as well. Looking forward to building a competitive team with these guys and all the other Admirals for that matter

A - Patrick Brumm

Interview What was your reaction after calling you as A?
I was surprised as I must of missed a text or call from coach cause the article was the first I had heard of it. I'm excited to be in Portland and will wear the "A" proudly on my chest.

Interview What can you say about your partners in the C/A positions?
Scholzy an Sven, great dudes on and off the ice. Scholzy is more of a stick tohimself type guy. But Sven on the other hand took me to best recreational weed shops Portland has to offer.

A - Sven Karlsson
Interview What was your reaction after calling you as A?
It was a very proud moment for me. After playing for one season in the SHL as a true rookie and finding the transition to be fairly smooth, it's very humbling to have my progress recognised and rewarded by management. I'm going to push myself and give the extra 10% every night to try and repay their faith.

Interview What can you say about your partners in the C/A positions?
I honestly can't say a bad word about anyone on this team, the player core we have is absolutely phenomenal. Having said that Patrick Brumm's a great friend of mine and no one deserves to lead their team more than him, and I don't think it needs to be said what Scholz means to the team and our fans. In my opinion is the epitome of the spirit of our team and the real heart of our game. One of the best guys in the league, and I honestly couldn't think of anyone I'd want to lead our team more.
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You’ll need an alarm clock like everybody else in Portland, because it’s illegal to own a rooster for “private use.”
So dear rivals, next time when you will be in Portland, don’t forget take your own alarm clock.
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I think other teams should do things like this, too.

[Image: OaSEcaw]

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