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Xavier Laine: The Beast Awakened!?

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So far in his second SMJHL season, Xavier Laine has seen nothing but success. Notching his first career hat trick against his SHL teammate, Selena Bauer, he has proven that sophomore slumps are nothing but am myth. He has almost caught up to his previous season's point totals, with 5 goals and 3 assists, for 8 points, in 13 games. His team, the Montreal Milita, are first in the entire league, with 23 points.

[Image: nylander.jpg.size.xxlarge.letterbox.jpg]
Laine after scoring his hat trick goal

Last season, a line that performed quite well, was the Wells - Watson - Laine line, the Militia's third forward line. This season, the line has stuck together. When asked about the other two, here's what Laine had to say:

"Oh, they're great guys. I mean, they both are some of my best friends. If they have success, it usually means I have success, and vice versa. On the road the three of us usually room together, and sometimes invite a few others into our room for a chel tourney. I won the last one, but Wells usually wins it. But yeah, they're great guys. Tons of potential, and great teammates."

With 38 hits, good enough for fifth in the league, Laine has unlocked his potential of becoming a promising power forward. He can put up points, but can also lay the body. He seems to be the type of player who can play whatever type of game he's needed to play.

So what are Laine's goals for this season? Find out:

"Well, during this season, I'd like to hit 12 goals, and hopefully at least 20 points. But mostly, I want to play good defense this season. I also want to have a steady flow of TPE coming in, and get a steady gain of income, through jobs and articles. But mostly, I want to win the challenge cup. It always hurts going all the way, just to lose in the finals, so this year, I want to win."

[Image: 2015-12-26T172354Z_574706938_GF100002765...SPORTS.JPG]
Laine after losing to the Colorado Mammoths in the Challenge Cup finals

Laine has had quite the journey in the SMJHL. Picked up by the Militia as an undrafted free agent, he had an above average season, as a lower TPE player. Compared to all of the other players eligible for the SHL draft last season, Laine was nowhere close to the top. But he can out of nowhere, and surprised the entire league when he got drafted 14th overall by the Manhattan Rage, the last pick in the first round.

"Honestly, I didn't even expect myself to go that high. I thought I'd be late second round for sure, so I was pleasantly surprised when the Rage took me. I was quite welcome after being drafted, so that was a big plus. You never want to be unwelcome in your own team's dressing room, even if you are just a prospect." ~Laine, on being drafted 14th.

Well that just about wraps up this article. Before we bring this to an end, I'm going to open this to the floor, and let you guys ask me some questions. So ask away.

From Quinn's in the Bin
Interview - What is the proudest moment of your career?
Scoring my first hat trick. The feeling of accomplishment is amazing. It just feels great.

Interview - When do you plan on joining Manhattan?
Whenever I feel I'm ready. I could go up next year, but probably one more year in the juniors would be best for me.

Interview - What are your goals as a player?
Just to put up points and play solid defense. There's no point in just focusing on individual performance. If your team isn't doing good, neither are you (most of the time) so it is import I play good defense.

Interview - How often do you work out to become a better player?
Every week. I always save up an activity check or two, as well as buying training when I can.

Interview - If you could be doing anything else now, what would it be?
Umm, playing in the NHL, but I'm a shit tier three player, so that's not happening :lol:

Interview - Is forward you're natural position or have you tried others?
Natural position. But if I had to play a different position, it would probably be defense.

Interview - What's the best part about being in the SMJHL for another season?
The fact that I can do better than last season. I don't want to rush into the SHL and play like garbage.

Interview - What are your expectation for the rest of the season?
Points and defense. As well as team success. That's always important.

Interview - Have the Militia faced any challenges this season so far?
Not really. We seem to be almost unstoppable. Maybe a difficult game or two, with the occasional loss, but other than that, no.

Interview - Is the Four Star Cup and achievable goal for this season?
Oh course! Why else would we be playing so good?

Interview - How do you think another year in the SMJHL would affect your career?
It would probably be for the better. It would allow me to earn even more TPE, without being garbage in the SHL.

Interview - What should the world expect from you in your career?
Points and defense. Those are my two main focuses. As well as team success.

Interview - How has it been being matched up with Wells and Watson again?
Great. They are two great guys who can play really well. It's good to be playing with them again.

Interview - Did you get prepared in any way for learning to play on the power play?
Not really. I upgraded my scoring a bit and just hoped for the best. I didn't even know I was on the power play until I looked at the lines.

Interview - Are you happy to be in Manhattan?
Oh course! They are a great team, full of great people. I'm more than happy to be in Manhattan, and hope to be there for a while.


Interview Describe the feeling you had after nailing your first hat trick early in the season? I was mostly excited by the fact that I scored it on my SHL teammate, Selena Bauer. I mostly just felt happy that we were winning though. That was good enough for me, with the extra bonus of a hat trick.

[Image: Jepox.gif]

Thanks for giving all of us undrafted players hope and good luck the rest of the season (except against the Scarecrows :ph34r: )


Quote:Originally posted by Bishop@Mar 27 2016, 10:06 PM
Thanks for giving all of us undrafted players hope and good luck the rest of the season (except against the Scarecrows  :ph34r: )

No problem! Just remember, free agents aren't usually given high expectations, since nobody remembers them until they get drafted :lol:

[Image: Jepox.gif]

:interview: - [b]What is the proudest moment of your career?[/b]

:interview: - [b]When do you plan on joining Manhattan?[/b]

:interview: - [b]What are your goals as a player?[/b]

:interview: - [b]How often do you work out to become a better player?[/b]

:interview: - [b]If you could be doing anything else now, what would it be?[/b]

:interview: - [b]Is forward you're natural position or have you tried others?[/b]

:interview: - [b]What's the best part about being in the SMJHL for another season?[/b]

:interview: - [b]What are your expectation for the rest of the season?[/b]

:interview: - [b]Have the Militia faced any challenges this season so far?[/b]

:interview: - [b]Is the Four Star Cup and achievable goal for this season?[/b]

:interview: - [b]How do you think another year in the SMJHL would affect your career?[/b]

:interview: - [b]What should the world expect from you in your career?[/b]

:interview: - [b]How has it been being matched up with Wells and Watson again?[/b]

:interview: - [b]Did you get prepared in any way for learning to play on the power play?[/b]

:interview: - [b]Are you happy to be in Manhattan?[/b]

[Image: Klaus2.jpg]

Already rocking a hat-trick. Nicely done and great article.

:interview: [b]Describe the feeling you had after nailing your first hat trick early in the season?[/b]

[Image: vk6rzYl.jpg]

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