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S28 Global PT Claim Thread

Same deal as the previous seasons. Just link to the post of the PT when updating your player.

All PTs in this thread are under the S28 Cap

RIP Mac & 701


The following people can claim the indicated amount of uncapped TPE + 3 capped TPE for S27 season predictions:

Thanks to Allegiant for helping grade these.

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 6
Abdeezy - 2
Advantage - 5
Alex Mack - 7
Allegiant - 3
Allen - 2
Alucard - 3
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 8
Anchorage42 - 3
Andybj - 7
ArGarBarGar - 4
aumicc83 - 4
austin6 - 3
Baelor Swift - 3
Ballerstorm - 4
Banjo - 5
bbp - 2
BeanSobie - 4
belgarat - 2
BigTittySmitty - 5
bilbo - 5
Birks - 2
BluesBoy71 - 6
Bojo - 2
BruinsFanatic100 - 3
bukss_a - 4
Bursts - 5
ByrdeMan - 4
c00kies - 4
carousel182 - 3
champagnepapi - 3
chewbacca - 4
Chris-McZehrl - 5
Copenhagen - 4
Count Chocula - 4
Cuffy - 5
Cyanide - 3
Cynthia - 2
damienj10 - 1
Dangles13 - 3
dankoa - 1
Deeeee(etc)dz - 4
Deener - 7
deknegt - 6
Dion - 3
DollarAndADream - 4
Durden - 5
dweber - 3
Easymoneysniper - 4
Eggy216 - 5
ej27 - 2
enigmatic - 3
EuroCap - 3
Evrydayimbyfuglien - 3
Ferdy - 6
Fisher - 3
FourFour - 3
GCool - 5
Gifter of Bikes - 4
GoodLeftUndone - 4
gorlab - 7
grimmesterj - 3
HabsFanFromOntario - 4
hexx55 - 2
hockeyis66 - 2
hockeyis87 - 2
Hoovuh - 5
IncorrectAtlas - 4
Jackson - 0
jason97 - 5
JayTee - 3
JayWhy - 4
Jenny - 1
Jesster - 2
JHS - 2
jknox17 - 6
JLysohirka - 1
Jme - 4
JNH - 5
joecool37 - 3
jogurtaa - 4
Joker5123 - 4
JPL - 7
jRuutu - 2
JumpierPegasus - 4
karlssens - 3
Keenan - 2
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 4
KezKincaid - 3
kikish18 - 7
Kinsler - 5
Kylrad - 3
LatvianBastard - 4
Leo Senpai - 1
lil - 2
linsangeles - 2
Lunaro - 7
Mac - 5
Mark H - 6
Massive Coiler - 3
McJesus - 7
Merica - 6
mesbonk - 4
micool132 - 7
MP7 - 6
mstuk41 - 2
Nereus - 3
Nike - 4
NJBadApple - 2
NoNerves - 3
NUCK - 3
Ochocinco - 4
ogo445 - 3
Ohtaay - 2
p_9ers - 3
Panda - 4
Pandar - 4
Phats - 0
philthethrill - 3
PieEatingManiac - 3
pizzarony - 3
prettyburn - 2
probablydrunk - 6
Quinn's in the Bin - 2
RaiN - 2
RainDelay - 3
Raven - 5
raymond3000 - 2
RehnX - 3
Reynolds - 5
Rezik - rip
RHolder61 - 3
RICH - 4
rieksts - 4
Rowe89 - 6
SabresFan - 5
Sam_Bennet's_Pullup_Coach - 4
SethTrollins - 2
Shevy Shev - 2
SimmiZ - 3
Sirmore - 2
Slappydoodle - 6
soulja - 3
ssdd911 - 0
Steelhead77 - 3
stevo - 7
Storm - 3
SwegKingu - 6
Tanner - 4
tfong - 7
The_Mazais - 4
TheLastOlympian - 3
TheNextGreatOne - 4
TML99 - 0
Toast - 6
treant - 5
Tylar - 4
vbottas17 - 4
Velevra - 3
Wannabefinn - 1
WeWantTaro - 3
Winter is Coming - 2
WZjang - 5
Yousuf - 3
Zachary - 3

RIP Mac & 701


The following can claim 5 capped + the number beside their name, uncapped, for S28 Mock Draft:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 6
Abdeezy - 5.5
Advantage - 5
Alex Mack - 4.5
Allegiant - 4.5
Allen - 5.5
Alucard - 4
aumicc83 - 4.5
austin6 - 5.5
Baelor Swift - 8
Ballerstorm - 8
bbsnood - 2
BeanSobie - 4.5
belgarat - 4.5
Biggie Snoods - 4.5
BigTittySmitty - 4.5
Birks - 4.5
BruinsFanatic100 - 3
bukss_a - 4.5
Bursts - 4.5
Buster - 7
carousel182 - 7
Chris-McZehrl - 8
Copenhagen - 5.5
Cuffy - 4.5
Cyanide - 4.5
Cynthia - 7
damienj10 - 6.5
Dangles13 - 5
dankoa - 4.5
Dmoushey_31 - 2
DollarAndADream - 3
Duey - 4.5
Durden - 2
easymoneysniper - 6.5
Eggy216 - 6.5
ej27 - 6
Elyk - 4.5
engine - 6
enigmatic - 6.5
EuroCap - 4
Ferdy - 4.5
Fisher - 4.5
FourFour - 5
Gibby the Red Nosed Reindeer - 3
GoodLeftUndone - 4.5
grimmsterj - 4.5
HabsFanFromOntario - 6.5
Harry - 7.5
hexx55 - 4.5
hockeyis66 - 3
hockeyis87 - 3
Hoovuh - 8
IncorrectAtlas - 4.5
jaladolar - 6
jason97 - 7.5
JayTee - 4.5
JayWhy - 4.5
Jenny - 7
Jepox - 4.5
Jesster - 4.5
JLysohirka - 3
Jme - 4.5
joecool37 - 4.5
Jogurtaa - 7
Joker5123 - 4.5
jRuutu - 0.5
karlssens - 7.5
Keenan - 4
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 8
KezKincaid - 5.5
Kinsler - 4.5
kit - 7
Kylrad - 4.5
LatvianBastard - 6.5
lil - 6.5
linsangeles - 5
LTH - 4.5
Mac - 6
Mark H - 4.5
mesbonk - 4.5
micool132 - 4.5
MP7 - 4.5
mstuk41 - 5
Narconis - 4.5
Nereus - 4
Nike - 1.5
NJBadApple - 4.5
NoNerves - 4.5
NUCK - 8
NUCK 2.0 - 8
O4L - 3
p_9ers - 6
Pandar - 4
probablydrunk - 4.5
Quinn's in the Bin - 4
r1c3bowl22 - 6
RaiN - 8
RainDelay - 6.5
Raven - 6.5
raymond3000 - 4.5
Reynolds - 5
Rich - 6.5
Rowe89 - 2
rrireal - 6.5
Schultzy - 4.5
Shevy Shev - 6.5
Sirmore - 4
Slappydoodle - 4.5
soulja - 3
Splat - 4
stevo - 4.5
SwegKingu - 7.5
tfong - 4.5
The_Mazais - 4.5
TheLastOlympian07 - 4.5
TheNextGreatOne - 6
TML99 - 4
Toast - 7
treant - 4.5
Tylar - 5
vbottasnoods - 7
Velevra - 4.5
Wallflower - 3
WannabeFinn - 4.5
Wesley - 4.5
WeWantTaro - 7
Wongy - 6
WZjang - 7
Yousuf - 3

RIP Mac & 701


The following people can claim the indicated amount of uncapped TPE + 3 capped TPE for S27 award predictions:

Abdeezy - 2
Advantage - 2
Alex Mack - 0
Allegiant - 3
Allen - 0
Alucard - 1
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 1
Andybj - 0
ArGarBarGar - 2
aumicc83 - 0
Baelor Swift - 2
Ballerstorm - 0
Banjo - 2
bbsnood - 1
BeanSobie - 2
belgarat - 0
BigTittySmitty - 0
bilbo - 0
BluesBoy71 - 0
Bojo - 0
BruinsFanatic100 - 2
bukss_a - 1
c00kies - 2
carousel182 - 2
Chewbacca - 2
Chris-McZehrl - 0
Copenhagen - 0
Cuffy - 2
Cyanide - 1
Cynthia - 0
damienj10 - 2
Dangles13 - 2
dankoa - 2
deknegt - 3
DollarAndADream - 0
Durden - 1
easymoneysniper - 2
Eggy216 - 0
ej27 - 0
enigmatic - 1
EuroCap - 2
evrydayimbyfuglien - 0
Ferdy - 0
Fisher - 1
GCool - 0
Gifter of Bikes - 2
GoodLeftUndone - 0
grimmsterj - 0
HabsFanFromOntario - 2
hexx55 - 2
hockeyis66 - 1
hockeyis87 - 1
Hockeypony - 0
Hoovuh - 2
IncorrectAtlas - 0
Jackson - 0
jason97 - 1
JayTee - 2
JayWhy - 0
Jepox - 1
Jesster - 1
JHS - 1
jknox17 - 0
JLysohirka - 0
Jme - 0
JNH - 0
Joker5123 - 2
Jorec - 1
JPL - 2
jRuutu - 0
JumpierPegasus - 0
karlssens - 0
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 1
KezKincaid - 0
Kinsler - 0
Kylrad - 1
LatvianBastard - 0
Leo Senpai - 1
lil - 0
linsangeles - 1
Mac - 1
Mark H - 3
McJesus - 1
Merica - 1
mesbonk - 0
micool132 - 0
MP7 - 1
mstuk41 - 2
Narconis - 0
Nereus - 2
Nike - 0
NJBadApple - 1
NoNerves - 1
NUCK - 2
Ochocinco - 0
Ohtaay - 3
p_9ers - 0
Pandar - 1
Phats - 0
PieEatingManiac - 2
pizzarony - 2
prettyburn - 0
probablydrunk - 1
RainDelay - 2
Raven - 2
raymond3000 - 2
RehnX - 2
Reynolds - 2
Rich - 0
Rowe89 - 1
SabresFan - 1
Sam_Bennett's_Pullup_Coach - 2
SethTrollins - 2
Shevy Shev - 1
SimmiZ - 0
Sirmore - 3
Slappydoodle - 0
Snoodky - 0
soulja - 0
ssdd911 - 1
Steelhead77 - 1
stevo - 0
Storm - 1
SwegKingu - 3
The_Mazais - 2
TheLastOlympian07 - 1
TheNextGreatOne - 1
TML99 - 2
Toast - 0
treant - 0
Tylar - 0
vbottasnoods - 0
Velevra - 0
Wesley - 2
WeWantTaro - 0
Winter is Coming - 1
WZjang - 1
Yousuf - 1
Zachary - 0

RIP Mac & 701


The following people can claim the indicated amount of capped TPE for PT #1:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 3
Abdeezy - 3
Advantage - 3
Alex Mack - 3
Allegiant - 3
Allen - 3
Alucard - 3
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 3
Atlas - 3
aumicc83 - 2
Baelor Swift - 3
Ballerstorm - 3
Banjo - 3
bbsnood - 3
BeanSnoodie - 3
belgarat - 3
Bojo - 3
bukss_a - 3
c00kies - 3
carousel182 - 3
Chris-McZehrl - 3
Copenhagen - 3
Cynthia - 3
damienj10 - 3
Dangles13 - 3
dankoa - 3
DollarAndADream - 3
Duke Nukem - 3
Easter Eggy - 3
easymoneysniper - 3
ej27 - 3
engine - 3
enigmatic - 3
evrydayimbyfuglien - 3
FourFour - 3
Gift of Bikes - 3
GoodLeftUndone - 3
hexx55 - 3
hockeyis66 - 3
JayTee - 3
Jenny - 3
Jepox - 3
Jesster - 3
jjaybs - 3
JLysohirka - 3
JNH - 3
Jogurtaa - 3
Joker5123 - 3
jruutu - 3
karlssens - 3
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 3
KezKincaid - 3
Kinsler - 3
Leafs4ever - 3
lil - 3
Mac - 3
Mark H - 3
Merica - 3
mesbonk - 2
MP7 - 3
Narconis - 3
Nereus - 3
NJBadApple - 3
NUCK - 3
p_9ers - 3
Pandar - 3
prettyburn - 3
Quinn's in the Binn - 3
RaiN - 3
RainDelay - 3
Raven - 3
Recess - 3
Reynolds - 3
Rich - 3
Slappydoodle - 3
Snooden - 3
Steelhead77 - 3
SwegKingu - 3
Tanner - 3
TheNextGreatOne - 3
TML99 - 3
Toast - 3
Tylar - 3
Wallflower - 3
Wesley - 3
WeWantTaro - 3

RIP Mac & 701


The following can claim 1 capped + the number beside their name, uncapped, for Predictions #1:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 0
Abdeezy - 0
Advantage - 1
Alex Mack - 0
Allegiant - 0
Allen - 1
Alucard - 0
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 0
ArGarBarGar - 0
Atlas - 0
aumicc83 - 1
austin6 - 0
Baelor Swift - 0
Ballerstorm - 0
Banjo - 1
bbsnood - 0
BeanSnoodie - 0
belgarat - 0
BigTittySmitty - 1
Bojo - 0
BruinsFanatic100 - 1
bukss_a - 0
Bursts - 0
c00kies - 1
carousel182 - 1
Checkmate - 0
Chris-McZehrl - 0
Copenhagen - 0
Count Chocula - 1
damienj10 - 0
Dangles13 - 0
dankoa - 0
Dmoushey_31 - 1
Duke Nukem - 0
Easter Eggy - 0
easymoneysniper - 1
ej27 - 0
engine - 0
enigmatic - 0
evrydayimbyfuglien - 1
Ferdy - 0
Fisher - 0
FourFour - 0
Gifter of Bikes - 0
GoodLeftUndone - 0
grimmsterj - 1
HabsFanFromOntario - 0
hexx55 - 1
hockeyis66 - 0
hockeyis87 - 0
Jacob - 0
jaladolar - 0
jason97 - 1
Jaymay - 0
JayTee - 0
Jenny - 0
Jesster - 1
jjaybs - 0
JLysohirka - 0
Joker5123 - 1
jRuutu - 0
karlssens - 1
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 0
KezKincaid - 0
Kinsler - 1
kit - 0
Kylrad - 1
LatvianBastard - 0
Leafs4ever - 0
Leo Senpai - 0
lil - 0
linsangeles - 0
Lunaro - 0
Mac - 0
Mark H - 1
Massive Coiler - 0
mesbonk - 1
micool132 - 1
Mook - 0
MP7 - 1
mstuk41 - 0
Narconis - 0
Nereus - 0
Nike - 1
NJBadApple - 0
NUCK - 0
NUCK 2.0 - 0
Ohtaay - 0
p_9ers - 0
Pandar - 0
prettyburn - 0
Quinn's in the Bin - 0
RaiN - 0
RainDelay - 0
Raven - 0
raymond3000 - 1
Recess - 0
Reynolds - 0
RHolder71 - 1
Rich - 0
Slappydoodle - 0
Snooden - 0
Snoody Snood - 1
SnS - 0
soulja - 0
stevo - 0
SwegKingu - 0
Tanner - 0
TheNextGreatOne - 0
TML99 - 1
Toast - 1
treant - 0
Tylar - 0
vbottasnoods - 1
Velevra - 0
WannabeFinn - 0
Wesley - 1
WeWantTaro - 0
WZjang - 0
Yousuf - 0

RIP Mac & 701


The following can claim 1 capped + the number beside their name, uncapped, for Predictions #2:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 1
Abdeezy - 0
Alex Mack - 0
Allegiant - 0
Allen - 1
Alucard - 1
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 0
ArGarBarGar - 1
Atlas - 1
aumicc83 - 1
austin6 - 1
Baelor Swift - 1
Ballerstorm - 1
Banjo - 1
BeanSnoodie - 1
belgarat - 1
Biggie Snoods - 0
BigTittySmitty - 0
bilbo - 0
Bojo - 1
bukss_a - 0
c00kies - 1
carousel182 - 0
Chris-McZehrl - 1
Count Chocula - 0
Cynthia - 0
damienj10 - 1
Dangles13 - 0
dankoa - 1
Dmoushey_31 - 0
DollarAndADream - 0
easymoneysniper - 0
Eggy216 - 1
ej27 - 0
engine - 1
enigmatic - 1
EuroCap - 0
evrydayimbyfuglien - 1
Fisher - 1
FourFour - 1
Gifter of Bikes - 0
GoodLeftUndone - 1
hexx55 - 1
hockeyis66 - 0
hockeyis87 - 0
jaladolar - 1
jason97 - 0
Jaymay - 1
JayTee - 0
Jepox - 1
Jesster - 0
jjaybs - 0
JLysohirka - 0
JNH - 0
Joker5123 - 0
jRuutu - 0
karlssens - 0
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 1
KezKincaid - 1
Kinsler - 1
Kylrad - 1
LatvianBastard - 1
Leafs4ever - 0
lil - 1
linsangeles - 0
Lunaro - 1
Mark H - 1
mesbonk - 0
MP7 - 0
mstuk41 - 1
Narconis - 1
Nereus - 0
Nike - 1
NJBadApple - 0
NUCK - 0
Ohtaay - 1
p_9ers - 0
Pandar - 0
prettyburn - 0
Quinn's in the Bin - 0
r1c3bowl22 - 1
RaiN - 0
RainDelay - 1
raymond3000 - 0
Recess - 1
Reynolds - 1
RHolder71 - 1
Rich - 1
Rowe89 - 0
Slappydoodle - 1
Snooden - 1
Snoody Snood - 1
soulja - 0
stevo - 0
Tanner - 0
TheNextGreatOne - 0
TML99 - 1
Toast - 1
treant - 0
Tylar - 0
vbottasnoods - 0
Velevra - 1
WannabeFinn - 1
WeWantTaro - 0
WZjang - 0

RIP Mac & 701


The following can claim 1 capped + the number beside their name, uncapped, for Predictions #3:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 0
Abdeezy - 0
Alex Mack - 0
Allegiant - 0
Allen - 0
Alucard - 0
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 0
Atlas - 0
aumicc83 - 0
austin6 - 0
Baelor Swift - 0
Ballerstorm - 0
bbsnood - 0
BeanSnoodie - 1
belgarat - 0
BigTittySmitty - 0
Bojo - 1
BruinsFanatic100 - 0
bukss_a - 0
Bursts - 0
Checkmate - 0
Chris-McZehrl - 0
Cynthia - 0
Dangles13 - 0
dankoa - 0
Dmoushey_31 - 0
DollarAndADream - 0
easymoneysniper - 0
Eggy216 - 0
enigmatic - 0
evrydayimbyfuglien - 0
Fisher - 0
FourFour - 0
Gifter of Bikes - 0
hockeyis66 - 0
hockeyis87 - 0
Jacob - 0
jaladolar - 0
jason97 - 0
Jaymay - 0
JayTee - 0
Jenny - 0
Jepox - 0
Jesster - 0
jjaybs - 0
JLysohirka - 1
JNH - 0
jRuutu - 0
karlssens - 0
Keenan - 0
KezKincaid - 0
Kinsler - 0
Leafs4ever - 0
lil - 0
linsangeles - 0
Lunaro - 0
Mac - 0
Mark H - 1
mesbonk - 1
micool132 - 0
Mook - 0
MP7 - 1
Nereus - 0
Nike - 0
NJBadApple - 0
NUCK - 0
NUCK 2.0 - 1
Ohtaay - 0
prettyburn - 0
Quinn's in the Bin - 0
RaiN - 0
RainDelay - 0
Raven - 0
raymond3000 - 1
Recess - 0
Reynolds - 0
Rich - 0
Schultzy - 0
Slappydoodle - 0
Snooden - 0
Snoody Snood - 0
Splat - 0
Steelhead77 - 0
Tanner - 0
The_Mazais - 0
TheNextGreatOne - 0
TML99 - 0
Toast - 0
treant - 0
Tylar - 0
vbottasnoods - 0
WannabeFinn - 0
Wesley - 0
WeWantTaro - 1
Yousuf - 0

RIP Mac & 701


The following people can claim the indicated amount of capped TPE for PT #2:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 3
Abdeezy - 3
Alex Mack - 3
Alucard - 3
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 3
ArGarBarGar - 3
Atlas - 3
aumicc83 - 3
Baelor Swift - 3
Ballerstorm - 3
Banjo - 3
bbsnood - 3
BeanSnoodie - 2
Belgarat - 3
BigTitySmitty - 3
bilbo - 3
Bojo - 3
bukss_a - 3
Bursts - 3
ByrdeMan - 2
Checkmate - 3
Chris-McZehrl - 3
Copenhagen - 3
Crutchfield - 3
Damienj10 - 3
Dangles13 - 3
dankoa - 3
DollarAndADream - 3
Durden - 3
EasyMoneySniper - 3
Eggy216 - 3
ej27 - 2
engine - 3
enigmatic - 3
FourFour - 3
GifterofBikes - 3
GoodLeftUndone - 3
HabsFanFromOntario - 3
Hockeyis66 - 3
hockeyis87 - 3
JayTee - 3
JayWhy - 3
Jenny - 3
Jepox - 2
Jesster - 3
jjaybs - 3
Jlysohirka - 3
Jogurtaa - 3
jRuutu - 3
karlssens - 3
Keenan - 3
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 3
KezKincaid - 3
Kinsler - 3
Leafs4ever - 3
lil - 3
linsangeles - 3
Mac - 3
Mark H - 3
mesbonk - 3
Mook - 3
Mp7 - 3
MyLtitleHexx - 3
Nereus - 3
NJBadApple - 3
NUCK - 3
Ohtaay - 3
prettyburn - 3
Quinn's In the Bin - 3
RaiN - 3
RainDelay - 3
Raven - 3
Raymond3000 - 3
Recess - 3
Reynolds - 3
Rich - 3
Rowe89 - 3
Slappydoodle - 3
Steelhead77 - 3
Storm - 1
SwegKingu - 3
Tanner - 3
The_Mazais - 3
TheNextGreatOne - 3
Toast - 3
Treant - 3
Tylar - 3
WannaBeFinn - 3
Wesley - 3
WeWantTaro - 3
WikiPlaysGames - 3

RIP Mac & 701


The following can claim 1 capped + the number beside their name, uncapped, for Predictions #4:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 0
Abdeezy - 0
Advantage - 0
Alex Mack - 1
Allen - 0
Alucard - 0
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 0
ArGarBarGar - 0
Atlas - 0
aumicc83 - 0
austin6 - 0
Baelor Swift - 0
Ballerstorm - 0
Banjo - 0
bbsnood - 0
BeanSnoodie - 0
belgarat - 0
BigTittySmitty - 0
bilbo - 0
bilbo - 0
Birks - 0
Bojo - 0
bukss_a - 0
Bursts - 0
carousel182 - 0
Checkmate - 0
Chris-McZehrl - 0
Copenhagen - 0
Count Chocula - 0
Cynthia - 0
damienj10 - 0
Dangles13 - 0
dankoa - 0
DollarAndADream - 0
Durden - 0
easymoneysniper - 0
Eggy216 - 0
ej27 - 0
engine - 0
enigmatic - 0
evrydayimbyfuglien - 0
Fisher - 0
FourFour - 0
Gifter of Bikes - 0
GoodLeftUndone - 0
grimmsterj - 0
hockeyis66 - 0
hockeyis87 - 0
jaladolar - 0
jason97 - 0
JayTee - 0
JayWhy - 0
Jenny - 0
Jepox - 0
Jesster - 0
jjaybs - 0
JLysohirka - 0
Joker5123 - 0
jRuutu - 0
karlssens - 0
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 0
KezKincaid - 0
Kinsler - 0
Kylrad - 0
LatvianBastard - 0
Leafs4ever - 0
lil - 0
linsangeles - 0
Lunaro - 0
Mac - 0
Mark H - 1
mesbonk - 0
micool132 - 0
Mook - 0
MP7 - 0
mstuk41 - 0
MyLittleHexx - 0
Narconis - 0
Nereus - 0
Nike - 0
NJBadApple - 0
NUCK - 0
NUCK 2.0 - 0
Ohtaay - 0
p_9ers - 0
Pandar - 0
prettyburn - 0
Quinn's in the Bin - 0
r1c3bowl22 - 0
RaiN - 0
RainDelay - 0
Raven - 0
raymond3000 - 0
Recess - 0
Reynolds - 0
Rich - 0
Slappydoodle - 0
Snoody Snood - 0
Steelhead77 - 0
SwegKingu - 0
Tanner - 0
The_Mazais - 0
TheNextGreatOne - 0
TML99 - 0
Toast - 0
treant - 0
Tylar - 0
vbottasnoods - 0
Wallflower - 0
WannabeFinn - 0
wikiplaysgames - 0
Yousuf - 0

RIP Mac & 701


The following people can claim the indicated amount of capped TPE for PT #3:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 5
Abdeezy - 5
Alex Mack - 5
Allegiant - 5
Allen - 5
Alucard - 5
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 5
ArGarBarGar - 5
Atlas - 5
aumicc83 - 4
Baelor Swift - 5
Ballerstorm - 5
Banjo - 5
bbsnood - 5
belgarat - 5
Bojo - 5
bukss_a - 4
Chris-McZehrl - 5
Copenhagen - 5
Count Chocula - 5
Cynthia - 5
Dangles13 - 5
dankoa - 5
DollarAndADream - 5
Durden - 4
Easymoneysniper - 4
Eggy216 - 5
ej27 - 5
engine - 5
enigmatic - 5
Gifter of Bikes - 5
GoodLeftUndone - 5
HabsFanFromOntario - 5
hockeyis66 - 5
JayWhy - 5
Jepox - 5
Jesster - 5
jjaybs - 5
JLysohirka - 5
Jogurtaa - 5
Joker5123 - 5
jRuutu - 5
karlssens - 5
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 5
lil - 5
Mark H - 4
mesbonk - 5
MP7 - 5
NJBadApple - 5
NUCK - 5
Pandar - 5
prettyburn - 5
Quinn's in the Binn - 4
RainDelay - 4
Raven - 5
Recess - 5
Reynolds - 5
Rich - 5
Rowe89 - 5
Steelhead77 - 5
SwegKingu - 5
The_Mazais - 5
treant - 5
Tylar - 5
WannabeFinn - 4
WeWantTaro - 4

RIP Mac & 701


The following can claim 1 capped + the number beside their name, uncapped, for Predictions #5:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 0
Abdeezy - 0
Alex Mack - 0
Allegiant - 0
Allen - 0
Alucard - 0
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 0
Atlas - 0
aumicc83 - 0
austin6 - 0
Baelor Swift - 0
Ballerstorm - 0
Banjo - 1
bbp - 0
BeanSnoodie - 0
belgarat - 0
BigTittySmitty - 0
bilbo - 0
Bojo - 0
c00kies - 0
carousel182 - 0
Checkmate - 0
Chris-McZehrl - 1
Copenhagen - 0
Count Chocula - 0
Cynthia - 0
damienj10 - 0
Dangles13 - 0
dankoa - 0
Deener - 0
Dmoushey_31 - 0
DollarAndADream - 1
Durden - 0
easymoneysniper - 0
Eggy216 - 0
ej27 - 0
engine - 0
enigmatic - 0
EuroCap - 0
Fisher - 1
FourFour - 0
Gifter of Bikes - 1
GoodLeftUndone - 1
HabsFanFromOntario - 1
hockeyis66 - 0
hockeyis87 - 0
Jacob - 0
jaladolar - 0
jason97 - 0
Jaymay - 0
JayTee - 0
Jepox - 0
Jesster - 1
jjaybs - 0
JLysohirka - 0
Joker5123 - 0
jRuutu - 0
karlssens - 0
KezKincaid - 0
Kinsler - 0
Kylrad - 0
Leafs4ever - 0
Leo Senpai - 1
lil - 1
Lunaro - 0
Mark H - 1
Massive Coiler - 0
mesbonk - 0
micool132 - 0
Mook - 1
MP7 - 0
mstuk41 - 0
MyLittleHexx - 0
Nereus - 0
Nike - 0
NJBadApple - 0
NUCK - 0
NUCK 2.0 - 0
Ohtaay - 0
p_9ers - 1
Pandar - 0
prettyburn - 0
Quinn's in the Bin - 1
r1c3bowl22 - 0
RaiN - 1
Raven - 0
Recess - 0
Reynolds - 0
RHolder71 - 0
Rich - 0
Rowe89 - 0
Slappydoodle - 1
Snoody Snood - 1
Steelhead77 - 0
The_Mazais - 0
TheNextGreatOne - 0
TML99 - 1
Toast - 0
treant - 0
Tylar - 0
vbottasnoods - 0
Velevra - 0
WannabeFinn - 0
wikiplaysgames - 0

RIP Mac & 701


The following can claim 1 capped + the number beside their name, uncapped, for Round 1:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 1
Abdeezy - 1.5
Alex Mack - 1.5
Allen - 2
Alucard - 1.5
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 0.5
ArGarBarGar - 2
Atlas - 2
aumicc83 - 1
austin6 - 1
Baelor Swift - 1.5
Ballerstorm - 1.5
Banjo - 0.5
bbp - 2
belgarat - 1.5
BigTittySmitty - 2
Bojo - 2
BruinsFanatic100 - 1
Chris-McZehrl - 1
Count Chocula - 1
Cynthia - 1.5
Dangles13 - 1.5
dankoa - 2
Deener - 0.5
Durden - 1
easymoneysniper - 2
Eggy216 - 1.5
ej27 - 2
enigmatic - 2
Fisher - 1
FourFour - 1.5
Gifter of Bikes - 0.5
GoodLeftUndone - 0.5
Harry - 2
hockeyis66 - 1.5
hockeyis87 - 1.5
jaladolar - 1
jason97 - 2
Jaymay - 2
JayTee - 1.5
Jenny - 0.5
Jesster - 2
jjaybs - 1
JLysohirka - 1.5
Jogurtaa - 2
jRuutu - 0.5
karlssens - 2
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 1.5
KezKincaid - 1.5
Kinsler - 0.5
Kylrad - 1
LatvianBastard - 2
Leafs4ever - 1.5
lil - 1.5
linsangeles - 1
Lunaro - 1.5
Mark H - 2
mesbonk - 1
micool132 - 1
Mook - 1.5
MP7 - 0.5
mstuk41 - 0.5
Narconis - 1
Nereus - 2
Nike - 1
NJBadApple - 1.5
NUCK - 1
NUCK 2.0 - 1
Ohtaay - 2
Pandar - 1
prettyburn - 1
Quinn's in the Bin - 1.5
r1c3bowl22 - 1
RaiN - 1
RainDelay - 2
Raven - 1.5
raymond3000 - 1.5
Reynolds - 2
RHolder71 - 2
Rich - 1.5
Rowe89 - 1
rrireal - 2
Slappydoodle - 0.5
Snoody Snood - 2
soulja - 1.5
Steelhead77 - 1
SwegKingu - 2.5
The_Mazais - 0.5
TheNextGreatOne - 1
TML99 - 2
treant - 2
Tylar - 1
Velevra - 0.5
WannabeFinn - 2
WeWantTaro - 0.5
Yousuf - 1.5

RIP Mac & 701


The following people can claim the indicated amount of capped TPE for PT #4:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 5
Abdeezy - 5
Alex - 5
Allegiant - 5
Allen - 5
Alucard - 5
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 4
Atlas - 5
aumicc83 - 4
Baelor Swift - 5
Ballerstorm - 5
Banjo - 5
bukss_a - 5
Chris-McZehrl - 4
Copenhagen - 5
Count Chocula - 5
Crutchfield - 5
Cynthia - 5
dankoa - 5
DollarAndADream - 5
Durden - 5
Eggy216 - 5
EJ27 - 5
engine - 5
enigmatic - 5
Gifter of Bikes - 5
HabsFanFromOntario - 5
Jaymay - 5
Jedi - 5
Jenny - 5
Jesster - 5
jjyabs - 5
Jlyshohirka - 5
Jogurtaa - 5
Joker5123 - 5
jRuutu - 5
Karlssens - 5
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 5
lil - 5
linsangeles - 5
Mac - 5
Mesbonk - 5
Mook - 5
MP7 - 5
mstuk41 - 5
Narconis - 5
Nereus - 5
NJBadApple - 5
NUCK - 5
Pandar - 5
prettyburn - 5
probablydrunk - 5
raymond3000 - 5
Reynolds - 5
Rich - 5
rrireal - 5
Steelhead77 - 5
SwegKingu - 5
Tanner - 5
The_Mazais - 5
TheNextGreatOne - 4
TML99 - 5
Tylar - 5
WannaBeFinn - 5
WeWantTaro - 5
wikiplaysgames - 5

RIP Mac & 701


The following people can claim the indicated amount of capped TPE for Trvia:

701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 2
Abdeezy - 2
Alex Mack - 2
Allegiant - 2
Allen - 1.5
Alucard - 2
AlwaysGettingHaxed - 2
Atlas - 2
austin6 - 2
Baelor Swift - 2
Ballerstorm - 2
BeanSnoodie - 2
belgarat - 2
BigTittySmitty - 2
Birks - 2
c00kies - 2
Chris-McZehrl - 2
Copenhagen - 2
damienj10 - 2
Dangles13 - 2
dankoa - 2
DollarAndADream - 2
Eggy216 - 2
ej27 - 2
enigmatic - 2
Gifter of Bikes - 2
GoodLeftUndone - 2
HabsFanFromOntario - 2
jason97 - 2
Jaymay - 2
JayWhy - 2
Jenny - 2
Jesster - 2
jjaybs - 2
Joker5123 - 1.5
jRuutu - 2
Karlssens - 2
Kevin "Juice" Bieksa - 2
KezKincaid - 2
Leafs4ever - 2
linsangeles - 2
Lunaro - 2
Mac - 2
Mark H - 2
mesbonk - 2
Mook - 1.5
MP7 - 2
mstuk41 - 2
NJBadApple - 2
NUCK - 2
Ohtaay - 2
Pandar - 2
prettyburn - 2
Quinn's in the Bin - 2
RainDelay - 2
Raven - 2
raymond3000 - 2
Reynolds - 2
Rich - 2
rrireal - 2
Slappydoodle - 2
Tanner - 2
The_Mazais - 2
TheLastOlympian07 - 2
TheNextGreatOne - 2
TML99 - 2
Tylar - 2
WannabeFinn - 2
WeWantTaro - 2

RIP Mac & 701

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